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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  April 23, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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oh, svetlana petrovna, how are you doing here? yes, we are new, and you? how are you here? you went to chelyabinsk to take the children from kharkov? yes , everything is fine with the children, they were delivered safely to the place, three more arrived on the way, they were all processed, settled, provided with food, but what am i supposed to do, sit in the rear, when the fascists around asked to go to the front, they sent me here. look, it’s not really your zhuzha, but whose else, my swallow, young people don’t know how to handle captured equipment, svetan petrovna, nikolai trofemovich, but ivan grigorievich, where are you? we’re still waiting for him, rokotov organized our withdrawal, while we don’t know anything about him, everything will be fine, i feel it.
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don’t touch anything, the prosecutor’s office must be examined first, no, he hasn’t arrived, we
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urgently need him, there’s no one to work with, military lawyer, yes, listen, let me come in, comrade, lawyer of the first rank, why haven’t you left, plans have changed, tell me, are you cooking? archives to be sent, but any day now the assault on the spislagon, add a military lawyer to the list of accompanying persons. i'm halfway through the airfield, but i promise i'll come to you in rostov, welcome, comrade lagina, light, please, i promise that you will take care of yourself, without tricks, if everything will be fine, don’t worry.
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goodbye, melting talagina, by the way, since you are here anyway, you will begin an investigation, the murder of the director of a military plant, a new investigator will arrive soon, he will join you, the state security has already inspected the crime scene, so check it out and get started, it’s nearby , the address is indicated there, i obey, freely, well done. that’s another thing, and the view is wide, the enemy cannot see you, you can whenever you want, oh, svetlana petrovna, and where are you going, let me give you a ride, but no, i ’m not far from here, it’s better to have a bad ride than a good ride, and even in such a company, the bosses won’t tell you that without an order, and the bosses sit in the office until late, and the car why should she stand idle, she needs to drive, otherwise... she gets bored and
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starts to break down, oh, you know how to persuade, please, oh, what a beauty, how convenient, convenient, yeah, grigory ivanovich, what is happening? i told you everything and told me to piss me off, come on, confess, what am i, i’m okay, don’t even think about it, i’m independent, i obey, svetlana petrovna, and give the floor to no one, this is a military secret, i understand, let's go,
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hello, hello, come in. military prosecutor's office. lord, lord, tell me, maybe you heard something or saw anyone suspicious? i didn’t see anything, no one, the raid began, and i went down to the shelter, and withered, why didn’t you go down to the shelter? because nina stopped hiding after their son died from a bomb. so why didn’t he go down to the shelter during the shelling? well, that day i didn’t dig into the trenches, but alexander arkadyevich, her husband, he went to his mistress, to
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his mistress? well, yes, pashenka was left completely alone, and when the bombs began to explode, he got scared and ran straight out into the street, that’s it. but how did nina know that zavyalov had a mistress? yes, everyone knew, everyone knew, and nina knew, well , what can you do, he was a big man, he got away with everything, so, but ninochka didn’t complain, she endured everything, didn’t make any scenes, didn’t make anything like that, really, the death of her son i couldn’t forgive my husband, so then every day... i cursed him, guys, don’t yell at me, let me show you everything myself, this lever changes gears, here you are,
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when at school they ask you which transmitter to the board you will go to, on the first one, when he runs to lunch, then... so this is the technique i show, set aside, report on form , comrade military lawyer of the second rank, foreman fedoryanko, strashina fedorenko, why did you leave your place of service without an order from your immediate superiors? so i brought a comrade here, a military lawyer, to complete the task. silence, for the future, remember, you are subordinate to me personally and the military lawyer first rank to comrade vinogradov,
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you can’t go anywhere without our order. it's clear? it's clear. finish kindergarten, now is not the time. when is the time? introduce yourself to your senior rank, comrade,
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svetka, svetka, the reward said that our man is already working here. of course, purely in theory, nina could have killed her husband, she could not forgive him for the death of her son, but zavyalov has blood on his soles, and this is not his blood, but hers, it turns out that she was killed first, but if he killed her and then shot himself, two
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field wounds in the stomach, no, comrade chief, no one shoots himself like that, it’s logical, there are some traces, of course, from boots with worn out soles. but the most interesting thing is, let’s go back, this is a hiding place, does that mean it ’s a robbery? i don’t think they would have removed the crystal chandeliers, and the gold-plated watches, and taken the money out of zavyalov’s pocket, it turns out that they needed exactly what was in the safe, which means it could be, perhaps it was sabotage, the plant had to be evacuated, and the germans also needed to maintain the production of shells and somehow to repair his military equipment, therefore, in order to prevent the export...
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i can’t believe that i met you, kolya would be happy, what a pity that you missed each other, yes, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, it’s been like that with you for 10 years , don’t talk, old friends, but if you’re still the same, hello, boring, suspicious, you know, i’m also already boring and suspicious, it seems they’re meeting us. hello, comrade shilov, berezkin, head of the first department, i 'm waiting for you, let's go, plant, when do you evacuate, the enemy
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will not enter the city today, tomorrow, we should already were to be withdrawn, but fascist aviation destroyed the railway access roads, as soon as we restore them, we will immediately take them out, but for now we continue to produce shells, i hope you don’t have to destroy the equipment, we are doing everything possible, okay, zavyalov, as a director, what was he like? alexander arkadyevich, he was a good leader, real, demanding, yes, but he didn’t let himself off the hook, didn’t leave the factory for weeks, spent the night here, went into every detail, and re-equipped it in the shortest possible time the plant started producing shells. she had no enemies, well, maybe she offended someone inappropriately, but
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for the sake of the cause, everyone understands that if you beat the fascists, you need shells, so no one was offended, and from our department there were never any complaints about him, in first of all, take care of sending the adding machines and lathes, clearly, the assembly one works until the last moment, i explained clearly. yakubov, chief engineer, who do you think could have killed zavyalov and his wife? yes , anyone, enemies, saboteurs, criminals, time all sorts of crap surfaced from the bottom, i think i can’t name the killers. we need to look, we checked everything here, but why won’t these load, but these are
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detonators for a different type of shell, we see them in the rear. well, i knew that you wouldn’t find anything new, you think we’re coming here in vain, we’ve already found the killer, and how did you find him , the woman killed her, we were looking after the director of the military plant, well, out of duty. for all his women too, women, the captain of state security, but whatever you say, but
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he was a noble man, just admire him his love list, why didn’t you stop all these adventures, and why? these women told us everything about him, and someone from moscow was covering for him, they told us, let him lie, the main thing is that the plant works, comrade captain... the results of the examination are ready, what is it, as it should be, oh, sorry , i forgot, knock-knock, comrade state security captain, let me come in, it’s so difficult. remembers just two words, let me come in, that’s it, go, then we lived, they can’t find a normal secretary, we found a boarding house for nobles the girls, as i expected, nina was killed first, then vyalov with various weapons, now this is interesting, it means there was someone else there, but i’m telling you, a belskaya technologist, a woman,
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as you put it, i’m already interrogating her now, as soon as we find out to whom the director’s portfolio was transferred, the case is closed. i beg your pardon, comrade of the second rank, take a closer look.
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state security safronov, i’m interrogating the accused, lieutenant, come out for 5 minutes, eat.
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understand, if you remain silent, you will be found guilty and shot, he forced me, threatened, said that he would write a denunciation and they would shoot me, i have a small daughter, my mother is sick, my husband is at the front, but i did not kill
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this beast. antonina maksimovna, try to remember where you were at the time of the murder of the zavyalovs? i was extinguishing lighters on the roofs of a neighboring house. can anyone confirm this? zinka was at the beginning, but she burned her hand and left, and i was left alone. who do you think could have wanted zavyalov’s death? i don’t know, antonina maksimovna, why the plant was not evacuated on time? they say they bombed pusi, but the equipment it was possible to take him out earlier,
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he detained zavyalov, why? the last batches of shells were defective.
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back to the cavalier plant. fyodor semyonovich, explain the situation with detonators for another type of shells, this is a defect, you see, let's get to the point, vrakya
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ordered to disrupt technology in order to increase the production of detonators, he made the decision himself, without me, and to berezkin, then you said that these are detonators of a different type so that it can be corrected. that simply, i repeat to you, this is not a defect, these are detonators for a different type of projectile, they are in the plan, it’s just that they will now be produced at a new place in the rear, here is all the technical documentation for them, certified by both the director and the chief engineer, all with seals and signatures.
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equipment, that is, you think that yakubov will rush to inform his people in order to avoid an explosion, you think he’ll take the bait, we’ll see.
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you brought exactly the same sweets when you came to us from moscow, remember, right?
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so i’m married, shilov, i’m listening, i understand, you...
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i’m coming, yakubov turned to his accomplices, i ’m restrained and i’m with you, light, you stay, egor, i’m no longer a little girl, svetlana, this is an order, speak in a whisper, don’t smoke, don’t light matches, hello, hello, what? come, well, now you will see how we work, safronov, tell everyone how they will go out and take them quietly one by one, we need the living, there is food.
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brothers. stand, come out, the area is cordoned off, better surrender in an amicable way, huh?
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i told you, it's better to give up, now don't complain. take alive, there are two more corpses, bet ready, who shot, shot, who, i ask, i shot, they didn’t hear the order, comrade stachin, i need a live saboteur,
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alive, guilty, miscalculated, chief engineer military plant, german spy, take it, he just doesn’t speak russian, he’s being a fool, now start talking, you can teach me about germany. anyway, let’s ask for a translator, but there is no translator, they killed the indile, they didn’t send another, maryana knows german, so take her, and this one to us, there is, wir haben das zwar gebraucht, wir wussten, dass zavialov eine
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schwäche hat,
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asked the ward to give up the apartment for a visit, leave until tomorrow, attention, air raid warning, everyone to leave the house. everyone take refuge in the shelter, i repeat, everyone take shelter in the shelter, attention, air raid alert, everyone leave their homes, everyone take shelter in
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the bomb shelter, i repeat, everyone take shelter in the bomb shelter.
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so as not to make a fuss, by the way, pelskaya is short, i wish you well, what did you know from the german, he and his people didn’t kill the leaders, but what else will he say, he’s not a fool, please come to my office, she’s very short , neumann saw a tall , suspicious woman, but it was nebelskaya, well...
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i saw this surname, for sure, larionova, margarita, in the list of zavielov’s mistresses, who is the merchant’s daughter, was exiled to siberia as an alien class element, yes, that’s interesting, is she married? i wasn’t, but shortly before the deportation, she had a daughter, well , if she’s on this list, then the father could have been zavyalov, that is, there could have been family jewelry in the tvenik. larionova, when she returned, decided to take what i had to get even zavyalov, now i just
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have to look for this lario, if it’s still in the city, let’s say you’re right, there were decorations in the tanika, so they will pop up... on the market, i’m sorry, what kind of jewelry are you talking about say, if we knew, grigory ivanovich, gold and silver. 34 years old, height 170 cm, light brown hair, thank you. comrade sabo, comrade captain
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of the state security, allow me to enter, finish these pleasantries not in the boarding house, then go to the laboratory, print out a photograph of this young lady, take it to all patrol posts, first of all to the police station at the station, this woman must be detained, yes, thank you. verification of documents, your passport, what’s the matter, let’s go through now.
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i didn’t wait, but i really waited with you meeting, it was you who wrote a denunciation against me.
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you see, the evil you created, it came back to you, i didn’t do you any harm, according to your denunciation, i was exiled with my little daughter, she was only 2 months old, she caught a cold on the way, she died, it’s all because of you, this not me, without saying a word, i don’t know, i hated you for hanging out with my husband, but i didn’t inform, after i was exiled, your family life immediately improved, yes, he stopped cheating on you, cheating, but i don't care, i sympathize with your grief, "i know that it’s like losing a child, i believed her,
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i hated her for so many years, dreamed of killing her, and then suddenly i felt sorry for her, she had the same grief as me. i didn’t cry in exile, i didn’t cry when the guards took away the body of my dead daughter, i couldn’t stand it, nina said that our children are together in heaven. what are you doing here? ninka,
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have you completely lost your mind? you let a class enemy into the house, do you want us to be shot? get out of here. wait, where are you standing? it was you who wrote the denunciation, because of you our daughter died, how she suffered in the heat, dying? and you know, i only loved you, you and your daughter, sasha, shut up, don’t you dare,
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i didn’t want the family’s jewelry to go to the fascists, so i kept my grandmother’s brooch, donated the rest to the defense fund, i don’t understand anything, i’m going war, merciless, terrible, the fate of everything is being decided. world, the director of a military plant , while the front needs weapons, runs around women and covers her ass, women are ready to kill each other because of him, but what a woman, i feel sorry for the children, i would personally take him, but what i, even the compassionate ivan rokotov , would have shot him according to the law in wartime, rokotov, you said rokotov, yes, my husband is
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ivan rokotov, your husband is ivan rokotov, but he , excuse me, you said rokotov, yes, i was just taking the photographs at the station, a military man came to see the chief. said his last name was rokotov, light, light, grigory ivanovich, start the engine quickly, the baroclit generator, you have to wait 5 minutes, vanya is at the station, are you sure you heard the name roko? exactly the way he looked, the germans entered the city, we’re leaving,
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i’m following svetlana, we can’t go there, the germans are already there, i need to leave the house. “i won’t go without her, you were preparing the underground, how to contact them, lieutenant clementa, you could see him in the department, remind him of the address,
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go away!
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good morning to everyone who is celebrating this day with the first channel, we are meeting it with you, this anastasia arlova and timur solovyov, on the calendar april 23, tuesday, sprinkle quickly, we have big plans for this morning, so, we will research and calculate the kebab index, this is important, we will make sure that everyone plays table tennis, today is world table tennis day. , you know what the rule is table tennis, be sure to say that you have been playing for a long time, then you will definitely win, well, let’s celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of the taganka theater, choose good sharpeners for kitchen knives, by the way, this is important, let’s look at the international exhibition forum of russia, we haven’t been there for a long time, of course, we’ll cook something, it’ll probably be delicious, that’s not all we’ve prepared, but right now, according to... warm-up tradition. good morning. women often complain about being overweight. they say i want to lose weight, but there’s no time to go no gym. i suggest improving your figure at home, that too. can be very effective, legs together, arms crossed at chest level, take a step forward with your right leg, bend
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your knees at a right angle, don’t tilt your body forward, keep your back vertical, right knee strictly under your toe, don’t touch the floor with your left, lower yourself slightly up- down, continue to sway, change legs. we rest, shake our legs, complicate the exercise, lunge, swing up and down, get up and immediately swing back with our left leg, go into a lunge again.
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this means that the folds need special care, this is what groomer maria the great will tell you. my cat also needs a groomer, maria, bulldogs, pugs and shar-peis have a lot of folds on their skin, dust and crumbs accumulate in them, i don’t recommend removing dirt with antiseptics. such products dry out the skin, cause irritation and provoke inflammation. i will show you how to care for your pet correctly. i lift the fold. i wipe the skin with a clean damp towel, now prepare a cleaning solution,
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mix a drop of conditioner for dog fur with warm water, 50 ml will be enough, i wet a clean cloth with the solution, wipe the folds, and then blot the skin with paper napkins. another important point is that short-haired dogs shed. little by little, but all year round, so it is important to comb them regularly. i use a silicone brush, it does not injure delicate skin and at the same time removes shed hair well. i start with the paws and work my way up. the movements are short and confident, but there is no need to press, otherwise it will be unpleasant for the dog. i move the brush along the back and work on the front varnish. last of all i comb the head, pay special attention to the chin, ears, jowls, in these places the dog
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sheds especially often, perform grooming procedures once a week, and your dog will be clean and well-groomed, today the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place, and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a room at the hotel, yes , i have seen the light, come here. and you’ll catch me, i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me, you ’re lying, why are you lumping everything into one pile, and we’ll get used to living separately, we’ll break up anyway, well, understand, it’s not us who decide, but there come up with something, so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nichaev spouses known to you, after death they want to be together, i officially declare that i, yuri nikolaevich nichaev, will begin to live together in the next world with my wife, nichaeva, elena mikhalovna. well, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, right now i’ll tell linka that i’m leaving, after all, she’s not the first, she’ll cry, she’ll calm down,
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where’s the champagne, i soaked him with my hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, and i think that he only his wife and doesn’t want to be with her parting, hello, lian, frivolous conversation, are they sure that they truly love each other, what are you ready for, okay. life after life, the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first. so, the closer summer gets, the more actively an important topic is discussed on social networks: how to lose weight, or at least not gain too much weight, listen, there are sports nutritionists, we, for example, have alina lychagina, she will tell us everything now, we won’t have any problems with this at all, if anything happens, yes, we put our palms together, it looks like a bowl, exactly. you can eat so much at one time, this is the ideal volume for a healthy stomach, but in most people this organ is stretched to
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restore its original size, reducing... the portion, but we do it gradually, there is no need to starve, prohibitions only whet the appetite, select a plate small in size, so it will be much easier to control the amount of food eaten, it is important that breakfast is nutritious, one half of the plate is vegetables, the second is divided in half, part for cereals and part for meat or fish, not yet a piece of lard or... butter the size of your thumb will hurt, if you have a sweet tooth, a maximum of one candy for dessert. at first, after such a breakfast, you will want to eat something else. this is not hunger, just a habit. now we need to form a new one. this will be easier to do when you start losing weight. we don’t lie down after eating. in a horizontal position, gastric juice
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flows back into the esophagus, which leads to heartburn. also, you should not take a hot bath or shower, the blood flow in the arms and legs accelerates, in the stomach area, on the contrary, in as a result, digestion will slow down, although i don’t recommend running or jumping either, so what to do, relax while sitting or do calm household chores, half an hour or an hour after breakfast you can drink warm tea, or even better, cranberry juice without sugar. the drink stimulates digestion, you feel like you’ve eaten too much, so we go for a walk. slow walking speeds up the digestion of food, but do not tighten the belt or belt too tightly, choose loose clothing that does not interfere with the work of the stomach, be healthy. today is april 23, if anyone didn’t know, it’s world tabletop day.
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tennis, as best you can, i can do it a little bit, i can do it, and so can i. i’m absolutely sure that table tennis deserves to have its day, we support, well, firstly, it’s fun in the sense, well, both a sport and a day, secondly, it perfectly develops all muscle groups, thirdly, and if try hard, you can master a lot of all sorts of tricks to surprise everyone, but most importantly you can play tennis anywhere, it’s very convenient, the pipe factory of the sverdlovsk region after work at the table, here every day hard training is played table tennis, they spend the whole evening after work at... and this is not just a hobby, they participate in competitions, in the top ten team, there were 26 teams, we went in march and took seventh place. anatoly additionally studies in a circle outside of work, improves his skills, and is ahead of the competition among 50 enterprises throughout the region. tatiana played table tennis as a teenager,
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got a job here, and returned to the sport. for me now tennis is... maxim gribenev can do more, he is a master of sports, attacking tactics, confusing techniques, for example, like this. at europe in 2121, i hit him twice with a german behind me, just like that, after that he swam, i won two sets. he can also hit with his foot, maneuver the ball like this, like... this trick that i ’m showing you now is called for feeling the ball, you need it to roll from rubber to rubber. during the tournament, maxim, and any table tennis player, can run from four to 7 km, as you understand, there is a cardiovascular system plus ophthalmologists they will say thank you, ping pong improves eyesight. maxim constantly complicates his tasks, for example, getting a ball into the duct tape sleeve.
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even masters of sports sometimes need such frivolous tasks, but challenging ones. could maxim play by ear? bogdan is visually impaired and loves table tennis, and this is a special subtype of the game - sounddown, a kind of symbiosis with air hockey. the speed is very fast, the player hits the ball and it happens that you can’t even hear it, that is, it rolls, but you don’t hear it, because the speed is very high, although the ball with a heavy filler, this is how you can cheat. hit the ball on the sides. each player has his own tricks and his own style of play. the main thing is to keep the ball out of the pocket. in this table tennis game, the goal is to score goals. maria guseinova, almaz rogov, nazir nagumanov. first channel. april 23rd on the calendar. today the moscow taganka theater turns 60 years old. well, with all our hearts we congratulate everyone who is involved in this holiday. including us, because we are spectators. yes, the famous
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taganka, theater, era, legendary theater, and this absolutely. look, look, first, you, the taganka breed, rebels and sarvanians, howl and not be, that’s the question, in people’s memory only myths remain from the theater, that’s how the taganka myth is, and accordingly, the myth will be beloved, the creator and chief director taganka theater yuri lyubimov was born in 1917, he brought the revolutionary spirit to his theater, here is the performance... sixty-six, 10 days that shook the world, the action begins on the street, tickets at the entrance are pinned on rifle bayonets, we have it nearby restaurant, and people come out of it, tipsy, they think that such a holiday,
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maybe they missed one, join us, now legends, the walls in the office of their loved one with autographs of famous people of that time, the director’s famous flashlight with different colors, which he shone during a rehearsal from the dark hall the artists, then, knew that... red is a rehearsal, until the last metro, which goes badly, then retribution, right there, green, rarely, green - there was jubilation, jubilation, the last interview with yuri lyubimy, memories of the actors taganka, about the theater, time, about people, in the documentary yuri lyubimov, the man of the century, today on channel one, went quiet, i went on stage.
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his roles, a unique chronicle, interviews, are carefully collected in the film vladimir vysotsky, i came out on stage, everyone wants to play the role of hamlet, all the actors ask why you want to play the role of hamlet, simply because it’s a good role. on the anniversary day of the taganka stage, a unique concert in search of a genre, the theater’s birthday, on channel one, documentaries yuri lyubimy, the man of the century and vladimir vysotsky, i came out on stage. i catch distant
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echoes of what will happen in my lifetime. ekaterina lepskaya, channel one. tuesday morning continues, right now we will give the floor to our colleagues from the channel one information service. it's time to. to know about the latest events in the country in the world, by this hour, our morning broadcast will continue to broadcast news, stay with us. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. russia intends to accelerate the modernization of the baikal-amur mainline and transip, which is of great importance for strengthening the cohesion of our country, as well as for the political. and economic sovereignty, vladimir putin announced this in the kremlin, where, together with his azerbaijani counterpart ilham aliyev, he met with veteran builders and workers of bam on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of its
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construction. it was, without exaggeration, the project of the century, supervised by the father of the current head of azerbaijan, heydar aliyev, in the eighties. it was under his leadership that it was then possible to successfully complete the construction of the highway, the significance of which now it is impossible to overestimate, including for... all interested states to participate in this project, like ibam, which became a truly all-union construction project, was designed to serve the interests of all republics of the union, the north-south transport corridor should become an example of the
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broadest international cooperation, we are talking about the formation of new logistics routes for the purpose of accelerated economic and social development of the countries of eurasia and the global south, needs. shippers dictate to us the need to build new sites this road so that we can increase its load. transportation along it and thereby provide a unique transport route from the north to the indian ocean. in addition to the news of the special operation in the avdeevka direction, the crew of the k-52 helicopter hit a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy suffered significant losses. the pilots attacked an enemy fortification with the help of unguided aircraft missiles, and then carried out a deception. the maneuver released
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heat traps that distracted ukrainian air defense systems. our tank crews successfully completed the combat mission, and kizhe t-80 was destroyed camouflaged positions, military equipment and infantry of the ukrainian armed forces. the militants tried to retaliate, our vehicle was spotted by an enemy attack drone, but russian tank crews eliminated it too. it turned out that i was the first to see him, and it was a miracle that he fired. i knocked him down with a weapon, but he fell, and the comrades who were down there, they simply, he tried to get up again, they finished him off. the kiev regime has prohibited its foreign consulates from providing services to ukrainians of military age, men from 18 to 60 years old, as stated in the published according to meade's order, the exception is the preparation of documents in order to return to ukraine, for example, to submit an application. thus, kiev intends
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to place the citizens of ukraine in an even stricter framework against the backdrop of the adopted scandalous law on mobilization. local media, by the way, point out that without him, the house of representatives of the us congress would never have put to a vote a bill to allocate new funds to ukraine in the amount of almost $61 billion. this was an unspoken condition emphasized by the press, because in fact, as before zelensky said that ukrainians are defending nato countries.
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one of the main economic centers of china. channel one will continue to broadcast the program, good morning. good morning to everyone who greets you, this is the day with the first channel. anastasia orlova and timur solovyov are with you. on the calendar april 23, tuesday, very soon, the may long weekend, which means that very soon it will be waiting for us, a fragrant tender, with a delicious golden brown crust, kebab, well, how could we be without it, whichever one you like, i love it, here’s chicken , i do, i soak in apple juice and mineral water, and you, i’m a pork neck, timur loves everything, on brosimova i decided to calculate the barbecue index for this spring, put together a minimum set for cooking meat, under the guidance of a professional, of course, where would we be without professionals? the main question on the eve
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of the may holidays is which kebab to choose? there are a lot of spices, he usually camouflages everything that is possible and impossible, or the quality of the meat, or the consistency, it’s better to take the neck and make the kebab yourself. andrey and olga romanov are sure that cooking it yourself is also cheaper. marketer nikolay perepelkin will help calculate, pork kebab from 339 to 453 rubles per kilogram, look at meat without marinade, 349. hint on labels, in addition to the general weight, the weight of the meat is indicated separately, you can calculate everything. meanwhile, olga chose a ready-made turkey kebab for rub 388. on average, the cost
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varies from 350 to 590 rubles per kilogram. in total, olga has 582 rubles per package, andrey has 715. this, together with the marinade agents , took 1.5 kg of meat. in regions, the price tag may differ by 10-30%. for example, in siberia and the volga federal district, products cheaper, in the far east and far north more expensive. now about the non-edible, lighter fluid from 50 to 250 rubles. but the cheaper it is, the higher the cost. and it consists of diluted and paraffin. the paraffin here is thicker, yes. that is, accordingly, it will burn longer, the price accordingly is in the number of fires that you can then light. choose coal from 100 to 400 rubles. depending on weight. by the way, about him? why is it written in liters on some bags, and in kilograms on others? we understand that
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2.5 kg looks more than 10 liters. to some extent this is a trick of the manufacturer. now to the barbecues: the price range is from 99 to... by the way, you could not take a barbecue if you cook in the park in the barbecue area, and you can also save money if you calculate everything correctly, the standard portion per person is 300-400 g. anna obrosimova, denis panmarev, channel one. the international exhibition forum russia continues its work at vdnkh. if you haven’t been there yet, be sure to come, come, stock up on new bright impressions. here we were with timur and not once. yes, and if you, by the way, have already been, come anyway, because something interesting and new happens here every day, well, where else can you create a dolphin with
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a white tail? and go in search of minerals or, for example, try on the role of a doctor. but you try it. shock to restore proper heart rhythm. that's it, a master class from a six-year-old faith, everyone can try themselves as a doctor at the russian exhibition in the pavilion in the service of health. interesting for adults this week lectures about working in intensive care units, about vaccination, genetic passport, today about posture, how to choose the right insoles, how to choose the right shoes, what exercises to do so that we can carry ourselves proudly and not worry about a sore back. prevention and at least throwing the ball into the hoop like train electrician denis. we met him at... unic sport for everyone, this is a memory of school. by the way, in the new academic year, golf may appear in schools as an elective; the rules of the game are at the exhibition. here they will tell you about the most athletic dogs from federation of sports and applied dog breeding. do you like to fantasize in
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the nature grad pavilion? i'm drawing a dolphin. his tail will be white, he himself will be so blue. this is the case when a coloring book comes to life on the screen. for fans of interactive - the search for minerals, the continuation of the development of forests in russia, birch, spruce, i go, which tree would you be interested in hearing about, about spruce, then click, common spruce, a tree that is unpretentious and long-lived, perhaps the best natural history lesson to learn about animals and to protect the forest, then to the pavilion education, control robots, yes, even adults find it difficult to resist. every week there are dozens of master classes, here you will be immersed in the culture of buryatia, one of the most mysterious regions of siberia. here is the amulet of the peoples of the far north, the khants, the akan doll. the whole family to the seventy-fifth poniwerk pavilion. he has been working this week since thursday,
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and will meet him renewed. felt boots and warm vests were exchanged for dresses and beautiful summer bags. and, of course, decoration for easter. with ideas for decoration, how do you like, for example, openwork eggs or a wreath like this? look here, well, isn’t this beauty, unique decorations for the table, on the doors that can be hung, well, of course, what is an easter table without a tablecloth, this is yelets lace, or, for example, look at what wonderful baskets the leningrad region has prepared, there is a device for eggs, that everything is thought out to the details, more details about what to see where on the website: exhibitions russia, our good morning continues, it’s time to find out what got into the networks of our main ruler of the world wide web, yegor uspensky, what do you think about him it’s beautiful, well, we meet the man with the biggest router. the new hero of the internet, well, just a new hero of the internet,
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the cat michael and his piano, in fact, it is not only a piano, but also a smart feeder that the owner made. to get something tasty, michael must play something on this musical instrument. yes, as you can see, the cat likes the gadget, and the video is rapidly gaining popularity on the internet. but it’s not surprising, such a musical role, and the neighbors like the musical accompaniment. next video puzzled almost five. millions of users of the world wide web, the fact is that melborne resident tom grint filmed a cow that was standing at a bus stop and waiting for a regular bus, everyone who watched this video is now wondering where the cow is going to go, it seems to me that she is going goodbye , travels far, well, this is perhaps the only donkey in the world, the donkey is an artist, at least we don’t know any others, on the internet he is known under the name picasso, he started painting several years ago, as you can see, all his works, a wonderful artist in the avant-garde style, many people like the donkey paintings, but they sell well, this is just
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surprising, yeah, in conclusion, let me introduce you to the traveler morley curt, who went on a seven-day hike with a solar-powered 3d printer, during during his tour, he printed on it a mug, a spoon, a hook for a pot and many other things useful on a trip, probably some other tent, and gear, that’s what you need to go with, a business man. may holidays - an excellent reason to go on a short trip, and after them, well, actually, after these may holidays, the summer holiday season starts, many are probably already thinking about how and where to relax, here the so -called multimodal tourist routes and a single ticket will help everyone, very interesting, convenient the thing is, by the way, you can go on vacation to the mountains, the sea or the baltic coast with a single ticket, they are already on sale, the term single ticket is used when planning. using several modes
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of transport, for example, train plus plane or train plus bus. a single ticket works like this: select the place of departure and arrival point, and the service selects tickets for different types of transport and forms them into a single, what is important - registration. the main thing that a tourist must do is to establish that the point of departure, where he is coming from, the point of destination, where he is going... is not a transfer point, but precisely a destination point. anna klimova and her daughters are going to gagra at the end of may. the trip is planned from voronezh, this is their point of departure, arrival, abkhazia. convenient there immediately and benefits for young children, and it’s expensive to take a taxi across the border right away; there’s a wait time. in addition to abkhazia , the top five summer routes include the north caucasus, shregezh, sochi and kaliningrad, a total of 46 destinations. all carriers have a license in hand at the stations and are met by the organizers and escorted to the buses, but here’s the nuance: the time between transfers is minimal, it is important
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not to linger anywhere, then the departure of buses directly from the railway station or airport takes no more 20-30 minutes. reviews from tourists are different, everyone notes the convenience of issuing tickets and prices. yes, there are problems, the air conditioner breaks down, the transport is not clean enough, there are few stops, the road is exhausting, but this can happen on normal trips. another format is a trip on a tourist train, about 80 routes. a tourist train is a hotel on wheels; we depart from one city and return to the same city. and the routes are different, these are both weekend tours, the most popular, and long week-long cruises. for example, this the tourist train departs from moscow to elesta, via rostov-on-don. taking into account the road , tourists have two cities in 4 days, excursions during the day, travel in the evening, on the downside - they spend whole days on the road. we always leave the tourist the right to purchase, at his choice , either a railway component or
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a comprehensive tourist trip, for example, on the pearl of the caucasus cruise train, you can purchase a different tourist program for one city, because if a person visits five cities and he would like to visit a certain city , for example yourself, that is, there are two design options: in the first, we immediately pay for a tour package with meals and excursions, it turns out that in this case everything has already been decided for you, it is not suitable for everyone. in the second - only a train ticket, create a tourist program yourself, but time to visit cities is limited. marina vakhrosheva, sergey morin, evgenia marinkov, ksenia maklyak, channel one. which blanket to choose, down or fleece, light or heavy, and in general, what to cover yourself with to sleep well? about this about many other things in the program to live great. today is the first one. former athlete and president of the international olympic committee thomas bach’s position on not
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allowing russian and belarusian athletes to participate in international games and competitions remains unchanged.
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the flood in russia continues, this is the worst flood in the last 100 years. in the orenburg region, the water is receding, but in the kurgan and tyumen regions the situation remains difficult, so please be careful, high water is no joke. in the city of ishim, tyumen region, people are strengthening the dam and making sure there are no leaks. there is a 24-hour duty there. tyumen region, city of ishim. the dam is growing every day. water is nearby. everyone came out to protect their houses. we are strengthening the backfill that we made in advance to prepare for the flood. to ensure that the washing away of water does not dislodge the wet part of the slope, we reinforce it with film and put bags there for more dense reinforcement. the dam is divided into sections of 500 m. there is a 24-hour watch; local residents, emergency situations ministry employees, and volunteers have already
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discovered leaks several times. the water is pressing, the water is groundwater, but quickly it worked, guys. we arrived, fixed the leak, everything is fine, we continue lifting and working. ishim also helps other settlements; local students of 160 people go to neighboring villages every day. today they are going to obatskoye, also helping with dams, evacuation and accommodation of victims. the tyumin villages of large and small erki, also in the flood zone, are saved by the natural elevation, but there is water all around. fishery inspectors help locals with food, take some people to the store and back, and this.
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the flood victims don't end there, clean drinking water - what is needed first of all - is brought from different regions of our country. orenburg motorcyclists got involved from the very beginning of the flood, looked for apartments, looked for houses where people would live, well , somehow small, but they found ways, how can one remain indifferent in such a situation? now they are collecting aid from water to clothing, connecting with various temporary accommodation centers, and delivering humanitarian supplies to targeted targets.
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on public transport, in case someone is driving you to work or on business, among other things you forgot or left something behind, what should you do, our experts will tell you, have you ever forgotten things in transport, has this happened to me? normal, look, i have a video with a surveillance camera, here is a passenger, he took off his backpack, sat down, then his bag got in the way, he pulled it off too, in the end the guy got out, the bag remained, then things get even more interesting, another passenger appears and checks that in
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his bag, and then puts it in his backpack, hopefully not in order to... pocket it, here's a similar story: a passenger saw a forgotten the laptop, not at a loss, decided to appropriate it, once and... the thing seemed to be already his own, however, he did not own someone else’s laptop for long, the police were hot on his heels and returned the thing to the owner. friends, today there are cctv cameras installed in public transport, you should know that misappropriation of found things can lead to a criminal case under the theft clause, so if something is found, very...
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not a single segment of the game is complete without unexpected endings and spectacular balls russian football championship was no exception and the twenty-fifth round, which was decorated with a fantastic ending to the match in kaliningrad, the baltic midfielder coming on as a substitute. a passing volley brought his team victory over the samara wings of the soviets, this was in the sixth minute of stoppage time, the result was 2:1.
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the cska akhmat match also turned out to be incredible in terms of drama, the red-blues were in the lead, but at the end of the meeting the guests managed to tip the scales in their favor 2:1, while akhmad interrupted a series of four defeats, a water victory for the team from grozny brought an unusual... he scored a double and gave an assist, the first of the paraguayan's two goals was scored
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with a shot from outside the penalty area after a terrible mistake by rossov goalkeeper sergei pesyakov. dynamo also managed to please its fans with a crushing victory. the blue and white team beat paris nizhny novgorod on the road with a score of 4:1. most. the most beautiful goal in this match was probably scored by daniil famin. the dynamo midfielder beat the defender on the swing and sent the ball into the far corner. the leader of the russian premier league, zenit, won at home victory over orenburg. the viterians limited themselves to just one goal scored. however, it turned out great. brazilian flautinho confirmed his reputation as a specialist in outstanding goals by firing an irresistible shot into the top corner from distance.
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a multi-part film on martial law continues on channel one . a great war movie, a story with a continuation. military lawyer svetlana elagina and her colleagues, as well as military friends, face a dangerous and complicated investigation. they must figure out, by the way, the traitor. in general, don't miss it already today, right after the program time. your husband ivan rokotov, excuse me, you said rokotov, but a military man came to the boss, rokotov said. svetlana elagina hurries to meet her husband, but comes under fire, she is saved by underground fighters who hide her from the germans, how can i get to my people now, as soon as i feel better, i will immediately leave. the whole story of the film's heroes, according to the laws of war, is a series of meetings and partings, risk and desperate courage. female intuition. mistakenly allows military lawyer svetlana elagina to distinguish truth from lies. during filming, actress ekaterina klimova learned to understand her character perfectly. i don't see this difference anymore. where am i,
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where is she. this is all unusual for me in life. and when, of course, you put on all this mania, your back straightens, your voice becomes somehow deeper, more stealthy. in rostov, saboteurs are operating, murders and robberies are being committed. someone betrayed the underground members who were hiding svetlana. elagina must find the traitor. there are traitors in the squad, everyone in the squad in the city is in danger. egor shilov is her childhood friend, and now her boss. he has a big one.
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and i make fun of her, and then i change the relationship, change it, and then just take care of her like a father, he is such a sanchipansa for svetlana petrovna, everything will be fine, we are waiting for you, let's go already, exciting plot twists, incredible events, amazing destinies, continuation of the drama according to the laws of war today on channel one, how come i
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don’t recognize you right away. ekaterina lepskaya, svetlana neimani, sasya ratkevich, joseph kobrin, channel one. tuesday morning continues, right now we're passing the word to our colleagues from the channel one information service. it's time to learn about the latest events in the country in the world by this hour. our morning broadcast will continue to broadcast news. stay with us. hello. on air news in the studio sergei tugushev. the baikal-amur mainline largely determines global logistics for the entire 21st century. this was stated by vladimir putin in the kremlin, where, together with his azerbaijani counterpart ilham aliyev, he met with veterans, members of the construction brigades and workers of bam on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of its beginning construction. without exaggeration, this was the project of the century. in the eighties, it was supervised by the father of the current head of azerbaijan, heydar ali. it was under his
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leadership. then it was possible to successfully complete the construction of the highway, a significance that now cannot be overestimated. thanks to bam, russia turned to the east. our country has received enormous opportunities to expand cargo transportation towards the pacific ocean. in addition , active exploration and development of siberia and the far east also began. vladimir putin i specifically drew attention to the support of obama’s people and the development of working-class towns and villages. the government of the russian federation has already approved plans for the comprehensive socio-economic development of such key cities of bam as tynda, severobaikalsk, neryungiri, komsomolsk on the sea. we are talking about large-scale renovation and development of their transport infrastructure, housing and communal services, major repairs and construction of schools, hospitals, kindergartens, and sports facilities. and, of course, we will definitely build new
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modern houses, new housing. on the soviet state, but first of all by the dedication of the bamovites, who in the most difficult conditions, sometimes permafrost and impenetrable forests, impassable roads, risking their lives, one might say, every day, performed a feat every day, performed a miracle,
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predetermining the future of the development of the soviet state, and today in russia and neighboring countries, creating a unique example of infrastructure, which for many years, 50 years or more, will serve the cause of development and regional and international cooperation. to other topics: russian the military plundered a ukrainian armed forces stronghold in the avdiivka direction of the special operation and discovered the object using a drone. the coordinates were immediately transmitted by the mortar crews; with precise fire they hit the militants’ fortifications, as well as the electronic warfare station. in the donetsk direction, the positions of our fighters from enemy attacks are protected, among other things... by anti-aircraft gunners, crews of the strela-10 air defense system, capable of hitting any air targets, be it an airplane, a drone or a missile. the us senate today is expected to discuss a bill to allocate funds to ukraine in the amount of almost $61 billion, those that were previously approved by the house
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of representatives. her speaker, like many other republicans in congress , blocked this package for several months. they insisted that the white house first address the problem of illegal immigration in the united states. however, the other day the speaker of the lower house, who was one of the main ideologists of the confrontation with the biden administration, nevertheless made concessions, the bill was put on the agenda, although the ukrainian media attribute this to the fact that everything during this time, washington was waiting for the scandalous law on mobilization to be adopted in kiev. before the vote in the senate, joe biden called zelensky, after which he hastened to report in his telegram channel, in his words, about the resolved issue of supplying atacoms tactical missiles to ukraine. at the same time , more and more military experts are drawing disappointing conclusions for the kiev regime, even these supplies will not save the ukrainian armed forces from defeat, and general of the french army, dominique dilovard , called on ukraine to start negotiating with russia now, before it is too late.
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i think that when ukraine decides to negotiate, it will no longer be able to do anything other than agree to negotiations without conditions, that is, the conditions will be set by the winner , the winner will be russia. will put forward its own conditions, it is on russia’s terms that negotiations can take place, in any case, what remains of ukraine will be effectively denazified and demilitarized, and it will be a dysfunctional state, that is , ukraine will no longer be of interest to anyone, not even the european union will be of interest. and the last one announced in the tyumen region evacuation of residents of the obadsky district, this is about 2000 people. the level of the ishim river is rising rapidly. the flood cut off access to four villages. it is only possible to get there by boat. a group of rescuers of more than 600 people is working along the entire riverbed. there is a state of emergency in the region. meanwhile, in the kurgan region, the flood gradually began to decline. over the course of the day, the tabola level dropped by 21
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cm, but is still significantly above the dangerous level. about 600 houses remain flooded. rescuers continue to monitor situation using a drone. in the orenburg region, according to the authorities, the flood is final. since ancient times , brides have come to this spring in the udmurd village of podshevalovo for water on their wedding day; the locals believed that the marriage would be happy if you bring the buckets home without spilling. whether it helped, history is silent, but
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every resident will confirm that the water from this spring is special. it is very useful for joint diseases, for example, for headaches, which is why we treat the spring with care and clean it out every spring. the whole village and our children, schoolchildren walk, take care, they made stairs, it’s much more convenient now to go down and up here. residents of the ossetian village of aksarisar take care of their arsak spring. as the old-timers of the village say, when they were children, they came here for water. the water is very healthy, tasty, many people, not even just sakhsalis, but throughout the iravsky region, come here. when collecting water , there is an unspoken rule for everyone: if you see dead wood or garbage nearby, remove it. tasaltan dzidzoev usually looks after everyone and cleans the place, where the water flows from. in the krasnodar territory , circassian baths are now being cleared. there
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are four springs here, the water has a different composition, different properties, and a different chemical composition. we have one spring for healing the eyes, a second spring for healing the stomach and... the third spring we have is for the musculoskeletal system, one problem is that they silt up quickly, without a motor pump. this year they decided to unite the most famous springs of the krasnodar region with a tourist route, each with its own legend, through the ayori spring in crimea an ancient trade route passed through, it helped caravans along the way, and people always helped the spring, both before and now. we took equipment with us, and cleaned gloves and rakes. over the winter, ayori covered the springs with leaves, branches, and sticks so that water could flow freely with leaves and branches, but volunteers helped the water break through. at first the water oozed out. a full-fledged stream now flows drop by drop.
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it was first decided to improve the spring near the village of malinovka in the leningrad region in 2007. they built a small chapel with a font. in 7 years ago there was a fire that destroyed all the buildings. but volunteers restored the spring. at the initial stage, we had nothing but an idea, essentially, and faith in its execution. the work was divided into several stages, this included cleaning, tidying up the place after erecting the frame. clapboard cladding, roof, and the dome itself. at least 300 people come to the source, illuminated in honor of the holy noble prince alexander nevsky, every day. there are plans to update the drainage system and install benches so that the source of clean water can be as many people as possible. marina glushenkova, liliya lobkova, lyudmila kalieva, mikhail ilkevich - channel one. so, the closer summer gets, the more active an important topic is discussed on social networks. how to lose weight, or at least not gain weight, well, listen, there are sports
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nutritionists, we, for example, have alina lychagina, she will tell us everything now, we won’t have any problems with this at all, yes, if anything happens, we’ll join our palms , it looks like a bowl, that’s exactly how much you can eat at one time, this is the ideal volume for a healthy stomach, but in most people this organ is stretched, to restore its original size, we reduce the portion. but we do it gradually, there is no need to starve, prohibitions only whet the appetite, we select a small plate, this way it will be much easier to control the amount of food eaten, it is important that breakfast is nutritious, one half of the plate is vegetables, the second is divided in half, part for cereals and part for meat or fish, a piece of lard or butter won't hurt... butter the size of your thumb, if you have a sweet tooth, maximum
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one candy for dessert. at first, after such a breakfast, you will want to eat something else. this is not hunger, just a habit. now we need to form a new one. this will be easier to do when you start losing weight. we don’t lie down after eating. in a horizontal position, gastric juice flows back into the esophagus, which leads to heartburn. also not. it is worth taking a hot bath or shower. blood flow in the arms and legs accelerates, in the stomach area it is the opposite. as a result , digestion will slow down. although running and jumping is also not i advise. so what to do? we relax while sitting or do quiet household chores. half an hour, an hour after breakfast, you can drink warm tea, or even better, cranberry juice without sugar. the drink stimulates digestion,
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you feel like you’ve eaten too much, so we go for a walk. slow walking speeds up the digestion of food, but do not tighten the belt or belt too tightly, choose loose clothing that does not interfere with the work of the stomach. be healthy. well, according to the survey, half of us have cats or dogs at home. i have a cat, i have a cat. here, by the way. dry the skin, cause irritation and
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provoke inflammation. i will show you how to care for your pet correctly. i lift the fold and wipe the skin with a clean, damp towel. now i prepare the cleaning solution. mix a drop of dog coat conditioner with warm water. 50 ml will be enough. i wet a clean cloth with the solution and wipe the folds. after this, i blot the skin with paper napkins. another important point: short-haired dogs shed little by little, but all year round, so it is important to brush them regularly. i use a silicone brush it does not injure delicate skin and at the same time removes faded hair well. i start with the paws. i'm going up. the movements are short. but there is no need to press, otherwise it will be
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unpleasant for the dog, i move the brush along the back, treating the front legs, last. in turn, i comb the head, pay special attention to the chin, ears and jowls, in these places the dog sheds especially often, perform grooming procedures once a week, and your dog will be clean and well-groomed. expanding the business and modernizing production, entering the international market, in the end, this is what surely every manufacturer dreams. well, the national project of international cooperation and export helps business in all this. this is a baler that forms bales in the fields. baler, cutters and high-speed bale wrappers. this is only part of the equipment that is produced at one of the machine-building plants in perm. in recent years, we have mastered several product lines, these are agricultural equipment, feeding equipment for preparing feed, for farms, for large agricultural enterprises. this
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flattening equipment, lifting tables, leveling platforms, loading docks for trucks, we produce here. all products. last year alone, the volume of revenue from the supply of warehouse equipment tripled, all thanks to the international cooperation export national project. lately we have been focusing on supplies, but these are nearby countries, this is belarus, this is kazakhstan, this is uzbekistan, azerbaijan, respectively, and this is where we compete with chinese manufacturers. promote your products, services and develop russian entrepreneurs are assisted in foreign trade relations by experts from the regional export support center. experts tell you how to prepare all the necessary documents and find buyers on the international market. we use collective stands at foreign exhibitions, accordingly, and we again actively take advantage of this opportunity, we travel to other countries, get acquainted with dealers, steal representatives, and there are also other tools, for example, insurance
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of export proceeds. more than twenty countries of the world, a drone manufacturing company from st. petersburg sold its products and services. this. a quadcopter type drone, you can attach a camera here, perform aerial photography, perform thermal imaging from it, as well as geophysical work. over 13 years, the company has produced more than 15,000 drones; they are used in the fields of urban planning, agriculture and geological exploration. to develop unmanned technologies , the national project “unmanned aircraft systems” was created. national projects play for us a certain role, we participate in various events. moreover, the geophysical equipment that we deal with has found itself in the world, for example, the african continent is very interested in this type of equipment and service surveys, we are negotiating with even more countries to get help in foreign trade, we go to the digital platform my export, today it has more than 30 thousand users,
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370 thousand services have already been provided to businesses, you can choose the one you need in the catalog, 125 are available vividina. first channel. show, fashion verdict on channel one. i am with you, alexander rogov. over the past month, she ordered black leather shorts. boldly, boldly, red tracksuit. such a disgrace. i don't like the way my daughter dresses at all, especially recently how she has gained weight. difficult mom. mom really wants me to be a decent girl. this is what i call a spectacular appearance, meet me, what a nice attractive girl, all this can be cheered up, look, we can change the color, it seems to me, that’s something like what can be performed in such an image, you need something completely new, you are
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very beautiful, we will prove it to you today, exhale, inhale, i served at the german headquarters for the centenary of donatatos banionis on april 28 at the first who is this standile resident of russian intelligence good morning, women often complain about being overweight, they say they want to lose weight, but there is no time to go to the gym, i suggest
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improving your figure at home, this can also be very effective, legs together, arms crossed at chest level, take a step forward. with your right leg, bend your knees at a right angle. we do not tilt our body forward, we keep our back vertical. the right knee is strictly under the toe, the left knee is not touching the floor. we lower ourselves up and down a little, continue to sway, change legs, rest, shake our legs, complicate the exercise: lunge, swing up and down, get up and immediately swing back with your left leg, go into a lunge again. the exercise will help strengthen
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the muscles of the legs and buttocks, and it also has a fat-burning effect, do it regularly, and the result will pleasantly surprise you, calendar 23 april, our ancestors had this omen about this day: if the evening is warm today and the night is quiet, we’ll wait... to brag about what a wonderful cook he is, but he cooks really great, and he’s a good worker, although he doesn’t always know how to establish cooperation with colleagues, because of this
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, sometimes there is slight confusion in business, more about the disadvantages: he is sentimental, sometimes he is sensitive to his feelings, it’s easy to unsettle us on such days, and even today it’s easy to overpay for something, something like that can happen with aries, and the aries themselves will be we are quite happy with the purchase, but the family may not understand, otherwise the day was excellent. just be careful with equipment, including your car. taurus faces some household chores, perhaps a trip on business with family or friends. but overall it was a good day, the main thing to remember is that all that glitters is not gold. this also applies to new acquaintances. a very powerful day for the twins, when you can shovel a bunch of things, just don’t forget that there is such a thing - safety precautions and be less picky with others, especially if they they somehow depend on you. cancers have a normal working day, active and energetic, although it can take a fair amount of energy, but that’s okay, the evening will help you rest and recover, and
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it seems that he is gathering pleasant company for you. a great day for the lions, no matter what they undertake, everything will ultimately work out in their favor. things will go great for those who are employed in the service sector or work with people, and the evening is clearly preparing something romantic for you. yiwu dev - a nice day. your ability to see the situation will be very helpful. in general and keep it under control, and it will not help only for you, and today you are very attractive to the opposite sex. for libra, it’s a crazy day when the right decisions come and your head just works great. as for money, you shouldn’t expect much profit, but now it’s generally more important for you to save than to increase. things are pretty smooth for scorpios on the financial front. the main thing is not to do obvious stupid things, like risky investments. about business. perhaps some nasty leapfrogs. work, when someone tries to shift their mistakes onto others, let’s calm down, okay, it’s day for sagittarius, when everything goes according to plan, in general it works out, don’t
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give up, if something doesn’t work out the first time, don’t deviate from the straight path, show persistence and you will achieve your goal, and be careful with fire. capricorns will be able to turn some of their plans into reality, however, a conflict of interest, so to speak, is not excluded, and competitors are not asleep, this can really exhaust you. well, the evening will try to lift your spirits. aquarians will have a chance to express themselves and present themselves in a favorable light. are they today at all very charming and literally eye-catching. envious people will certainly not like this, but what do you care about them? just don’t get too arrogant, otherwise fate might give you diarrhea. pisces just have a good successful tuesday. pisces bachelors can today change their attitude towards marriage and the stars are only for it, and the evening can invite you to some kind of entertaining event. perhaps with music and a treat, well, good luck to you! if the knives are not sharpened, what does that mean? this
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means that, with a high degree of probability , there is no good knife sharpener in the house, which means - you probably need to buy it, probably yes, well , we’ll deal with these same sharpeners now, well, i’m sure, timur, this is not necessary, you definitely understand sharpeners, but i’m an expert, three dull knives, three sharpeners, a whetstone made of carbide for 120 rubles. mechanical for 1.00 and electric for 3.700, which is better, sharpening master alexander krikhta will help, first with the whetstone, it’s better to wet it, what does this give us? does the emulsion turn out to be a stone? allows the metal to become greasy, in our case the stone is double-sided with different grain sizes, first we work with the rougher side for the main sharpening, the smoother side for polishing the knife, lightly move the knife along the blade, there is no need to press, you will just ruin it, you will simply remove too much metal, from the tip, here you are, right up to the heel, and here again, from the advantages of the whetstone, the knife
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can be sharpened at any angle and for filleting with a sharpness of 10°. for finishing, please, what am i doing wrong, the second module is for the main sharpening, the third why are there so many cats, you don’t always need to press like that, otherwise the blade won’t last long, knife lead it gently, lift it towards the nose, it should also be sharp, 2 minutes, look at the result, cuts softly, cut food, there are vegetables,
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fruits, if anyone needs it, it’s quite there, now let’s check the press. electric cons: heavy takes up a lot of space, pros: three-stage sharpening, fixed angle from 15 to 20°, corundum discs, you can sharpen a ceramic knife, on a whetstone and on mechanics, on the contrary, it is enough to do it once, for example, on the main sharpening it is enough, because when you, while you move the knife slowly, the shaft rotates there fast, 2800 rpm, sharpening took 30 seconds and no effort. very good, important, after sharpening small notches may remain on the knife, musat can help, it looks like the same file with a handle, and also for serrated knives with teeth you need special bars or needles, presented on the file is not an option, but for most metal kitchen utensils for knives beyond a point of 20° , the same budget block for 120 rubles will do. only when choosing, pay attention to double-sided ones with different
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grain sizes, look at abrasives, diamond in different from the same thing... it happens, so this is for my friends, this is for grandparents. matzo is a symbol of the jewish passover. according to legend, the jews took dry unleavened thin flatbreads with them when they left egypt. the egyptians told them to hurry up, leave, but what about you? we didn’t even have time to wait for the dough to rise. natsa is a symbol of modesty. it is also a symbol of a person
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who trusts god. for the jewish people , passover is one of...
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they explain that these are four different degrees of liberation, that is, the jews, leaving egypt, had to come out of their spiritual egypt, the arab outlook on life, the arab worldview. in the center of the table is kiara, everything that lies on her has a special meaning. grated apples or nuts symbolize the clay that the jews kneaded in egypt. grated horseradish root is wrapped in greens and eaten after easter readings ; onions or potatoes are dipped in salt water. the salty water symbolizes the tears that the jews shed during 200 years of slavery. at the table there is a conversation about the miracles of the almighty for the jewish people. lyshshana, gaba, beirush. each ritual in pesakh is also symbolic. every jew awaits the coming of moshiach and liberation every second; on a night like easter, we go to meet moshach.
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passover will be celebrated until april 30. maryana zhukova, nikita kulakov, yulia bykova, channel one. tuesday morning continues, right now we are turning the floor over to our colleagues from the channel one information service. it's time to learn about the latest events in the country in the world by this hour. our morning broadcast will continue to broadcast news. stay with us. hello, the news is live in the studio sergey tugushev. russia intends to accelerate the modernization of the baikal-amur mainline and transip, which is of great importance for strengthening the connectivity of our country, as well as for political and economic sovereignty. vladimir putin said in the kremlin, where, together with his azerbaijani counterpart ilham aliyev, he met with veterans, members of construction teams and workers of bam on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the beginning of its construction. it was, without exaggeration
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, the project of the century. supervised by the father of the current head in the eighties azerbaijan, gidar ali. it was under his leadership that it was then possible to successfully complete the construction of the highway, an importance that now cannot be overestimated, including for... to participate in this project, like bam, which became a truly all-union construction project, was called upon to serve the interests of all republics of the union , the north-south transport corridor should become an example of the broadest international
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cooperation, we are talking about the formation of new logistics routes in order to accelerate the economic and social development of countries eurasia and the global south, the needs of shippers dictate... us the need to build new sections of this road so that we can increase its cargo transportation along it and thereby provide a unique transport route from the north to the indian ocean. to the news of the special operation in the avdiivka direction, the crew of the k-52 helicopter. destroyed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold. the enemy suffered significant losses. the pilots attacked enemy fortifications using unguided aircraft missiles. and then they performed a deceptive maneuver, released thermal traps that distracted ukrainian
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air defense systems. our tank crews successfully completed their combat mission. t-80 crews destroyed camouflaged positions, military equipment and infantry of the ukrainian armed forces. the kiev regime has prohibited its foreign consulates from providing services to ukrainians of military age, men from 18 to 60 years old, as stated in meade’s published order. the exception is the preparation of documents in order to return to ukraine; for example, applying for a foreign passport will no longer work. thus, kyiv intends to put citizens ukraine into an even stricter framework against the backdrop of the adoption of the scandalous law on mobilization. local media, by the way, point out that without him the house of representatives of the us congress would never have put to a vote a bill on allocating new funds to ukraine in the amount. almost 61 billion dollars, this was an unspoken condition, the press emphasizes, because in fact, as zelensky previously stated, ukrainians defend nato countries, if they do not join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, then there is no need to provide assistance. moldovan
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authorities held him at the airport for several hours chisinau, almost a hundred opposition representatives, under any pretext, refusing to let people into their homeland. politicians and public figures were detained at the airport after arriving from moscow. they held a congress in the russian capital, at which the leaders of several parties signed an agreement to create a victory electoral bloc. its participants oppose moldova’s entry into the eu for the republic’s participation in all processes in the cis, including entry into the eurasian economic union. in the tyumen region the evacuation of residents of the obas district has been announced - about 20,000 people. the level of the ishim river is rising rapidly. the flood cut off the entrances. over the course of the day, the tabola level dropped
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by 21 cm, but is still significantly above the dangerous level. about 6.00 houses remain sunk. in the orenburg region, according to the authorities, the flooding is finally receding, the oreg level is steadily decreasing, and new flooding is not expected there. much more serious consequences of the flood are predicted in china in guangdong province, in the south of the country, the worst flood in half a century. at least four people were killed and 10 are still missing. more than 80 thousand residents were evacuated from dangerous areas. the disaster was triggered by a heavy downpour. swift streams from the mountains rushed into the lowlands. many landslides occurred. more than a million homes were left without electricity. entire cities are flooded. the damage is still difficult to assess; the losses could be colossal, because aguandong province is one of the main economic centers of china. another emergency with the booing-737 aircraft. this time at the airport johannesburg to south africa. during takeoff, the plane
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lost a wheel, as a result, the plane heading to cape town was forced to return to the airport. the landing was successful and no one was injured. there have been many similar incidents with boeing recently. earlier, the windshield of one of the airliners cracked, the window of another fell off, and a piece of the wing came off. against this background , the company's ceo resigned. the program will continue to air on channel one. good morning. today is april 23, if anyone didn’t know the family. table tennis day, as you can, a little bit, i can, i can, yes, i too, i’m absolutely sure, table tennis deserves to have its day, we support it, well , firstly, it’s fun in the sense, well, it’s a sport and a day, and secondly , perfectly develops all muscle groups, thirdly, if you try hard, you can master a lot of all sorts of tricks to surprise everyone, but most importantly , you can play tennis anywhere, it’s very convenient, the pipe plant of the sverdlovsk region, after work at the table, here everyone hard day. training, playing table
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tennis, they spend the whole evening after work, in their free time from work, they play, identify the winner of that day’s round, and this is not just a hobby, they participate in competitions, in the top ten team, there were 26 teams, in march we went and took seventh place. anatoly additionally studies in a circle outside of work, improves his skills, and is ahead of the competition among fifty enterprises from the entire region. tatyana played tabletop as a teenager. tennis, got a job here, returned to the sport. for me now, tennis is a good time for spending time with colleagues. lifestyle. table tennis is more serious than volleyball in terms of load, the average pace of play is up to 120 beats per minute. maxim grebenev can do more, he is a master of sports. attacking tactics, confusing techniques, for example, like this. at europe in 2121, i got hit twice with a german behind me, just like that. after that he swam and i won two sets. he can also
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fight through his leg and maneuver his sword like a magnetized one. this trick that i ’m showing you now is called for feeling the ball, you need it to roll off the rubber on the overlay. during the tournament, maxim, and any table tennis player, can run from four to 7 km. as you understand, this is a plus for the cardiovascular system; ophthalmologists will thank you. ping pong improves vision. maxim constantly complicates his tasks, for example, getting a ball into a sleeve because of the tape. even masters of sports sometimes need such frivolous tasks, but challenging ones. could maxim play by ear? bogdan is visually impaired, loves table tennis, and this is a special subtype of the game, down-down, a kind of symbiosis with air hockey, the speeds are very fast, the player hits and the ball happens so that you can’t even hear it, that is, it rolls, but you don’t hear it, because the speed is very high. although the ball with
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a heavy filler can be tricked like this by hitting the ball on the sides, each player has his own tricks and his own style of play, the main thing is to keep the ball out of the pocket, in this table tennis the task is to score goals. maria guseinova almaz rogov, nazir nagumanov, channel one. hello to our huge country, i love russia because it is very beautiful, it has beautiful cities and very a lot of beautiful places. the mighty yenisei river, in which it is wonderful to fish, is very beautiful in winter, especially when the ini river turns into an incredible fairy tale for us. to date , i have already traveled through 79 regions of our wonderful country. this is an outlook, this is interesting, these are new emotions. they come from all regions of russia. there are no borders in russia,
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russia only has a horizon, travel. get to know our world, our russia. surely all of you have noticed that the main show about fashion, style, reincarnations and women's destinies, a fashionable verdict. but now in a new format. the male and female versions of the program are aired in turn. new leading judges, but also the permanent evelina khromchenko. running away from the controllers, having previously removed the cookies and holders. empress, i want to change, i want to try new things, i want to see myself differently. do you still want polina to come in and demolish everything in her path like vandam in a jump, or still let her be a young lady. amazing women amazing
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stories. the girl is beautiful, smart, bright, bold, red leopard, but i just have questions, this is how you apply it to... the person, according to the grandmother on the bench, the more interesting their image is for designers. fashion tips: which jeans are trendy this season? choose the best models that look as if you stole them from such a rather corpulent guy, you can even tie them to yourself
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with a belt, or a man’s belt, or with a construction cord, it will be especially fashionable. evelina will teach you how to mix modern things with a skirt. mom, dad's jacket and jacket grandfathers. fashion is regularly inspired by its past; a thing never ceases to be relevant for your wardrobe if it fits you well, is well preserved, and suits you. and finally, he will explain to men why we ladies go shopping? yes, we need this, we need a new dress, we need this new dress more often than once every 20 years, we need it vitally, it’s absolutely vital, we need it for our health. in the history of the fashion verdict , there are two versions of the program: a men's version, judge alexander rogov is responsible for it. first question: what kind of chips do you like, with what kind? taste? of course, with salt. and the female version: lelia rakh will find an approach to each participant. but she's such an extravagant
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girl. she also loves fashion, look, she has a ping. the program is not only about fashion, but about destinies. i feel uncomfortable in relationships, not with someone in particular, but in themselves. i cannot share myself with someone, with someone else, no matter how good he may be. a fashionable verdict, a new release today, amazing transformations await us. i love you, i went to work. maria bronzova, victoria obalenskaya, channel one. spring is time inspiration, including culinary. maria surova agrees with me. today she decided to make a grilled cheese and peach salad. and if you have never fried cheese, look at maria surova, today with her. let's fry cholume, by the way, it's very tasty, i tried it, at the same time we'll experiment with lugune, i haven't done this yet, i really wanted summer, it's so easy to arrange it in the kitchen, prepare a salad with fried cheese and peaches, how to properly
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fry cholume cheese? firstly, i don’t cut it, i’ll fry it just like that, without rolling it in any flour, no starch, heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and spread the cheese. secondly, i reduce the heat, otherwise the cholomi on top will quickly fry and the inside will not become soft. i turn it over several times and fry it. now you can cut it into pieces. and if i don’t have kholumi on hand, i’ll try to fry suluguni. here it’s the other way around: i cut it into thick pieces and roll it in flour. the recipe says to fry for half a minute, no more. i turn it over. ooh, he's so fast. it's melting, we need to post it soon, yeah, nothing has worked out yet you turn over one piece, the others have already melted, what should i do, i’ll try to fry one piece at a time, flour into butter, fry over very high heat for 15 seconds and
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turn over, another 15 seconds, lay it out, it didn’t work the first time, but the experiment was a success, there’s a lot left put together a salad, arugula and cheese are very good, tomatoes, cherry and peaches are combined, canned in spring and fresh in summer, this is one of my favorite combinations in a salad: cheese with fruits and herbs, cherry and peaches, and you can decorate with any nuts, for example , chopped almonds, very quick salad, only 7 minutes, less time in the kitchen, getting ready for summer, according to the laws of war, the story continues.
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product of stellar group bourbon stirsman product of stellar group. mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group. gin сnop. stellar group cognac monte shococa, a product of the stellar group. once upon a time, these people set the trends in rock and pop music. and now they have left russia and divided the performers into their own and others. former music producer and now foreign agent mikhail kozyrev. there are arts that, as we call them, are ziganuli, and there are artists, who are suicidal for them, to express their anti-war views. mish, well, you probably need to get better. every night i return to what could have been done differently, i am doomed
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to live with this until the end of my days, a broken, depressed, absolutely devastated person, i have never seen him like this, well done, bedinsky is obsessed with roulette and other gambling games, i have the income is meager, i actually scoff at what my friends give me, god, how i feel sorry for him on the one hand, on the other hand, what pathetic guys are you? i'm trying catch some glimmer of hope that ukraine can win on the battlefield, and i don’t see anything, unfortunately, there are no irreplaceable people, goodbye guys, you are not relevant, the vavan and lexus show is on the first tomorrow. the international exhibition forum continues its work at vdnkh in moscow. in russia, if you haven’t been there yet, be sure to come, come, stock up on new, vivid impressions, so we were with timur more than
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once, yes, and if you, by the way, have already been, come anyway, because here something interesting happens every day and new, well, where else can you create a dolphin with a white tail, and go in search of minerals or, for example, try on the role of a doctor, so you try it, a shock to restore the correct heart rhythm, like that, a master class from a six-year-old. everyone can try themselves in the role of a doctor at the russian exhibition in the pavilion in the service of health. interesting for adults, this week there are lectures about working in intensive care units, about vaccination, genetic passport, today about posture. how to choose the right insoles, how to choosing shoes, what exercises to do, so that we behave proudly and do not worry about a sore back. prevention means at least throwing the ball into the hoop, like the train electrician denis. we met him at the c-sport for everyone pavilion. this is a memory. by the way, about the school, golf may appear as an elective in schools in the new academic year, about the rules of the game - at
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the exhibition, and here they will talk about the most athletic dogs from the federation of sports and applied dog breeding. do you like to fantasize in the nature grad pavilion? i i’m drawing a dolphin, its tail will be white, and it will be so blue. this is the case when a coloring book comes to life on the screen. for fans of interactivity - search for useful ones. fossils , continuation of the development of russian forests: birch, spruce and oak, which tree would you be interested in hearing about? spruce, then click, common spruce, an unpretentious and long-living tree, perhaps, it is better to learn from the hands of nature to learn about animals and to protect the forest, further to the pavilion education, to control robots, yes, it’s difficult even for adults hold on, every week there are dozens of master classes from... here is an immersion in the culture of buryat, one of the most mysterious regions of siberia, here is the amulet of the peoples
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of the far north of the khanty, the akan doll, the whole family in the seventy-fifth pavilion poniwerk, it is open this week from thursday , will greet you with updated boots, warm vests, exchanged for dresses, beautiful summer bags, and of course, decoration for easter with ideas for decor, how about openwork? eggs or a wreath like this, look, isn’t this beauty, unique decorations for the table, over the doors that can be hung, well, of course, what is an easter table without... a tablecloth, this is yelets lace, or, for example, look at what wonderful baskets the leningrad region has prepared, there is a device for eggs, that is, everything has been thought out to the details, more details about what to see where on the website of the russian exhibition, and right now, let’s all go together to the birthday of korge named topi, he turned 9 years old, just look at the celebration
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his owner threw on this occasion. dog's friends frolicked until they dropped, and online users presented it to this charming birthday boy. many, many likes, well, in general, the holiday turned out to be a success, yes, we are even a little jealous, the may holidays are a great reason to go on a short trip, and after them, well, actually, behind these t-shirts, the summer holiday season starts, many have already they are probably thinking about how and where to relax, so-called multimodal tourist routes will help everyone here, and a single ticket, a very interesting, convenient thing, by the way, to go on vacation to mountains, sea or baltic coast, you can buy a single ticket. they are already on sale. the term ticket is used when planning multimodal transportation. multimodal transportation or combined is transportation using several modes of transport, for example, train plus plane or train plus bus. a single ticket works like this: select the place of departure and arrival point, and the service selects tickets for different types of transport and forms them into a single one, which is important -
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registration. the main thing to do a tourist is just to establish that... the point of departure, where he is coming from, the destination, where he is going, not a transfer point, exactly the destination, anna klimova and her daughters are going to gagra at the end of may, they plan the trip from voronezh, this is their point departure, arrival abkhazia, it’s convenient there right away and there are benefits for young children, and it’s expensive to take a taxi across the border right away and there’s a lot of waiting time. in addition to abkhazia, the top five summer routes include the north caucasus, shregezh, sochi and '. only 46 directions. all carriers are licensed. in at the airport, the organizers meet you at the train stations and escort you to the buses, but here’s a nuance. the time between transfers is minimal, it is important not to linger anywhere. bus departures directly from the railway station or airport take no more than 20-30 minutes. reviews from tourists are different, everyone notes the convenience of issuing tickets and prices.
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yes, there are problems, sometimes the air conditioner breaks down, sometimes the transport is not clean enough, there are not enough stops. the road is exhausting, but this can happen on normal trips. another format is a trip on a tourist train, about 80 routes. a tourist train is a hotel on wheels, we depart from one city and return to the same city, and the routes are different, these are both weekend tours, the most popular, and long week-long cruises. for example, this tourist train departs from moscow to elesta, via rostov-on-don. taking into account the road , tourists have two cities in 4 days. excursions in the evening on the road, the downside is that you spend whole days on the road. we always leave the tourist the right to purchase, at his choice, either a railway component, or a complex tourist trip, for example, on the pearl of the caucasus cruise train, you can purchase a tourist program different for one city, because if a person visits five cities and he would like to visit a certain city,
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for example, then there are two design options: in the first we pay immediately for the tour package with meals. excursions, it turns out, in this one everything has already been decided for you, it is not suitable for everyone, in the second - only a train ticket, create a tourist program yourself, but the time to visit cities is limited. marina vakhrasheva, sergey morin, evgeny morenkov, ksenia maklyak, channel one. so, as the summer progresses, the more active an important topic is discussed on social networks: how to lose weight, or at least not gain weight? well, listen, there are sports nutritionists, for example, we have alina lychagina. now everything will tell you, we won’t have any problems with this at all, yes, if anything, we put our palms together, it looks like a bowl, that’s how much you can eat at one time, this is the ideal volume for a healthy stomach, but in most people this organ is stretched to restore his initial size, we reduce the portion, but
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we do it gradually, there is no need to starve, prohibitions only whet the appetite, we select a small plate... so it will be much easier to control the amount of food eaten, it is important that the breakfast is nutritious, one half of the plate is vegetables, we divide the second in half, part for cereal and part for meat or fish, a piece of lard or butter the size of a thumb won’t hurt, if you have a sweet tooth, a maximum of one candy for dessert, first after... this breakfast will make you want to eat more something, this is not a goal, just a habit. now we need to form a new one. this will be easier to do when you start losing weight. after eating we don’t lie down, in a horizontal position the gastric juice goes back into the esophagus, this leads to heartburn, you should also not take a hot bath or shower, the blood flow in
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the arms and legs accelerates, in the stomach area it’s the opposite, as a result , digestion will slow down, although running and i don’t recommend jumping either, so what should i do? do we relax while sitting or do quiet household chores? half an hour, an hour after breakfast you can drink warm tea, or even better, cranberry juice without sugar. the drink stimulates digestion, do you feel like you’ve overeaten? let's go for a walk. slow walking speeds up the digestion of food, but do not tighten the belt or belt too tightly. we select loose clothing that does not interfere with the work of the stomach. be. on the calendar, april 23, today the moscow taganka theater turns 60 years old. well, with all our hearts we congratulate everyone who
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is involved in this holiday, including us, because we are spectators, yes, the famous taganka, the theater of the era, the theater of the legend, and this a completely unique phenomenon, not just a theater, but a part of our history, taganka 60, but even today she is daring, young, looking to the future, if you want a lyafae, go to the cauldron, if you want to see a play. yes, look, first of all, you, the tagan breed, rebels and sarvanians, that is the question. only myths remain in people’s memory from the theater, like the taganka myth, and accordingly lyubimov’s myth will be. the creator and chief director of the taganka theater, yuri lyubimov, born in 1917, brought the revolutionary spirit to his theater, here is the performance.
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this is a rehearsal, until the last metro, which goes badly, then retribution is right there, green, rarely, green - there was jubilation, jubilation, the last interview of yuri lyubimy , memories of taganka actors about the theater of time about people in the documentary yuri lyubimov, man of the century, today on channel one. i calmed down, i went out onto the stage, tuning fork.
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the role is the pinnacle, the role is fate, he was even buried in the costume of hamlet, and the way they said goodbye to vladimir vysotsky is also an irrevocable history of the taganka theater. but he was in a hurry, he wasn’t in a hurry, there was a lot left unfinished, that’s all what he under-resolved. today, the legendary theater celebrates its sixtieth anniversary and still rhymes with youth and the desire to shake the world. on the anniversary day of the taganka stage, a unique concert in search of a genre, the theater’s birthday, on channel one there are documentaries yuri lyubimov, the man of the century and vladimir vysotsky, i walked onto the stage, i catch in
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a distant echo what will happen in my lifetime. ekaterina lepskaya, channel one. tuesday morning continues, right now we are turning the floor over to our colleagues from the channel one information service. it's arrived time to find out. the latest events in the country in the world, by this hour, our morning broadcast will continue to broadcast news, stay with us, hello, the news is on air in the studio sergei tugushev. the baikal-amur mainline largely determines global logistics for the entire 21st century. vladimir putin stated this in the kremlin, where he together with his azerbaijani counterpart ilham. met with veterans, members of construction teams and workers of bam on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the beginning of its construction. it was no exaggeration project of the century, supervised by
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his father in the eighties. the current head of azerbaijan, heydar aliyev. it was under his leadership that the construction of the highway was successfully completed. a value that now cannot be overestimated. thanks to bam, russia turned to the east. our country has received enormous opportunities to expand cargo transportation towards the pacific ocean. in addition , active exploration and development of siberia and the far east also began. vladimir putin specifically drew attention to the support bamovtsev and the development of workers' cities and... villages. the government of the russian federation has already approved plans for the comprehensive socio-economic development of such key cities of bam as tynda, severobaikalsk, neryungori, komsomolskaya namur. we are talking about large-scale renovation and development of their transport infrastructure, housing and communal services, major repairs and construction of schools, hospitals, kindergartens, and sports facilities. and, of course, we will definitely build new modern houses, new housing. generally
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create decent conditions for those who today he lives and works on bama. vladimir putin also recalled that with the support of heydar aliyev, during the years of construction of bam , villages with station complexes were built. he personally visited construction sites and facilities. ilham aliyev also spoke about his father’s involvement in the project. i remember when he returned, he was impressed not only by the scale of construction that the soviets were capable of.
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the soviet state, and today russia and neighboring countries, creating a unique example of infrastructure that will serve the cause for many years, 50 years or more development and regional and international cooperation. on other topics, the russian military destroyed a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces in the avdeevsky direction of the special operation, and discovered the object using a drone. the coordinates were immediately transmitted by the mortar crews, who hit the militants’ fortifications, as well as the electronic warfare station, with precise fire. in the donetsk direction, the positions of our fighters are protected from enemy attacks, including by anti-aircraft gunners. the crews of the strela-10 air defense system are capable of hitting any air targets, be it an airplane, a drone or rocket. the us senate today is expected to discuss a bill to allocate funds to ukraine in the amount of almost
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$61 billion. those that were previously approved. house of representatives, its speaker, as well as many other republicans in congress, blocked this package for several months. they insisted that the white house first address the problem of illegal immigration in the united states. however, the other day the speaker of the lower house, who was one of the main ideologists of the confrontation with the biden administration, nevertheless made concessions the bill was put on the agenda. although the ukrainian media associate this with the fact that all this time washington was waiting for scandals to be accepted in kiev. law on mobilization. before the vote in the senate, joe biden called zelensky, after which he hastened to report on his telegram channel, in his words, the resolved issue of supplying tactical missiles to ukraine, atacoms. at the same time, more and more military experts are drawing disappointing conclusions for the kiev regime. even these supplies will not save the ukrainian armed forces from defeat. and the general of the french army, domenic delavarde, called on ukraine to start negotiating with
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russia now, before it stops. “i think that ukraine, when it decides to negotiate, it will no longer be able to do anything other than agree to negotiations without conditions, that is, the conditions will be set by the winner, russia will be the winner, so russia will put forward its own conditions, it is on russia’s terms that negotiations can take place , in any case, what remains of ukraine will be effectively denazified and demilitarized, and it will be a dysfunctional state, that is, ukraine will no longer be of interest to anyone, it wo n’t even be of interest." and lastly, in the tyumen region, the evacuation of residents of the obadsky district has been announced, this is about 20 thousand people. the level of the ishim river is growing rapidly, but in one place it has not cut off the entrances to four settlements. it is only possible to get there on a boat, a group of rescuers of more than 600 people is working along the entire riverbed. a state of emergency is in effect in the region . meanwhile, in the kurgan region , the flood gradually subsided over the course of the day. the tabola level has decreased by 21 cm.
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it is coming, the reg level is steadily decreasing and new flooding is not expected there. that's all for now, stay with us. channel one will continue to air with the good morning program. good morning to everyone who greets you, this is the day with the first channel, anastasia orlova and timur solovyov are with you. on the calendar, april 23rd, tuesday, very soon, the may long weekend, which means that very soon it will be waiting for us, a fragrant, tender, delicious kebab with a golden brown crust, well, how could we be without it, huh? i decided to calculate the barbecue index for this spring, i collected a minimum set for cooking meat, under the guidance of a professional, of course,
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where would we be without professionals, but the main question on the eve of may is what kind of kebab to choose, a lot of spices, it usually camouflages everything that is and is not possible, or the quality of the meat or.. . consistency, it’s better to take the neck and make the kebab yourself. andrey and olga romanov are sure to cook it themselves and it’s cheaper. marketer nikolai perepelkin will help you calculate: pork kebab from 339 to 453 rubles per kilogram, look at meat without marinade 349 rub. that is, in fact it is the same price. and if the price is the same with and without marinade, is there a catch? it doesn’t mean at all that this product is bad, it’s just that the manufacturer or... decided that they will make money on the turnover of this product, another question, the marinade adds weight , a hint, on the label, in addition to the general one, the weight of the meat is indicated separately, you can calculate everything. meanwhile, olga chose
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a ready-made turkey kebab - 388 rubles. on average, the cost varies from 350 to 590 rubles. per kilogram. total, olga has 582 rubles per package, andrei has 715. this, together with the ingredients for the marinade, took 1.5 kg of meat. in regions, the price tag may differ by 10-30%. for example, in siberia and the volga federal district, products are cheaper, in the far east and the far north they are more expensive. now about the non-edible: lighter fluid from 50 to 250 rubles. but the cheaper it is, the higher the cost. and it consists of diluted and paraffin. there is more paraffin here. wait, yes, that is , accordingly it will burn longer, the price is accordingly in the number of fires, which you can rekindle it later. choose coal from 100 to 400 rubles. depending on weight, by the way, what about it? why is it written in liters on some bags, and in
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kilograms on others? we understand that 2.5 kg looks more than 10 liters, to some extent this is a trick of the manufacturer. now to the barbecues: price range from 99 to 720 rubles. more expensive, stronger, which means it will last longer. remember physics, metals expand when heated, and accordingly, expansion leads to deformation. andrey and olga bought everything for the barbecue for 2,554 rubles. by the way, you can have a barbecue it was not possible to take it if you cook in the park in the barbecue area, and you can also save money if you calculate everything correctly, the standard portion per person is 300-400 g. anna obrosimova, denis panomariov, channel one. many of you right now, many of you will go to work or on business, including on public transport, suddenly someone forgot or left something there, what needs to be done, our experts will tell you, have
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you ever forgotten things in transport, it happened to me, the story is common, look, i have a video from a surveillance camera, here is the passenger stripped off. so he sat down, then his bag got in the way, so he pulled it off too. as a result, the guy got out, the bag remained, then things get even more interesting, another passenger appears and checks what’s in the bag, and then puts it in his backpack, hopefully not in order to pocket it. here's a similar story, a passenger saw it. a forgotten laptop, not at a loss, decided to appropriate it, since the thing seemed to be already his own, however, he had not owned someone else’s laptop for long, the police were hot on his heels and returned the thing to the owner. friends, today in
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cctv cameras are installed on public transport. you should know that misappropriation of found things is at risk... where you can find it in the information desk, the numbers are on the internet, it’s even better not to touch other people’s things at all, you never know what might end up in a forgotten bag? if you are on the metro, contact the driver via emergency communication, there is a button for this in every car, let the metro employees pick up the item themselves, be careful. the flood in russia continues, this is the worst flood in the last 100 years. in the orenburg region the water is receding, but in the kurgan and tyumen
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regions the situation remains difficult, so please be careful, high water is no joke. in the city of ishim, tyumen region, people are strengthening the dam and making sure there are no leaks. there is 24/7 duty there. tyumen region, city of ishim, the dam is growing every day, water is nearby. everyone came out to protect their houses. we are strengthening the fill that we made in advance in preparation for the flood. in order to prevent water washing away from knocking out the wet part of the slope, we strengthen it we put bags there with film for stronger reinforcement. the dam is divided into sections of 500 m, there is a 24-hour watch, local residents, emergency situations ministry employees, and volunteers have already discovered leaks several times. the water presses down on the groundwater, but they worked quickly, the guys arrived, they fixed the leak, everything is fine, we lift it further, we work. ishim also helps other settlements, local students number 160 people each. day they travel to neighboring villages. today they are going to obatskoye, also
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helping with dams, evacuation and accommodation injured. tyumen villages, large and small, are bright, also in the flood zone, saved by natural elevation, but there is water all around. fishery inspectors help locals with groceries and take some people to the store and back. and this is the tobolsk region. lyubov medvedeva's day begins with baking, pies for those who help with the dam. i see them eating with pleasure. this inspires me even more, she bakes it herself, delivers it herself, feeds her, and then stays to help, there is a lot of work, sand in a bag, bags for the dam, hands are always needed, there is someone who just buys water, cups, that is, all this is collected from the world one by one, thank god that tired people, having worked hard, can rest a little like this, help for flood victims does not end there, clean drinking water, what is needed first of all, is brought from different regions of our country, orenburg motorcyclists... got involved from the very beginning of the flood, looked for apartments, looked for houses where
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people would live, well, somehow so small, but to find ways, how can one remain indifferent in such a situation? now they are collecting help from water to clothing, communications with various temporary accommodation centers, delivers humanitarian aid to targeted people, yuliana is a hairdresser by profession, now, of course, she works for free, we talk, psychological support, warm words, as my client recently told me about... the ob river began to overflow its banks, it’s impossible to predict the consequences no one is taken, we remind you that if your house is in a flood zone, do not hesitate, evacuate, take only the most necessary things with you, do not forget about your pets, they also need our help. elizaveta nikishova, anastasia zavidova, elena savina, channel one. this. fashionable verdict on the first channel with you, me, liliya rakh, girls, we’re guessing,
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evelina, fleece leggings, how do we feel about this? yes, what is it? let's quickly get to know our heroine. yes, she's good. you ended your relationship with the sumo coach, i usually talk to men very little. i really don't understand what this girl is doing here. no one ever told me that i am beautiful. let's try, start a new life, how can i walk down the street with this, listen, why do you need this girlfriend, it seems grandpa will get his olympia back, can i hug you, of course, this is all fixable, it’s all bullshit, everyday life, husband, children, when to be a girl, we go on a date in this way, dear mother, well, that’s not me anymore, all together, beauty, the khazhors will have one.
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they join us, there is such fun , not only for the spectators who will then come to the theater, but also for just strangers on the street. these are my slogans, creation! at first i played comedic roles, suddenly i played galileo and hamlet, they ask why you want to play a role, and simply because it was a good role, he would probably be a wonderful king, the premiere, vladimir vysotsky, i walked out
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on the stage as vysotsky broke his chains, lyubimov broke as a director. who was in charge there and you? general halder, and then ydel. i served under the german headquarters. for the centenary of danatos baniones on april 28, on the first. who is it? this is standile, a resident of russian intelligence. it looks like
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there is a new addition to the camp of lush talents, this is az. and nimble guinea pigs ace cheiko and tey. well, on the owner's team, any of the grazunov he can paint an abstract picture like this, do a sword stand, walk a snake cone, throw a ball into a basket, i’m already scared, yes, roll out a yoga mat and much more, but we can’t do that. well, is it any wonder that the successes of guinea pigs were highly appreciated by one and a half million internet users? expand the business and modernize production, enter the international market. after all, this is probably every manufacturer's dream. well, in all this business the national project helps the international cooperation and export. this is a baler that forms bales in the fields. a baler, slitters and high-speed roll packers are only part of the equipment that is produced at one of the machine-building plants in perm. in
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recent years, we have developed several product lines, including agricultural equipment, feed equipment for preparing feed for farms, for large agricultural enterprises. enterprises, these are warehouse equipment, lifting tables, leveling platforms, loading docks for trucks, we just produce everything here products are exported; last year alone , the volume of revenue from the supply of warehouse equipment tripled, all thanks to the international cooperation export national project. lately, we have been focusing on supplies, after all , these are the tracking countries, this is belarus, this is kazakhstan, this is uzbekistan, azerbaijan, and accordingly, this is where we compete with chinese manufacturers. experts from the regional export support center help russian entrepreneurs promote their products, services and develop foreign trade relations, experts tell you how to prepare all the necessary documents and find buyers on the international market. we use collective stands at foreign exhibitions, accordingly, and we again actively
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take advantage of this opportunity, we travel to other countries, get acquainted with dealers, hire representatives, and there are also other tools, for example, export insurance. pens in more than twenty countries around the world , a company producing drones from st. petersburg sold its products and services, this a quadcopter type drone, you can attach a camera here, perform aerial photography, perform thermal imaging from it, as well as geophysical work. over 13 years, the company has produced more than 15,000 drones, they are used in the fields of urban planning, agriculture, geological exploration, for the development of unmanned technologies , the national project unmanned aerial systems. national projects play a certain role for us; we participate in various events. moreover, the geophysical equipment we deal with is has found itself in the world, for example, the african continent is very interested in this type of equipment and service filming.
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we are holding negotiations with many more countries. to get help in foreign trade , go to the my export digital platform. today it has more than 30,000 users. 370 thousand services have already been provided to businesses, you can choose the one you need in the catalog, 125 types are available. marina vakhursheva, channel one. on the calendar, on april 23, jews congratulate each other on the traditional holiday of passover. he started last night and will last until the evening of the 30th. our next report is about the history, symbols and traditions of this ancient holiday. this is for grandparents. matzo is a symbol of the jewish passover. according to legend, the jews took dry unleavened thin flatbreads with them when
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they left egypt. the egyptians told them to hurry up, leave, but what about you? we didn’t even have time to wait for the dough to rise. notza is a symbol of modesty, but it is also a symbol of a person who trusts god. for the jewish people, passover is one of the most important holidays. 3300 years ago. approximately our people came out of egypt, were there in slavery for more than 200 years, miraculously came out, then walked through the red sea, wandered in the desert for 40 years, this is the celebration of the birth of the jewish people. at the moscow jewish community center, young people are introduced to this history and told about traditions. the celebration of doggie itself is quite clearly regulated, there is a large meal with special attention to the products, a special degree of kosher, no leavened flour dishes, then we just sit and communicate without mobile phones, without
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some kind of bustle, three stars have appeared in the sky, you can sit down at the table, a festive meal, seder sand always begins with prayer, after that you can take glasses of drinks, red wine or grape juice, fill them four times, our sages explain what it is four different degrees of release. that is, the jews, leaving egypt, had to come out of their spiritual egypt, the arab view of life, the arab worldview, in the center of the table is kiara, everything that lies on her has a special meaning, grated apples or the nuts symbolize the clay that the jews kneaded in egypt. grinded horseradish root is wrapped in greens and eaten after reading the easter prayer; onions or potatoes are dipped in salt water. the salty water symbolizes the tears that were shed.
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not a single game segment of the russian football championship is complete without unexpected endings and spectacular goals, and the twenty-fifth round was no exception, which was decorated with a fantastic ending to the match in kaliningrad, when baltic midfielder dmitry rybchinsky, who came on as a substitute, hit a cool volley brought by his...
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igor akinfeev, because the army team is waiting for a meeting with the most important opponent, spartak. the red-whites, in turn, are on an emotional high after a major away victory over rostov 5:1. the spartak team was jesus medina, he scored a goal and gave an assist. the first of the paraguayan's two goals came from outside
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the penalty area after a terrible mistake by rossovyan goalkeeper sergei pesyakov. dynamo also managed to please its fans with a crushing victory. the blue and white team took over the paris nizhny novgorod club on the road. with a score of 4:1. he probably scored the most beautiful goal in this meeting. maintained a four-point lead over its closest pursuer krasnodar.
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a multi-part film on martial law continues on channel one. great war movie. the story continues: military lawyer svetlana elagina and her colleagues, as well as military friends, face a dangerous and complicated investigation. they must figure out, by the way, the traitor. in general, don’t miss it today, right after the program. your husband ivan rokotov, but forgive me, you said rokotov? yes, a military man came to the boss, his last name was rokotov. svetlana elagina hurries to meet her husband, but comes under fire. they save her and hide her from the german. in the underground, how can i get to my people now? as soon as i feel better, i will leave immediately. the whole story of the film's heroes, according to the laws of war, is a series of meetings and partings, risk and desperate courage. women's intuition unmistakably allows military lawyer svetlana elagina to distinguish truth from lies. during filming, actress ekaterina klimova learned to understand her character perfectly.
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i don't see this difference anymore. where am i, where am i a.
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i apologize, but it’s possible somehow in a human way, grigory ivanovich is kind, well, svetlana can always rely on the devoted foreman fedorenko, their friendship has been tested by the war. i treat her, at first with humor, in the first episodes, the investigator, and i make fun of her. and then i change the relationship, change it, and then i just take care of her like a father, he’s such a sanchapanza for svetlana petrovna, everything will be fine, we’re expecting you, let’s go already, exciting plot twists, incredible events, amazing destinies, continuation of the drama according to the laws of war today on channel one, how come i didn’t recognize you right away,
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joseph kobrin, channel one. tuesday morning continues, right now we are turning the floor over to our colleagues from the channel one information service. it's time to learn about the latest events in the country in the world by this hour. our morning broadcast will continue to broadcast news. stay with us. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. russia intends to accelerate the modernization of the baikal-amur mainline and transip, which is of great importance for strengthening our country's connectivity, as well as for political and economic sovereignty. this was stated by vladimir putin in the kremlin, where, together with his azerbaijani counterpart ilham aliyev, he met with veterans, members of construction teams and workers of bam on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the beginning of its construction. it was, without exaggeration
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, the project of the century, which was supervised in the eighties. father of the current head of azerbaijan, heydar aliyev. it was under his leadership that it was then possible to successfully bring to completion of the construction of the highway, the importance of which now cannot be overestimated, including for the current russian-azerbaijani cooperation within the framework of the development of the north-south transport corridor. it will connect the northern sea route with the persian gulf, thanks to which, vladimir putin noted, russia is ready to offer its partners access to the fast-growing markets of the asia-pacific region. many colleagues contact me so that we can use or provide them with the opportunity to export their cargo along these highways. we we invite all interested states to participate in this project, just like bam, which became a truly all-union construction project, was called upon to serve the interests of all the republics of the union. the north-south transport corridor should become an example of the broadest international
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cooperation. it's about formation. new logistics routes for the purpose of accelerated economic and social development of the countries of eurasia and the global south. shippers' needs. with the help of unguided aircraft missiles, and then performed a deceptive maneuver and released heat traps that distracted ukrainian
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air defense systems. our tankers, the crew of the t-80, successfully completed the combat mission and destroyed camouflaged positions, military equipment and infantry in the ssu. the kiev regime prohibited its foreign consulates from providing services to conscript ukrainians. men from 18 to 60 years old, according to meade’s published order. the exception is the preparation of documents in order to return to ukraine; for example, applying for a foreign passport will no longer work. thus, kyiv intends to put citizens ukraine into an even stricter framework against the backdrop of the adoption of the scandalous law on mobilization. local media, by the way, points out that without him the house of representatives of the us congress would never have brought the bill to a vote.
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its participants oppose moldova’s entry into the eu for the republic’s participation in all processes in the cis, including entry into the eurasian economic union. in the tyumen region, the evacuation of residents of the obaskva district has been announced; this is about 20 thousand people. the level of the ishim river is rapidly growing. the flood cut off access to four settlements.
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it is only possible to get there by boat. a group of rescuers of more than 600 people is working along the entire riverbed. meanwhile, in the kurgan region , the flood gradually began to decline. over the course of the day , the tabul level dropped by 21 cm, but is still significantly above the dangerous level. about 6,000 houses remain flooded. in the orenburg region, according to the authorities, the flooding is finally receding, the oreg level is steadily decreasing, and there are no new floods they don't expect it there. much more serious consequences of the flood are predicted in china, in the province of guangdu, one of the main economic centers of the country, the worst floods in half a century. at least four people were killed and 10 are still missing. more than eighty were evacuated from dangerous areas. more than a million houses were left without electricity, entire cities were flooded. another emergency with a booing 737 aircraft,
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this time at johannesburg airport in yore. during takeoff, the plane lost a wheel. in as a result, the flight heading to cape town was forced to return to the airport. the landing was successful and no one was injured. recently from boeing. podshevalovo brides came to get water on their wedding day; the locals believed that the marriage would be happy if you carried the buckets home without dancing. whether it helped, history is silent, but
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every resident will confirm that the water from this spring is special, it is very useful for joint diseases, say, for headaches, that’s why the spring is treated with care, every spring the whole village cleans it, our kids. schoolchildren walk around, look after them, they’ve made stairs, it’s much more convenient now to go down and up here, the residents of the ossetian village of aksarisar take care of theirs.
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there are four springs here, it has different composition, different properties, water, different chemical composition, one spring we have for healing the eyes, the second spring we have for healing the stomach, the third spring we have is for the musculoskeletal system, one problem is that they quickly silt up, without no motor pumps, this year the most famous springs of the krasnodar region decided to unite.
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now there is a full-fledged stream flowing. it was first decided to improve the spring near the village of malinovka in the leningrad region in 2007. they built a small chapel with a font. 7 years later there was a fire that destroyed all the buildings, but volunteers restored the spring. at the initial stage, we had nothing but an idea, essentially, and faith in its execution. the work was divided into several stages: cleaning, tidying up the place, after erecting the frame, cladding. to the source illuminated in honor of the holy noble prince alexander at least 300 people come to nevsky every day. there are plans to update the drainage system and install benches so that as many people as possible can come to the source of clean water. marina glushenkova, liliya lobkova, lyudmila kalieva, mikhail ilkevich - channel one. the international exhibition forum russia continues its work at vdnkh in moscow. if you haven't been there yet, be sure to come, come.
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stock up on new, vivid impressions, we were with timur more than once, yes, and if you, by the way, have already been, it’s all the same come, because something interesting and new happens here every day, well, where else can you create a dolphin with a white tail, and go in search of minerals or, for example, try on the role of a doctor, so you try it, a shock to restore the right rhythm hearts, like this, a master class from a six-year-old faith, everyone can try themselves as a doctor at the exhibition: russia in the pavilion in the service of health. interesting for adults, this week there are lectures on working in intensive care units, vaccinations, genetic passport, today about posture. how to choose the right insoles, how to choose the right shoes, what exercises to do so that we can carry ourselves proudly and not worry about a sore back. prevention - at least throw the ball into the hoop, like the train electrician denis. we met him at the sports for everyone pavilion. this is a memory of school. by the way, in the new school year.
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golf may appear as an elective in schools, the rules of the game will be discussed at the exhibition, and they will also talk about the most athletic dogs from the federation of sports applied dog breeding. love fantasize the nature grad pavilion? i am drawing a dolphin, its tail will be white, and it will be so blue. this is the case when a coloring book comes to life on the screen. for fans of interactivity - searching for minerals. continued conservation of russian forests.
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isn’t this beauty, unique decorations for the table, doors that can be hung, well, of course, what is an easter table without a tablecloth, this is yelets lace, or for example, look at what wonderful baskets the leningrad region has prepared, there is a device for eggs, then everything is thought out to details, more details about what to see and where on the russian exhibition website. former athlete and president of the international olympic committee thomas bach, the position of not
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allowing russian and belarusian athletes to participate in international games and competitions remains unchanged. starting at the age of 16, he launched a doping theme, launching a campaign of hatred, it is necessary. completely ignore anyone who has a russian passport. a mandatory element of any doll is the presence of incriminating evidence. mr. bach was involved in paying bribes. we will help you we’ll give you money, you’ll give us a tv broadcast for it. they have soiled themselves from the point of view of gender, they are an instrument of exclusively political influence. this man works for the bnd. this is german foreign intelligence, he fell for the bait of our pranksters and chatted a lot. now they are trying to fight back against games of friendship. thomas bach and the closing ceremony of the olympic games. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one.
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rum. castro, a product of stellor group. "we are investigating a criminal offense, we urgently need the files of these people. grigory ivanovich, where are you going, with you? where is he? here, yegor, was always nearby, never
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went anywhere, didn’t try to talk to anyone, so that you wouldn’t see it, suspect yegor of something, according to the laws of war." the story continues, watch the time after the program, for the sixtieth anniversary of the theater at the taganka, i saw him when i was playing some sailor there, he was sitting in the box, on the left, suddenly he said, please give me some norzada, everyone was running here, there was no narzano on the arbat, there is no system, stanislavsky , this is all nonsense, there is a method. everything is the work of a great master. i stood against the wall, but with a real fodar. it was my military man, yeah, there were green, white, red ones. the artists knew that red was a rehearsal until
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the last metro. why can’t you calmly sit on your hip, and now it’s hard for me to run out, train you, and me. in general, they kicked me out three times, or even four. i walk into my office in the morning, someone is sitting next to me, drinking beer, and i, uh, that’s it, finish with you, why are you coming? i say, first of all, please get out of here. yuri lyubimov, man of the century, today on the first. on april 23 , the moscow taganka theater turns 60 years old. in honor of this. event today at the theater there will be an evening in search of a genre , the theater’s birthday, our guest is the director of the moscow taganka theater, honored artist of russia irina apeksimova. good morning, congratulations to you, irina, good morning, good morning, very nice, thank you for being with us this morning, thank you, thank you for inviting me,
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well, the taganka theater in the seventies was considered the most free avant-garde, so when was your first meeting with this theater? my meeting with this theater took place in 2015, when i... became, when i was appointed director of this theater, on this day, no, i'm lying, of course, i was in this theater once in 1985, i watched the legendary performance a kind person from sizuan, being a first-year student, but in general that’s all, that’s how fate brought me to this taganka theater as a director, and i know that the theater has a great connection with poetry, and this evening will not be an exception, it will just be completely built in verse, that's right, yes, that's absolutely true, because everyone knows. was called in search of a genre in which vladimir semyonovich vysotsky would speak, this time,
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since our life is very fast, it goes very quickly, it turns out that we have moved a little away from poetry, let’s say, not only us, but all people, spectators, and we decided to still try to bring poetry back to the stage of the taganka theater for the anniversary, and in the fall we announced a competition for young poets, a competition called in search of a genre, just like that...
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danchenko once said that a theater can be called a living theater if it is in tune with the era in which people live, and i think that in the traditions of the taganki theater there is a conversation with the audience in absolutely today’s language, so we try and select the repertoire, directors, and actors are such that they can speak to the audience today, in today’s language, about today’s topics, and raise today’s questions.
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how every living person had different periods, periods of ups, periods of downs, but the theater always tried to be alive precisely such kind of solid theatres, in the theater today, not a museum, not turning into a museum, but remaining alive, this is the main result, i think, over these 60 years, but the breakthrough and the avant-garde still remains a tradition of the theater, but what about without it, without a breakthrough, without avant-garde, without provocation, without this it is impossible. are you always in the audience at the premiere? at the premiere, i always stand at the director’s console and watch
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from there, because it’s not my nervous system to sit in the hall, it’s hard, yes, it’s possible to sit in the hall during rehearsals, watch something there, yes, when there’s a premiere, i’m very worried, and it’s much harder than going on stage at the premiere, because on stage you can put your strength somewhere in the right direction, but standing to watch a performance is torture. but i always stand and look, dreams, which means you are not going to share, then please, wishes to the taganka theater, perhaps to the taganka theater, i can wish to be alive, alive only, alive only to the end, thank you very much, let it be so, our guest was irina apeksimova, honored artist of russia, director of the taganki theater. today april 23, if anyone didn’t know, is world table tennis day, as best you can, i can do it a little, i can, yes, i too, i’m absolutely sure, table tennis deserves to have its day. we support, well, firstly, it ’s fun in the sense, well, it’s a sport and a day, secondly, it perfectly develops all muscle groups,
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thirdly, and if you try hard, you can master a lot of all sorts of tricks to surprise everyone, and most importantly you can play tennis anywhere, it’s very convenient, the pipe factory in the sverdlovsk region, after work at the table, right here every day they train hard, play table tennis, they play all evening after work, free time from work, and reveal. such a winner of the tour of this day, and this is not just a hobby, they participate in competitions, in the top ten team, there were 26 teams, we went in march, took seventh place. anatoly additionally studies in a circle outside of work, improves his skills, and is ahead of the competition among 50 enterprises throughout the region. tatiana played table tennis as a teenager, got a job here, and returned to the sport. for me now tennis is a good time for spending time with sports colleagues. lifestyle. table tennis is more serious than volleyball in terms of load, the average pace of play is up to 120 beats
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per minute. maxim grebenev can do more. he is a master of sports. attacking tactics, confusing techniques, for example, like this. at europe in 2121, i hit it twice with a german behind my back like that, after that he swam and i won two sets, he can even hit it through his leg and maneuver the ball like a magnetized one. here's the trick i'm telling you now i’m showing you, it’s called for feeling the ball, you need it to roll from rubber to rubber. during the tournament, maxim and any table tennis player can run from 4 to 7 km, as you understand, here and... here on the vascular system, plus ophthalmologists will thank you, ping-pong improves vision. maxim constantly complicates his tasks, for example, getting a ball into a sleeve because of the tape. even masters of sports sometimes need such frivolous, but challenging tasks. could maxim play by ear? bogdan is disabled visually, he loves table tennis, and this is
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a special subtype of the game - shakedown, a kind of symbiosis with air hockey. speed. the player hits the ball very fast and it happens that you can’t even hear it, that is, it rolls, but you don’t hear it, because the speed is very high, although the ball with the filler is heavy, this is how you can cheat, hit the ball on the sides, for each player your own tricks and your own style of play, the main thing is to keep the ball out of the pocket, in this table tennis the task is to score goals, mariyanovagumanov, channel one. for a moment of inspiration, including culinary inspiration, here maria surova agrees with me, today she decided to make a salad with fried cheese and peach, and if you have never fried cheese, look at maria surova, today we will fry cheese with her, kholume, by the way, is very tasty, i tried it, at the same time let's experiment with suluguni, i haven't done this yet, i really want summer, it's so easy
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to arrange it in the kitchen, prepare a salad with fried cheese and peaches, how... to fry halloume cheese correctly? firstly, i don’t cut it, i’ll fry it just like that, without rolling it in flour or starch. i heat up a frying pan with vegetable oil and spread the cheese. secondly, i reduce the heat, otherwise the cholomi on top will quickly fry and the inside will not become soft. i turn it over several times and fry it. now you can cut it into pieces. and if i don’t have kholumi on hand, i’ll try to fry sulu. here it’s the other way around, i cut it into thick pieces and roll it in flour. the recipe says to fry for half a minute, no more. i turn it over, oh-oh, it melts so quickly, i need to put it out quickly. yes, nothing worked out. by the time you turn one piece over, the others have already melted. what what to do? i'll try to fry one
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piece at a time. flour into oil, fry on very high. not 15 seconds and turn it over, another 15 seconds, lay it out, it didn’t work the first time, but the experiment was a success, all that remains is to assemble the salad, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes and peaches go very well with arugula and cheese, canned in spring and fresh in summer, this is one of my favorite combinations in a salad: cheese with fruits and herbs, add arugula, fried halloumi and suluguni cheese, cherry tomatoes. and peaches, and you can decorate with any nuts, for example, chopped almonds, very quick salad, just 7 minutes, less time in the kitchen, getting ready for summer, probably all of you have noticed that
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the main show about fashion, style, transformation and women's destinies has returned to the air on channel one, a fashion verdict, but now in... format male and female versions of the program are aired in turn, new leading judges, but also the permanent evelina khropchenko, running away from the controllers, having previously removed and held, unsuccessfully jumped from the platform into the train, just crazy, empress, i want to change, i want to try something new, i want to see myself another, do you still want polina to come in and demolish everything in her path like vandam in a jump, or still let there be bars. amazing women amazing stories: the girl is beautiful, smart, bright, brave, red leopard, but i just have questions, this is how you use, for example, this length, what do you do with it? you won’t believe it, but in my case this is top, you’re great! fireworks of emotions among presenters,
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participants, and spectators! lyudmila, the perfect special agent, you have changed beyond recognition, okay! it's great that there was a classic here, evelina will teach you extravagance, breaking the rules, standing out from the crowd, being fashionable, choosing stylish looks on your own. the more wonderfully dressed a person is in the opinion of the grandmother on the bench, the more interesting their image is for designers. fashion tips: which jeans are trendy this season? choose the best models that look as if you stole them from such a rather corpulent guy, you can even tie them to yourself with a belt, or a man’s belt, or with a construction cord, it will be especially fashionable, evelina will teach you how to mix. modern things with mom's skirt, dad's jacket and grandfather's jacket. fashion is regularly inspired by its past, a thing never ceases to be relevant
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for your wardrobe if it fits you well, is well preserved, suits you and finally explain to men why we ladies go shopping? yes, we need this, we need a new dress, we need this new dress more often than once every 20 years, we need it vitally, it’s absolutely vital. for health you need, for the first time in the history of fashion, two versions of the program: men's, responsible for it judge alexander rogov. first question: what kind of chips do you like, what flavor? of course, with salt. and the female version, melirah, will find an approach to every participant. but she is such an extravagant girl, she also loves fashion, look, she has a ping, the program is not only about fashion, but about destinies. i feel uncomfortable in relationships. specifically, in themselves, share myself with someone, i can’t, with someone else, no matter how good he may be, fashionable verdict, new release today, amazing transformations await us, i love you, i
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went to work, maria bronzova, victoria oblenskaya, channel one. tuesday morning continues, right now we are turning the floor over to our colleagues from the channel one information service. the time has come to learn about the latest events in the country in the world; by this hour, our morning broadcast will continue to broadcast news. stay with us, hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. the baikal-amur mainline largely determines global logistics for the entire 20th century. this was stated by vladimir putin in the kremlin, where, together with his azerbaijani counterpart ilham aliyev met with veterans, members of construction teams and workers. both on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the beginning of its construction, it was, without exaggeration , the project of the century, supervised by the eightieth father of the current head of azerbaijan, heydar
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aliyev. it was under his leadership that it was then possible to successfully complete the construction of the highway, an importance that now cannot be overestimated. thanks to bam , russia turned to the east. our country has received enormous opportunities to expand cargo transportation towards pacific ocean. besides. active exploration and development of siberia and the far east also began. vladimir putin specifically drew attention to the support of the bamovites and the development of working-class towns and villages. the government of the russian federation has already approved plans for the comprehensive socio-economic development of such key cities of bama as tynda, severobaikalsk, neryungri, komsomolsk-on -amur. we are talking about large-scale renovation and development of their transport infrastructure, housing and communal services, capital...
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who lives and works on bama today. also in general, to create decent conditions for those, vladimir putin recalled that with the support of heydar aliyev, during the years of construction of the bam , villages with station complexes were built. he personally dedicated construction sites and facilities, and ilham aliyev also spoke about his father’s involvement in the project. what the soviet state is capable of, but first of all , the dedication of the bamovites, who in the most difficult conditions, sometimes permafrost and impassable forests, impassable roads, risking their lives, one might say, every day.
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on other topics, the russian military destroyed a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces in the ovdeevsky direction of the special operation, discovered the object using a drone, the coordinates were immediately transmitted to the mortar crews, they could definitely... hit the militants’ fortification, as well as an electronic warfare station. in the donetsk direction, the positions of our fighters are also protected from enemy attacks by anti-aircraft gunners. the crews of the strela-10 air defense system are capable of hitting any air targets, be it an airplane, a drone or a missile. the us senate today is expected to discuss a bill to allocate funds to ukraine in the amount of almost $61 billion, those that were previously approved by the house of representatives. her speaker is like many
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others. republicans in congress blocked the package for months. they insisted that the white house first address the problem of illegal immigration in the united states. however, the other day the speaker of the lower house, who was one of the main ideologists of the confrontation with the biden administration, still made concessions . the bill was put on the agenda, although the ukrainian media attribute this to the fact that everything during this time, washington was waiting for the scandalous law on mobilization to be adopted in kiev. before voting. at the same time, more and more military experts are drawing disappointing conclusions for the kiev regime, even these supplies will not save the armed forces of ukraine from defeat, and general of the french army, dominique dilovard, called on ukraine to start negotiating with russia now, before it is too late.
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i think that when ukraine decides to negotiate, it will no longer be able to do anything other than agree to negotiations without conditions, that is, the conditions will be set by the winner russia will be the winner, so russia will put forward its own conditions, it is on russia’s terms that negotiations can take place, in any case, what remains of ukraine will be effectively denazified and demilitarized, and it will be a dysfunctional state, that is, ukraine will no longer interest anyone, it will not even the european union is interested. and last. in the tyumen region, the evacuation of residents of the obadsky district has been announced, this is about 20 thousand people, the level of the river and shim is growing rapidly, the flood has cut off access to four settlements. it is only possible to get there by boat. a rescue team of more than 600 people is working along the entire riverbed. there is a state of emergency in the region. meanwhile, in the kurgan region, the flood gradually began to decline. over the past 24 hours, the tabol level has decreased by 21 cm, but is still significantly above the dangerous level.
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about 600 houses remain flooded; rescuers continue to monitor the situation using a drone. in the orenburg region, according to the authorities, the flood is finally receding, river levels are steadily declining and no new flooding is expected there. that's all for now, stay with us. channel one will continue to air with the good morning program. on the calendar, april 23, today the moscow taganka theater turns 60 years old. well, with all our hearts we congratulate everyone.
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lead me, lead me to him, i want to see this man. his roles, unique chronicles, interviews, are carefully collected in the film vladimir.
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i haven't decided yet. today, the legendary theater celebrates its sixtieth anniversary and still rhymes with youth and the desire to shake the world. on the anniversary day, the taganka stage is unique a concert in search of a genre, the theater's birthday, on channel one , documentaries yuri lyubimy, the man of the century and vladimir vysotsky. i walked out on the stage. i catch distant echoes of what will happen in my lifetime. ekaterina lepskaya - channel one. good morning to everyone who greets you, this is the day with the first channel, anastasia orlova and timur solovyov are with you. on the calendar, april 23rd, tuesday, very soon, the may long weekend, which means that very soon it will be waiting for us, a fragrant, tender, with a ruddy, appetizing
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crust, kebab, well, what would we do without it, and you whichever one you like, i like it, here’s chicken, i make it, i soak it in apple juice and mineral water, and you, i’m pork neck, timur loves everything, i decided to calculate the kebab index for this spring on brosimova, i collected it. 9 to 453 rubles per kilogram, look at meat without marinade, 349 rubles. that is, in fact, it is the same price, and if the price is the same with and without marinade, is there a catch? it doesn’t mean at all that this product is bad, it’s just that
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the manufacturer or seller decided that they would make money from the turnover of this product. another question, marinade adds weight, hint on the label, in addition to the general weight, the weight of the meat is indicated separately. everything can be calculated. meanwhile, olga chose a ready-made turkey kebab for rub 388. on average , the cost varies from 350 to 590 rubles. per kilogram. olga has a total of 582 rubles per package of andrei 715. this is together with the ingredients for the marinade. we took 1.5 kg of meat. in regions, the price tag may differ by 10-30%. for example, in siberia and the volga federal district the product. and cheaper, in the far east and far north it is more expensive. now about the inedible, lighter fluid from 50 to 250 rub. but the cheaper it is, the higher the cost. and it consists of diluted and paraffin.
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here the paraffin is thicker, yes, that is , accordingly, it will burn longer. the price, accordingly, is in the number of fires that you can then light. we choose coal from 100 to 400 rubles. depending on weight. by the way, about him? why is it written in liters on some bags, and in kilograms on others? we understand that 2.5 kg looks more than 10 liters. to some extent, this is the manufacturer's trick. now to the barbecue. price range from 99 to 720 rubles. more expensive, stronger, which means it will last longer. remember physics, metals expand when heated. accordingly, expansion leads to deformation. we bought everything for the barbecue for 2,554 rubles. by the way, you didn’t have to take a barbecue if you were cooking in the park in the barbecue area, and you could also save money if you calculated everything correctly, the standard portion per person is 300-400 g. anna obrosimu, denis panomariov,
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channel one. the may holidays are a great reason to go on a short trip, and behind them, well, in fact, after these , the summer vacation season starts, many are probably already thinking about how and where to relax, here it will help everyone... and a single ticket, a very interesting, convenient thing, by the way, will go on vacation to the mountains , to the sea or the baltic coast, you can use a single ticket, they are already on sale, a term ticket is used when planning multimodal transportation, multimodal transportation or combined is transportation using several modes of transport, for example, train plus plane or train plus bus. a single ticket works like this: select the place of departure and arrival point, and the service selects tickets for different types of transport and forms them into a single, what is important - registration. the main thing that a tourist must do is to install it. that the point of departure, where he is coming from, the destination
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, where he is going, is not a transfer point, just a destination point, anna klimova and her daughters are going to gagra at the end of may, they plan the trip from voronezh, this is their point of departure, arrival abkhazia, it’s convenient there right away and benefits for children younger children, and it’s expensive to take a taxi across the border right away; there’s a long wait; in addition to abkhazia, the top five summer routes include the north caucasus, shregezh, and sochi. and kaliningrad, 46 destinations in total. all carriers have a license; organizers meet you at the airport at train stations and escort you to the buses. but here ’s a nuance: the time between transfers is minimal, it is important not to linger anywhere. bus departures directly from the railway station or airport take no more than 20-30 minutes. reviews tourists are different, everyone notes the convenience of issuing tickets and prices. yes, there are problems, sometimes the air conditioner breaks down, sometimes the transport is not clean enough. the road is exhausting, but this can
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happen on normal trips. another format is a trip on a tourist train, about 80 routes. a tourist train is a hotel on wheels, we depart from one city and return to the same city, and the routes are different, these are both weekend tours, the most popular, and long week-long cruises. for example, this tourist train departs from moscow to elesta, via rostov-on-don. taking into account the road, tourists have two cities in 4 days. excursion during the day, on the road in the evening, the downside is spending whole days on the road. we always leave the tourist the right to purchase, at his choice, either a railway component or a complex tourist trip, for example, on the pearl of the caucasus cruise train, you can purchase a different tourist program for one city, because if a person visits five cities and he would like a certain city visit, for example, that is, there are two design options: in the first we pay for the tour package immediately.
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russia and divided the performers into friends and foes, former music producer and now agent mikhail kozarev. there are artists who, as we call it, ziganuli, and there are artists who would commit suicide to express their anti-war views. mish, well, you probably need to get better, every night. i return to what could have been done differently, i am doomed
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to live with this until the end of my days, a broken, depressed, absolutely devastated person, i have never seen him like this, bedinsky is obsessed with roulette and other gambling games, my income is meager, i actually get by on what my friends give me, god, how i feel sorry for him on the one hand, on the other hand, what pathetic guys you are, i’m trying to... .next . first in the city of dargate, to
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understand the essence of the matter we need to know only the sign of the pharmaceutical center, the german war criminal, dr. hass, is finishing work on a new psychochemical weapon, rh gas. secondly, our intelligence officer ladeinikov is involved in the hass case. to the centenary of danatas banionisa, low season, april 28, on the first. there is still an opportunity to make a choice, i have already chosen everything for myself. the flood in russia continues, this is the worst flood in the last 100 years. in the orenburg region , the water is receding, but in the kurgan and tyumen regions the situation remains difficult, so please be careful, high water is no joke. in the city of ishim, tyumen region, people are strengthening the dam and making sure there are no leaks. there is a 24-hour watch there. region, ishim city, dam it grows every day, the water is nearby,
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everyone came out to protect their houses, we are strengthening the backfill that we made in advance, in preparation for the flood, in order to catch it. the water did not dislodge the wet part of the slope, we strengthen it with film and put bags there for more dense reinforcement. the dam is divided into sections of 500 m. there is a 24-hour watch, local residents, emergency situations ministry employees, volunteers have already discovered leaks several times, the water is pressing down the groundwater, but they worked quickly, the guys arrived, fixed the leak, everything is fine, let’s move on and work. ishim also helps other settlements; 160 local students go to the neighboring one every day. and villages, today they are going to obatskoye, also helping with dams, evacuation and accommodation of victims. the tyumen villages of big and small erki, also in the flood zone, are saved by the natural elevation, but there is water all around. fishery inspectors help locals with groceries and take some people to the store and back. and this is the tobolsk region. lyubov
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medvedeva's day begins with baking, pies for those who help with the dam. i see them eating with pleasure and it inspires me. even more, she bakes it herself, delivers it herself, feeds her, and then stays to help, there’s a lot of work, sand in a bag, bags for the dam, hands are always needed, there are people who just buy water, cups, that is, all this is collected from the world one by one, thank god that tired people, having worked hard, can rest a little like this, help for flood victims does not end there, clean drinking water - what is needed first of all is brought from different regions of our country, orenburg motorcyclists got involved from the very beginning of the flood, looked for apartments, looked for houses where people would live, well, somehow so small, but they found ways, how can you remain indifferent to such a situation? now they are collecting help from water to clothing, contacts with various temporary accommodation centers, delivering humanitarian aid to targeted people, yulianna is a hairdresser by profession, now, of course,
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she works for free, we are talking about psychological support, warm words, as my client recently told me about my wishes, your kind words are now the best support, well, we will help as much as we can. the fight against the flood continues, the ob river has also begun to overflow its banks, and no one can predict the consequences. we remind you that if your home is in a flood zone, do not hesitate, evacuate, take only the most necessary things with you, do not forget about your pets, they also need our help. elizaveta nikishova, anastasia zavidova, elena savina, channel one. that's a lot right now. many of you will go to work or on business, including public transport, suddenly someone forgot or left something there, what needs to be done, our experts will tell you, have you ever forgotten things in transport, it happened to me, the story is common, look, i
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have a video with a surveillance camera, here is the passenger , took off his backpack, sat down, then... his bag was in the way, so he pulled it off too. as a result, the guy got out, the bag remained, then things get even more interesting, another passenger appears and checks what’s in the bag, and then puts it in his backpack, hopefully not in order to pocket it. here's a similar story. the passenger saw the forgotten laptop and was not taken aback. decided to appropriate it, since the thing seemed to already be his own, however, he had not owned someone else’s laptop for long, the police were hot on his heels and returned the thing to the owner. friends, today
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there are cctv cameras installed in public transport, you should know that misappropriation of found items can lead to a criminal case under the article of theft. so if you find something, i highly recommend contacting the station attendant or public transport driver, everything is lost bags end up in a warehouse of forgotten things, where you can find it in the help desk, the numbers are on the internet, even better, don’t touch other people’s things at all, you never know what could end up in a forgotten bag? if you are on the subway, contact the drivers via emergency line, there is a button for this in every car, let them take the item from...
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bulldogs, pugs and shar-peis have many folds in their skin, and crumb dust accumulates in them. i do not recommend removing dirt with antiseptics. such means. dry the skin, cause irritation and provoke inflammation. i i'll show you how to care for your pet correctly. i lift the fold and wipe the skin with a clean, damp towel. now i prepare the cleaning solution. mix a drop of dog coat conditioner with warm water. 50 ml will be enough. i wet a clean cloth with the solution and wipe the folds. after this, i blot the skin with paper napkins. another important point:
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short-haired dogs shed little by little, but all year round, so it is important to brush them regularly. i use a silicone brush. it does not injure delicate skin and at the same time it removes faded fur well. i start with the paws. i'm going up. the movements are short. confident, but there is no need to press, otherwise it will be unpleasant for the dog, i move the brush along the back, treat the front paws, lastly comb the head, pay special attention to the chin, ears, jowls, in these places the dog sheds especially often, perform grooming procedures once a week, and your dog will be clean, well-groomed,
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ready to meet her husband, but comes under fire, she is rescued and hidden from the germans by underground fighters, how can she now get to her people? how as soon as i feel better, i’ll leave right away. the whole story of the film's heroes, according to the laws of war, is a series of meetings and partings, risk and desperate courage. women's intuition unmistakably allows military lawyer svetlana elagina to distinguish truth from lies. during filming, actress ekaterina klimova learned to understand her character perfectly. i no longer see this difference, where i am, where she is, all this is not typical for me in life, when,
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of course, you put on all this mania, your back straightens, your voice becomes somehow lower, terse. in rostov, saboteurs are operating, murders and robberies are being committed, someone betrayed the underground fighters who were hiding svetlana, elagina must find a traitor in the traitor’s detachment, everyone in the detachment in the city is in danger, yegor shilov, her friend. childhood, and now a boss, he has a lot of experience in investigations, but he doesn’t always notice important details, and what are these satin ribbons, the war raised everyone in its own way, but he’s not mean in any way, even if he still has some -it’s an insult, then in any case he won’t have it develop and somehow use against against lager, they are comfortable working together, they understand that there are few such specialists. yes, so rivalry is of course, yes, but rather it’s more of a kind of game. your methods are strange, comrade military lawyer,
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shift your responsibilities for conducting investigative activities to the driver. i 'm sorry, but it's possible somehow in a human way. grigor ivanovich is kind to us. well, svetlana can always rely on the devoted foreman fedorenko, their friendship has been tested by the war. i treat her, at first with humor in first episodes, how come i didn’t recognize you right away? ekaterina lepskaya, svetlana neimani, sasya ratkevich, joseph kobrin, channel one. well, our
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program has come to an end, we say goodbye to you, wish you good morning and a good day. yes, we say goodbye, your day is just beginning. bye. hello, news time!
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and azerbaijan with the builders of bam. too much iron, electronics and pr, a captured leopard tank, our experts are studying in detail, what are the disadvantages of the supposedly invulnerable german predators, which are one of others become trophies of russian fighters. sops that will not change the situation on the battlefield. the us and britain promised new packages of military aid to ukraine, a statement from a french general about possible peace negotiations. on russian terms, they will only help you return to your homeland, apparently in order to send you to the front; ukrainians of military age can no longer use consular services abroad. wave for...


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