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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 23, 2024 3:35am-4:21am MSK

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women who are called wives, and not girls there for the night, they are wives for that, in sorrow in joy, because this affected everyone throughout the whole world, not only even our country, it affected everyone, it was necessary to somehow tighten up , tighten your belts a little tighter, understand your husband, that’s right, the following happened, i had to work twice as much, because i had obligations to my son, that is , alimony.
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in russia, in this regard, the most beneficial resort is the krasnodar region, there is eighty-year-old alexander kapitunov, who has married 32 times in his entire life, and this is legally possible, yes, he can go to the legislative office so many times, but he is the only person whose passport was issued in three volumes, and there are also some other funny stories, 77 years old, his fellow countrywoman, she has 28 husbands, perhaps they just haven’t met each other yet, so we can say, sergei, the purest charm, the purest example, yes, well, he was married twice, in general a person positive, as if, as if, i hope there is a feeling there humor, this is so important to me, but i worry that he is so calm.
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love warmth, on the male side, this is everything that concerns finance, this is everything that concerns security, the breadwinner, yes, the breadwinner, the breadwinner, everything that, of course, concerns physical labor, you know what the problem is with you intelligent people, you this is how you first scrape around, you keep your face, so to speak, when you meet, you avoid sensitive topics, sensitive questions, fall in love, get married, and then it starts for you. all sorts of misunderstandings, today you have a unique opportunity right on the shore, with our help, to ask the most inconvenient questions, but which you, you have the same experience , got married twice, in principle in your new last, here in the third, i believe , family, that’s right, so don’t be shy, but don’t try to seem better than you really are, ask questions directly and demand a direct answer, because you somehow wrap it around like that, he participated in...
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and how long he was there, i wouldn’t think so, if i met him, no way i wouldn’t have thought, because well, he, apparently, does not correspond, that is , it means he was a volunteer, appearances are sometimes deceiving, the father of two children, about the traditional.
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we’ve gained some weight, now we don’t know how to get rid of it, so this naturally also affected young women.
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brought, today is alina’s exit, hello, hello, sergey, it’s very nice, my name is ekaterina, i’m glad to meet you, i hope she will become interesting and memorable, this is for you, thank you, thank you. thank you, ekaterina 32 years old, ballet dancer, teacher, choriographer, former summer master, lives in moscow, is proud of the fact that he participated in the opening of the historical stage of the bolshoi theater after reconstruction, dreams of opening a theater workshop for people with
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disabilities to visit antarctica, warns that he cannot stand without competent speech, admits , that if she cries, then she bursts into tears, if she laughs, then she bursts into tears, ekaterina eight times... times she had to propose marriage , where is he, where did he come from in your life, well, this is a story, like in a movie, for it was a very difficult acquaintance for me, it happened at a time when i had difficulties, difficulties, difficulties in work in
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my personal life, everything happened like some kind of scene from a film, i was walking down the street, i had an unsuccessful rehearsal, i i was walking, crying in... dug, walking under tverskaya from the theater, suddenly everything started falling out of my bag, and out of nowhere, he appeared, he just tried to help me, asked what happened, then i got carried away, i told him told everything that is happening in my life, that is not at all typical for me, and you look like audrey hebborn, you know, they probably told you about this, the girl is certainly pretty, but not his, she doesn’t suit him, here’s our alinochka. the very thing, well, of course, he is looking for a patriot, here we have a patriot, you can’t find anyone else, yes, and he , blinded by your grace and beauty, broke down, yes, and almost immediately he invited me to live with him, you must say, there was nowhere to live,
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you there was nowhere to spend the night, not that there was nowhere to spend the night, but there was simply a difficult life situation, i lived with relatives, but it was very comfortable for me, very uncomfortable, just... because of this i was crying and there were difficulties at work, so he invited me to live with him, i didn’t understand at all what was happening at that moment, this there was some kind of just impulse. out of desperation, he offered me a room and you really were almost never at home, he worked all the time; you gave him rent, i offered, he naturally refused, he didn’t take anything from me, he bought food, although i also offered. buy something, to do something, and i did it, a very popular theme of turkish tv series, she is
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poor, unhappy, he is rich, famous, so in general, he took her to his apartment on the same day and moved her, in fact, you know, in gratitude, she offered tickets to the theater, he came, and there were two tickets, one came, he came with a bouquet of flowers, and we walked a lot and for a long time around moscow, ekaterina, you couldn’t help but notice, well, some kind of interest in relation to... on his part at that moment it was simple friendly neighborly there is no such thing as friendship for men, girlfriends of ballet dancers have not given up for 300 years, you can just be asked to marry you so that you can give birth to beautiful children just as graceful, but he wasn’t at home, we didn’t practically meet, i was rehearsing, he was working, we practically didn’t meet in those same days for short moments when we met , he made these same proposals to you eight times.
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i went upstairs, and nastya volachkova is now listening to this and thinking, i would just smear her with these feathers now, and i went upstairs, he stood there, he was offered to go to america, he invited me to go with him, i asked as who, he says, of course, as a wife, at that time i was simply obsessed with ballet, i think , what kind, where to go, why, at that moment i decided that i would not go anywhere. in this life anything can happen, that’s for sure, they’re like that, they’re such a guy, waiting people, so they
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wait and wait, well listen, usually the situations are the other way around, men don’t want to get married, but girls don’t want to get married, yes, why? this is a stereotype, there are men who really want to get married, they have a real mania, they want to get married, who don’t want to get married, only twice and then a third time, apparently. agreed when, ekaterin? i agreed, well, for the eighth time, have you reached zaks? we reached sachs twice. the first time we applied, some time passed, i was not given a visa, reproaches began, i was constantly told that i don’t want to go, it’s because i’m too attached to the place where i live, i’m attached to the country, i’m attached to our relatives, to our own, and during the race we practically decided that we would not get married. we tore up this statement on the threshold of the zaksa, and this was a period when we did not
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communicate, and i literally go out, probably two weeks later, i come out of the entrance and see him, again he is on his knees, sorry, fool, love, i can’t, i can’t live without you either, ekaterina, it seems to me that this is the very case when a girl is friends with her head, it’s about you, and that you did the right thing by not getting married. because if you fell in love and understood that this is your person, you would leave married the first time, the second time, the proposal was for sure, but since you didn’t get married, it means you understood that this person was not yours, and maybe, thank god, and maybe fate took you away from something wrong and terrible, you stayed in the country, came to our program, today you - have - a chance to meet your destiny, well, it was and it was like this for you, eight times, girls, you know why eight times, probably because again?
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what did you do? well, when the application was submitted to the legislative office for the second time, we didn’t have time to just go out, and i again started to get a lot of rain. reproaches, they told me that i...
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maybe he likes it, if we are talking about some kind of close relationship, of course, i will never allow myself the person i love, i can spend a lot of money, and this does not mean that i’m crying there in the morning, i’ll erase my laugh in the evening, it’s you who says, how do i know what you’re doing there,
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yes, there are no boring women, julia, there are men who haven’t revealed them, i agree, generally 100%, no, it’s boring, i i’ll hit the rose today, you’ll be a bad cop, a good cop, a good bad cop, okay, mendelssohn, please tell me, my beloved catherine proposed eight times , but is there anyone in the history of mankind who has proposed a record number of times, that irrepressible one. there are very persistent people, for example, a couple colin, jones and pauline young met in 76, and he proposed to her every year, and every year she rejected him. so, 42 years in a row, but at 43, love and dementia took their toll, she
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said: and i hope you will say yes to the offer to show me. yes, but for this i need to prepare, please, now she how to show how volochkova does the splits, i know everything about the splits, but i won’t show it, well, alina is also a good dancer, let’s be honest, well, she won’t be able to show the splits in this dress, i can’t, let’s see the surprise.
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god, how petite she is, how feminine she is, thin, graceful, yes, how much?
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thank you very much, ekaterina, it was very beautiful, girls, go to your rooms, well done, bravo, yes, well, i don’t know, but you could be suitable, of course suitable, to be a wife. it’s too early for you and specifically for me, look no one after the program they won’t drag you to the legislative office, well, you can say, well, in general, this is close to my
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ideal or something, while there are still questions, and what questions do you have, you say, we have everything, all the information, everything i know about her, which confused me, but the questions are just about psychological stability and what was voiced, yes, for me, she’s unstable, she doesn’t hide it and does the right thing, it’s good that there are no surprises, because there were no surprises, but she’s charming girl, talented - there are simply no words, but not yet well, we just met and i saw her ballet skills, it’s still too early , please, i say again, no one is dragging you to understand that this person is yours and not yours, you need them there for less than a year.
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hello, my name is alina, it’s fun to be with me, i think you’ll like it, sergey, it’s very nice, thank you, who proposed to whom, did he propose to you? no, i didn’t just want this patriotic girl, here you go, precisely because i was abroad and in more than one country, i appreciate our
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russia, what i know about it, i generally advice and love, i would have already seen you off, but as a bride with traditional values, she is rowing somewhere in the wrong direction, they should read the domostroy, you and i speak the same languages, yes, yeah, fala portuga, and fala portuga . well, at least now rose and you will come into contact with the stars of hollywood, we went to hawaii and he behaved so unworthily that i could no longer continue. listen, oh my wonderful times, to my youth, when we fought to the death. i just want women in russia to have this uncertainty is gone, there are no more confident women in the world than russian women. i agree, seryozha, well, you really suit her. come up, first of all, you fall in the range between 27 and 57, yes, you have good hair, i chose a girl, but unfortunately, she is not
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in the studio right now, i really like it all, where are the brushes, give me my brushes quickly, hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day. in the interests of the entire cis, the development of baikalur. success in the south donetsk
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direction, completely liberated novamikhailovka, and what is happening on other sectors of the front, according to the ministry of defense? peak in ishim, flood in the tyumen region. and the latest data on the situation in the orenburg and kurgan regions, where the water has already begun to decline. the eye will not see, but electronics will notice the latest domestic developments in the spotlight of the head of government mikhail mishustin in dolgoprudny. at mipt and the roshydromet observatory. 600 km of travel after charging in 5 minutes aurus with a hydrogen engine was presented at the ineprom exhibition in tashkent. what else do russian companies show? from diagnostics before kidney transplantation, we will show how a state-of-the-art specialized center at the botkin hospital operates in moscow. china
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is hosting the international mendeleev chemistry olympiad for schoolchildren for the first time, let’s get to know our team. a masterpiece of cartography in st. petersburg, at the headquarters of the russian geographical society, they showed a unique map of our country from the time of peter i before a large-scale restoration. we begin the program with negotiations in the kremlin between the presidents of russia and azerbaijan. putin and ilham aliyev. relations between the two countries are on the rise, about this says the growth of trade turnover and active investment cooperation. the focus is on issues of regional security, as well as the development of the baikal amur mainline. this week marks 50 years since the start of construction of the legendary bama, a 4,300 km long road that, as vladimir putin emphasized, plays an essential role for the entire commonwealth of independent states. the father of the current president
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of azerbaijan, heydar aliyev, supervised the construction. he headed the government commission, which was involved in a strategically important facility in the soviet union. and more details about everything in the report by konstantin panishkin. like vladimir putin, ilham aliyev confidently won the elections this year, and like putin, for the fifth time, but today is the first meeting of the presidents after the re-election. this time , the traditional topics of conversation between putin and aliyev in recent years faded into the background; the russian president began a conversation with bama. visits.
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984 bam builders moving towards each other met and connected the highway. i am sure that all the efforts, labors, years of work, which... we have something to be proud of, we will have the opportunity to talk about bilateral relations, which are at a high level, developing, our trade turnover is growing, has already reached more than $4 billion, and there are many interesting areas of cooperation in
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the real sector of the economy, in cooperation, in infrastructure, some of them are rumored, in my opinion, by the public of our countries, such as the north-south trade and transport corridor that leads from russia to iran. and then india and passes through the territory azerbaijan. moscow and baku are investing in increasing the capacity of border checkpoints, building and repairing roads, including railways. we are very pleased with how our relations are developing. for more than 2 years we have been working within the framework of the declaration on allied cooperation, which we signed here in the kremlin in february 2022 and which is the main one. a political document that predetermines the progressive development of our relations in the future. finally, the traditional topic of all negotiations between putin and aliyev, regional conflicts and the possibilities of their resolution. of course, we will talk about the situation
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from the point of view of ensuring security in the region. there are a lot of questions here, they are very sensitive, we have a material on each of them. regional security issues are constantly on the agenda of our meetings. and we are also pleased with how they are being resolved, russia is a fundamental country in terms of regional security in the caucasus and wider geography and a lot depends on effective interaction between our countries, but because regarding security, they did not say any specifics under the president’s camera. konstantin, rudakov, yuri sholmov, andrey morozov, alexander gornostaev, channel one. the conversation about the development of the baikal-amur highway continued at a meeting of the two presidents with veterans, bama builders and those who are now working on this road. according to vladimir putin, today we are talking about the development of the north-south transport corridor. russia invites
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all interested countries to join this project. our country has received enormous opportunities for exploration and development of siberia, the far east, to expand cargo transportation towards the quiet. we can directly say that the turn to the east at the current stage became possible precisely thanks to the baikal-ambur mainline. gedorevich oversaw the construction of the baikal-amburg highway and did everything possible to ensure that this most complex project took place. in this he was helped by a colossal amount of knowledge, experience, managerial talent, and the ability to solve problems. complex tasks, and of course, special personal qualities, above all a caring, respectful attitude towards the people with whom he worked and solved these colossal problems. another area
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of ​​russian-azerbaijani cooperation corresponds to the scale and historical significance of bam; today we are talking about the development of a north-south transport corridor, in fact it connects the northern sea route with the persian gulf, or so to speak, it can... and will have to connect, we invite all interested states to participate in this project, we expect that it will definitely include the best, time-tested traditions of friendship and mutual assistance of the builders of bam, people of various nationalities united by a common goal, are in demand. for our part, we are ready to offer our partners access to the rapidly growing markets of the asia-pacific region. to do this, based on advanced technology.
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novamikhailovka village. and thus, ours
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approach the supply center of the ugledar garrison of the armed forces of ukraine in konstantinovka. in addition, the moment of the carbon itself getting into the operational pincers is approaching. how they knocked out the enemy alexey ivanov learned from novomikhailovka first-hand. so, boldly, not paying attention to sniper bullets and shelling from the enemy, marines from the 155th separate brigade of the pacific fleet. they go to the once tallest building in the village of novomikhailovka, st. michael’s church. the militants of the kiev regime deliberately destroyed the orthodox church during their retreat, but the ruined bell tower still towers over the village. here the attack aircraft installed the russian tricolor and the flag of the 155th brigade. russia 155th naval brigade. this the final point of the battles for the most important settlement on marinsko-ugledarsko. 30 km to the city of dakuchaevsk. radicals from the armed forces of ukraine constantly
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directly, even closer to the village of elenovka , fired at civilians from their fortified positions in novomikhailovka. now this village is completely cleared of militants. the key role in the capture of this important point was played by the assault detachments of the 155th brigade of the vostok group of forces. these marines had only just returned to the front lines a few hours ago. our arrogance, our drive. well interaction between the units of our brigade helped us defeat the enemy, and of course the fighting spirit of all our fighters, zeal, to defeat the enemy, to move the front away from civilians. our attack on novomikhailovka began in february of this year. during the decade of conflict in the donbass, the enemy turned the village into a powerful fortified area, in order to build a line of defense, ukrainian militants poured in.
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came in, who began to advance, advance, advance, of course, at the moment when we entered, everything flew at us, anything, there are many volunteers in the marine detachment, and some chose, perhaps, the most risky assault unit, why did they decide to come here, my father is here, well, somehow it’s not decent for me to sit at home so that my children can talk, that grandfather is at war, and father is at home, raised patriotically from childhood. does your father know that you took novo mikhailok? he was there with me. how
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was the support in baht in general? i was worried that he was for me, that i was for him. ours are moving forward, with a heavy onslaught on them, and as if they began to retreat back, and we began to move forward together with our weapons, as if the joy became greater, we understood that victory would be ours. is this your first assault on a victory settlement? yes, now a populist. and they successfully took it, now i have courage, it seems to me that i really want to go further, that’s right, let’s go further, taking novomikhailovka opens the direction to kurakhovo and, most importantly, to ugledar, another powerful fortified ukrainian armed forces. the most priority task now is to take coal, to cut off all supplies of weapons, ammunition, food, and so on to them, because this carbon is a very, very serious point, so to speak. strategically, this is only a small,
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tiniest part of the arsenal that our fighters from the legendary 155th marine brigade , pacific fleet took during the battles for novomikhailovka, the weapons here are mainly nato-style, there are anti-tank systems, machine guns, there is such a drone-piercing gun very powerful, now after examination by our specialists, everything this will become part of the museum exhibition, american incendiaries, the so -called thermite, have been discovered... well, in general , it is a prohibited ammunition, it can burn through a tank, that is, if you throw it on the tank’s turret, it will fall out of begging. novomikhailovka was also liberated by our tank crews and artillery, as in ovdeevka, pilots played a huge role, enemy positions were bombarded with powerful high-explosive bombs with planning modules. on the ground, the remnants
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of the units were destroyed by the marine infantry attack aircraft with their constant motto. where we, there is victory. we took novomikhailovka, we will beat it. continuing the topic, footage from ukrainian social networks is a kharkov television tower, an exact hit and the once tallest structure in the city folded in half, it is reported that the tower was used for military purposes, a ukrainian air defense communications antenna was placed on it. it also became known about the destruction of components of an anti-aircraft missile launcher and radar system in the kharkov region.
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basically, work is now underway on newly identified targets, and if there are enemy attacks, then we put up barrier lights.
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the artillery division has different tasks, from the destruction of ukrainian armed forces fortifications to counter-battery warfare, and in these images the defeat of an enemy base. several shells land. right on target, the building is on fire, the militants are trying to put out the fire, but our artillerymen strike again. the division is armed with d-30 howitzers. the weapon, although old, is accurate and unpretentious with proper care, the military says. the fighters gave each trunk its own name. artillery is feminine, here is a girl, we call it an amazon. i am everyone as soon as i approach the gun, i stroke it, talk to it and... as they say, mutual understanding occurs between us, we begin to work, the gun, the division commander with the call sign mikhalych graduated from the artillery school back in the soviet years, rose to the rank of major, retired from army and worked in the ministry of emergency situations, when the northern military district began, i came here as a volunteer, the example should be that
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their relatives and friends would feel less of these repercussions of the war, i have... there is a small military dynasty, i have an older brother, and his children, my son, junior, cadet academy named after khrulev. on may 9, the commander’s son will march to red square in ceremonial formation, his father stands on the spectator podium, wants to share this solemn moment with him. and this is a tank battalion of the same western group of troops. one of the most modern ones currently in russian service. armies of t-90m breakthrough tanks are preparing for combat work and aiming at the target. a modern car is equipped with a robust security system. in addition, there is ultra-precise navigation, it hits precisely. tankers working
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more often from closed firing positions. lyuby.


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