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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 22, 2024 12:10am-12:56am MSK

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the peninsula, if not the whole, and the british and french tried to concentrate its calmness so that only on egypt, yes, not to round off the possession of israel as a whole, only on egypt. as a result, in general, essentially everyone turned out to be the losers in this story, egypt, france, great britain, and israel, because the soviet union then took the side, essentially, of egypt, threatening, in general, a little or even just threatened with an atomic bomb, khrushchev, england. failed to justify its status as a world power, as before, when she entered into various kinds of local conflicts, she emerged victorious, here she was suppressed by both the soviet union and the united states, which did not need this mess at all at that moment, but had to retreat, yes, israel was also among the losers, since he was not really able to round off his territory, egypt, because it suffered, suffered a military defeat, suffered quite serious losses, and this pushed egypt even further into the arms of the soviet union then. this is the story here
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with the suedi channel, the story of the suedi crisis, this is, on the one hand, one of the last attempts of such a traditional colonial policy of great britain to a large extent, on the other hand, this is one of the first such hot conflicts of the cold war, the second, actually after korea. we continue, today our topic is arab-israeli relations, after the six-day war, which we will now talk about, the palestinians, the palestinians.
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he announced a retaliation operation that would be carried out, sent to the strait of tiran submarine, four missile boats and stated that the strait of tiran is the red sea, to make it clear, this means that the strait of tiran is part of our territorial waters, not a single israeli ship will be allowed through it in the future, at the same time we...
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freedom of navigation, daegol, after a meeting with the minister, with the israeli minister of foreign affairs, said that he was stopping the supply of weapons to israel, the british said a lot of polite words to israel and nothing, well, in the end, the israelis apparently decided that since the ministry was not acting, then let them the ministry of defense is acting and struck a blow to the egyptian army, and the inequality
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of power was some kind of fantastic and nevertheless, well, in general, now in all military academies the operations of the six-day war are simply mandatory. because there , without the egyptians, they were left without support from the airfield, destroyed aviation, and then it really happened, well, they started with an air strike, which means that, so to speak, the actual extermination of the army began, the extermination of the egyptian army, i must say that israel then demonstrated the highest level mobilization of the population, mobilization of the army, and the motive for this mobilization was quite simple, that if we don’t win now, we will be destroyed. in general, the state of israel by that time had demonstrated a high level of modernization, in contrast to egypt, syria and jordan, that is, military modernization, it was a level higher than the modernization of these countries, primarily in organizational terms, because egypt has the weapons it was
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soviet, it was of quite high quality, it was good, yes, but to use it in sufficient at least the egyptian army could not, there were weapons, and there was training. the israelis could watch damascus, the same thing happened in other directions, the jordanians lost the old city of jerusalem, and from then on it became under the control, so to speak, of israel, so the war ended in complete collapse for
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the arab side , the result, so to speak, of all this, well, we can say that... to some extent, israel lost again, because it again captured some, added to its arab population, part of the arab population, thereby creating even more problems, that’s what concerns the soviet union, despite the war lost, so to speak, by the egyptians, the influence of the soviet union there only increased, because they needed to supply weapons again, train the arabs again, and...
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for israel, of course, well, the small population of israel, of course, this makeweight was a very serious problem, it must be said that israel had plans for territorial expansion, as i already said, before that, but now israel has declared that it does not wage wars of conquest , that he was ready to give up the captured territories in exchange for recognition, but this was a declaration that in general no one believed in, including the israelis themselves, the arabs did not believe in it. the world did not believe it, israel was the winner, it could dictate its position from a position of strength, it did not want to retreat, in response, the arab countries held an arab league summit in khartoum, in which they formulated the principle of three no, no to the recognition of israel’s right to exist, no peace with
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israel, no negotiations with israel, that is, no one wanted to give in, that is, this war, in fact, it gave birth to the next war, and another outcome of the war, which we have already mentioned, which is important to emphasize separately - the soviet union, oddly enough, despite the defeat of the arab country, was the winner. the last war that needs to be mentioned, of course, is the yom kippur war, on october 6-25, 1973, which the israelis missed, of course, some intelligence data came, but since the border there is so restless, you can always think that will they attack right tomorrow or , on the contrary, assume that this is... ordinary fuss, in fact, the arab countries prepared very seriously, including egypt, there were plenty of weapons, if we take the quantitative composition, so to speak, tanks, planes, training took place in our best
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academies, the egyptians, yes, the egyptians, well, that is, it was preparation such revenge for the six-day war, in fact, a defeat after preparing for a long, long time and so unsuccessfully... everything happened, provided, well, thin, if not peace, then in general, well, a semblance of some kind of peaceful existence until the last ones. times, there is another factor, the arab states, having lost on the battlefield, then launched an economic war plan, in fact, they sharply increased oil prices, which led to a global energy crisis, which really affected the united states, europe, and the soviet union in a positive way, because the soviet union began to sell its oil, partially taking the place of the arab states in the world oil market, but nevertheless, this is the situation. with the sharp rise in oil prices, yes, uh, became quite an important factor too deterrence, mutual deterrence in this
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region. the uncompromisingness that both sides show only leads to the fact that they break the forehead, the wall of this labyrinth, while there is still a way out of any labyrinth, so it must be looked for. a peaceful resolution to this conflict is in the interests of the vast majority of the population in the middle east. this may sound completely utopian now, but , in my opinion, it is necessary to keep this in mind. certainly. it was a historical podcast russia-west on a swing history, pyotr romanov and sergei solovyov were with you, study history with us.
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the day comes, the hour comes, and you want to know what will happen. tomorrow, in a year, with you, with me, when to enter, the sad one, and how not to fall, how to renounce in the soul, throw into the shoulders, the sadness of past years, find good luck, the trail, i know that day will come, i know it will come. there will be a bright hour when the world will smile and
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everything will become beautiful for us, i know that day will come, i know the bright hour will come when the world will smile and everything will become beautiful for us us. the shadow of sadness will dispel away, your smile, it is like the sun and the wind, meets me, let it be a pure svetsari, it is like a dream. the wind of heat will awaken our tenderness and
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the rain of passions will pour in, a change of gray days, i know that day will come, i know a bright hour will come, when the world will smile and become beautiful, everything is for us, i know that day will come, a bright one will come the hour when the world will smile and everything will become beautiful for us, tsyudu, du.
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i know that day will come, i know that bright hour will come, when the world will smile and everything will become beautiful for us, i know that one will come day, i know, a bright hour will come when you smile. the world is changing and everything will become beautiful for us, servants.
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hello, this is a podcast 20 years later, its host is konstantin mikhailov, my guest today is the rock band lead fog, hello guys, great, great, hello, their hit shot powerfully in the mid-nineties, early nineties, yes, in the middle, in the mid, late nineties, late nineties, yes, i know, i know, this hit is still played on many radio stations, it goes straight into the hit parades, even, yes, we because of this, we again gathered the collective word, because well, the request went back, but that’s why... together with the guys, with grisha and sasha, we restored the lead fog, that is, you have such a reunion with popinkov, and my guest is the leader, founder, lyricist, author of music, author of everything, generally the author of the lead fog, dmitry nesterov, yes, everything is correct, but now the co-authors of new songs and new arrangements are grisha and sasha lapinkov, yes, grisha, sasha, hello,
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hello , you are twins, yes, as i understand it, yes, ural peppers, you hit their beards you differentiate, as i understand it. i generally distinguish them, we have known each other for 100 years, so ko, therefore, since 2000, since 2000 we have known each other, yes, listen, well, i can’t help but ask a question to which you have already practically answered, what is happening now, what is happening, well, how once again there was some kind of resonance and interest, i look at the downloads and listening on the internet, some crazy hundreds of thousands of all sorts of numbers, millions, so the group has become in demand, why don’t you pour it in? the clip is in good quality, because 480 is the maximum resolution. you know, u i don’t have anything, well, yeah, i didn’t save anything, i thought i was done with music forever, and to be honest, i don’t even remember where in what warehouse i kept all my videos, everything came out, then the brothers appeared and shook dima , and what were you doing during this period, when, say, from the late nineties
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to the present day, when, well, the 2000s, i was organizing events related to... such political elections, i was preparing the field, that is, it was called a social program then, then there i prepared people to the arrival of the agitators, listen to how it all began, bone, as usual, then in moscow in all the institutes, i studied at the moscow automobile and road institute, here at the dkk automobile and road institute we did all this there, but most likely we organized ourselves there and rehearsed, and then moved, rehearsed at sokol in dekmai, it was a cult place then, there was a very popular disco there. yes, minaev, in my opinion, yes, well, there was a lot of interesting things there, and almost a lot of famous groups had already recorded there, there were djs, discos, we performed there with our live concerts during discos, horror, how everything was mixed up, there were slow dances, white ones, yes, we invited gentlemen, white dance, but there were slow dances, imagine, then it was normal
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in the middle of a dance set , to have a set of slow dances, cool, when did you decide that you? must write music, and what first, text or or music, music, music first, yes, this is the problem of our team, that i write music first, in our country, in our country, we need text, i know , you're slow you write songs, very much, i ask answers the question slowly, yes, i write songs slowly, why, yes no, in fact i don’t know how songs are written, they just pop up somehow, if only i knew how songs are written , we would probably have written a stack by now, right? but the thoughts are the same, yeah, writing a good song, of course, is not easy, especially a cheerful one, yes, cheerful, positive, i know, you can actually imagine how dima wrote a song, i know, that day will come, i know, i was in love, i played upset
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piano, on my soundboard, behind the disco, and i came up with this chorus right away. you think that there is no harmony there, that’s it, now you’re split, that’s it, well, you once got out of the situation beautifully, you just took byron’s text, well, yes, that’s thanks, thanks to my mother, she was there for me when i was sick, read poetry to me, we had a translation, yes, in the translation by pastornak marshak, okay, they read dunno to me on the moon, they read dunno to me on the moon, but somehow my mother felt very bad about me, she took it and started reading poetry to me byron and i... liked it so much it sunk into my soul that i remembered this when i had already started to come up with music, look for some lyrics, preferably based on this music or this text by byron himself, but i couldn’t come up with it myself, you know, but once... i tried it and it fits rhythm, and i just laid it down and it turned out to be oesa’s song, let’s take it now, let’s sing, let’s sing, let’s sing.
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oh, if in the bustle of the day i lose your image for a sweet hour alone. at night, he will return with the same strength, and it is a matter of my pride,
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keep your image sacred in your soul, among forgetful friends, to be faithful to you as before. how once upon a time, forgive me, sometimes, among strangers, i am laughing and careless, in the bustle of empty speeches, you seem to be forgotten, but you... don’t believe my words, which threaten you with a curse, i don’t want to give it to fools, not even your sigh,
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not even your glance, i’m so tired of finding and losing you, among the meaninglessness of the years, then i saw fire where there is no fire. and where there was only the dawn, only you don’t give, burn until it’s gone, i want so much, i want so much, to bring you back forever, that’s all.
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i'm so tired of walking around and losing you among the nonsense of the years, yes, yes, i saw fire, where there is no fire, and where the dawn is blazing, only you alone don’t... let it burn out, while there is bitter wine, i’m so tired, so tired of losing
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you, i want to get myself back to you, i want to bring you back to me, as once, as once , as the date as once.” there is an organized spy network operating in the city and we could reveal it. from now on , you take note of everyone he meets
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in case of danger to himself. according to the laws of war, the story continues, tomorrow after the program time, to on the sixtieth anniversary of the taganka theater, i’m not lying, i’m not lying, what is the secret of the popularity of this theater, you can just lay out a rug somewhere in the yard and start playing everything, a world fire in the blood, god’s
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blessing, we have it nearby. restaurant and people come out of it, they are tipsy, they think that there is such a holiday, maybe they missed one, they join us, there is such fun even not only for the spectators who will then come to the theater, but also for just strangers on the street, so my slogans, creation of a sustainable government, at first i played comedic roles, suddenly i played galileo and hamlet, to be or not to be, they ask why do you want to play?
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he says it’s a good theater, don’t touch it. april 23 on the first. this is a podcast 20 years later, i am the host konstantin mikhailov, my guests are svintsova and tuman. how did the name come about? oh, that was also a disaster, because it was my student years, even after that, because it seemed like a group, a group, a group, a group, but what group? there is no name . and so we came up with a huge list of 100. such cold romance, i heard something that at the very beginning of my career there was a tour of great britain, yes there was such an adventure, but it was not an adventure, it was actually
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at the end of the soviet union. there was a cultural exchange, ninety-one, yes, and some people from the bbc came here, only they belonged to the irish bbc, they chose, they chose three groups, one played guitar music, lead fog, one was a jazz group, one was like this folk-rock band in white clothes, they performed in chain mail and wore helmets such, real metal ones, class, well, here we are, we came to england for the first time in this way, and there we got hooked further, met...
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we had a couple like that, we ran around, she was also involved in the administration of the team, yes, in this song, i know, there was a gorgeous one right at the very end, there she was there wap, well, they sang us, they had four girls, she was not the only one who sang, there were other girls there, but at our concert in the end there are two left, they are skazhenskaya, alena pugacheva, and listen, how are you doing everything yourself, you you were on all the radio stations , it turns out, bone, it’s just a magic torch in one place, you know. a lot of youthful enthusiasm, confidence in victory, everything, wonderful, horror, and now i’m scared, what miracles happened in general, what miracles, that’s how you just opened the door, i just don’t understand how it all worked out, now they asked me, i don’t understand, i’m just a firmware, there was nothing at all, no limits to perfection, you know, we came up with some crazy ones, listen, we’re on may 9th
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they played at the titanic dance club. a live concert with djs who simply played beats for us, played dance beats for us, yes, no, the beats just unleashed chaos, but they organized such parties, you know, that was it. well, if it’s just the beginning, if it’s with mine, then it turns out even more, somewhere around 35, that’s 35 smai, smai is already 35, yes, dima nesterov, once a foreigner read his name written in russian and last name dima
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nesterov, like dumas hektipob, yes, he said, you’re a very strange russian, i say, but what strange, and i wrote him my address, where to send it, he reads it, says, well, it’s actually like this, i’m from like dima, but i write, you write... i remember you also had a song like that in the dance a little bit that is, she’s so straight , it’s gone, love is what we did, we made a dance version of this song with the djs mayovskys, and they recorded beats for us and we made a dance treatment on these beats. i remember that you called your style as new guitar, well, new guitar music, new guitar music, yes exactly, exactly, that is, i remember at that time it was really very, very fresh , cool, but it’s still relevant listen, we
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had to stand out somehow, i was young, we had to organize our own clearing, there was rock, there was pop, but there was no guitar music, well , it turned out to be a mess, but then they called it brit pop, so you’re like... a person who is always looking a little into the future, what’s next? so we will continue and wait until the young people grow up again, well , the same thing or in some direction there, well, we’re currently working on new material, we’re writing, what style it will be in, i don’t know, you say what style it is, folk, well , i think it’s not even predictable yet, but absolutely, no, it’s definitely going to be lead fog, but it’s just already in the twentieth century, for example, well, yes, i’m already saying. but in any case, it will be a lead fog, well , you don’t want to add more electronics there, there’s also a stage for djs, they tried, tried, tried, not only did they try to introduce talented djs and producers, but the musicians still have musical firmware takes over, we need to play everything live, if we
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can do it, we need to play live, but we’re not afraid of experiments, we’re looking for, even if we have a new song, moscow, as long as it ’s called that, yeah, here it is, let’s see, you’ll hear it , how... it’s hard to say, i don’t know what the guys dreamed about, i just lived and enjoyed the fact that we could do something and write music and play in clubs, it was a thrill, well, that is, there were no stadium ambitions there , there are some kind of world tours, no, i didn’t have that, although you know, so i say, there were no ambitions, you can’t imagine, i once came to london to sign,
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regarding the clips, you took part in the development of the scripts, you know, no, it was all left to the guys, because i trusted it very much. listen, you don’t want to occupy your hands on stage with anything when you sing, because here you are, you are without an instrument, you only have a microphone, a tambourine, you usually have one, i always had one before, but i beat my leg like this, so much, i walked around with bruises, seriously, the surgeons once simply told me, you will end up badly, hematomas, permanent hematomas, i even had jeans from the skin.
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finances, something else, we try to help them, somehow produce, a lot, we need to help, even make arrangements, because sometimes the guys, that is, you directly sponsor, well, i just come to the rehearsal space, sit with them, help them compose a song correctly so that people hear some kind of product, and not just a reflection on the topic, well , they are listening to you or if, then they still float through their lives, but it is still absorbed, i don’t expect gratitude to smell like a production center. well let's see you you know, we are now working, thinking about this
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topic, but it’s hard work, thankless work, then you can’t tie a musician to a battery, you can’t make contracts not work, it can only be charity, otherwise now in general the world has simply turned out to be unproduced or something. what is this in general, well, it’s terrible, because in fact everything is produced, in fact, as soon as an artist starts to appear somewhere, he shoots songs, he forms a circle of people who try to help him and want to make money. well they want to they start to make money for him, yes, they start helping him after all, to say that a person posted something on the internet, became popular, and after that he alone does it all, this is not true, well listen, well, nalich got so infected with the virus his guitars, he actually did everything himself, well, yes, but where did he go then, that normally everything exists perfectly, he writes music for films, for plays, well, he writes music for films, you know, but with the stage he still yes, you also collaborated with cinema, you wrote songs... i know, you entered cinema, yes, but with us it’s more likely it was different, we just had our songs
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included in the soundtrack, but what are you planning to write something for cinema next, i don’t know, you know, i’m still like that, my format is the one that i’m doing, guys yes, they manage to write everything for cinema and for plays and for everything, but i still give me such a bend from the bend, so that in the future you like the club format more, i like it, although you know, we played in large in the olympic.
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here at least everything is real, no one is in a hurry and does not think about commerce, which is necessary tomorrow, they won’t take on this radio, we probably don’t think about the format at all, we just have to create honestly and truly, but you already know, you don’t get carried away, in our time it seems to me that this is the only way now , somehow, at the beginning you were thinking about, so now i’ll write a song, how will they take it on the radio, no, you know, i was trying to get on the radio, not... this is a podcast 20 years later, we
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are talking with the group lead fog, i’m the host konstantin mikhailov, how do you like to spend your free time, what do you like to do most besides creativity or creativity, oh, i don’t know, i ’m involved in creativity, yes, i do some other musical projects, related to other people performing something there, that is, i like to organize some festivals, do something else like that , i like it that is. organizer, well, yes, i have such a streak, and i love it, so that everything moves around, and you guys, how do you spend your free time, what do you like? we practically don’t have our own, let’s put it this way, yes, and if it appears, we’re in a hurry, just like, probably, dima, we help, teach both vocals and guitar, the fact is that we live in the region, in the region of young talents, so to speak, there are many, many, many, yes, and someone needs to do this, yes, it’s just time, probably simple.
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to dads, brothers, and so on and so forth, i have a son, he is a young producer, he is always a dad, so we need to record a guitar for young performers, now there is a fashion again for this kind of sound literally. a couple of years ago a solo was just a luxury, but they always cut it just a guitar - what are you doing? you play the guitar that only a loshara is playing the guitar now, he made it out of electronic cubes, it’s all bad now, but you have to endure it from beginning to end so that
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interest returns, including young bloggers , drums and drums, even in general, it’s always just. sasha , please write down the drums for me, well, how can i distinguish drums and guitars from artificial intelligence from the living ones? i can’t tell the difference, i think that the style is most likely the energy industry style, and that is, a little wrong somewhere, a little out of tune about the living no every musician there is a certain style when, and if there are three and even three musicians, if everyone has their own style, they have gathered such a triangle of symbivoz, this is, in principle, that ’s worth a lot. what do you dream about in 20 years, what is ideal? listen, well, nothing, the most important thing is that everything is fine with us and that the country is fine, i think about it, in 20 years i want everything to be, for us to develop, to move forward, we have big, that is, no goals, this cube, you know, like the strugatskys, this room or ball, it is
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he hears, he fulfills his wish, he wishes something will happen, kostya, i ’m telling you seriously, i want more positive things, i live happily, i have something to remember. i move a lot during the day, do a lot of things, and i want to continue to move the space in this way, some great achievements, well , of course, i want to release an album, play more concerts, travel around the country to play, i want, but everything will come, everything will be, and what would you guys want in 20 years, and in 20 years, for example, i would like everyone - all people, humanity - to have their own a house, a roof over your head, health and everything, so that... i want to stand on stage in 20 years also so that the program, by the way, and to give people
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joy, i know that day will come, so to speak , well, the song has survived everything, of course it will outlive you i assure you that it will be so; it has already become a classic. and from the classics that you listened to, you guys, when you were inspired, as i understand it, letzelin, everything that existed there, for example, in the seventies, sixties, seventies and eighties, up to and including 2000, swallowed everything, so omnipresent, it’s just that later this granche, garage music, music and so on appeared, the only thing i didn’t listen to was glam rock, unfortunately, in 2000 it seems to me that it’s all somehow as if you know, as if summer has come and everything has melted. became the music of one producer, yes, that is, people learned to turn the knobs, yeah, no one is needed, a minidisk appeared, like in a restaurant, all the musicians had left beforehand, all that was left was a minidisc and a computer, now something should shoot again, it seems to me now that's all everything is happening, everything is going to the same thing, again, not even though they say that the ring roads there don’t
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lead anywhere, they lead, what will it be, i want to make a song for now, at least a song, well, somehow so that it is relevant for the modern, for me, modern for... guys, modern, you know, well, for sure, guitars, drums and bass guitars will definitely remain, everything that is alive will definitely remain, i still think it will remain for centuries to come, it won’t go anywhere, because it’s a classic , by the way, i personally don’t need music without guitars, without drums, without bass, without such a lively, live presentation, it’s a different story for me, an orchestra, to be honest, we need to bring back the industry, when everyone lives with each other, exchanges and lives in the same community, in the same society.


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