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tv   Novosti  1TV  April 21, 2024 6:00am-6:11am MSK

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hello, this is news from the first, maria vasilyeva studio and at the beginning of the issue we will briefly talk about the main topics. in the tyumen region, the level of the ishim river has exceeded 10 m and continues to rise. in novokuznetsk, there is only 5 cm left to the dangerous mark; in kurgan, there is a lot of water in the area of ​​​​the village of belozerskoye. military equipment and
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strongholds of the armed forces of ukraine, new frontiers have been taken, the latest data on the progress of the special operation of the ministry of defense, unique footage of the work of our assault units in the kupinsky direction, where a group of militants laid down their arms. in triumph from luxor. in the capital met the winners of the most prestigious programming championship in the world. our guys, students of the faculty of computer science became the absolute champions of the 47 finals. a kaleidoscope of literary readings, lectures, excursions, exhibitions. performances in russia there was a library night, which annually unites everyone who cannot imagine their life without books. at the beginning of the flood situation, in the kurgan region, high water in the tobol river passed the administrative center, now its level is growing downstream in the area of ​​​​the village of belozerskoye, there is already almost 6 m. kurgan is slowly decreasing, but not yet below ten. rescuers and volunteers are strengthening the city dam; 29 settlements are still flooded. thousands of
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residential over 3,000 country houses. in novokuznetsk, the tom river has risen above 6 m, with 5 cm remaining to the dangerous level. the operational headquarters has been switched to round-the-clock operation. in orenburg, where the flood has already receded, gas supply is being restored, more than 16.00 subscribers have already been connected, in the tyumen region, difficult 600 people were evacuated from the city of ishim in just half a day the water has risen a meter, floodplain villages are flooded. report by alina sanuev. the temporary embankment could not stand it and large waters came to the village of plodopitomnik in the tyumen region, more than a hundred houses and summer cottages were flooded. it is safe to move around; now you can only travel here by boat. the depth in some places reaches 3 m. rescuers are patrolling the area. tell us how your work works now? the main task is to evacuate the population from flooded houses. today it was already possible. save, evacuate, yes,
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two men were saved. water level in the ishim river exceeded the critical level, people knew that flooding was possible in advance, sirens have not stopped talking here for a week now and mobile warning points are running. psychologists are persuading residents to leave houses that are located in the flood zone, but not everyone responds. people hope that this flood will not be worse than the one that happened here 7 years ago. in 1917 the water was coming up and it came to our site. that's it, here's the suckers. i was in the garden, the elements, yes, what can you do, but we have to survive it, until we leave, we are waiting for water, but many still agree, they move to relatives or to temporary accommodation centers, volunteers helped lift furniture and equipment in valentina nevzorova’s house to the second floor, and she herself and her two sons moved to a temporary temporary accommodation facility, since our child is often ill, the three of us were accommodated in an eight-bed room, everything is fine, look, we took a tv, a computer with us, that the child is studying with us, the younger ones are with us... so far i took
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lunch for the youngest, now we can put it in the refrigerator, there is a microwave, we can heat everything up, so everything is fine , there is a shower, there is a toilet. for 5 days, rescuers together with volunteers have been strengthening the dam around ishim, a structure almost 3 km long. how can you stay away if the city is in such danger? of course, our dam is 11 m, but they said that since it will be larger than in 2017, it is clear that we need to build it up, so they decided to help. now to the topic of the northern military district, the fighters of the first guards tank army of the group of forces west captured enemy positions and captured ukrainian militants in the kupinsky direction after a massive attack. from an artillery strike
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assault groups moved into the forest belt where the enemy was holed up. the enemy was pushed back meter by meter, the militants took refuge in a dugout, they were surrounded and offered to surrender, they decided to lay down their arms. in the southern donetsk direction , the howitzers of the vostok group of troops destroyed armored targets of the armed forces of ukraine using high-precision ammunition in krasnopol, the work of the gunners was corrected by a drone. mobilization in ukraine is causing more and more bitterness from hunters of men who are no longer only running, but against them they use force, like, for example, in the chernivtsi region, there local residents attacked one of them because he was waving a pistol, they were not afraid of the weapon, but he himself... was knocked down and barely let go, in these footage there is a man in uniform goes after the draft dodgers, but does not chase, accompanies them while they calmly cross the hungarian border. military assistance to the united states, ukraine, israel and taiwan will lead to escalation and crisis,
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stated the official representative of our foreign ministry, maria zakharova. house of representatives of the american congress, against all odds international norms, adopted a law on the confiscation of russian assets, and also allowed the allocation of 61 billion dollars to the kiev regime to continue the war, however, this will not help ukraine, as many believe, including the american billionaire david sachs, according to him, kiev in any case will collapse in congress, trump supporter marjarie taylor greene accused speaker mike johnson, who recently promoted the adoption of documents, of betraying us interests. residents of novosibirsk were woken up by firefighters today the sirens took 7 hours to put out. fire on the roof of a residential building in the central region, the insulation caught fire and the flames engulfed an area of ​​900 m2. 40 people got out of the building on their own, only one needed the help of rescuers, there were no injuries, more than thirty fire engines were called to the scene. the winners of
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two super finals of the most prestigious world programming championship were met in moscow. in egypt , russian students from the higher school of economics and mipt beat their strongest rivals. hour-long tours, about 11-12 tasks, in which first you need to come up with a mathematical idea, and then formalize it in code, program the solution, and we wrote a lot of preparations when we went to the finals, we fully understood what format it would be held in, what we should be prepared for, and for us there was no overall
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no surprises at the very end. the annual bible night event took place across the country, bringing together thousands of book lovers. traditionally, the start was given within the walls of... the russian state library and a kaleidoscope of creative events began, performances, public talks, concerts, intellectual games, they even had a wedding in one of the famous reading rooms. our correspondent, alexander lyakin, did not sleep that night either. how do i get to the library. despite the late hour, this question does not seem strange, people are standing in line, because today is library night, for the first time in the main library of the country, for the first time in pashkov’s house, i just want to look at...
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and the heart of the golisnyh replacements. the pashkov house is one of the most beautiful buildings in moscow. several departments of the russian state library are located here. and of course, bible night is a great opportunity to visit the kremlin from an unusual angle. i have never been to such a place on a saturday evening, today is the first time. obviously, it is clearly more interesting here than anywhere else. lecture, exhibitions, concerts. it seems that this is the only evening of the year when the reading rooms are so noisy. the russian children's library decided to remind that the main theme of this library night is reading with the whole family. an excellent program for children, accessible, free, and very convenient. in the donetsk republican library for for youth, library night began with an exhibition
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of kukreniks. on the eve of victory day , schoolchildren were shown the most striking works of these famous cartoonists, and for younger children, book master classes were held; no one left without a gift. postcard with cats. poof and a good deceiver, it’s there in the book, the boy deceived his parents with the second diary. do you have a second diary?


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