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tv   Neputevie zametki s Dmitriem Krilovim  1TV  April 21, 2024 9:40am-10:01am MSK

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in the 19th century it weighed about 2 tons, it seems, wow, but, for comparison, the assumption bell in the kremlin weighs 65 tons, but it’s hard to imagine, the largest is in the trinity lavra of st. sergius, 72 tons. it was cast in the workshop of the baltic plant and the finished bell obscured the whole ship then, oh, how? the yaroslavl transfiguration festival has been taking place for 27 years, every year the best... bell ringers come here to give master classes and take part in an unusual concert. by the way, almost anyone can learn the profession of a bell ringer, even those who are bear, or someone else stepped on my ear. the main thing here is to have a sense of rhythm and good coordination. this skill can only be learned by hand, that is, only under the guidance of a master. yes, the first time it’s very difficult, the second time it’s just difficult, and then it’s difficult. so, a year or two. and then
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five, and then you see, you learned, did you love cars and trains as a child? i’m really, but if they could also move, oh, there was no limit to the delight, probably the creators of this museum never got enough of playing with the little train. by purchasing a ticket to the museum, you can visit all eight cities of the golden rings. continuing to pour out numbers, i will say that there are more than 500 buildings and structures, about half a thousand different compositional scenes from the real life of these cities. someone is herding geese, someone is racing on a snowmobile, and ivanovo, for example, was occupied by a horde of brides; for transport and other things, 15 km of wires and over 40,000 leds were used. the museum opened quite recently, it continues to be supplemented with improvements, a special stir among visitors is caused by an accidental accident, there a train derailed, then cars collided, but an engineer comes to in your eyes... everything is getting better.
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perhaps the only thing that the creators of the maket show imagined was a time capsule, which is in every maket city. with their help, visitors travel 100, or even 150 years ago. and there, seemingly in the not so distant past, there was a completely different life. in 26 minutes, which is exactly how long the show on the walls of the museum lasts, night gives way to day twice. yes, the yaroslavl province is rich in technical minds. snow-white. the hydrofoil yacht is also assembled here, at the plant in rybensk, it’s elegant a pleasure boat, it carries water excursions around yaroslavl, but this is not just a river walk with the breeze, it comes with a surprise, the public suggests wearing special glasses to fly over the city, yes, yes, she sees a beautiful old yaroslavl, above which visitors circle in their 3d fantasies, and the captain, well... the real
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captain of the boat, he only makes sharper turns so that the flogger does not hit one of the spiers of the numerous churches and cathedrals of the city, it is no longer clear where the virtual reality, and where is the real virtuality. it ’s wonderful that traveling through our russian cities and villages, we learn more about our own history, you will agree that many of us are not strong at all, so let’s together erase the blank spots on the map of the land on which we live. these are not travel notes with dmitry krylov. today we have a holiday, because we continue our siberian series, our siberia is always a holiday for the soul, and because we literally found ourselves on a holiday that always a feast for the eyes, for both. if you are lucky and find yourself in stobolsk in june, and this is for... solely from your
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desire for opportunities, then both a feast for the soul and a feast for the eyes are guaranteed to you, because every year in june tobolsk celebrates one of the most beloved local holidays, the tatar sabantul. why is the tatar holiday celebrated in siberia, you ask, and i will answer, a significant tatar diaspora lives in tobolsk, about 17% of the city’s residents, when i say, for starters a little history lesson, oh, some of you will immediately sour on... and i understand, i don’t always remember, wonderful school years with friendship, with books, with songs, the word lesson sometimes evokes askomina, so i’ll be brief, i’ll say the most necessary , which you can’t do without, here we are great famous scientists, and there are only one, two of us and yes, so we established that the traditions of sabantui came from volga bulgaria, yes, there was such a state on average in the volga 10- 13th centuries. and now
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sabantui celebrates tatar communities throughout the world, in washington, montreal, prague, lepcik, paris, istanbul, moscow, well, in kazan, so it is generally a state government. sabantuy is a word of turkic origin, it consists of two parts: saban, which means plow, and tui, that is, a wedding, celebration, or, in general, a holiday in a broad sense, so it turns out to be the celebration of the plow or the day of the farmer, because in pagan times the main goal of sabantuy was appeasing the spirits so that they would not save a good harvest, when the native soviet government explained that spirits, like religion is the opium of the people, sabantuy has simply become a non-village folk festival following the end of spring field work. of course, we, the guardians of high culture and spirituality, are sorry that some very important things have gone that cannot be artificially revived. in strina , the celebration of sabantuy was a big event, they had been preparing for it for a long time,
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there was no internet and television series yet, but the woman was woven, sewed, embroidered all winter, no, now echoes of this tradition have been partially revived, in the market square you can buy everything you need soul. anything from ceramic dishes made using ancient technologies to national clothing and jewelry, and you can paint the figurine yourself as a souvenir. the traditional delicacy of any sabantuy is chak-chak - this is a tatar honey cake. i told you 100-500 times how to make it, i won’t repeat it, but do you still remember it or not? okay, i 'll send you the recipe in a private message. another indispensable gastronomic attribute of tatar holidays is baursak. these are stripes. dough deep fried and soaked in honey. bursak is a symbol of hospitality. and you have your own symbol of hospitality. a wide fair, dances, dancing - these are all indispensable attributes of any sabantuy, like the national wrestling
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karezh or kuresh. traditional vidby among the turkic peoples. this is a combat sport in which opponents fight on sashes or towels. it is a great honor to become a winner here. the entire audience and i watched with bated breath as the opponents fought. some fights lasted quite a long time, while others ended, but literally after a few seconds, when one of the athletes, he deftly laid the second one on the ground. yes, this is important, kurezh has long outgrown the level of just festive entertainment. today it is a professional sport and world championships are held in it. the same boys who didn’t get into the wrestling competition try their hand at arm wrestling or train hard.
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yes, a person’s reserve capabilities are limitless, but not everyone has them. siberians are a special type of people, their character is a mix of such qualities as endurance and unpretentiousness, independence and initiative, rationality and practicality, and this is convincingly presented in the museum. from siberian entrepreneurship, it is located in the huge underground cellars of the gostiny dvor. you remember, yes, that in ancient times the moscow-siberian highway passed through tobolsk, and it was here that the customs office was located. the merchants charged, showed the goods, they were checked for quality and quantity, then
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the merchants paid duties and taxes, and after that they either remained to trade in tobolsk, or received special travel documents and went on to shuttle. wow they kept these their goods, their trading shops were located above, and they themselves lived on the second floor. by the way, the tobolsk gostiny dvor was built according to the eastern type of caravanserai, a rectangle closed at the edges, with towers at the corners. it was only one third smaller in size than the moscow gostiny dvor. in the 18th century , siberian furs brought 30 to 50% of the income to the russian sovereign treasury. soft gold or soft. rukhli, as it was also called, was the most valuable commodity in siberia; esak, a special tax in the form of skins, sables and foxes. until isaac was collected, the fur trade did not begin, and then it was allowed to be sold only on the territory of the gostiny dvors. another
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underground storage facility in the sofia courtyard of the tobolsk kremlin is renteria, or the swedish chamber. it was called the swedish chamber because it was built at the beginning of the 16th century. the captured swedes, numbering about 300 people, built it conscientiously. the staircase leads deep into the brick cellars, which are built without any ceilings. during construction , they were made every day. 300 bricks, oh well renteria comes from the word rent, tax, that is, it was in these halls that they were counted, revalued, branded, and then that very soft junk was carefully stored, esak, that is, tax, you see the trigger, animals, this was one of the most important places in the city, in fact, the royal treasury was kept here; the first siberian governor, matvey gagarin, alas, did not overcome the temptation and was publicly accused of stealing on the orders of peter the great. hanged in st. petersburg, he was the first , thank god, the last governor
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caught stealing in our russian history, but maybe you have some other information, i don’t know, now instead of the treasury there is a huge paleontological collection of horns and hooves, no, not the name of comrade bender and other parts of the bodies of mammoths and paponts found on the territory of the tyumen region over many years of its development, products made from nettles... a bygone craft, but it is in the tabolsk gostiny dvor that they will teach you how to use the nettle that grows in the backyard of your estate, well, you have an estate, well, that means there are nettles, unlike you, i didn't know that a couple of centuries ago nettle clothing was valued no less than flax, and ropes, cords and nets made from it were the strongest; the magnificent nettle clothing exhibited in the museum dates back to the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. like you, i love living museums, that is, those where you can not just look at cold display cases, but touch
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the exhibits and use them for their intended purpose. so, in the museum of forgotten sounds you can even play with the exhibits on display. according to the creator of the museum, evgeniy popov, who collected more than 130 instruments from different cultures peoples, playing many is quite simple, because these instruments were created by the people themselves, most are in working order, here is santur. brought from iran, this is one of the most expensive instruments in the collection, a kolkobys (turkic bowed instrument) in the shape of a bow with a resonator, its soundboards are made of camel skin, and the strings are made of horsehair, a very rare karnai instrument, a trumpet played in iran. in general, this instrument has accompanied people all their lives, a child is born, a karnai sounds, a wedding karnai also definitely sounds, but any important... event, holiday, kornai players always come out, karnai also sounded when
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some tragic events happened, an unusual attractive artake, a dancing braid, another unusual exhibit - the tibetan ceremonial shell dunkar, these are those those who are 75 plus will remember the film amphibian man, where the hero ichthyander blew into a similar shell. the pimag, an indian flute, sounds gentle and attractive. and a master from the krasnodar region made a collection of singing nuts. the most musical nuts are walnuts. having mastered them, he began making flutes from hazelnuts. having gotten the hang of it, this left-handed musical instrument also forged a pine nut, creating from it probably the smallest flute in the world. the weather in san palo changes as it pleases. today it is raining and humid, but literally tomorrow it will be unbearably hot and dry. we
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can have all four seasons in one day. sao paulo is the most tattooed city in the world. it's true that if a person starts getting tattoos, he can't stop, he wants more, more, more. yes, 100%, you can get hooked on this. does the state help you? very rarely. once they gave me a blanket so that it wouldn’t be cold to sleep outside. where do you sleep when it rains? where is everyone? yes, under the bridge, i am speechless, what is this? this is our main delicacy: ants with cassava puree. lord, lord, the lives of others. premiere. today is the first one. with fabulous ease, the provincial resort turned into the capital of world cinema. mr. wenders, why are you repeating yourself? and i'm not repeating myself.
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a festival where there are films for everyone, this is cannes. we looked into one of the three siberian icon painting schools, many teachers came from the trinity lavra of sergeyeva, and they still work here, as we were told, this specialty is in great demand, all graduates, and the training lasts 4 years, upon
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completion they find work, do not work only as icon painters, but they can paint the walls of cathedrals, restore ancient ones... they teach all this here, but don’t rush to pack your suitcase, enrolling here is not very easy, in addition to artistic skills, you also need some kind of church membership, knowledge of prayers, etc. in other words, they don’t teach random people here ; historically, believers came to explore siberia, thus bringing to these places not only russian culture, but also the orthodox faith, the first priests came, brought with them icons, later zochikhs and... scribes peter i, with his introduction of european traditions, believed that it was necessary to look presentable among other cultures, therefore it was necessary to correspond to the level that european culture set. at the beginning of the 18th century, tobolsk felt like the capital of siberia and tried comply with all the standards that existed at that time in moscow and st. petersburg.
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ancient technologies are used in training. to make paint, only natural pigments are used, ohrumi. rals, semi-precious stones, they are carefully ground and mixed into egg emulsions, then a little vinegar or wine is added, and voila, the yolk mixed with pigment hardens and crystallizes over time, so the older the icon painted with such paints, the stronger it is. yes, this is such a paradox, and this is the holy of holies, professional restorers work here, this is how they bring you back to life, millimeter by millimeter with the help of a microscope. horses that are already 250, or even 300 years old. in general, the work of a restorer is an ascetic work, which is not accessible to everyone, and in addition to knowledge and skill, one must have incredible perseverance and attention. do you have them? halfway between tyumen and tobolsk is the village of pokrovskoye. it is famous for the fact that
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grigory rasputin was born and lived here, although his home was demolished before the olympics. 80, fearing a lot of foreign journalists, who wish to visit this place. tyumen historians marina and vladimir smirnov have been studying the life of grigory rasputin for more than 40 years, and here they opened the first museum in russia dedicated to this controversial hero. they built this house with their own money, an exact copy of rasputin’s house. there is a monument in front of the gate, on it are the words “will it or not, they will come to dobolsk.” and before... they see my native village, this was rasputin’s prediction in august 1916, and the prediction came true, for several months before the execution, when the royal family was being transported from tobolsk to yekaterinburg, it was in pokrovskoye that the horses were being harnessed, and as fate would have it, the carriage with the royal family stood for several hours directly opposite
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rasputin’s house, a coincidence, i don’t think so, a hut from... bushka, stand up towards the forest with our backs, towards us in front, let's go! but i still want to end our siberian travels on a positive note, and it seems to me that the obalak estate on the high bank of the irtysh is the most suitable place for this place, well, if only because here lives the most cheerful, impressive baba yaga, who has met noah in life, well, by the way, each of us has baba yaga acquaintances, some are even married to them, and happiness. i will be able to sit in the stove, sit in her hut, listening to her speeches, oh, a special pleasure, and if you behave well, then she will not fry you, but will take you for a ride in her hut, after a good dinner, go to bed in nature, to the noise rain, in a wooden house, and, as donna rosa would say, that’s something. and
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when you wake up, don’t forget to take a photo of stella with the main words: siberia begins here. and for us it is ending, but i hope that only for today, because there is never too much siberia, see you, happy bye, your friend, fellow traveler dk. hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the studio maxim sharafuddinov and briefly about the main thing. in anticipation of the peak, the water is already above the second floors when. it will even begin to decline, you can only move safely here now by boat, the depth in some places reaches 3 m. tomsk region, kurgan, tyumen.


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