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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 22, 2024 12:55am-1:41am MSK

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what to do at least a song, well, somehow so that it would be relevant for the modern, for me modern, for modern guys, you know, well, for sure, the guitars, the bass drums, everything that is alive will definitely remain, that’s still i think it will remain for centuries to come, there’s no going anywhere, because it’s a classic, by the way, i personally don’t need music without guitars, without drums, without bass, without that. history, in general, to be honest, we need to bring back the industry, when everyone lives with each other, exchanges, and lives in the same community, in one society, but all the same, everyone will still return to the living, because people cannot live without the living, so they sit, yes, because people sit at the table, that they sing to the accordion, they play to the accordion, they will not return, but have already returned, and have already returned, yes, let's do something little, now at the end we'll cry, okay, that it will be love, love that's gone. never leaves
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the podcast, 20 years later, yes, she is always here, and the coolest musicians of the lead fog group are always here, today we are guests of the podcast 20 years later, when... sadness comes to us, like black dreams, it clouds the vision, a gloomy haze has begun to fall, don’t rush to argue with it, it will leave, like guests from the underground will return again, forever to the bottom of the soul. again a tear filled
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with bitter loss, the sadness of unfulfilled hopes torment the day of the days lived, i am in rapt dreams looking for your image there, only you, only you alone, but only with... he the soul screams forever, the soul screams forever, love is gone, left we, sadness, love is gone, it can’t be returned, no matter what, it’s a pity, but you wake up, open your eyes, e! notes
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wake up and the sadness will go away forever, love is gone , dreams are left, sadness is gone, love is gone, it can’t be returned, no matter what the pity, but you wake up, open your eyes, e, but you wake up and the sadness will go away forever, love has gone, love has gone, love has gone,
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everyone hi, this is tatyana gevarkyan and i’m not crazy, today we turned. art, what
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is it, let’s figure it out together with perfumers kirill khaikin and polina kazakova, what kind of profession is this? what kind of perfume is it and where is it studied and do you need to study it or is it a talent? there must definitely be talent in basis or at least some kind of inclination or love for perfumery and interest, but is some kind of heightened sense of smell necessary, the sense of smell is trained, it’s like a big muscle, alfactorial memory is trained , the sense of smell is trained, if an ordinary person can listen to three or four notes and his if the nose gets tired, then the perfumer can listen for 8-10 hours a day and... his nose is trained, and of course you need to learn this, i studied myself, i studied for a long time, this process is definitely long, and i’m still learning, i think every perfumer, he learns throughout life, by the way, i wanted to add that it’s never too late to start doing perfumery, because essentially our olfactory bulb is the center
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of the brain that analyzes aromas, it develops throughout life, that is, you can improve your sense of smell at the age of 20 at 60, how did you even realize that this was interesting to you, where did you start? in 2018 i wanted to create my own perfume brand, before that i was a marketer, i worked in marketing for 10 years, and after looking at the shelf, i realized that, uh, there are no russian perfume brands in stores, who could compete with foreign ones, i looked all over russia for perfumers, realized that there were none, and decided to become a perfumer myself, i studied at the city institute of perfumery, this is a course that allows you to learn the basics, then, as kirilo said in france, well, how kiril said, it’s true that a perfumer must constantly improve his knowledge, study, study, it’s like an architect, for example, if you graduated from an architectural institute, you first need to build something small, bigger, bigger, bigger, in the end, probably you can only make a career some global things, well, i entered
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perfumery from the land of chemistry, that is, i researched the compositions of fragrances, i looked at a lot of these compositions, i learned how to make them myself, that is , this is what i like about perfumery because you invent your own science, you make your own ... you don’t develop it, and no one can instill it in you, it’s only yours. since 2024, together with the mendeleev russian chemical technology university, and we are developing a program that will produce perfume technologists, perfumery and cosmetics production, it will be a two-year master's program, then there will be a master's degree that will train a chemist, a technologist who can create formulas for perfume, candles, home fragrance and any other products. it turns out that muskcanalite was made in russia by a chemist who, back in soviet times,
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they transferred it to france, this formula, this is a very expensive musk, it turns out that it was invented in russia, in general, in principle , we had it. institute of synthesis of chemical substances, fragrance substances, and how the process of creating fragrances occurs, it’s like a chemical laboratory where you sit, you mix aromas, or you have some kind of inspiration when you walk through a spice market, where these aromas are mixed with the aroma of flowers, and you think, well, this is the very aroma that i want to recreate, or is it pure chemistry, of course not, a fragrance begins with an idea, so
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you select a certain component for each aroma that you have in the perfume composition that you want to hear, create this formula, find the balance when you hear that i have come. to this sea wave, these stones heated by the sun, they smell like that, that ’s when the idea was realized, that is, perfume begins with an idea, sometimes the idea can change, that’s okay, there’s nothing terrible about it, it can come during the creation of perfume, another idea, that’s it, but they are taken from some different places and in a completely random order, well, really, as a perfumer, this is art, this is not science and in no case is science, but as an ordinary person it is very difficult for me to understand, for example, how.. polina said: i want to recreate the aroma of heated salt water . the sun of stones, what is this, for example, from what you brought, what do you use, well , for example, we take mineral notes, we can take adoxal, we can take aldehydes, ambraxane, yes, let’s go - for example, this
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is just it smells like salty sand, yes, heated by the sun, this aroma alone will not convey the full picture, of course, here you need to add, add citruses, and in order to feel this explosion of a wave, it looks like a sea breeze, it really is. here's another thing, take this strange thing, this
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is something very strange, this is just adoxal this is salt water, take some more citrus notes, this is clementine, clementine essential oil , this is how a perfumer works, we take several blotters, put them together, we understand how it sounds in that direction, we go in that direction or not, if not, then you can replace the component. it seems to me that there’s something so superfluous here right now, as if the aroma is as if someone died at sea, that is, let’s revive some dead animal, add a thunderstorm zone like this, it’s in a colony of florals, no, i took dopecal, dopecal flowers, this is floral, yes here it is yes this is yes this can be put here and maybe we don’t know we can’t wait. this is some kind of dead meat, and doxali is used in micro concentration,
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now we have torn off half of it, move it to the background, you can even use one finger, that is, this is what is called, as there are predominant notes, yes, dominant, and there are such secondary ones, but this does not mean that they are the main and not the main passwords, they are all together, that is, a fragrance can be created, take flowers, amproxan is the same, some leather notes, but if you want to add a little saltiness or minerality, a microdose, there is 1/4% in the aroma, some kind of aldehyde or some other aromas are added that permeate this perfume and it becomes special, what is the difference between niche fragrances and mass market ones? well, by sound, of course, by sound, since a mass market is, well... for the large masses, as the name implies, they, the main function of a mass market is
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to smell and everyone likes it, because of this , the mass market has no character, that is, when you when you smell it, it smells either like an astringent or something abstract and incomprehensible, but it’s not very correct to say niche perfumes, selective, because any fragrance that i choose can be selective, it will become selective, i can even choose a moscow market, so they are idiots, they are notable for the fact that they have a more obvious character and because of this they greatly... lose in the audience, that is, someone doesn’t like flowers, someone doesn’t like skin, yeah, we immediately cut off this part of the people , and the essence of niche perfumes is that they most often unisex, in order to attract a little more audience, we cut off a very large part and combined it a little, and if you look from a commercial point of view, and niche perfumes have practically no budget restrictions, the mass market should cost a concentrate per kilogram, for example, 50 dollars per kilogram concentrate. you can make a huge barrel of perfume, when we make niche perfumes, we can use those rare oils,
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even expensive ones, these are the most expensive, the cheapest, tell me what is the most expensive, here is an expensive rose, expensive absolute, here i have there is vanilla absolute - what is that, and this is an extract, madagascar vanilla - 13,000 euros per kilogram, here is how much 10 euros for cakes. well, this is a tree that was eaten by a fungus and was subjected to how many thousands of dollars i am now inhaling 13.00 130 g yes that’s what it smells like 13.00 dollars a smoky sweet smell and a little leathery that’s just it. vanilla, if it’s not vanillin, yes, which is added to baked goods, real vanilla, so perfumey,
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it’s not sweet, it’s leathery, very deeply smoked, yes, probably an important remark, if a perfume contains an oud note or a vanilla note and a rose note, this does not mean that these natural materials are there, they are definitely not in the layout, they are definitely not on the market, expensive components are definitely not added to cheap perfumes, but what are the cheapest components , the cheapest, well, these are the ones that are used everywhere in... this is an aldehyde, you have a lot of them, which is c10 and i have c12, let’s now compare, we didn’t agree in advance, these are the same class of compounds, but they are slightly different buildings, this is so clean, i in my opinion, i have lost the feeling of water, i have lost my sense of smell, c12 is the aldehyde
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that gives coconutty, minerality to perfume. oh, i’ve earned money about coffee , we should probably tell us, by the way, very often in stores they offer to smell coffee, because it seems to refresh the receptors, and i noticed that it doesn’t work, so kirill confirmed my words, but it doesn’t work, because it’s still one smell that also puts a lot of, maybe even more, strain on your nose, here it only works if you’ve smelled very few aromas and it’s easy to switch it is necessary from the aroma that was previous, you smell coffee, because the aroma is familiar, you switch and you can smell another one, now an air freshener, because many air fresheners contain a lot of aldehyde, they are cheap and but in
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perfume compositions they an integral part, here are any beautiful, expensive components, if you mix and... add something that will invigorate them, like bubbles in champagne, then here they are, they will not sound so beautiful, by the way, about champagne there is perfumery in which you add this the aroma of champagne is a chord, yes, that is, with champagne no extracts are obtained from natural materials, i really like alcoholic notes in perfumery, it’s often a man’s man, if there are some genie notes i really like, but here i am for you now i'll let you listen to the scent here... and how does a chord differ from an absolute? an accord is a combination of several elements, several ingredients, that is, to make a rose accord, you don’t need to use rose oil at all, in the mass market they naturally don’t use it, there are rose oxides, citranilols, geraniols and so on, radinols, which can be mixed and get the scent of rose
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or geranium, oil is often sold under the guise of bulgarian rose, namely geranium oil, well , by the way, this is not juniper but... here are juniper berries, but there is a lot of stuff here, this is a perfume, it’s called rashan soul, there’s cognac, the cognac is so chocolatey, smoky, yes, yeah, it’s nice, we were talking about alcohol, in fact, there are no restrictions in perfumery , so they often ask what can be mixed there, do these two go together? notes combine at least there will be as many as possible, how many notes there can be in one coffee. yes, you need to separate the concept of a note and a component, the same note can be several components, usually in a perfume, well, in an average perfume there are 30 -50 components, a component can be much more, and in general you can hear very there are many notes, different noses hear differently, so you and i will listen, for example, galaxolite musk or some other musk, you
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will hear apple notes there, i am banana, someone will hear us, and i understand that on every person's skin. he published the first programmatic fascist text, a manifesto of fascist intellectuals. thanks to talented creative people , italians of all sizes decided that they were special, and therefore they had special rights
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to manage other people's lives. premiere, ordinary. fascism 2. tomorrow on the first. with fabulous ease, the provincial resort turned into the capital of world cinema. mr. wenders, why are you repeating yourself? and i'm not repeating myself. my god, are there no doors? in this film i play a negative character. i avenger. i just left my license. jane's script is real literature. we can't leave the piano in can , thousands of journalists came to the festival, this is not a movie anymore, please be careful, jack. damn, it hurts! i feel like i'm made from one piece of cinema, from head to toe. thank you for being here. matador on saturday, on the first. this is
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a festival where there are films for everyone. this is cannes. we return to our perfume laboratory. today we are unraveling the secret language. perfumers kirill help me with this khaikin and polina kazakova. and there is some kind of seasonality in perfumery, so let’s say in winter it is appropriate to use only aromas, but now we have spring-summer everyone is trying to choose some light, spring aromas. well, seasonality was invented by us, people, simply by marketers who want to, but they are still associated with something summer or winter or spring. for example, the smell of vanilla, why is it so popular in winter? because we want to be warm, cozy, we want such warm hugs, the smell of vanilla and, for example, such warm spices, leather, yes, a burning fire, it warms, if we
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want it to be the wind in our hair , a daisy dress, then these are some bright and fresh aromas of purity, these are explosive citruses, and what do you recommend for - spring summer 2024 , here i am, for example, he brought uh perfume, which is called colony. delibil, it's a green perfume, clean, uh, white shirt, i really like to wear it in the spring, spring and summer, when you want to cool off, there are herbs, well, that is, it's just so light, long-lasting enough, yes, it's not roles greenery, but for some it may smell, indeed, we discussed here, it can really smell like a white shirt, well, that’s the aroma of cleanliness, yes, yes, yes, i can also show you and recommend it. this perfume is called narcissus grove, it’s actually a similar profile, because i wanted narcissus grove, what is it besides narcissus? and freesia, there’s pepper, there’s greenery,
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a lot of greenery, that is, this is grass, this is purity, these are these yellow flowers, a narcissus bouquet, i tried to make it less complicated, because you like these just light ones yes, floral, well, this is for spring, yeah. the first scent we heard about cognac, it’s already so much heavier for the winter, let me also let you listen to the scent, it’s called cherrylezo, that is, cherry and leather, cherry and leather, it’s quite aquatic, transparent, elegant, but it emphasizes this playful character due to the cherry, and the skin is more likely not leather like a bag or a glove, it’s more like warm human skin, very pleasant, and i remember that that ford had cherry, which i didn’t like... i liked it, here’s yours cherry, just a real cherry, they outdid you there, yes, tamfort, you were outdone, cool, why don’t we, by the way, make a fragrance
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today that will correspond to the trends of spring, summer, 2024, in general, the trends are now in in perfumery , you can probably single out four or five main directions there, but indeed perfumery lightens its sound, if a few years ago everyone associated niche perfumery with... liquid in a bottle and this languid trail, with which it is impossible being nearby, now niche perfumery makes much more transparent and understandable fragrances from the point of view of use, comfortable, so let’s think about what spring is associated with with flowers, with greenery, i thought about how i smell, singing birds smell, now singing birds, i think they are so fragrant.
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no, no, no, no, snowdrops, the same accord , you don’t get anything from them, but there is also an aroma - the melted snow, melted snow, the earth that appears from under the snow, this is wet, also with greenery, called one hyasmine, it is secreted by bacteria in the ground, after rain, in the spring it smells like this earthy camphor aroma, and probably there is also the aroma of fresh buds, and there is also the aroma of currant buds. this, by the way, is such a marker for the russian consumer, it’s very familiar to us, it’s just hardwired into our dna, currants, yes, by the way, if you want to listen, i have this component, you can.
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very risky, because there are some brands whose currant aroma sounds like cat urine, and this if used rather it’s just a natural component, and there’s a casas base, a wonderful french base, which is already so much more perfumey, i ’ll let you listen to it now, depending on how you play it too, you can add honey to it, it will also smell like leather, but it’s straight. this is already without cats, and what’s good about this base, that it can be given both the character of berries and green leaves? listen to this, it’s called pa, it smells exactly like any pink flowers, and what can we add to make it not so pronounced, floral, and so that there is something so niche in it, let’s add the area, yes, let’s add, maybe cedar, it will
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convey the texas one. the smell of this earth is probably very beautiful, it can emphasize flowers, listen to it, it’s not very - oh, yes, pleasant, it’s even a little vanilla, but it’s tobacco-vanilla, there’s a smokiness in it, it’s like vanilla, oh, i like it, the smokiness in it is also pleasant, and let's add citruses to give life to the aroma, right. but we’re all getting in the way, but what we have, well, let me add more a few functional ones, for example, musks, i’ll add - what does functional mean? well, for example, there is a body of fragrance that cannot be made without musks, it will simply be a perfume that will be inferior, incomplete, you know that some people do not hear musks, when i was training, it seemed to us that our teachers were mocking us, they say ,
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these are musks, here you go, they give us a blotter, they... here you also have it, by the way, you taste it, i taste it, as researchers i try everything, no, actually those the same components, they can be used in flavoring, this is an area that deals with the creation of flavorings for food, that is, mango, for example, the same thing, it can be made in perfumery, and in a flavoring agent for cottage cheese in an arenotizer, this
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can be done with one . this is a musky bratalit, oh, i feel, not everything is so bad, powdery, floral, but pleasant, not reminiscent of mimosa, by the way, i have mimosa, and we can use it in our fragrance for spring, absolutely mimosa looks like this, and we are we’ll make it not very sweet, but something like that, it’s basically green, listen, it smells like violet, yeah, but we need a little bit of it, it seems to me, well, by the way, it’s not that kind of mimosa. we have mimosa, the fact that we give these flowers is actually an acacia, it’s not a memosa, but here it’s absolutely exactly what a mimosa looks like, it’s also yellow, but it’s not this, it’s not these cats, while polina is in the way, kirill, tell me , there are some fragrances that never go out of style, in fact, there are so few types of new fragrances that this is how some kind of fragrance archetype was laid down, like at the end of... the century, this is how it
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is used now, for example, wine glasses, aromas, we all know them, like men’s perfumes, well , this is the smell of a locker room, the smell of a razor, this type, it was founded at the end of the 19th century wine glasses, chypres, they also originated around this period, a little later in the 20th century, these are not like soviet chypres, these are usually heavy scents made from patchouli. rose, these scents are now evolving, of course, those mistakes that were popular - once upon a time here in the 20th century, they were already are not relevant now, well, for example, plazon dior is a chypre, yes, now they have evolved and, for example, mistor is also this modern chypre, fruity chypre, but the chypre has changed, but essentially the structure remains, do we want to add pepper to our
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- spring scent? oh, i really love pepper. pink or black? let's have pink, probably yes, well, let's have pink, since it's spring, come on, it's a pity i'm not writing down the formula, maybe some brilliant scent will come out, well , never mind, you and i will create it... together with me in the studio are young perfumers, kirill haykin and polina kazakova, let’s analyze the fragrances note by note and find out about the main trends of this season. how to apply perfume correctly? that’s right, in fact, well, in general, this zoning is usually the neck, this is where the pulse is, well, the pulse zones. it’s all bullshit, uh, where we really want to go, well, where the open areas that will smell, if we want, the wrist can also be, they’re just - it’s a question of what else exactly the wrists, they can be warm and perfume may be less durable, and therefore
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can be applied here on the back side hands, uh-huh, and it will already be cold here, the aroma will be more persistent, and it will be more convenient to show it to the interlocutor, that is, not like this, but toss and turn, like this, yeah, like on the hair? on the hair, too, and like on clothes , the aroma on the hair is more persistent, but maybe less intense, but how to choose the right aroma? i always advise, of course, not to buy it right away, never buy it right away, because if you really like it now, it’s not a fact that in 2 days you ’ll take it and smell it and say that you like it, so you need it ideally ideally ask a consultant for a sample or try it first on a blotter, but well, on a blotter, of course, first we always try on a blotter, yes if. i liked asking for a sample to wear for a few days, if they don’t give a sample, they applied it very rarely, and then we went for a walk, that is, we need to apply it somewhere on the wrist or wherever we want, where we usually use it, where it’s convenient for the ambassador later, well, because yes, if we if we put it on the neck, then we won’t hear, well, you can let someone else
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understand, and for me, for example, i think that it’s not the most appropriate gift to give perfume to someone, because it’s very individual, if, for example, you know that a person uses the same perfume, you give him everything, but... well, yes, of course, it’s a matter of taste , we must, we just need to lead, lead the person to the store and choose, until we get a very tender one, with a slight pepper on top, so now wait, the appropriate moment, above, we can think about what else to add there, we need to rinse the receptors, bye very floral, yes, very floral, i would like something so, if you want to add some brutality, let’s add java vitivera and... but also add cedar, but it’s important to say that the work of a perfumer is not these 50 components, but 700, i have 700-800, that’s a lot such steps are called an organ, and you should ideally know these components, guess them, they took any one for you,
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you know it, okay, if i say, i want to achieve some kind of uniqueness of the aroma, is it enough for me to buy something like this from you? here's some bubbles at home, depending on your mood, stir on your skin, yes, quite can. that is, i can use alcohol solutions like this, you need to understand that these will not be perfumes anymore, since perfume is a product that has certain functional properties, if you put nerali oil on your hand, it’s not a fact that it will smell there after at least an hour, that is, by the way, for perfumery i once bought aromatic oils already mixed, they had some unique aromas, unlike anything else, they lasted very well, the sillage was very light, i really liked it , to the light floralness we we also added notes of leather, amber and a little tobacco, very light, but they already give character, it turned out to be a very interesting aroma, cool, yes, i think that this aroma
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is the trends of the twenty-fourth year , kirill, and i suggest, by the way, since it’s such a thing, to mix a perfume, which we will call not a bastard, i propose some kind of audacity... and let’s add, of course, absolutely, a fragrance that will mix the future and the past, well, like fashion, yes, this is a fragrance that represents freesia, it is called etillino, despite the fact that it classic, floral, but there is something about it, such a slightly rubbery aspect, and we will add a lot of it, we will have perfume, there will be perfume about purity, i do it without scales, of course, we don’t work like that, but we pour it on. .. next let's bergamot here, absolutely right bergamot, we are all familiar with it, the part with bergamot everyone drank there, by the way, often the bergamot itself is not there, it's synthetic, that's just the work of the plevorist, then let's add
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this because we're talking about purity, i've already shown it, in fact, this dupecal is a fragrance lily of the valley is essentially a very fresh , rainy and spring lily of the valley. oh, interesting, it has such a sparkle, floral tenderness, so we’ll have some flowers now, let’s have some audacity, hot, burning rubber. very often it was popular in just such old perfumes, it is also salty, it is woody, we also add such directness, and we make a unisex gift, yes we make a unisex, of course, there is also a component that... is also called floral animalistic, that is, he will now give us
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severity to our colors, naturalness, animalistic - these are cats again, these are not cats here, it’s more like a cow pat, it’s indole, it smells like lily of the valley, fermented green tea, how rough, rough with such straight colors, we also add a little bit so that we let's add feces and a painted fence, sand it all down with aldehydes and colors, but without embellishments. add a note of mimosa, oh, what is this, it’s actually not only mimosa, it’s also marzepan, what’s that? and heletropin, yes, yes, is a good component, that’s what it is culinary a little bit, very otropin, this is a component that, if you look at the natural ingredients, it just smells very strongly of women subtly, and women subtly - this is a rather valuable component, beautiful, deep. heleotropin is one small part of it, so with us - iris is always in
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trend, in fact, here is methylanoga, which now yes, which i will show now, it is in almost every perfume, too, like amraxan, yeah, here it is, no it’s imperative that this perfume smells like him, but yeah, by the way, in our country it’s spring the aroma also has iris, so we have beta, yes pauline, you studied the art of perfumery, and are there any? differences by region, you mean, are there preferences, depending on, of course, there are preferences, but let's divide the market into two huge categories, this is the european market and the arab market, what the arabs use in their perfumes, sometimes in ours it is impossible to listen to the latitudes, in their forty-degree heat, having applied a scent that will suffocate us here, there it sounds clean, beautiful, wide, that is, everything certainly. depends on the place where it is used
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or the norwegian style, but such a scandinavian style, such restrained, cold, cool aromas, in russia, probably, there are some markers that we all know, here we have an apple on the table, that’s it a component that reminds us of a baked apple or a tea party with a pie, like an apple with cinnamon, an apple with cinnamon is cool, it sounds great, that is, perfumes are naturally different, this is another ingredient for us. and this is already ready, already ready, we just added a little bit of it on purpose, so that later the effect would be pleasant, we will add aldehyde, which we talked about at first, now we’ll see how the sound changes, since i’m always in favor of aldehyde, but i like it that way fragrances separately, that i realized that my option was to buy myself these, and by the way, there are mono-perfumes that play off one single note, for example, there is a vitiver around it , just these are the perfume components that... i remember there were such , but they're all somehow they don’t sound so noble,
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it’s already mixed, yes, it’s already with an aldogide, it has become more sonorous, more floral, not so bright, yes, i like it now, really this is the scent - of clean clothes, uh-huh, and it directly opens and changes, now yes, it’s important, yes, this is how fragrances are not created, it’s many, many attempts, i had more than 120 of them in one fragrance. uh-huh, that’s why it’s a very long job, you can make perfume for months, years, but how do you feel about mixing different perfumes, well, this is a trend, by the way, this is also a trend, now the task is to sell more, these are the same marketers who want to sell you more than one bottle of three, for example, say that you can layer it, but it can really work, yes, if the perfume is made quite calmly, each scent will not contradict or interrupt each other, they can sound quite well, you take some ready-made compositions, well, not intended for larding, it
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’s called when you mix perfumes, yeah, otherwise you kind of spoil the perfumer’s work, because one perfumer made one composition, he had one idea, and the other another, well, we will mix two ideas and get a cocaphony, yes, yes, let's apply it, or for example, they recommend mixing the molecule with others, well, by the way, this is possible, since it is very simple , she’s just alone or she may not do anything , just everything, oh, i really like it, yes, droy is just like that. oh, they’re really different and they turned out great, we made them different on purpose, although essentially we ended up with almost the same set of components, yes, because spring they wanted to make an issue about spring, but it’s possible from the same set of components. yes, i think that even from ten different components you can make completely two different perfumes, sure, yeah, it’s a matter of balance, thank you very much, thank you, i wish you further creative success, create as many interesting unusual ones as possible and not for anyone not similar scents, thank you, well, friends, it’s
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real spring in our studio, perfumes are sorted note by note, and i have two new exclusive scents very close by, if you want to know about more fashion, see our: issue on the first website, tatyana gevorkyan was with you and not lymshity. hello, this is the baden badden podcast and i am its host konstantin severinov. today our guest is a virologist, academician of the russian academy of sciences, scientific director of the institute. serum vaccines named after mechnikov vitaly vasilyevich zverev. vitali vasilovich, hello, it’s very nice to see you. hello konstantin, yes, we are also very pleased. today we were going to talk about seasonal diseases with you, but i would like start by talking about the world health organization, since you
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have been an expert and representative of russia in this organization for a long time. and lately there are many people who doubt its feasibility. could you tell us what you did there and what you thought in general? regarding the cart, you know, i first went to the world health organization in geneva, it’s scary to think, in 1987-88, i was still representing the soviet union then, and we were invited by a large number of specialists in order to develop testing rules vaccines against hiv infection, because then it was already in front of us, this is literally 3 years after the discovery, more yes. there were scientists speaking there who said that the vaccine was almost ready, we just needed to test it correctly, lawyers were invited there, there were social workers, and i participated in the scientific part, that’s where the scientific basis is, but here’s how the vaccine works, doesn’t work, we wrote these rules, well
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, you see, how many years have passed, but in general, as it turned out, there is no vaccine, but i’m telling you, 20 people spoke 22 who they said that...
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there were museums left because they collected all the variants that were isolated from different regions of the world, our scientists, american scientists and all these strains of viruses, they were concentrated in two laboratories, this is in atlanta, in the united states of america, in our institute, because our institute
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played a role.


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