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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 23, 2024 3:05am-3:36am MSK

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than atoms of superheavy elements, and so element 118 was obtained, which received the name gonisyan, so element 118 was obtained, well then we had to take a target from california, that is, in order to get 118, then to supplement the twentieth calcium we had to take california, element number 98, when they merged they gave element number 118, which today is the heaviest known and closes the seventh period.
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helium and so on, in the upper right corner we will have the heaviest nuclei, and then the stability of nuclei, it resembles some kind of marine theme, because there is something similar to a continent, which ends with the eighty-second element lead and bismuth, which... are the heaviest, most stable elements, that is, elements that have a stable isotope, there is a certain peninsula , where tori uranium is located, these are like this, this is how uranium is depicted as such a beacon, the last element in the natural periodic table, and then we see how the stability of the elements decreases, decreases, falls and we actually reach the edge of the world of nuclei, to the edge light, yes, that same one. and indeed
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it was predicted in the sixties , it was predicted that if we go to very heavy elements, in the region of element 114, which is already known today, but the truth is with a gigantic number of neutrons 184, if we can synthesize such a nucleus, then it will really live long, how long, there are different predictions there from thousands of years to millions and billions of years, this area was called the island of stability of superte... elements, in fact, starting from this prediction, the sixty-sixth year the story itself begins with the search for the island of stability, with the search for superheavy elements, they found this island, discovered it, you can scream earth, you can scream earth, you can scream earth, because these are just the experiments that were done in dubna at the beginning of the millennium , they just prove that an island of stability exists, we did not get to its center.
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we have not yet been able to see these most stable isotopes, we have not been able to synthesize them, but we have actually reached the shore of the island of stability, we see that as we we take small steps towards the island, the lifetime grows quite quickly, that is, there , on average, by adding one neutron to a superheavy element, we increase the time. life by about 10 times, yeah, this is really a gigantic figure, which suggests that we see this growth in stability, and we really, really, really hope that these predicted thousands of elements will actually live in the very center, maybe millions of years, well, you ’re talking about an increase in the number of neutrons, but if we talk about protons, here your vertical ruler reaches approximately 124, well, approximately yes, but maybe? there
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is a large continent of stability outside the screen, so i recently read an article where american astrophysicists analyzed one of the asteroids, which is somehow anomalously dense and... a legend to say, well, i think that no one will undertake it, because nuclear physics - science based on models, on our model ideas about the nucleus. what is the laboratory of nuclear reactions working on now? when will you give new elements to the people?
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i hope it will be soon, i hope it will be soon, you were talking about the factory of superheavy elements, but this is a new accelerator complex that was built quite recently. experiments were carried out at the end of 2020, what was done from the point of view of technology, characteristics, so we said that the breakthrough with the last five elements became possible after the characteristics were improved hundreds of times in the nineties, but it turned out that it has passed 20 years, and after 20 years the experimental technology can be made in dozens more, well, maybe there, within 100 times better than... 20 years ago, that is, a new accelerator was built, more powerful, more efficient, new separators, and now we are already doing the first experiments, so far on known elements, we see that the performance of this complex , the number of atoms
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that all laboratories in the world have accumulated throughout history has grown tens of times; we can collect the same amount and even sort it out in thirty days. the second is the study of already existing discovered elements, their isotopes, new isotopes, if we talk about the synthesis of new elements, then what is such a big catch, is that targets heavier than california cannot be made, and california with calcium, when merging with california we get element 118, which is already known, then there is, we must move away from calcium to heavier beams and this,
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unfortunately, leads to the fact that the probability of synthesis decreases, according to predictions and the first experimental estimates it says that: well, the decrease can be as follows there from 10 to 100 times, this really creates difficulties in carrying out experiments precisely because a new experimental complex was built, this factory of super-tee elements, that is, we technically gain a factor of about 30 in efficiency, this is what we hope will give us the opportunity to reach 119-120 elements, the synthesis of which will be there in 30-40. is just less probable than the synthesis of the elements that are already the heaviest known, but still, we can probably assume that those schoolchildren who went to their first year this year class, by the time they study chemistry they will see the periodic table a little longer than now there will already be 19 120, yes this is a task, generally
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speaking on the agenda of several laboratories in the world, including ours, we certainly hope that in the coming year
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nuclear sciences are used in medicine, including medical pharmaceuticals, yes, radioactive isotopes, which are used for diagnostics. research uses the same nuclear reactions and knowledge about nuclear reactions that were studied in order to make fundamental science, there is
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they are trying to make specialized accelerators for the treatment of oncological diseases on the basis of a track membrane, this is what is being done by the perchonorod from
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nuclear science and is being done using the technology that is used for fundamental science, if you look at nuclear science a little more broadly and include it in it particle physics, then we can remember the medical tomographs that are now in almost every clinic, this is also, in general, a product of science,
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mm, when they comment on the discovery of new elements, i heard several times that, well, for example, this is a step towards the energy of the future or something else, you know, you can make, uh, from the elements themselves, something can be done, if you get them, they get them in macro quantity. unfortunately, elements heavier than one hundredth are obtained in single atoms; with single atoms, the most you can do is study them. and
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it’s simply impossible to make any military or civilian product with so much with so much. besides this, as you also said, these elements do not live like that for a long time, generally speaking, at one point in time , scientists actually see one atom, well, two, well, sometimes there can be three, if they live for a long time and study them like this one by one, that is, they synthesized one. they made a measurement there, yes, then they got a second one, made a measurement, but they don’t accumulate in such quantities that you could do something with it, like with a substance, well, the very idea of ​​your institute is precisely the bringing together of peoples through science, but not at all not some kind of aggressive, the slogan of the institute is, yes, science brings people together, well, to me it seems that this can conclude our program, may the force be with you. science, which brings people together, may the forces of chemistry and physics be with you. this was kut
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schjödinger's podcast, and i am its host, grigory tarasevich, our guest today, alexander karpov, a scientist-secretary of the laboratory of nuclear reactions of the joint institute for nuclear research. watch all episodes of the schöddinger's cat podcast on the channel one website and may the power of science be with you. you came from america, from the same one, to russia, and there, oh god, it’s just one beauty after another, everything went very well quickly, our son was born , jealousy begins, we sinned a little, me.
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participant of the svo as a volunteer, by the way, you have awards, everything, so we will look for the terrible one on the face, the kind one inside, i understand. i'm larisa guzleeva, let's get married, good afternoon, today the bride is ekaterina, alina and anna, and our groom is sergei. sergei, 43 years old, ironically found all his wives in the main department store in moscow, but i am sure that on the let's get married program, the assortment of brides is much richer. sergey used to
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produce films abroad, now creates large projects in the field of artificial intelligence and financial consulting. speaks fluent english, spanish and portuguese, lives in moscow, is proud of his children, dreams of opening a school in the format of the soviet education system. sergei will not pay attention to a bright beauty with an expressive appearance and will not enter into a serious relationship with a feminist and liberal-minded girl; he will marry a fair-haired, educated woman with patriotic views, traditional values ​​and a kind soul. hello, hello, well, of course we have a richer choice, yes, it will be more interesting, that ’s for sure, listen, it’s in our topic, listen, well, i don’t know, of course, that’s all, you can’t tell at one glance like that, seems like an adequate, handsome young man, tell me, but there’s just one thing i don’t understand, why don’t you like beautiful, beautiful, well-groomed, why don’t you want such and such, first i
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would like to thank you for inviting me russian tradition. i brought you a couple of small gifts, oh, thank you, thank you very much, but it really shouldn’t have been like that, oh, thank you very much, thank you, thank you, what lovely bouquets, attentive, generous, beautiful hands, beautiful hands, why didn’t the beauties please you, why don’t you want to, well - with your first wife, we got married because we were young, but no, you are now declaring in your... demands, wishes that you don’t need a beauty, well, i have written such demands, and i have an accent, don’t pay attention to the bright beauty with an expressive appearance, i drew attention to naturalness , to naturalness, to natural beauty, and i i think that we are all born beautiful, and we
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, our beauty comes from... oh, oh, no, seryozh, i give birth, there are beautiful people, there are ugly physical ones, the ugly ones just need more work on themselves, at least they need to have a good character , because the beautiful are forgiven more, they close their eyes to a lot, and the ugly need to work a little, in order to at least be polite and pleasant to society, everything, i agree, i agree, so we will look for ugly, but pleasant company, on the face of a terrible, kind inside, understood, beautiful, natural. he says yes, he is for naturalness, so when, let’s say, age-related changes, he will accept it naturally, you will have to ask him, okay, to america, what fate did you end up in ? when i was 9 years old, it so happened that my mother was invited to joint work
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programs, then even more so, more or less friendly. it was between the usa and the soviet union that she took me with her, that is, you lived your entire, so to speak, adult life in america, and received your education there, no, not your entire adult life, i constantly returned to russia, well , where i graduated from school in america, no, i graduated from school here, i completed some academic ties abroad, not only in the usa, there were other countries, france and brazil, you also see, i returned to russia, i’m patriotic, madam turns out. it’s just that one is more beautiful than the other, one is more beautiful than the other, and of course your eyes are screwed, because in america such beauties don’t walk on foot, as they say, they are not there, no, they are not there, if
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there are, then they are our exes, yes, absolutely right, well when you lost your pre-speech, it so happened that everything went very quickly, we had a son, got married, like in the movies, yes, in fact, there is even some term, in my opinion, in the movies, staged acquaintance, when very successful.
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stories that people simply haven’t dealt with yet, as they say, the first husband is a dairy farmer, she prints it all out, throws it right on my table, and well, provokes a conflict, which of course i’m trying to do, i’m trying to avoid any conflict at all, sergey, he was natural, she was like that such a reaction is understandable.
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yes, we divorced painlessly, we divorced quite painlessly, it turns out that she herself pushed him into this, simply, yes, because when people are separated everyone is stewed in what he represents, when they stoma that she was alone, there was no attention, you too plays its role, yes, then a big boom can happen, yes, tell sergei, and then often in the store they visited the place for new girls. the meeting cannot be changed, as they say, i am also my second wife met, but not in a shopping center, in a cafe, which was located then, well, the radius is
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almost opposite the one that didn’t happen to her, okay, they went to brazil to live, yes, yes, it so happened that they offered me a job in brazil, i constantly flew to russia, brazil, everything was perfect, she remained in brazil at that time with us - a daughter had already been born and for the first 8-9 months after giving birth i devoted maximum attention to her and did not refuse anything, and we lived in the best area, everything for her, everything for the child, but someone needs to work, well, of course, you can’t just sit there, someone has to bring money to pay, for example, a housekeeper, you had one in brazil, there is such a practice of housekeepers who, in fact, can even live with. .. in an apartment or in a house or to come, but my wife was categorically against it, she didn’t want a stranger to even touch our daughter, not to mention leaving her, if she
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herself managed the housework with the child and was always in in a good mood, then why do you need an assistant, especially since she was young, i understand, right? yes, of course, he was unlucky again , again he had some difficulties, it didn’t work out, oh, if they took me to brazil, i would be happy, it would have worked out for you, it seems to me, yes, she had a big request, so that i could participate more actively, in terms of preparing food, changing diapers, bathing the baby, just being together, with her in the apartment, because then i already started traveling to others, but you brought money, you had to work, yes , and she understood, realized that money does not fall from the sky and don’t appear on their own, and in order to bring in this same money, you have to leave, spend a lot of time outside the home, when you come home, you need
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to recover in order to... go somewhere on business trips, go to work, so that earn money, in circles, and if she gets very tired, then you, for example, were ready to hire her a housekeeper, but she didn’t want that, yes, well, i can understand her too, as i said, we, we are all different , and i did everything i could in terms of as much time as i could, yes, i understand you, i just don’t understand your wife, she, how old was she, 17 years old, 18?
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you want a nanny, but you get tired, and look, you yourself don’t want a housekeeper, you don’t want me to be that nanny, but i can’t, because i have to work, this has been voiced many times, not just by me, my mother also participated in these conversations, and our parents came, she was in a sect for some reason, a brazilian, a qualified nanny could not touch. your child, she probably followed our ancient russian traditions, i fully support, ancient russian traditions, where the wife serves her husband, where she helps him in everything, just like a child and does not burden him with the diapers described there, she cooks food, takes care of the house, sometimes nannies help her, and sometimes they don’t help her, and her husband the king is god because he brings money and does not let them
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and their children die of hunger. only when i was at home, i did as much as possible everything that was required of me, so that we are just talking about the fact that you wouldn’t need to do this, you should rest, well, i don’t know, he of course i should she had to somehow earn money, first of all, it was in her own interests, she knew from the very beginning who she was marrying, then they probably didn’t discuss the reasons for the divorce of her first marriage, but then it was all fine with her.
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and not girls there for the night, that’s what they are wives for, in sorrow and joy, because this affected everyone throughout the whole world, not only even our country, it affected everyone, it was necessary to somehow tighten up, tighten the belt a little tighten it up, understand your husband, that’s right, the following happened, i had to double three times work times more, because i had obligations to my son, that is, alimony, and i paid for... all my father’s expenses, helped my grandparents, that is, everything was on me in terms of in terms of finances, it upset her and, uh, didn’t make her angry, but i had less and less time left to devote to her, of course, to our daughter, you stopped loving her honestly, honestly no, but i just had to work more and more then this misunderstanding turned into a misunderstanding.


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