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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 22, 2024 12:15pm-3:00pm MSK

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went all out, this is my explanation, this is my explanation, maybe i’m wrong, it’s clear that the main news of this weekend is the americans’ allocation of almost $100 billion in military aid to their allies around the world, it’s important to understand that most of the lions 60. got or intended, or rather, not got, but intended, this is a big difference, which means ukraine, and an amazing story, today we will also talk in our program about neural networks, about the generation of all sorts of pictures of all sorts of horrors, it seems to me, here these here you know, congressmen who wave ukrainian flags in the american community, but this is most likely some kind of generation, this is not an eroset, because otherwise. otherwise, this is madness, it’s better not
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true, this is a weird story, like, well , rossetka, or maybe it’s better, i don’t know, no, really, why are they waving not american, but ukrainian, it seems to me that this cannot happen in reality , well , friends, 2024, well, get used to it, we have everything, so we have here, contrary to, so to speak, our uh, classic layout schedule call from viewers, we are like this, we do not ignore our respected viewers, we answer almost everyone, please, hello, who are we, good afternoon, hello, what is your name? my name is andrey, okay, where are you from? from moscow, very nice. please, question, answer, wishes, complaint? yes, the question is the following, they are now actively discussing that ukraine has allocated 100 billion dollars to help its allies, most of all ukraine, but i drew attention to another aspect, that on the same day when... they pushed this
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bill, and the money was nevertheless allocated, they decided on the same day to ban tiktok in this country, and this is now the subject of wide discussion, because tiktok is, well, the most popular social network, and this source of information is not owned or controlled an american state, it belongs to the chinese and apparently there is a mess, the americans decided to take a step. well, well, yes, it’s true, it’s true, americans, apparently, you, andrey, forgive me for interrupting you, you say so, you still do, i hope that i say so, well, that is, it’s surprising that in the states there is such an approach, or well, what can i say, that is, it really sincerely surprises you, i’m not being ironic to you now, really, i’m interested, no, it doesn’t surprise me, because in general congressmen have been discussing zaktok for a long time since...
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i'm 22. did you graduate somewhere? and i ’m finishing mgemo, and this is interesting, i just know, i i why i now we won’t, so to speak , go into long, so to speak , extensive discussions, just, well, let’s say in the nineties, for any person, so to speak to be fair, he had a very specific, so to speak, orientation in space and time. life is good - this is when you graduated from some university in russia, for example. yes, maybe not in russia,
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this is actually space, so, i went to the states, this is called life a success, here i am looking at you, you are a young man, it’s 2024, they are not the nineties, this is at least a paradigm among yours my peers have changed, where will you go, i won’t go anywhere, i’ll stay in russia, because here there is the most freedom of speech in my opinion, even despite everything events that are happening around, well , in the world in general, i believe that... there is much more freedom of speech, we have a truly democratic state, while the united states has long become, in my opinion, just not everyone understood this, and you you know, the only thing that i would probably go on a business trip abroad, for example to brazil, i really like it there, it’s a wonderful abandoned country, i recommend everyone to go if they have the opportunity, there are a lot of wild monkeys , let her be more of a friend, thank you, yes you can yes, you can correct andrey in which part, look, when it says: about the ban on tiktok, there is also
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a second storyline, which is connected with the buyout of tiktok by american capital, so basically there is a push for a buyout from the american side. it will come to this, because it will be very obvious, but you know, there is such a term among it specialists, called ajale, and it seems to me that this is exactly what it means too clearly, now to squeeze tiktok, once again, now no one guessed that they tiktok is being closed only because they couldn’t get it off the ground, well, like no one guessed to close it, you , i’m even more than sure that he will soon just
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change the owners and there will be an american tiktok with the stars striped flag and the absence of chinese propaganda , he won’t tell anyone anything, you know why they won’t say it, because no one will ask, so they won’t say anything, what do you think there? from the usa, in fact, paradoxically, there are individual signs of such a process, as for these social networks, if we started with this, then in fact there is also the same stove, internal
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politics, as vladimir rightly pointed out, and elections and everything else, it began with how obama won the elections, mainly relying on...
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the entire apparatus, including the security forces, the feds, they are geared for this, they are for this they put pressure, and trump fights back and calls them this swamp or underground or whatever you want, but a deep state, but at the level of the states, but we must understand that, in principle
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, america is the united states, yes, they are one of the most important counterbalances is a counterbalance between the federal center and states, with them. very strictly described powers, including, by the way, on holding elections, so they are defending them, so the states are now challenging these decisions on social networks through the courts, the feds, and they demand that the same social networks be their territories, look , in the end, in the end, what we have, excuse me, is confusion and vacillation about
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tiktok’s abundant, powerful, let’s say, program to support president biden, that’s what we will see, because most likely they will squeeze out tiktok and he will work exactly in usa, exactly. on the democrats, well, well, they won’t squeeze it out, there is also telegram, there is telegram, but telegram in america is not very widespread, because after all, americans have a preconceived impression that it was invented by the russians, god knows, the chinese , by the way, but doesn’t he think that just if tiktok is closed, maybe the americans will pass the cart en masse, durov claps his hands at this situation, which is now developing, there is also tucker carson’s interview with durov, and pay attention pay attention, what is the main motive, he says they came. maybe this is what it will
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be interesting to watch after the interview with carlson, it will be interesting to see about tiktok, how much the telegram audience has grown in the united states, this will be found guys, oh look friends, i ask you - well, professional, look at the screens now and listen to what this woman says, what is her name?
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i was treated there as if from a rather serious
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illness, that means yes, that means, and therefore, therefore , answering your question, i answer yes no they will put up with that is why that is why trump came out this is before the civil people washington is not in the morning such such conversations like not to come to terms with, but i know americans who are now sitting in basements and listening there.
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in order for them to revolt in front of congress , which is now being worked out, they will go so far as to turn everything on tv into support in front of congress
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, and their tv is absolutely tame, everyone will see, everyone will see that the people are tame. i don’t even know the news, but through the feed there’s something else, they understand something, well, they understand something like that, they realize it later
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they vote according to what they have invested and now attention with a slight movement of the hand means right now. they produce whatever they want, deepfakes, deepfakes are like an imitation of someone, so they can make me say some nonsense, now now the haters will say that there is no need to produce this and that, but no, well listen, imagine what they simply mean, they are creating an entire army, here is an army there on social networks, some kind of army, multimillion-strong of some people, they say something needs to be created for an army, these could be real accounts, just when you are in your feed.
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there’s some kind of neural network, and what does it do, it means you send it there, well, i don’t know, i’m not sure that sending one photo to a dozen, it doesn’t matter, but you send it, it means, audio, some kind of recording, it does all this there is something thinking that embodies this attention, with such a story, so that you understand, what we will now show you is produced, modeled, drawn, performed with one photo, here is such a person or a bot, please,
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the volume of her voice still affects people in any case, well, firstly, not all of them, secondly, americans in this sense are americans, as we all remember from the classics, yes they are with us, we are social activists, with us the public is higher than the personal, americans are always individualists, yes with them the personal was higher than the public. i think it will be in the foreseeable future, so he doesn’t give a damn about what beautiful girls say on social networks, to him and to him, to him, that’s important, yes , and mine, pay attention, but after all, takinovic, here’s sign language, he says, it is important for him to make a characteristic gesture, as if for with a pistol.
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well, let’s separate and russian ai is not russian , the actual meaning is that if you sign so much, then you can already earn money from advertising , including it turns out that artificial intelligence or this is to collect de funds money. anywhere , next, what we are saying, you’re right in touching on the point about social networks, well , social networks, what are they, this is a kind of association of people, where they seem to communicate informally,
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well, it seems, and there appear their own and influencers, the so-called , this is a borrowing from english again language, but which influence has influence, yes, in russian we call it crowbars, leaders of public opinion. there are some filters, but you will sort of pass all the information through these filters, this in itself is strange, because the internet is not supposed to work like that, it just works at speed, but here i would
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devote a moment to, that they say that traditional media tv is dead, now everyone is on the internet, it seems to me that for literally another six months a year the internet will be so polluted by just these artificial entities including the fact that people will return to television as the most honest source. but there is such an option that people will be so disappointed in social networks, but what happens, i don’t understand at all, who i communicate with there, who i watch, maybe these are some unreal people, that finally people will just take it gradually they will begin to disconnect from social networks, and the value of personal communication will return, only while you are scrunching gum ice cream everyone will meet and walk hand in hand, but i would like to believe honestly. well, yes, they called
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and sent some kind of crust or photograph or some other kind of falsehood to their ears, they believed and continued to react as they were asked to do, but i don’t think that people will move away from social networks so much that they will ignore this all these messages that come from there, and social networks are just an element of communication, but there will be no social network, it will mean something else, then, then it seems to me, you know, nikita aleksandrovich, it seems to me that there is already such a story here, here we are how would we proceed from the fact that people there is. there is some kind of rational, well, some kind of idea like yes, there is too much rubbish, so to speak, fakes and so on on social networks, let me get away from them, but it seems to me, this is already stronger, i see, this is already i even judge from myself, it ’s almost a reflex, when you sit down, you grab it, look there and start something there, but it’s not about tiktok, but it’s like a reflex, this thing is already a reflex, it’s part of our life , this is a habit, so just say to yourself: no, perhaps this is not mine, we can’t do it anymore, but maybe then?
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now we were discussing, as it were, that it is possible to create fake people who say something fake there, well, on order, but it is possible, but today we started the broadcast with the fact that congressmen are active in congress...
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in six months a year it will be possible go to some poland or one of the baltic countries and this is how in films they like to depict the gateways of moscow, filming somewhere on their texture, but in fact the neural network, of course, can upload anything anywhere, the question here is precisely in power this grid, yes, which works, but why does we are the largest artificial intelligences made by really the largest companies, the same one - the open ai company, no in russia, of course, yes. and abroad, you haven’t thought about who is basically there, that is, this is a company that has long been absorbed by microsoft, google, which has huge server computing power, yes, yes, that’s what i’m talking about, i’m leading to this, and how in fact, this example with the video could have worked out, but why from one photograph, yes, that is, you see a person, from the photograph you can, in principle, complete the drawing of his silhouette, there weight, density, i don’t know, physique, and
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some other... there’s a fear, listen, well, everything was invented a thousand years ago, i don’t remember, the beginning of the 20th century is in linguistics, which means the novel is a sensation, yeah, actually, it’s just in his correspondence, from somewhere in a fictional country he shaped reality, but now this path has, so to speak, been much tamed and improved, but he came up with it even then, yes, but he came up with it, well, what do you think, that’s all, thank you very much, well, war of the worlds , the same radio show brought everyone down, and this there was a radio show that was relevant at that time, but now we have new technologies,
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different technologies. nikita kulyakov was with us, thank you very much, nikita, that’s right, there is a struggle between real progress and the regulation of this progress, and i just wanted to say, well, before i forget, so as not to get confused, firstly, about the ukrainians, for me the most i fully admit that there is a curious thing in the story with these votes, about the fact that they can actually wave flags there, because it’s like we have a house of freedom, yes, everything, everything, everything is allowed, but the only real ukrainian ethnic in the composition of the congress. in the usa there is such a victoria sparts, some kulichenko or something like that, she had a maiden name, which means she voted against this package, so she was not alone, but the only real, that is, real ethnic ukrainian in congress , she just voted against, she voted against this help, well , because she is a republican, she, like some of her party colleagues, went
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to kiev. looked at what was really going on there, you probably know for sure that she after all, she is a citizen of the united states, and a congressman from the united states, so her origin. than a real woman, who yes, who speaks this language, as i understand it, goes there , communicates with some relatives there, the rest are based on pictures, those same incomprehensible pictures and news taken from, now yes, now about pictures and news, but the point, sorry, now, it’s not even about the picture, sorry, it’s about the emotional, so to speak. how to say in empathy, relatively speaking, when there is for you not some kind of abstraction, well, just an abstraction, it’s called, where is it, the devil knows its soul, some kind of ukraine, some people live there, either russians, or not russians, or
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anti-russians, or half-russians, or former russians, well, in general, some russians, some variations and there they are some kind of henchman, for you it’s just some kind of plot, an abstraction, but for her, i guess, that’s all - after all, she has memories and emotional relationships, she understands... they kicked her out when, at the end of obama’s life, she was here this is a diplomatic skirmish, it’s as if our embassy was kicked out, the americans’ embassy is there, ours are in hot hands, because, by the way, in my
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department, we covered the entire trump election with a weakened staff, our person was not allowed on vacation, they didn’t let me in, that means our people fought, and i fought, i pressed all the pedals, give me the fighter, me, what they will give for their victory, because there will be a kind of connotation, what kind of victory will be for them, they are the whole picture, after all, they can generate a picture of russia in ruins, russia is a horror nightmare and they will tell their people, here we are, we won.
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in america, after all, the main support, here it is, they have three main supports, this is greed, uh, working for your own pocket, this is a super support, the original support, the root, then the freedom to do what is not prohibited for the sake of this very greed, and then the law, why? because if i do what i want for the sake of my greed, and you do, then we will shoot each other, that’s why the law is needed. and everything comes from the law, and the law, for example, on fakes, has already been banned by about 10 states deep fakes, where, well, first of all, this is, of course, a pornographic context in
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a political context, and yes, of course, pornography, politics of one, you can, we have 10 seconds, that’s it, friends, amazing conversation, i just wanted to, i so i’m listening when... andrei konstantinovich told someone there, he calls moscow and says: send me a fighter, i need to be more careful, you know, they translated the fighter word for word, the fighter will come and shoot everyone. thank you for your attention, dear friends, do not subtract, do not add, the program will continue immediately after the advertisement with our colleagues leading from the studio, goodbye, simple boy benito musalini, would never have achieved what he achieved if not for the warm support of educated and thinking people, his colleague was the prominent italian philosopher johnny gentile, he published the first. programmatic fascist text, manifesto of fascist intellectuals.
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thanks to talented creative people, italians of all sizes decided that they were special, and therefore they had special rights to manage other people's lives. premiere, ordinary fascism. today is the first one. the russians are dying, we have never spent money so well, he is not afraid to speak the loudest words, because he is not responsible for them, he always promotes the interests of military-industrial corporations, now he insists on supplying ukraine with missiles that are produced by the rayton company, makes a statement that everyone should fight in ukraine, take out loans, fight, but what are we going to do, this is not your model, he was a member of one of the student brotherhoods, it’s called.
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insigram, american psychopath, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first, in the city an organized spy network is working, and we could reveal it, from now on you take note of everyone he meets, in case of danger you do not show yourself, we are investigating a criminal offense, we can urgently... the affairs of these people, grigory ivanovich, where are you
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going, with you, where is he, here, egor, he was always nearby, never went anywhere, didn’t try to talk to anyone, so you didn’t see it, you suspect egor of something, according to the laws of war, a story with a continuation , look after the program for time.
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to the capital of world cinema, mr. wenders,
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why are you repeating yourself, but i’m not repeating myself, my god, are there no doors, in this film i play a negative character, i’m an avenger, i just left my rights, jane’s script is real literature, we we can’t leave the piano, thousands of journalists came to kan for the festival. this isn't a movie anymore, please be careful jack. damn, it hurts. i feel like i'm made from one piece of cinema, from head to toe. thank you for being... we raced here motador on saturday at the first, it's a festival, where there are films for everyone is cannes. the information channel on the first continues,
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we are working live, time will tell the program, and of course, the main news of today is washington’s allocation of a large package of military aid for... ukraine, against this background , the german chancellor made a very unexpected statement this morning olaf scholz. he said the era of using fossil fuels has come to an end. we all know that the age of fossil fuels is coming to an end. this means reorganization for all of us. industrial processes. for our neighbor norway, this also means becoming a major supplier of clean energy from wind and hydroelectric power. the conditions for... this could hardly be better, you have a lot of wind and water, existing pipeline infrastructure and vast experience in the energy sector, and what is very important, at such transition stages you have a reliable partner, the consumer of this energy, and he is here in this region there is german industry. igor valerievich, explain
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to us in the wild how strange and scary this is he had statements, a redistribution of the energy market, a global redistribution is coming. rather, it has already happened and he is trying to pass off wishful thinking, that is, he says that the industry will be rebuilt, and rather, the industry has already suffered, and he wants to pretend that this was planned, this is all an element of the transition to renewable energy, because germany became one of the main affected countries, it was its industry that suffered the most due to the fact that it went to russian he passes off european gas as the norm, but he wants to say, it’s okay, it’s a cunning plan, yes. everything was supposed to be, so don’t worry, this is part of the energy transition, they lost heavy industry and metallurgy, the glass industry, nitrogen fertilizers, that is, everything energy-intensive, suffered greatly, they dropped significantly in gas consumption, all of europe, for example, in the twenty-second year it reduced gas consumption by 60 billion cubic meters, then again
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in the 30th, twenty-second year, this is quite a significant percentage in general, it’s difficult here to say, in general, they themselves do not... give an assessment, but if we look at the volume, they partially switched back to coal in 2022, that is, what is this person talking about, what is the end of the fossil era in general? energy sources, when in 22 they switched back to coal because gas was super expensive, in this regard, by the way, scholz is back on the same rake, they have been telling everyone for years that that’s it, we’re switching to renewable energy sources, tomorrow is yours nobody will need oil, gas, coal at all, but according to the companies, that this means that there is no need to invest money in the development of new fields and... therefore, after covid, when europe came out and began to consume a lot of energy again, and gas companies simply could not cope, because they were scared, they said that gas - will not be needed, they invested in the development of new fields, and accordingly, a shortage and price increase began, by the way, in this regard it is very cunning, but their price increase began in the middle of twenty-one , when they intimidated the gas workers and those
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they gave new volumes, and now they accuse us of this, they say that it was all from russia, but prices from the twenty-first to the twenty- second year in the winter they were already above a thousand dollars per thousand. we understand correctly that scholz, with these words , confirms what the americans are imposing on him, that undermining the northern flows is very beneficial, including for the germans, and he is trying to convince the germans of this now, yes, they are essentially saying that, and that’s good, after all, this is like a step towards the energy transition, towards renewable energy, they are even trying to reassure the norwegians about this, because norway is a country that receives the main income from hydrocarbons, produces oil and gas, and they say, don’t fight - somehow we’ll adapt your gas pipelines, supposedly you’ll supply hydrogen there, although such a practice has never happened in the world before, that is, even the norwegians are trying to reassure, in this regard , there is really such a kind of hypnotic speech , in general, from scholtz, that everything is fine, everything is going according to plan, don’t worry, this is all an element of a green future, well, if it goes
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according to plan, then it means some kind of... then scholz has a plan, probably there is, which, maybe we are not aware of all these new innovative technologies of olaf scholz, well, rather... to calm down the germans and the rest of the europeans is the main plan, in this regard, again, they are more likely preparing to tighten sanctions against the russian, maybe lng, liquefied natural gas from the united states, they openly say: we want to kill the arctic lng-2 project there, now in the fourteenth package it is starting to be discussed that let’s maybe introduce a ban altogether on russian lng supplies to europe, and naturally, in general, this is some kind of preparation that if the americans impose sanctions against russian projects and the europeans will not be able to do so. buy, again i will say that this is all an element of that same plan. but it turns out that germany is undergoing deindustrialization, according to usholz, disguised as green energy. also, always when they try to push green energy, this is an increase in prices for everything at the expense of ordinary people. can i complement you by asking another everyday question:
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how long will the germans not be able to wash themselves? robert khabik called on them a lot, but guys, well , we should have done it a year ago, 2 years ago, we heard, guys, we need to wash less often, look, i say i haven’t washed for 3 days, but how long can they last? havac just said that he washes every day, but he said that you don’t need it every day, but you don’t need it, then this appeared... and the statement of the industrialists a couple of hours ago literally the chairman of the industrial union of germany said that a year passed without
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an increase in industrial production in germany, the next year by another 1.5%, so that scholz is absolutely lying in this case, if you compare his speech and what industrialists say, because the transition to new types of energy is wonderful, especially for leopards, leopards have solar batteries, and they will still charge for 2 hours, but that’s nonsense, nonsense complete, despite the fact that there is one aircraft carrier. americans with takeoffs and landings during exercises, this is the same amount of co2 as all the inhabitants of germany do in a year, so there is a lot of untruth here, but it goes, you know how justifiable such a story is before european elections, look, we promised, we do, we are trendsetters throughout the whole space, by the way, the german auto industry will refuse, because we legally prohibited them from making internal combustion engines, so we will all switch to electricity, but... germany is purchasing electricity today abroad, that is , she herself in france and in france, where the energy industry is still preserved, there is such
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a concept as engepass, angipass, this is when something is missing there and they pour you either gasoline only into cans, or a loaf of bread in hand, so in oroninburg near berlin , no longer connecting the household to electricity, because there is not enough of it, it ’s like, wait, a new house is being built, but without electricity, and you’re talking about germany. this is germany, this is 2024, they say, well, you know, we haven’t caught up with high-vodka there, we don’t have electricity, and something doesn’t help, not solar panels, not windmills, respectively, all this deindustrialization, it’s clearly pronounced happens, the beneficiary is also clearly expressed, these are super powers, china, the usa, where they are running away large concerns where there is electricity, where there is electricity and cheap coal and gas, because they need it for production, but they can’t come to us, they can’t come to us.
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the germans are putting up with it, they are standing in smyrna, they have everything ordnunk. not all germans tolerate, not all germans, those germans who do not tolerate, they
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are going through hard times, the internal service for protecting the constitution under the name shots, an analogue of the fsb in russia, is hurting them so much, excuse me for the political science movie, that those who do not tolerate, they are now afraid to demonstrate what they do not tolerate, lawsuits, searches, recently one of the sponsors. the closure of almost all of europe through germany for the sake of, well, i don’t know any ambitious goals of the united states,
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because many production facilities have already left for... the united states, with the same germany, because very favorable conditions of existence are offered there. what is this about , about closing europe through germany? no, this is about increasing the well-being of americans, january 22, at the expense of the germans. the largest consulting company ren corporation, which had more than thirty nobel laureates, came out with a report that the american economy is heading into the abyss, made in the usa there are only weapons, airplanes, and a number of others. some cars, everything else is done abroad, and if this trend is not reversed now, the economy will not be raised, they give the secret of how to do it, provoke the russians, turn off gas from russia, electricity from france, in parentheses increased by 300% electricity from france, and then the entire german economy, including other european ones, will move to america, his miracle, it turns out that since the twentieth year, sites have been prepared for
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the relocation of specific european enterprises to the usa. poland, that means romania, so that in general there is a barrier, like on the border with finland, we are scandinavian countries, then the baltic states, there was no movement of goods, cargo and services between old europe and russia. let me remind you that our main trading partner in europe was germany. this is a huge number of projects and mutual
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investment technologies. this is what just happened. the stoppage of trade with russia resulted. v more than 200 billion losses to german concerns, they have now billed the german government, well, there are figures of 5 billion, something else, that is, the anti-german position that is now happening is, this is nonsense, just what they are doing to the country. igorevich, what do we need in this situation, we kind of talked about europe being angry, about how the germans don’t wash themselves, yes, well , because there is no money, electricity is expensive there, well, places, of course, we’re not exaggerating a little, but to be honest , literally just a little bit. because in practice there are such problems is it true for us that from this situation, will we suffer or, on the contrary, will we gain something? no, well, of course, when trade stops, both sides suffer, and the seller is the buyer, but if we look at energy, our main product, uh, then in terms of oil, petroleum products, coal , it was physically easy to turn around here, and indeed all of this was spent on alternative markets, basically everything that went to europe
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now goes to india in terms of oil, and from india - basically, which goes to india, is processed there and sent to europe, if europe bought from us directly, buys from india, what difference would it make? well, it’s hard to say here, in general, because, relatively speaking, we sell our oil to india at a discount of about 10 dollars, they process it and sell it back to the europeans, that is, of course, 20, it’s really cheaper there there would be fuel. ours are ready, we were the main supplier of diesel fuel and fuel oil to europe, now it’s the same india, just made from russian oil, or turkey, it buys ready-made russian oil products, says it’s us like for ourselves, suddenly surprisingly similar volumes, we release our own and we sell them to the balkan market, they sell theirs, they use ours on the domestic market, everything is fair, everything is because direct re-export is prohibited, that’s if you seem to
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have changed it, then everything is fine, but the numbers are suspiciously the same. but the situation with gas here is more complicated, simply because it is physically difficult to transport, that is, in order to redirect it, you either need to build a gas pipeline or a gas liquefaction plant, we only have two of these, just now our companies have registered their technology only for the construction of such plants, but not a single one has yet been built using our technology, well, plus the issue of gas carriers, now the united states, for example, has imposed sanctions against the arctic-2 project, and there is the main problem, it is ready, it it works, it liquefies gas, but there is nowhere to ship it, because these gas carriers. the shipyard is a star for us, but we are not yet building such gas carriers separately ourselves, but accordingly, before building a gas pipeline, for example, in china the power of siberia 2 is the same, you first need a contract sign, while we are fighting over the price of the pricing formula with china under the contract, we also tell him that they believe that time is on
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their side, that supposedly the worse things are for gazprom in europe, the more accommodating it will be, and we.. we show that guys, you will now wait until you have a direct confrontation with the united states and everything that comes from the south will be actively blocked, so everything that comes from the north of us is much safer. well , while the bargaining continues, let's hope that they will sign in the near future, and this will be part of the redirection of just western siberian gas, which used to go to europe, well, it turns out that supporters of green energy have the wind in their heads, but purely american, briefly advertising and let’s return, american senator linsey graham, terrorist and extremist, russians are dying, we have never spent money so well, he is not afraid to say the loudest words, because he... is not responsible for them, he always promotes the interests of military-industrial corporations, now he insists on supplying missiles to ukraine, which are produced by the rayton company, makes a statement that everyone should fight in ukraine, take out loans,
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fight, and what are we going to do, this is not your model, he was in one of the student races, called fikapafi, if they entered, then forever a symbol of the silence of the roseau they have in the will of fate, he was brought together with the macain clan, the time has come for the russians to pay a big price. graham acts as a catalyst for europeans’ fear of the russian threat, constantly selling this very war, representative military complex, they give him power, the americans have set a record for the supply of their weapons, this is all, including his merit. republicans and democrats follow each other, but lince grem is untouchable. lynsey graham - american psycho, tutti's heir doll. today is the first one.
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egor was always there, never went anywhere, didn’t try to talk to anyone so you wouldn’t see it, do you suspect egor of something? according to the laws of war, the story continues. watch the time after the program. once upon a time these people determined trends in rock and pop music, and now they have left russia and divided the performers into their own and others. former music producer. and now foreign agent mikhail kozyrov. there are artists who, as we call it, ziganuli, and there are artists who would commit suicide to express their anti-war views. mish, well, you probably need to get better. every
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night i come back to what i could have done differently. i am doomed to live with this until the end of my days. broken, depressed, devastated, absolutely human, i have never seen him like this. well done! it’s a pity, on the other hand, what kind of pathetic guys are you? i’m trying to catch some glimmer of hope in the fact that ukraine can win . oh my god, how can i see it on one side and the battlefield, and i don’t see anything, unfortunately, there are no irreplaceable people, goodbye guys, you’re irrelevant, show of vavan and lexus on wednesday. on the first. voice. the final. live. on saturday. on the first. three chords. new season.
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on sunday on the first. the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place today. ah, yuri nikolaevich, that’s it it's clear. you took the number. to live together in the next world, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, right now i’ll tell linka that i’m leaving her, after all, she’s not the first one to cry, calm down, where’s the champagne, i tortured him with my
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hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions , and i think that he only loves his wife and does not want to part with her, hello, lian, a frivolous conversation, are they sure that they truly love each other, what are you ready for, that’s all. life after life, the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first. we continue our broadcast, again to the main topic of last weekend, the american congress allocated a military aid package totaling $95 billion to washington’s allies, israel, taiwan, and, of course, ukraine, this is what western journalists say about the voting process. a few minutes ago, members
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of the house of representatives approved the allocation of $61 billion for ukraine. after the announcement of the results, many representatives of the democrats began to wave ukrainian flags and rejoice, which, by the way, is contrary to the rules of the meeting, after which the presiding congressman admonished them . most representatives of the republican party. were against this decision, but nevertheless the house of representatives approved the allocation of a new aid package to ukraine. it was a grueling , months-long battle to get the aid package passed. however, some republicans still insist that the money could be better spent on the united states' domestic problems. united taxpayers. have already
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sent $13 billion to ukraine, our the external debt exceeds 34 trillion dollars, this debt is growing every day by another 40 billion. now a tranche of 61 billion will be sent to ukraine and its regional allies to replenish stocks of weapons and equipment. some of these funds will be allocated to ensure that the us military continues its operations in the region and to purchase for ukraine the modern defense equipment that zelensky has begged the united states for. and nato within a few months. ukraine says its survival depends on decisions accepted in washington. some say we must deal with our border first. well, the russian-ukrainian border is our border. some members of the republican party are now speaking out strongly against the bill. today
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i will submit for consideration an amendment to the bill on financing ukraine, according to which kiev will not receive a single dollar from this project. many in congress waved ukrainian flags during the vote, but divisions remained. members of the democratic party supported kiev, but members of the republican party not so much. america sold off today. members of congress waved the ukrainian flag from the floor of the united states house of representatives instead of doing anything to secure our border. i think every american in this country should be furious. well, despite the fact that the lion's share of aid was allocated to ukraine, america did not forget about israel and taiwan, in general. they are only
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going to allocate money to confront us, like this our mit representative, maria zakharova, commented on the situation. the allocation of military assistance by the united states to ukraine, israel and taiwan will aggravate the global crisis. military assistance to the kiev regime is direct sponsorship of terrorist activities, taiwan is interference in the internal affairs of china, and israel is a direct road to escalating an unprecedented escalation in the region. vladimir vladimirovich, please explain. regarding this assistance, is america supporting its kind of allies, in three directions, or is it against us, where we we work with three states against which they, in fact, allocate funds. this is clearly expressed as a confrontation between axes. today there is an awn, let's say, warsaw, washington, the axis, kaliningrad, hong kong. like that. in this
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opposition, in this confrontation, america, of course, plays a monstrous role, imagine that there is a fire somewhere, you called the firefighters, you hope that they will put out this fire, well, any regional conflict, it is always monstrous from a humanitarian point of view disaster in terms of an ordinary person who is there in the region, except for the country that is not directly involved in this conflict and makes good money from it, and if you call specific firefighters, as in bradbury, they come with a can of gasoline. while the americans present the missiles, which , look, clearly, the germans have been waiting for, will fly 300 km, now the germans with a calm soul will begin to tell scholz in principle that he is not just a cowardly chancellor, that he is destroying the democracy of europe,
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he will have to provide taurus, americans supplied abrams, we will supply leopards, americans provide missiles, let scholz supply too, where will the reinforcement be? well, let’s look at interference in the internal affairs of china - this is an unprecedented step, in principle, america declared war on china, not in the economic sense of the word, in creating support for the separatists, who also have the right to use certain things, it will flare up, because the least amount of money has been allocated in taiwan , but there
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is no direct conflict there yet, but are these funds enough to this conflict flared up even more, this is enough to tease the dragon, the bear is already planning to go to china this week worthy.
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the policy towards russia, towards iran, towards israel, suggests that they are thinking very short-term under someone’s pressure, and this pressure is the american military-industrial complex. mikhail, there is a holiday in ukraine, there is literally a feast of the spirit on social networks, everyone is actively discussing this whole story, that’s it, they gave money, we will win, but in fact, let’s do it this way, if in fact, then to the budget of ukraine $7.8 billion will fall, but now. no, well, yes, no, the fact is that i have already specifically consulted on this issue and can very accurately tell you what will happen under the social with whom you consulted, this is a different question, completely fundamentally, and i won’t tell you, so well, let's start with a simple thing:
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an agreement has already been concluded for the supply of 90, 90 american diesel locomotives, used ones, but at very high prices, almost, well, there are shunting and mainline locomotives... just the ukrainian military-industrial complex and military transportation cargo, and by and large the power grid has broken up into islands and for this we need mobile transformers that will support this whole story, and the largest payments, again, not social services at all, not state employees at all, not the ministry of emergency situations at all, not
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the police at all, even more so not pensioners, the radical part of these payments will be payments to the military, but they still won’t be able to cover salaries? salaries and combat wages, as well as payments to the families of the victims, only now they are consciously, for the last six months almost the 50,000 dead were kept until genetic data was established there, that is , confirmation of the death that they died, because this, well, so you understand, 50,000 people, taking into account the payments that are planned there, this is also right there close to half a billion dollars, instantly just , this does not count those that have constant turnover. these payments are being recognized, and they have now announced, and this will apparently be implemented at the expense of this money, that those who are at zero will be paid directly increased, increased, because people simply don’t go any other way, we all... it’s great they catch them wherever they can, so instead of this money going to the economy, the real one, and
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even the social sphere, this money will not go to the social sphere, and let’s do it this way, expenses are included in the draft budget of ukraine for the military part, 31 billion dollars, and even in the original project of 42 billion dollars there was a deficit included, that is, at a minimum we get 11 billion in the non-military sphere, yes, but we know what additional measures and articles they introduced there and how much money was not collected for today? that in fact, they still have a 25-30 billion dollar hole that they won’t be able to close, by and large , this money is now like a dead poultice, and it doesn’t help at all, the only way it helps, mind you, is when the money allocated a few days later, almost a week after they voted on the law on mobilization, the only thing they do is help, for some time ukrainians will continue to die for other people’s interests, so there will be money there for this, you know how it really helps ukraine a lot? gives hope, because from this package, which they accepted, which means that over the course
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of so many months, they created a real extravaganza, and now the ukrainians, who still doubted, and perhaps in some way, will have confidence that indeed, look, they didn’t cheat on us, they will definitely help us, they extended this helping hand to us so that we wouldn’t stretch our legs, they’re probably going through some kind of thinking process in their head, but timofey alenevich, do you think, should
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they retreat further, like after avdeevka, after bakhmut, artyomovsk, so, of course, no one will give them any more money, so, perhaps, they will give some certain amounts just to simply slow down this fire, in order for negotiations to begin, but now in fact we we see... the picture that emerged around 1943, after the battle of stalingrad there was the battle of kursk, now we are seeing that they are allocated money for approximately the battle of kursk, this is the last such forced march, which in general is worth now in front of zelensky, but i i think that these are very crafty figures for allocating this money, because europe is allocating money to america, or rather america is allocating this money. looks, right now, that is , if the weather was so dry,
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now it means money, american dollars, will go there to ukraine, which means we don’t have to strain too much, this fifty-billion-euro package that was accepted from the eu, let’s get it be held back under some plausible pretexts, that is, this package of euros will decline, i’m more than sure, and scholz will find some excuses, brussels will find some... excuses not to allocate or at least put this package aside and see how american money will work, so in general, i think zelensky is rejoicing early, of course he will receive certain funds, but what he won’t get, he won’t get good air defense and so on, now the people just promised, yes they promised to find a petriot, there are patriots in greece, but... today i watched the german press, they write there that
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there are problems for the transfer of air defense and about why, because the current conflict in the middle east has demonstrated that the systems are pro, they are very, very in demand, the modern war is fought with the help of drones and with the help of missiles, who will shoot them down, of course, this is a system, systems, these patriots, some kind of sumpts. you just can’t make them that quickly, so of course greece will resist with all their hands and feet in order to transfer these s-300s and these irests, well, germany irit petriots are old, they are quite old, they are patriots in greece, that ’s why i’m not here i don't think zelensky will get a lot of complexes, one or two there, maybe it will work out, five, maybe he will get it, but the weather won’t do it, for every european excuse there is a very harsh american one. persuasion, by the way, usually americans, they don’t really understand why they have to pay for a war
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thousands of kilometers from their home, and after the approval of this package of military assistance. i already said this earlier, they came out sharply against the allocation of this aid package to ukraine, and they say that the problems in america itself, our internal american problems, that's what the dissatisfied congressmen themselves say about it. inflation continues to put pressure on the budgets of every american family, and our nation's debt exceeds $34 trillion.
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i urge my colleagues in congress and the biden administration to listen to the american people. states, but did nothing to ensure that the border patrol could ensure the security of the united states. it’s good that ukrainians will die in exchange for american money.
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it will start in a couple of months, grab it they started a long time ago, but there’s no one in particular to snatch, i’ve already said, i repeat, the resource, well, 150, 200, 250. in fact, if they take these people, it seems to me that they are already in the economy, that is, the economy will begin to take shape like a card house, and regarding the mood, i would like to follow up with questions in ukraine, in fact, the ukrainian average person
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received information about this tranche with horror, there is no hope there, there i will explain how people think, and you know, the saying, a terrible end is better, than endless horror, here are many in fact, they were already latently ready to lose at the front in any way the war was over, which means the men would not be taken away, immobilized, would not die in the trenches, yes, but now they gave them money and all this is stretched out, and the average person has the maximum chance of dying more than it was, these are the moods, the townsfolk there no longer have any hopes for a long time, if there weren’t hopes , they wouldn’t actually go to war in these rows, who would... say that they will end soon, they don’t end, everything mobilizes them, mobilizes, mobilizes, there are no people at all, every month it is counted that up to a thousand people come to the military registration and enlistment offices voluntarily for a long time , i say quite responsibly, knowing the situation below, that's what we see
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in excesses, this is just the brightest thing, in fact , someone is just going there more resignedly. but no one goes voluntarily for a long time, they can force you to go in production, maybe in business some company is forced to go, or they come to the market, for example, and send all the men they find there. without fail they come like a herd, but no one comes voluntarily for a long time, there are no people there for this, regarding the bill for the allocation of money and military assistance, andrei franovich, after all, they will allocate something, and first of all from the point of view of the united states , for ukraine we are talking about ms missiles, which according to one version are already there, according to another version they will appear there in the next few days, but how they can make sure that all this military aid does not reach the front. is anyone doing this now, well, we are capable of it, well , let’s start with the last one, but
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it is impossible to block, that is, you need to understand, to block all channels of arms supply from europe to ukraine, these are dozens of different border crossings, tunnels, and so on further, one collapsed, went through another, so we always strike warehouses, and we see very effective actions, sometimes it resembles a tactical nuclear explosion, when a cloud begins to form, with that side is talking about... now about the odessa ports, they have learned to cover expensive missiles with complexes that are part of nuclear power plants, our foreign development service spoke about this, nuclear power plants, cars with anti-aircraft missiles, with expensive operational-tactical missiles, are stored at territories of nuclear power plants, realizing that if we hit there where, the magistrate does not even see attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant when they themselves are there.
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up to the use of tactical nuclear weapons within the framework of the concept that they have there is a limited nuclear war on the territory of the european part, i understand that russia, then the soviet union, now russia and the european union.
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that is, we understand that the americans will remove these complexes from service with the possibility of ordering new ones for these countries with
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this money, most likely the greeks will use it somewhere else in the middle east , including their allies, and actually send these weapons to ukraine, but we need to understand the scale so that this is comparable to us, we need to do it in the same volume if we are increasing our strikes on... well, here an unexpected correspondence dispute broke out between kiev’s friends in the west; a member of the german bundestag, rodor kiziweter, sees
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the main problem of ukraine in the fact that they are simply tired of it and then there may not be a new aid package. we should not forget the fact that the war may continue for a long time and that this may be the last major aid package from the united states for now. well, here it is. emphasize that this deputy, he is one of the main, probably, lobbyists of ukraine in germany, but here’s what interestingly, german defense concerns today earn good money in ukrainian. conflict, this is what the press writes about the state of military affairs in german defense. since the outbreak of the conflict in ukraine , germany's attitude towards weapons companies has changed greatly. before this, working for arms companies was considered sinful, but now many germans are attracted to working for the military-industrial complex. so last year, 108,000 people applied for work at rain metal. and for the first 4 month of this year, the company has already received more than
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3800. on the one hand, they are increasing production and it is impossible not to notice, here are the messages that are coming from rain metal, on the other hand, they don’t really want to help ukraine, then against whom and what are these weapons for, which new one is being built? you know, sholds’ statement, for example, that the war will last 5-6 years, and we will help until the end, and russia does not have... the right to win, and macron said the same thing, he says what, today america is providing funds , some things are already right in europe there are, and you know, these things that are in europe, american or german soldiers are sitting on them, once upon a time we discussed the appearance of javelins in ukraine, and today we are already talking about missiles that fly 300 km, tomorrow we will to speak in the same way about the appearance of personnel of german troops or french or polish, this will all happen if you plan
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warily. i think that planning a war, people like kizenveta are an amazing person, bollick and lelik, he also has a girlfriend, shtrak zimmerman, who is the head bundestag defense committee, these are the people who for me are real arsonists, warmongers, they have it in only one direction, the russians need to show what we can and what we can, the chancellor is a coward, that means we are bombing the crimean bridge, and the statements about what is most immediate and very necessary for the german automobile industry, for the electric one, they are switching to another. germany has mineral resources that we really need, then you rethink it, it’s not just against russia, it’s also behind the minerals, if you listen to kizinveter, and these people are very much in germany is turned up in volume, they are heard everywhere, they are visible everywhere, on all talk shows, they talk about these horrors, she lena berbuk said that if russian troops come, she was not in mariupol, she
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has never seen the footage. then in this statement by scholz, yes, that we are transitioning, but this is a purely american idea, work hard, mercedes are wearing out, and now you need to make money on some missiles, i think the situation is dangerous, why am i talking about that tomorrow we will talk about the introduction of troops, because they decided to plan the production of shells, and if they planned the production and, as our dear colleague says, that the personnel in
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ukraine... then nato will very easily win by proxy, yes, that is, they no longer hide anything and say, that it’s not too late, does this mean that the americans accepted this package, in fact, not 61 billion, as we said, but just a little will go in the form of such direct financial assistance to ukraine, not in the form of weapons, in the sight of money loans there, does this mean that this is a signal from the americans in europe, that guys... come on,
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shell out your money, i think no, this is a signal - to europe, let’s arm ukraine together, now i’ll remind you, this is where these sets of additional people are going, rain metal is a concern, it is building a large plant in unterlusi, which will produce 155mm shells for guns, of course, i am far from thinking that they will simply be given to ukraine. i think that ukrainians will simply buy them, buy them with these dollars that they will now receive, of course, ukraine will acquire and, in general, sponsor. european economy, the european economy very well accepted with pleasure this allocation of this package, because when your energy resources are at the same price, then you can no longer sell your mercedes, your bmw,
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because the chinese ones are cheaper, and if you produce projectiles, then you don’t care how much they cost, 4,000 dollars, euros or 8,000 euros, they’ll buy them anyway, the ukrainians will launch them anyway, they... will be used up quickly, you’ll still need them produce, produce more, the european economy, the german economy, will earn much more, in general, everything is in chocolate, they are doing great, the germans have found such a certain niche, how can they get out of this situation with expensive energy resources, in much the same way like the thirties, but there is a nuance where the place is oil, and you can’t eat shells, leopard tanks are not very comfortable to drive on german autobahns, you know, i noticed this, that’s... something abruptly about last week, when there was talk that now everything would be allocated, an aid package would be allocated, and it was clear that they would vote, the topic of possible negotiations with russia somehow disappeared from the agenda, this means that the west clearly understood that it does not want any peace, the west goes to
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the world, a short advertisement and we will return, according to the laws of war, a story with a continuation, grigory ivanovich, where are you going, look with you. after the program , the simple boy benito mussolini would never have achieved what he achieved if it were not for the ardent support of the educated and thinking people. his comrade-in-arms was the prominent italian philosopher giovanni gentile, who published the first programmatic fascist text, a manifesto of fascist intellectuals. thanks to talented creative people.
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roles suddenly i played galileo and hamlet, they ask why you want to play the role of ganb, it’s simply because it’s a good role, he would probably be a wonderful king,
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the premiere, vladimir vysotsky, i went on stage, like vysotsky broke chains, lyubivov like the director was eager for freedom, there is no system, stanislavsky, this. all stupidity, there is a method of work of a great master. yuri lyubimov, man of the century. suddenly onit ilic says, it’s a good theater, don’t touch it. tomorrow on the first. once upon a time, these people determined the trends of rock and pop music. and now they have left russia and divided the performers into their own and others. former music producer and now foreign agent mikhail kozyrov. there are artists who, as we call it. they started to freak out, but there are artists who would consider it suicide to express their anti-war views. mish, well, you probably need to get better, every at night i return to what could have been done differently. i am doomed
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to live with this until the end of my days, a broken, depressed, absolutely devastated person. i 've never seen him like this. bedinsky is obsessed with roulette and other gambling games. my income is mise. it’s a pity, on the other hand, how pathetic are you guys? and i’m trying to catch some glimmer of hope that ukraine can win on the battlefield, and i don’t see anything, unfortunately, there are no irreplaceable people, goodbye guys, you’re not relevant, the vavan and lexus show, wednesday on first, th... the final. live on saturday on the first. with fabulous ease, the provincial resort turned into the capital of the world.
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please be careful, jack. damn, it hurts. i feel like i'm made from one piece of cinema, from head to toe. thank you for being here. motador. on saturday. on the first. this is a festival where there are films for everyone. this is cannes. the armed forces of our country occupy new
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positions on the border of the lugansk republic of the kharkov region. fighting is taking place in the area of ​​the villages of novoegorovka and novoselovsk. and come to us now with in this direction , viteley viktorich kiselev comes into direct contact. let's find out how the situation is there vitali viktorich, hello, over to you. yes, good afternoon. well, in the lugansk operational direction in the zone of a special military operation, in fact, our units inflicted defeat in the area of ​​​​the settlements of novayahorivka.
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tank gun mt-12 and a bm-21 came under our artillery fire, well, in principle, it was a nightmare for our unit, it was caught, in a targeted strike, it was defeated, and was also destroyed an american -made antpq50 radar station, two bmp-1 and two pickup trucks, which transported ammunition and also provided reconnaissance directly - with a foray into the area of ​​​​our units,
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there are four brigades in this direction, this is the fourteenth mega-brigade, 68 yager, fifty-seventh motorized infantry and 110 - tro e self-defense of the armed forces of ukraine. these four units provide the entire defense cycle, these are kupensk, the northern one, kupinsk itself - the southern direction and the oskol reservoir. well, be that as it may, the enemy also used a whole platoon. in the beer of drone pilots trying to find our batteries in order to inflict defeat, but unfortunately they didn’t succeed, here today our artillery, our tank units are mainly working, and as the enemy declares that the advantage is obvious, if they see an advantage both in technology and in weapons, then of course they abandon their positions, they do not engage in shooting combat, for us, in principle, this is already... great, these are already good positive moments when
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the enemy does not cling to a strong point, a he’s just making trouble with him, so the fact that over the last 24 hours a powerful counter-battery strike was launched against the enemy speaks for itself, thank you, thank you very much, vitalich kiselyov, he was in direct contact with us, well, despite the allocation of this aid to ukraine by the americans nothing changes for us, our tasks remain the same as they were. president of azerbaijan ilham aliyev, as he is on an official visit to moscow , said in an official statement from the kremlin press service, it is planned to consider key issues of further development russian-azerbaijani relations strategically.
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connecting with china, which carries a huge amount of supplies for the needs of our economy and for our armed forces. well, the special military operation continued during those 3 days that we did not see boris aleksandrovich rozhin,
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a lot happened on the fronts, special military operations, ours advanced in a number of directions, powerful strikes were delivered by our aerospace forces. "baris aleksandrovich, good afternoon, the floor is yours, and good afternoon, yes, indeed, for the last days, the front is actively moving against the backdrop of a systematic campaign of attacks on the enemy’s logistics, energy system and military industry, which was very effective, this is in kharkov, zaporozhye, dnepropetrovsk, that is , various objects of the military industry were hit, airfields were squeezed, planes were destroyed, the system air defense, that is." it can be noted that now our reconnaissance drones fly very deep, this makes it possible to accurately hit targets that the enemy previously considered relatively safe, this radically changes the rules games, the enemy is forced to admit this, naturally this affects the situation at the front, in the zaporozhye direction our troops continue to put pressure in the center of rabotin,
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we are also advancing to the north-west of verbovoy, there the enemy has lost two more positions in the vremevsky ledge in the last 3 days. the main battles are now heading south. from urozhaynoye the village is subjected to intense attacks from our aircraft, again the defense is being softened for a future assault on urozhaynoye. we had the most serious successes in the ugledar direction, here novomikhailovka has been completely liberated, the fighting for it went on for many months, the marines of the 155th brigade bore the brunt of the fighting, they have almost reached the outskirts of paroskovievka, there is also a serious advance to the south of novomikhailovka, which is now being established.
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some of ocheretina are fighting for the center of the village; the loss of ocheretin will mean that the second line of enemy defense west of avdievka has been broken through. we also have successes in novokalinovo, that is, in general, the entire front is moving to the west, the enemy cannot stabilize it yet, we also have successes in the artyomovsk direction, here our troops are fighting on the outskirts of chasyar, and after completing the liberation of bogdanovka , we are conducting assault operations in the direction of kalinovka, and so on.
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100, so the situation is naturally escalating, this is a new round of confrontation in which the united states of america is entering with us, in ukraine this is naturally a subject for serious joy, and for zelensky, this is another reason to make a statement, and, moreover, the craziest ones that i i don’t know how
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ukrainians can perceive it, but it turns out that that, in fact, this is a very good decision, because now ukrainians... are dying for nato, let's listen. ukraine sends its best sons and daughters to the front line, thereby reducing the cost that they would have to pay .
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what's your forecast? it depends on when we actually get weapons on the ground. if we receive these weapons in six months, then in this case the process will stall for six months and we will suffer losses in people and equipment in a number of areas. the situation in eastern ukraine was very difficult and we lost the initiative. now we have every chance to stabilize the situation and seize the initiative, so we really need to have these weapons systems at our disposal. one of the leaders of the united states congress, chairman of the senate intelligence committee mike warner. weapons will be coming soon. let's
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listen to him. i hope that as soon as this document goes to the president for signature on tuesday or wednesday, deliveries of long-range missiles will begin. starting next week? i hope that as soon as the president signs this document, we are told that his the signature is a guarantee that congress will do its job, and deliveries will begin by the end of this week. knowing the americans, i can say that deliveries have already begun, and most likely, by the end of the week we can expect attacks from these long-range atak ms missiles with a radius of 300 km, which means the acceptance of this package and the provision of assistance in terms of the situation on i think that the western world has gone to hell, because military assistance is provided not only by the united states of america, we remember about the military assistance package. who took the european union, and the world bank with the international monetary fund, which
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said that it would provide 42 billion to ukraine, that is, the amount is quite impressive, of course, part of this amount, it seems to be there in america, but the point is that all this is happening against the backdrop of a statement made, for example, by the same stoltenberg, who said, refuse, give everything to ukraine, give it all air defense, give it everything it needs. that is, the west is going to go to abank, because, let’s say, the situation, if so look all over the world, it is not developing in the best way, and i will remind you of this very interesting fact that happened before our eyes: when ukraine complained that it did not have enough shells, there was not enough ammunition there, they organized an attack on in the belgorod region, on the eve of the elections, they tried to storm and seize something there, that is, against the backdrop of a shell... famine, it looked suicidal, but they were prepared. now the main task is ukraine, so that its fire continues as
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longer as possible, but besides this, if you look at the package of this assistance, there, which was allocated by the us congress, there is an article dedicated to the fact that they will prepare ukrainians, they will prepare them at training grounds, but for this, it takes time to prepare them, but for now preparation is necessary on the line of combat contact. will determine from which direction they will attack, so these long-range systems will help them, that if suddenly something appears somewhere, they can quickly
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transfer launchers, quite like they think it’s enough to thwart our offensive, but they don’t assume where this offensive will be. let’s say, logistics are suffering because we continue to work on the rear, we work on the energy system, the main supply of weapons is via the railway. therefore , it is problematic, but despite this, supplies are going on, that is, now washington is not particularly advertising its allies, how much they have supplied to ukraine, now after this help, they will announce that...
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the outskirts have actually broken through the first line defense, which was built by the enemy in netailovo, they were penetrated quite unexpectedly for the enemy, they gained a foothold on it and then measures are taking place to prepare for further movement through this settlement, to the north in the umansky area we also caught up with a residential area, this settlement is small, but it is divided the reservoir
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is divided into two parts, and the enemy is now taking advantage of the topography of the place. in order to organize their defense in this locality, in semyonovka and berdychi, in principle, the situation has not changed much, about 80% of the settlements are behind us, in one and in the second in the north-west there remains one fairly serious, large stronghold on the enemy’s side, that is, fighting for them is going on, the enemy does not stop, here in semyonovka in berdachi just in batches, one might say send our personnel to... slaughter in order to somehow restrain these oporniks, further north in the area there is a queue, the entire southern part of the settlement is behind us, this is a dacha village, behind the dacha village, now there are battles - go for control of the iron road, which divides the settlement into two parts, in part of which the enemy is located, there are several such
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industrial buildings in which the enemy is gaining a foothold. there are high-rise buildings in which the enemy is gaining a foothold, but the advance on our side does not stop, also novabakhmutovka and novokalinovo battles are going on in novokalinovo, also the eastern part is behind us, the battles are going on along the highway that goes to the next settlement of keramik, it is actually located immediately on leaving novokalinov, just at ceramics, the enemy also concentrates his forces, throws... in a counterattack in novokalinovo his groups along ocheretina - in general, this is a fairly strategic height, which is now under the enemy and gives him the opportunity to more or less somehow restrain his defenses and with our advancement, but in the future, as soon as this populated area is liberated, this is a strategic height, the opportunity will already give us control over the adjacent
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territories, conduct fire control over a sufficiently... long distance, in the ochretina the forty-seventh brigade was also deployed as such a fire brigade in order to try to stop our troops, yes, because several units from this direction literally withdrew and left, refusing to stand there in defense, suffering quite serious losses. yes, thank you very much, this is vladimir razin, war correspondent for the popular front, let's listen to what bloomberg writes
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after the vote in the us congress took place. much will depend on how quickly us aid can get to the line. front after the house of representatives approved a package of military and economic support measures for kiev. with passage of the bill stalled in congress for 6 months, the ukrainian military faced severe shortages of ammunition and manpower while the russian army took advantage. according to analysts from the institute for the study of war, even if us aid is delivered quickly, it will not affect the situation at the front. at least a few more weeks, during which time russian troops can strengthen their attacks to take advantage of a limited window of opportunity. chelakh alekseevich, in peaceful life there is such a thing as a cash gap. now the americans have a fairly large cash gap, but first of all this is a cash gap within america itself, they will use money to close their own cash gap, and then the military cash gap at the fronts, so there is no need
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to be very sad about this help now, i i saw how ours reacted, nothing bad happened, the americans were themselves again they feed, well, this is actually an unpleasant situation, because in any case, weapons will get to ukraine, they will kill our guys. but far from the volumes that kiev expects, but we will discuss the political side of this whole big game after the advertisement. us senator linsey graham, terrorist and extremist. the russians are dying, we have never spent money so well. he is not afraid to say the loudest words because he is not responsible for them. he always promotes the interests of military-industrial corporations. now he insists on supplying to ukraine. missiles produced by the rayton company, makes a statement that everyone should fight in ukraine, take out loans, fight, and what are we going to do, this is not your model, he was a member of one of the student fraternities, called fikapafi, if
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you entered, then forever a symbol their silence rose and by the will of fate, he was brought together with the makein clan, the time has come for the russians to pay a big price, linsim acts as a catalyst for the europeans’ fear of the russian threat, he is selling this very war constantly. he is a representative of the military complex, they give him power, the americans have set a record for the supply of their weapons, this is all, including his merit, republicans, democrats replace each other, and lynsey graham is untouchable, lynsey graham is an american psychopath, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first,
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you are afraid, but i don’t feel comfortable, you should figure out, svetlana petrovna, which of you is the commander here, otherwise i would be flying, you may never wait for him at all, well, look around, there is a war going on, people are dying , a if you are lucky and you are alive, you have to live, it’s stupid to hide from life, according to the laws of war, a story with a continuation, watch the time after the program, we’ll make a joint card, i’ll send it to vanya, now i’m organizing it, a fashion sentence, a new season, i’m with you , alexander rogov, tomorrow at the first, for
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the sixtieth anniversary of the taganka theater, not in a single letter, i’m not lying, i’m not lying, what is the secret of the popularity of this theater, you can just lay out carpets somewhere in the yard and start playing everything. oh fire in the blood, god bless us, there is a restaurant nearby, and people come out of it, they are tipsy, they think what kind of holiday is this, maybe they missed one, they join us, there is such fun, even not only for the spectators who will then come to the theater, but also for just strangers on the street, these are my slogans, the creation of a stable government, at first i played comedic roles, suddenly i played galileo and hamlet, we...
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bimov, the man of the century. suddenly leonid ilich says, it’s a good theater, don’t touch it. tomorrow on the first. voice. the final. live. on saturday. on the first. today took place grand opening of the twelfth film festival. a, yuri nikolaevich. all clear. you got a hotel room, right? all prose. come here, and you catch me, i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me, you’re lying, why are you lumping it together, but we’ll get used to living separately, we’ll break up anyway. but we don’t decide, and then come up with
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something. so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nichaev spouses, known to you, that after death they want to be together. i officially declare that i, yuri nikolaevich nichaev, started together with my wife nichaeva, elena mikhailovna, to live together in the next world. well, what kind of love can there be, what kind of eternity? i’ll tell lenka right now that i’m leaving, after all, she won’t be the first to cry and calm down. where's the champagne? i drenched him with my hysterics, horoscopes, and suspicions. but i think that he only loves his wife and does not want to part with her. frivolous conversation. are they sure that they truly love each other? what are you ready for? for all. life after life. premiere of a serial film. coming soon on the first one.
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big game live. so on saturday on hitler's birthday, the house of representatives of the us congress voted for an aid package to ukraine, israel and taiwan, as well as for the confiscation of russian assets and for sending atak ms missiles to the ukrainian front. what is this?
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the us approved billions for ukraine, israel and taiwan, billions for the war against russia, palestine and china. ukrainians are attacking russian territory. american military assistance means only one thing: americans are also attacking russian territory, and this is a couple of steps away from nuclear war. israel is exterminating the palestinian people, and the us is sending them billions of dollars to do this, as if they want to directly participate in genocide. billions for taiwan are billions against an increasingly powerful china, and beijing knows it. no one else can. the united states has declared war on china, so the alliance between russia, china and the rest of the world will only strengthen. america makes a terrible mistake; they lose a historic match. the great war is closer than ever. lyubash, fortunately, is a person who adheres to leftist views. he is known for removing the eu flag from his office, which was left over from his predecessor, and instead hanging a portrait of chagiwara.
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therefore, this is quite good money, which persuaded some republicans, but not all, as it turned out, a minority of republicans, but a minority was needed to support this bill, but... for johnson this creates a completely new reality, that is, in this case he brought it to voting on a bill that was supported by 100% of democrats and a minority of it own party. naturally, the tellar green margers and others like her took a very tough position. johnson simply betrayed not only the republicans, but the entire country. biden administration agenda. we in congress will fight and do everything we can to stop this kind of unitary leadership. mike johnson's tenure
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as speaker is completely doomed. he needs to do the right thing by resigning and allowing us to move forward in a controlled process. if he doesn't do this, he will be fired. well it started against her there is a powerful information campaign right there, that’s what kyanbak, a democrat, said. moscow margery has hit a new bottom. you know, during the russian revolution, lenin spoke of american journalists, who at that time wrote brilliant reports about russia, as useful idiots. however, i don't think margerry even rises to the level of a useful idiot, she is simply spreading russian propaganda and seriously harming american foreign policy in the process. she behaves absolutely. well, lenin, whose day, by the way, today is birth, it is clear that they did not read it in congress and it is useful, this is an american expression, not lenin’s, but the new york post is, by the way, a pro-republican newspaper, it came out with a cover no, moscow margin, well, among
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those disillusioned with johnson’s policies, turned out to be american border guards who... still hoped that the republicans would fulfill their main promise, to allocate money to protect the border of the united states. well, brandon jud, president of the national border protection council, expressed this opinion. let's listen. we we are extremely disappointed that the house of representatives has provided assistance to secure the borders of foreign countries, but has provided nothing that would allow the border patrol to keep the united states safe. well, many americans noticed that the democrats. these representatives waved ukrainian flags and after that there were many comments that it turns out that protecting the borders of a foreign state is an act of patriotism, but protecting your own borders is not, a new political reality in the us congress. yacheslav alekseevich, congress
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the united states of america was once, probably a long time ago, a place where there was at least a little ethics, and a little bit of morality, there was very little, but still there was, now it’s libortal. or a terrarium, everyone who chooses whatever they want calls it that, but we must understand that johnson made this decision after a long conversation and negotiations with donald trump. i believe that there was a double deal, and this double deal was, on the one hand, aimed at the problems that the american judicial system has trump, the second, of course, is money, this is lobbying, this is a huge amount of money. 100 million dollars, just think about who just put this money in people’s pockets, it’s legal, that is, they bought it. other people’s votes, but it’s so very democratic to buy votes, just think about it, if a person is not for sale, you need to give him enough so that he sells, which means that everything has its own price. mergerie tellar green is repeatedly called pro-russian. wait, she is pro-american, she defends her own country and her own
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interests, these congressmen who are sitting always with ukrainian flags, which come out with a buttonhole, with the ukrainian flag, but it’s a draw, and not that much money was needed to protect the american border, the same texas. the same 60 billion dollars would have changed the situation radically, but these 60 billion were not found, now americans are faced with a strange election, either to really part with their speaker, who betrayed the republican party, or to admit that he must change after all, probably , party affiliation and cross the democratic party. here's the dilemma, dilemma, but an interesting twist, especially since today the trial of trump begins, the first in the history of the united states, a criminal trial, today the first witnesses will testify, well, let's see, this is really an unprecedented case in the history of the united states of america, i don’t think trump , well, he will be convicted, although now in
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this situation, in my opinion, nothing can be ruled out in america, that is , they could have promised him, yes, that you will support him, and we will not touch you in criminal cases. and then they can deceive, because this is also in the order of things, yes, in america, as in ukraine, the word is kept, well, for a few minutes, maybe, maybe hours, but certainly not days, much less. months, and there are still many months before the elections, and trump, i think, is in for big and big troubles, but among the issues that were discussed and which were supported in congress, for which money has already been allocated, is the sending of military advisers of the united states to ukraine, here's what the political publication writes: the united states is considering sending additional military advisers to kiev as russia gains momentum in two-year conflict, according to pentagon spokesman major general pete ryder. the advisors will not participate in hostilities, only provide advice and assistance to the ukrainian government and armed
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forces. the additional troops will support logistics efforts to oversee weapons the u.s. is sending to ukraine, according to four u.s. officials familiar with the plans. the new contingent will also help the ukrainian military with weapon maintenance. it is not yet clear how many american troops will be sent to ukraine, but two us officials said the number could rise to sixty. is this something again fundamentally new or is it 60, this is clearly not the number of advisers that are now in ukraine, much more, of course, much more, many have already gone back to america, but the truth is in a different form, how they arrived , yes, american advisers, they have been arriving in ukraine for quite a long time, and we updated them at the yaurovsky training ground, as part of the calculations of the patriot air defense missile launchers. right here, most likely we are talking about the fact that this military aid, it was so difficult to collect, i’m not talking about money, i
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’m talking about installations, ammunition, that it should reach the line of combat contact, play its role, well, it’s clear , all this looks very smooth on paper, that now we will send these 60 people, will turn the entire strategy of the ukrainian army, here it is, as zelensky said, give us weapons today, of course, we will fight for victory, but everyone understands this, what is this from the realm of fantasy, any sending of funds weapons, and even air defense systems, it no longer saves ukraine, ukraine would have had an initial advantage in some areas, but it has completely lost it, most importantly, it has lost professionals, so teach a person who has never held a machine gun in his hands to make it into 60 advisers won’t be able to become a professional fighter, and 120 won’t be able to, and even those... the departments that operated last year, preparing specialists, as they say, for the so
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-called counter-offensive, also showed their inconsistency, the counter-offensive failed, they lost about 170 thousand, a large amount of equipment and where is the vaunted training, the training system that should have turned the situation around, but i think that still these 60 specialists are most likely on a rotational basis, because no matter how america hides it. losses among those she sends to ukraine, they still happen. we identify these control points, decision-making points, no matter how deep these points go, we pick them out and reset everyone who is there, we don’t ask where he came from, he’s an advisor or there is a driver or so on, they are in the territory where they all become legitimate goals, no status will save them, but for america, of course, the bet on ukraine is to keep it. position of hegemony at any cost, therefore, the robbery of europe, so
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that all these supplies reach the border from ukraine, i think maybe these 60 people will do this, because the shipment of the patriot complexes, whom ukraine asked, begged to give him a lot, it is already underway, planes are arriving and unloading these patriots, who in their opinion must protect the most important valuables. in ukraine, so that ukraine could resist, but our aerospace forces, they seem to have forgotten how not to notice these goals, we, on the contrary, learned by attracting air reconnaissance assets, which already generally feel quite at ease over some cities of ukraine, because patriot patriots need manpads, and there are also not enough manpads, there are a lot of things missing, but ukraine still has human resources, there is potential. which exist in ukraine, there you can reduce this conscription age, or you can still do what
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europe has now begun to do, that is, after this law on mobilization was adopted, which i call military slavery, yes, everyone who fled the war in ukraine will still end up on the territory of ukraine, and this the total potential there could reach 600 thousand, 900 thousand people who will somehow end up on the territory...
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there is no doubt about this, one of which is called peace through force in the 21st century, i would simply call it lawlessness, as the policy of the united states of america. here what the second section of this bill looks like. let's listen. the highly illegal actions taken by the russian federation, including an act of aggression , present a unique situation that justifies the creation of legal powers for the us government. and other countries to confiscate russian sovereign assets in their respective jurisdictions, the president of the united states may seize, transfer, confiscate, or transfer ownership of russian sovereign assets through regulations, licenses, or any other in any way he deems appropriate, in any way he deems appropriate, the president of the united states can violate any rule of international law, our response.
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they are cutting off the branch they are sitting on because of all these measures. inevitably lead to a weakening of the dollar and to the fact that many in the world abandon the dollar as the main unit in inter-trade agreements, because what is happening with russia is closely watched in china, in saudi arabia, in india, even in many countries, but especially we can still single out china and saudi arabia, because they have acquired the most assets.
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this is a hiding place, so it's a robbery? i don’t think they would have taken down the crystal chandeliers and the gilded watches, these were not germans, not the germans, who are forest brothers, lithuanian partisans, that ’s what you are, i came strictly to turn around, and then climb to the front now, you’re not for me , svetlana petrovna. tell me, they wanted to either kill our wounded, or help their own, or both, in any case , the group worked, and if he comes in front... i will shoot him, according to the laws of war, the story continues, watch after
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program time, from the command forest, ask for whatever you want, and you know what i want, i would like to send some news to vanya, a fashionable verdict, a new season, i am with you, lilia rakh, tomorrow on the first. spectators who will then come to the theater, but also just strangers on the street. these are my slogans, creating a sustainable government. at first i played comedic roles, suddenly i
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played galileo and hamlet, they ask why do you want to play a role? just because it was a good role, he would probably be a great king. premiere, vladimir vysotsky, i'm out. on the stage, how vysotsky broke the chains, win, lyubimov, as a director, was eager for freedom, there is no system, stanislavsky, this is all nonsense, there is a method of work of a great master, yuri lyubimov, a man of the century, suddenly leonid ilich says, good theater, not we need to touch it, tomorrow is the first one. once upon a time, these people determined the trends of rock and pop music. and now they have left russia and divided the performers into their own and others, former music producer, and now foreign agent mikhail kozyrov, there are artists who, as we call it, ziganuli, and there are
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artists, who are suicidal for them, to express their anti-war views. mish, well , you probably need to get better, every night i return to what could have been done differently, i am doomed to live with this for the rest of my days, broken, depressed, devastated, absolutely. man, i ’ve never seen him like this, bedinsky is obsessed with roulette and other gambling games, my income is meager, i actually live on what my friends give me, god, how i feel sorry for him on the one hand, on the other hand , what kind of pathetic guys are you? i'm trying to catch some glimmer of hope that ukraine can win on the battlefield, and i don’t see anything, unfortunately, there are no irreplaceable people, goodbye.
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jane's script is real literature. we can't leave the piano. thousands of journalists came to kan for the festival. this isn't a movie anymore, please be careful jack. damn, it hurts. i feel like i'm made from one piece of cinema, from head to toe. thank you for being here. matador on saturday. first of all, this is a festival where there are films for everyone, this cannes, a big
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game live, in the middle east the situation continues to remain extremely acute, israel, after a one-day... break associated with an iranian attack on its territory, continues carpet bombing, and, apparently, is gathering and going to expand the military zone operations. but in recent days , several important events have occurred on a global scale, which will clearly affect the situation in the middle east. well, first of all, this is the vote of the united nations for the admission of palestine into number of members. the un, the united states, was the only country that actually vetoed this decision. and, of course, the decision of the united states congress
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on the allocation. let's listen. at least five rockets were fired from the iraqi town of zummar towards a us military base located in northeastern syria on sunday. the attack on us troops, an iran-backed group in iraq, was the first since early february. this happened the day after the prime minister of iraq, mohammed shaya al-sudani returned from the united states, where he met with president joe biden at the white house. this could be one
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reaction. yes, but to be honest, i don’t, maybe you’re watching more closely, i haven’t seen any negative, serious reaction from muslim countries, why? well, the us congress hastened to pass bills, including those on security assistance to israel, just in time for the jewish holiday of passover, which began today and will last several days, but the fact remains that the prime minister of israel benjamin netanyahu, and we him...
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who will never come to terms with what israel continues to do in the palestinian gas sector, in particular today's rocket attacks by groups not subordinate to the government in iraq on an american base in northeast syria, this means a new round of tension, in fact, i returned from iraq this weekend and spent several days there. i had meetings at a very high level, participated, took part in a conference where there were heads of iraqi intelligence and advisers in the field of national security, talked for a long time with the former president of iraq barham saleh, the general impression is that the region, even if it calms down for a moment, still cannot avoid a surge, a surge in tension, and from all sides, not
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only... between iran and israel, operations are expected there from turkey, possibly in northern iraq and northern syria. erdogan is in baghdad just today, and then will go to northern iraq to discuss these issues, and he came for the first time since 2011 years to this country, that is, everyone is in anticipation of a war of all against all, and these are these rounds of tension, they will be... sharper and sharper each time, i just felt the smell of tension in the air, yes, the situation is really tense, israel continues to escalate tensions, sahal announced that he had prepared for the very operation in rafahi that the entire world community had warned against. let's listen. idf chief of staff, lieutenant general hercius halevi, approved combat plans
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at headquarters.
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these goals, i don’t know, but it led to the fact that we see that in order to capture a mythical terrorist, a large number of people were killed, of course, all this happens against the backdrop of general tension in this region, and the americans periodically add fuel to the fire, because after attacks that took place in northern syria, the americans also hit a certain launcher that was located on syrian territory, although it is not clear what kind of launcher it was, but they said more than one. the american was not injured, that is, the americans are still leading its active policy, trying to set fire to the east at any cost, and the fact that it was possible for some time to prevent a clash between iran and israel, i think this is a
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temporary pause, they will still find, they will find such a reason when iran is forced to intervene again, understandable the thing is that, of course, the americans will warm their hands well on this, because to whom the war is, and to whom the mother is dear. and, uh, the policy of not withdrawing from the middle east is a misguided policy that will lead to great consequences, not only for israel, not the best, but the same will happen to the united states of america itself, because if the americans had listened to trump when he believed that it was necessary to withdraw us troops from the middle east, then perhaps such events would not have happened, but the american deep state, he... they believe that they should be present everywhere, and by creating these many centers of tension, they believe that in this way they will maintain their hegemony in the world, which will constantly need either money or weapons, but it should be noted that
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that the americans are adding fuel to the fire, without understanding at all why they are doing it, to whom they are adding fuel for what purpose, in any case, this is the level of understanding of the problem. in the american ruling class is very well illustrated by the statement of senator bob casey, he is a democrat from pennsylvania, after they voted to help ukraine. let's listen. most of these funds are investments in america, in our own defense industrial base. we will produce the weapons that the iranians use to defeat vladimir putin, so this is a great moment for our country. it’s clear, yes, that is, money for ukraine is the production of weapons that iran will use to... defeat putin, this is the level of understanding of the problems of the american political elite, this is the senator of the united states of america, where is iran, where is ukraine, to him anyway, absolutely, i think, he received his money from the labists, but
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at the same time, iran, of course, also understands who it is dealing with, and in america they are also starting to laugh at their politicians, generals, here's trump. uh, the younger one, as if online, the ex ridiculed the combat effectiveness of nato generals, this is what he wrote that this scares the hell out of me, but the iranians are probably bursting with laughter, these are american generals, and today the rac is the president of iran in islamabad in pakistan, and i must say, that in this whole situation there is a factor of pakistan, it seemed to be in the background, but... pakistan, let me remind you, is , in general, a muslim nuclear state, which, if necessary, can also intervene, and it turns out that in fact islamabad is with iran, not at all with the united states and not
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with israel. michaslav alekseevich, we have heard absolutely nothing from islamabad in recent months, it feels like pakistan is simply missing, there is a major player, for a moment, a nuclear country, which is possible. has very large capabilities to deliver nuclear weapons. today, iran, no matter what the united states of america says, from the point of view of engineering technologies, they are definitely among the advanced twenty. and we must pay tribute that the same ford center, which exists there, where uranium is enriched, it was created at a very, very high level. today , the contact between pakistan and... iran suggests that the united states of america does not fully understand what game they are being played into. i liked how one of the american senators once said: “ it is profitable for us to supply weapons to ukraine,” because we ourselves determine the cost. we take something that costs a dollar and
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sell it to ukrainians for three. and it is not profitable for us to sell to israel. do you know why? and we have the price must be fair. what is worth a ruble or a dollar on the market, we must sell for a dollar. it is not profitable for israel to sell. and here. the situation that is now developing, thanks to israel in this region, which we now see, in the near future can lead to very serious consequences, we must not forget that saudi arabia has not yet... said its word, we have not received a single clear statements from saudi arabia, and saudi arabia has been continuously withdrawing its assets from the united states for a year and a half america, no one is alarmed. qatar, which was actually a military base and hub of the united states of america, withdrawing its assets from the united states of america and great britain, as well as from belgium, is also not straining. and the united arab emirates, which appeared only in the seventies, is now in its second year of withdrawal.
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let's listen. this was a short operation in the red sea. the german frigate hesson left the combat area and returns home. the warship has been taking part in the eu aspedes mission since february to protect european merchant shipping in the red sea from uav and missile attacks by the houthi militia. gesson's results: several drones were shot down. an american drone was also mistakenly fired upon, but not hit. this is the whole mission of the fleet, uh.
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can do with the houthis, the answer was that they can’t do anything, this is just another ridiculous attempt by the europeans to show that they can show off their muscles, that they can pursue a policy different from the policy of the americans, and moreover, they can supposedly do this not only in words, but in deeds, by sending, for example, for the first time such a naval mission to the red zone. seas, like the one that operates,
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continue to operate against the somali pirates, but if the somali pirates were somehow dealt with, then the hausites do not and will not work, so the frigates are returning back. well, this is a good illustration, in fact, of what the west can and cannot do, the west cannot cope with the kussites, so they sent an aircraft carrier, an american aircraft carrier group, and ships of the european union. well, how they shot at them, so they shoot, just as there is no shipping along the secular channel, and no, along the red sea, in fact, yes, the west is escalating, because it understands that the ground is slipping from under its feet, it is weakening, while other centers are simply starting challenge him , he will throw money, and the money is not secured, since they no longer have their own money, they have been living on debt for a long time, it will be money. out of thin air in order to support ukraine, in order to tug at
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the middle east, but with this money, because you still need to buy something, you need to buy the same weapons, which they also don’t have, because they no longer have their own military industry, autonomous, independent from other countries, from china, from our raw materials, so the situation for them is really a dead end, which is why they will now so desperately attack us and support ukraine, our job is right, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be taken. let's give the floor to the news, see you again at 17:00. do not miss. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. under complete control.


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