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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 19, 2024 3:40am-4:26am MSK

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hello, andrey, i’m tatyana, i know that pepper adds spice to a dish, i’ll be your pepper, you’re wonderful, thank you. please, thank you, this is very beautiful, dragging a pen, thank you, steps, tatyana, 33 years old, lawyer from st. petersburg, pole dances, draws on canvas and sculpts from clay, dreams of a red car, is proud that she has changed her appearance , admits that he does hair, eyelashes and nails extensions, warns that he does not know how to sew, sing or sit in one place. tatyana married a prisoner, and after he was released freedom... i knew that he already had a wife
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and a child, hello, hello, hello, tatyana, but this is the complete opposite of his preferences, but she is different, she is different, the type is different, although she has long hair, she is a brunette , you are not the first who, through correspondence, meets, marries a prisoner, they even call you somehow, correspondence students, in my opinion, correspondence students, am i waiting for correspondence students? and you are all very similar in appearance, that is, do we have a certain type of those who are waiting to be released from prison? yes, well, there is, for example, a wife hockey player, wife of a football player, there is a certain type, it seems to me that if you take off these eyelashes, these hair, she will be so original, so gentle, so naive, how old were you when you suddenly met over some devil in networks with a prisoner? i was 26 years old, and i was going through my previous divorce, so i really wanted a family.
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support, since he was in prison, did they know this from the first minute? and quickly, literally 10 minutes, we talked on the phone and he warned that now he is serving his sentence, but he was so sweet, he said what i want to hear, what i need, that after 15 minutes i was already in love, what the article was, causing death as a result of an accident. how long did he serve? he was given 6 years, she only served 2 and 3 years, but you helped him and married him, and you got rid of him too. of course, so that he would be released as soon as possible, we signed, young, i don’t know what kind of need she had , so it seems to me, maybe he told her somewhere about herself, she understood and accepted and decided with to play with this rope, so he comes, and then everything turned out the way i wanted, what i dreamed about, they let him go, we were able to spend a lot of time together, he came to my apartment, lived with me, rode my car, ate my food, but because he had just left... from prison
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he had no money, i treated the expected reality coincided, the first 2 days, then he began to show his worst traits, he drank, he was aggressive, he spread his arms and said that it was my fault, he left from prison, but i didn’t let him take a walk, he was in prison, he was tired, he told me, why as soon as he said this sentence, he put an end to it, you didn’t collect his things, didn’t throw him away, the couple collected his things, threw it in the trash, he deceived her, no, it seems to me that he just used her, he needed her so that you... get out of prison, then what happened? and for some time we still lived in such a way that i worked until you found out what he had, yes, until i found out that he had actually had it for a year and a half there is a mistress with a child, this child calls him daddy, he calls this child daughter, and this beaten mistress from him is also pregnant, already, that is, he deceived me for a year and a half, having a second family, which will now have a new addition, to me he said that he didn't want children. no, he
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deceived you, it was you who deceived yourself, if literally 2 days later he showed his true colors, let loose, drank, didn’t work, what did he deceive you about, he showed, this is who i am, here he only benefits to myself i was looking, and she was like some kind of pawn, in love or something, and you’ve already had three marriages in 33 years, a fourth is on the way, it’s become a habit for you, you won’t stop there, or that’s it- well, you really want me though...
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after all, it’s fashionable now, but at the same time you say that after the divorce you have a constantly dissatisfied face, haven’t you tried to do anything with your face, i tried to make your face happy, well, ours the groom looks at you with great love, so you can do nothing but surprise us with a surprise, they are completely different,
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she needs someone younger, it seems to me, and he needs me older.
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he kissed her hand, you saw, he kissed her hand, he knows how to look after her, well, golanta, i know, yes, i know that you already liked him, like you liked tatyana, well, i’m telling the truth, only the truth, the truth and the truth, not not for andrey.
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please meet the bride, hello andrey, i’m dilyara, i came from crimea to sweeten your life, dilyara, you are the standard of female beauty. delyara, 40 years old, master eyebrow artist, lives in a village in the kirov republic of crimea, is interested in neurography in criminology, is proud that she has never resorted to beauty injections, and warns
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that she has a special passion for seeds. throughout his family life, dillar felt the presence of his husband's ex-wife, as well as his many mistresses. hopes so. she will be at peace with andrey. well, hello dilyarochka and hello natalya. hello. what is this beautiful thing you brought to us and also? i brought a crimean tatar dish called baklava. this is mm dough fried in oil. i think rosa probably knows about this. to me it seems like she played right into her trump cards. food is the way to a man's heart. lies through the stomach in any case, how did it happen that your spouse's ex-wife was constantly present in your life, she was a neighbor, no, she was not a neighbor, she lived in another city, it so happened that when she found out that i showed up in the life of her ex-husband, she tried in every possible way to prevent this, she
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always said that marry anyone, just not a delyar, i don’t know why, maybe i didn’t turn out like that if you weren’t knew each other before, why exactly was she against you, she came. honestly, when she found out that i showed up, when he started earning money, we started earning money together, by the way, we built a business, when she saw this, she was filled with a feeling of greed, probably... she came and systematically quarreled us , you know, she was probably a little unlucky with her husband’s ex-wife, it seems to me that if she is such a wise woman, she could have done something to establish a connection, you are a crimean tatar, yes, yes, a crimean tatar, and he, and he is arab, he a purebred foreigner, i just fell in love like a three-year-old girl, he was the man of my dreams at that moment, he replaced everyone for me, but having a wife, of course, only
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aggravated everything, and she was, who was functional, she was also a crimean tatar, as students they were very close, as if they studied together, it made them related, yes, they had love, a child was born there, but when i appeared, they no longer had a relationship, well, it all just started spinning so quickly, i i could no longer imagine life without him, because i 24 years old, at 25 years old. and how your parents overlooked you, you had a very strict upbringing, your father, brothers, parents had to pull out your legs, both you and your lover, you know, probably it all came from me, i hid all this for some time, but then i still had to tell my father, we had a wedding, everything was as it should be, only we didn’t have a zaksa, because he was a foreigner at that time and he had seconds, that is, you just didn’t read anything, or what? yes, it seems to me that she is very...
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you performed such feats in his honor on they stood on their knees and gave him expensive gifts,
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i wanted to please him so much that i went and took out a loan in his name in order to give him a phone, well, one day he just lost it in a taxi, and it really made me very happy, of course, how to say , this is his carelessness, what i understood is that he probably treats me with disrespect, and this letter came to my parents saying that you have a debt, delyara rustemovna, pay off the loan... i fell into his legs said: yes money, please, let’s close the loan, otherwise they’ll close me now collectors, he said: i won’t forgive you for this, why did i even need this gift of yours, what did i ask you for, i and he said, that’s it, we ’re separating, i don’t need a wife who can’t even keep how old are you -that was, i was 25, i understand it very well, when you are blinded by love, when the whole world is concentrated in one person, you can do absolutely inappropriate things, and you also jump off the toilet, what is this?
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i wonder what kind of ritual this is? what is the money for? listen, well i think that's all there is to it good, stand on the toilet, you can support, the main thing is that it can support you, close your eyes, imagine below, as if, well, i always imagine a sea of ​​money, and as if you are jumping with the feeling that this will come true now, but at the same time you need make another click like that, oh yeah, let’s say it’s gone? but you have to help me now, i ’ll talk about, about three, you need to shout poporla, then you will have money
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abundance in your life, one two, three, poporla, that’s it, and now i’m rich, god, i can imagine how much today with broken limbs will be taken to the hospital, how many plumbers will have to fix fallen old toilets, uprooted, god, i'm done. you understand, you have to jump, he says, he’s gone, now he’ll trample on me, now. mengelson, do you have any other life hacks that are interesting on the topic of getting rich? be surprised, but they all mostly revolve around the toilet. for example, there is such a ritual: i need to sit on a stool next to the toilet, put my feet in it so that the flush washes them, and read spells when i put my feet in the toilet, i money pours in all at once, although i personally would recommend jumping out of the toilet,
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the ritual is called rags to princes. surprise was it a surprise? no, no, no, i have another surprise, but i need to get ready for this, please get ready, we are waiting for you, today we come home, we stand on the toilet, i have a hanging one, girls, that’s it, you’ll have to give the money to your neighbors, if it breaks through.
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i really like the surprise, it’s bright, beautiful, emotional, you can immediately see that the person was preparing, she’s great, a very creative number, i love it like. wonderful, simply beautiful delyara, some kind of amazing flower, the dances are completely different, they cannot be compared, my kind of improvisation, because it’s very fast, the music of the nineties is always a win-win option, dilyara’s number is very beautifully choreographed, what a wonderful dilyara, really, lighter,
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good girl, you are very welcome andrey. a good girl, they weren’t really afraid to take one like this, i wouldn’t be afraid, on the contrary, something so easy comes from her, it seems to me that she is for the family, for both she knows how to love, and money she knows how to attract, by the way, this is one of her advantages, but with her no, with her she’s easy and understands everything about family and will appreciate it, but you wanted the point, yes, but his daughter is ready for you, yes, i’ve already thought about it, the girl really ... spectacular, feminine, it seems to me that this honors tradition, this is a ready-made wife, i liked all the girls, they are all ready in general and worthy of happiness, but of course i won over delyara, she is so stately, she is tall, she is somehow close she will look, well, look with you, and you will look next to her
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very good, and she comes from a family where they understand and honor traditions, for example, which is very good, on the contrary, and that... today it’s very rare, oh, i wouldn’t hesitate, well, you see for yourself, what do you say? i am also inclined towards delyara, the main thing is andrey, strengthen the toilet at home, everything will be fine, in any case, whoever you go to, we will support you, my opinion is that of the three of us, we are more suitable just for delyara, i invite everyone come out and support andrey. again, hello, see, see always, but i realized that well more beautiful to you, but only, probably, the stars, thank you, this is very nice, wonderful, we have a couple, andrei and tatyana, if you are single, or you liked one of the participants in today's program, write to the website of the first
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channel, and i larisa guzeeva i wish that your loved one will definitely tell you, let’s get married. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. these called back 300.00 sim cards. the fsb and the police neutralized a network of telephone scammers in 40 regions that helped ukraine. working for quality of life.
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vladimir putin spoke with the head of crimea and the murmansk governor, who is recovering after the attack. a hospital in gorlovka, a blood transfusion center and again the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, ukrainian terror, our attacks on the enemy’s military rear. floating soil. the water in tobor has risen to a thirty-year high. in the kurgan region, evacuation is around the clock. tyumenskaya is getting ready. summer assignment: retaking the unified state exam, relieving teachers of paperwork, integrating new regions. mikhail mishustin, head of rosobrnadzor. unpacking, nuance. why the new american tranche is dangerous both for the kiev regime and for the states themselves, where biden again confused geography? more than 40
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million fraudulent calls were stopped by a large-scale operation of the fsb and the police in forty regions at once, dozens of detainees, hundreds of thousands of confiscated sim cards, equipment that facilitated the hacking of accounts and electronic wallets in the interests of ukrainian terrorists. for reference, cybercriminals lured out last year. russians have almost 16 billion rubles compared to 14 billion in the twenty-second year. ivan prozorov with details of the scheme. luxurious mansions, fraudsters have turned small offices and apartments in ordinary high-rise buildings into huge factories for cybercrimes. wires and servers are everywhere, between the beds where the attackers slept, even in the washing machine. literally every corner was filled with equipment that was used.
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code, well, in the receiver you can allegedly hear a comrade major or an employee of the central bank, convincing them to take out a loan or transfer money to safe accounts and a relative who is asked to help out, judging by the stamps found, the criminals also made fake ones for themselves documentation. fms of russia. moreover, as reported by the fsb and the ministry of internal affairs, these sim cards could be used for sabotage and terrorist attacks, dissemination of fake information and threats, and hacker attacks on enterprises and government agencies. these detained young people. they said that they sold phone numbers and accounts for various instant messengers via the internet, they knew perfectly well who bought them and why? do you understand who subsequently uses
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these profiles in messengers? yes, i understand, by whom? scammers. role in this criminal cell were clearly distributed: financier, order manager and gray account registrar . we started doing this around june, we bought sim cards, gave numbers to people, that is, they registered accounts, and then we gave the numbers ourselves. sim cards were destroyed. this is the largest complex operation against cyber fraudsters. the fact is that sim boxes are usually used by legal call centers and are sold freely. it 's extremely difficult to track. in addition, criminals constantly transport equipment. however, during the latest raids, as well as checks in last december, searches took place at almost 180 sites in 40 regions of russia. more than 930 communication nodes and 300,000 sim cards were seized and disabled. the functioning of large criminal locations has been stopped. telephone traffic, thanks to the proactive, coordinated work of police officers of the fsb of russia , significant damage was caused to the criminal
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infrastructure of call centers located outside our country, mainly in ukraine. this equipment allowed criminals to make 40 million calls per day. even if you took the bait at least one person out of a thousand, we are talking about hundreds of affected russians every day. this is how we calculated it for last year. in the central bank , cyber fraudsters stole almost 16 billion rubles. if this infrastructure is currently destroyed and attackers cannot take advantage of it, we expect that the central bank's damage statistics this year should decrease due to this operation. nevertheless, new deception schemes are emerging: criminals have begun using neural networks to fake the voices of, for example, a boss or the mother of a ninety-year-old veteran during the great war, viktor vasilyevich berdyugin allegedly received a call from a neighbor who asked him to urgently borrow 100,000 rubles.
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it doesn’t matter who introduced themselves to you and how, say, don’t disclose any personal information, that i’ll call you back, where are you from, from the bank, okay, i’ll call you right back, from the ministry of internal affairs, tell me who to call back, what’s your name, straight write down, people usually get lost at this and just hang up, in russia they constantly carry out such special operations, last year they detained five scammers
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who were also involved in spoofing telephone numbers numbers, now a resident of st. petersburg has been detained, who helped ukrainian terrorist organizations activate sim cards; in total, after the latest raids , forty-four defendants have been charged with theft of funds. have you been detained for this before? previously, you were delayed, why didn’t you stop making this kind of financial needs, that is, you just need finances, right? obviously, for some time, suspects in prison will not need anything. ivan prozurov, alexander isaev, alina abdyukhanova, lilia zorina and alexander gornostaev. first channel. and about the terrorist attack no longer by someone else’s hands. ukrainian militants attacked gorlovka, a large city. like donetsk, it is still close to the front line. the blow was combined and targeted. first with explosives from a drone, then with nato-caliber cluster artillery shells and from the american hymers rocket system. the worst damage was to the surgical building of city hospital no. 2 and the blood transfusion center. it all happened in the middle of
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a working day, when they were inspecting. nuclear power plants, the first time a ukrainian fpv drone attacked the center at the beginning of last week, this morning there was another attempt. the drone was neutralized from the roof of the training center building, where the world's only full-scale reactor hall simulator is located. as a result of the attack , the operation of the station was not disrupted; all six units are in a cold shutdown state and are not generating electricity. news from the nuclear power plant is truly accurate news from the front line. for 2 weeks now, the ssu has been hitting the as with fpv drones. previously there was a sixth
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power unit with two drones at once, one hit the roof of the power unit, the protection withstood, the second was suppressed by the turnip system, it fell nearby, no one was hurt, three people were injured in another attack on a car near the canteen, when the food they brought there was unloading, another drone hit between the fourth and fifth power units, all this certainly creates a threat to nuclear safety, but despite this, the west does not stop kiev, as if encouraging, in magata, whose specialists are at the station and records everything, they also prefer vague formulations without naming those who are attacking the station. whoever is behind these incidents ignores the international community's repeated calls for maximum restraint,” said ceo grossi. so far, the drone strikes have not compromised nuclear security at the site, but as i told the un security council the other day, reckless attacks must stop immediately. particularly noteworthy is the position
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of magate's ceo, rafaeli grossi, when it comes to naming. those responsible for the attacks on the station, rafael grossi begins to hide behind magath's technical mandate. this is ambiguous behavior, to put it mildly, and does not create the best impression of the role that the agency’s ceo is trying to play in these events. we consider the silencing of the crimes of the kiev regime, especially attempts to justify them, as complicity. a meeting took place on monday. we are dangerously close to a nuclear disaster, we must not leave it to chance, these irresponsible attacks must stop. attacks can be stopped, but only by directly pointing out who is carrying out the strikes, however, for 2 weeks now in the west they have been silent about this, blaming russia for everything, saying
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that it should go behind the nuclear power plant, then. the shelling will stop, they literally betrayed themselves and the zelensky regime, direct quote: transfer control of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant and then they will stop shelling it, they not only publicly admitted that... that ukraine is a source of threats to the security of the plant, but also actually confirmed their complicity in dangerous attacks on this facility. and kyiv continues to blackmail, just today, when a ukrainian drone once again hit a nuclear power plant, zelensky, speaking before the european council, mentioned the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, demanding an air defense system. russia does not give up radiation blackmail; in particular, it continues to cruelly play with the security of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. open blackmail, they literally tell western countries that if you don’t want a nuclear disaster, give
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us weapons, air defense or just finances and so on, that is, continue us actively support in every possible way, otherwise there will be a nuclear catastrophe, of course, in the west they also understand everything perfectly, there are even memes being born that... of the four nuclear power plants that ukraine considers its own, for some reason russia fires only at the one that it controls. fighting ukrainian nuclear blackmail with jokes is, of course, a very dangerous move. attacks on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant continue. rosatom specialists and employees of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant continue to support the operation of the nuclear power plant in such difficult and dangerous conditions. eugene lyamin, dmitry kachuri, nikitanov, irina chyuchuy, mikhail kunitsin, ruslan bashko. first channel. ours are armed. forces constantly identify locations where equipment and ammunition are stored by the ukrainian armed forces and carry out high-precision strikes on them, even in the deep rear. today, targets have been achieved in the kiev, khmelnitsky, ivano-frankivsk, kharkov and dnipropetrovsk regions. and confirmation came from the ministry of defense that
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the day before in chernigov the enemy control center of the operational command of the north group was destroyed. let me remind you that in the video from the site the destroyed building was turned into a barracks, bunk beds in window openings, this is how military personnel sleep. is there some more. the details are already on that side, the strike was carried out by three iskander missiles exactly on target, among the dead were french and polish mercenaries, that’s why the silhouettes of people were blurred out in the footage of the removal of the wounded. and now about the quietest work on the front line and near the rear of the enemy, reconnaissance by snipers, they reveal what the militants carefully disguise, but they do not always have full ammunition after completing the mission. this is exactly the case in alexey kruchinin’s report. we're just assessing the situation now there really is an enemy there, that is, they have approached there, in that square that we issued yesterday, i understand, we are not taking anyone, no, we are not taking anyone’s tongue, that is, we are working purely for reconnaissance, the commander
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of the sniper group is the third from the suriya the airborne brigade sets a task for its fighters, a foray behind the front line requires maximum concentration, we must first take a closer look, we do not do it rashly, this is the essence of a sniper, that we first conduct reconnaissance, wait. we keep an eye on, study the enemy, his operating mode, schedule, you have to walk, or rather crawl , several kilometers in complete darkness, give yourself away with fire or excessive noise - a failure for a reconnaissance officer, night vision devices , thermal imagers, that is, communication, and via headphones, that is, we talk all this if possible, if the situation allows it, here depending on the moment, it may sometimes be worth letting the enemy escape in order to remain unnoticed and continue the task, like patient nocturnal predators, they move quietly. secretly to choose the best point and the most opportune moment for an ambush, the commander already has almost two hundred confirmed targets. another dark night, another task for the sniper group, they go into the darkness, go into a very dangerous area, where the enemy generally
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feels confident, fierce, forward, the path lies to a settlement in the gray zone, that’s what the village is called, where one of the opposing sides does not gain a foothold for long. this may not be military expedient. for example, there are no suitable shelters, or the situation simply does not allow it. in such places you can meet both your own and strangers, or both at least get into the lens of an enemy drone. the skies above the gray zones are patrolled by aerial reconnaissance aircraft, ready to quickly hand over a target to the operator of a drop copter or kamikaze drone. in this case , the snipers’ algorithm is simple. i noticed, try to destroy it. reset! all shelters! finish it off until the end. the bird was shot down. 1:0. in favor of the paratroopers. reconnaissance continues, despite the mortal danger that lurks at every turn. here the group is attacked by a komikaze drone. oh, drone, drone is flying, boys, boys, quiet, we sit, we sit. and again the snipers under attack. the fighter does not have time to shoot down the copter.
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sometimes it happens. increasing buzzing, the deadly bird quickly dives directly at the person filming. the guardsmen were lucky. the operator of the ukrainian kamikaze drone turned out to be not the most skillful. the ammunition did not harm the group. another copter catches the guys on their further path, again they spray it with several trunks, so there is a higher chance of shooting down a bird. fell behind the house, wait, wait, wait, don’t come closer, so here she is, yeah, he burst and stepped away, that’s it, let him lie here, to the downed drone it’s better not to approach, because the operator can remotely blow up the bird, direct combat contacts happen here, during raids the guys sometimes come face to face with the enemy, we return, they don’t return, and this has happened more than once, yes, it has happened more than once , sortie under drone attacks. again lasted until dark, but the risk was worth it: the paratroopers
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discovered several firing points, a support post, a control post and two artillery positions in the ssu. now the command will decide how to destroy it all. alexey kruchanin, roman khrolenko and ruslan mishcherikov. channel one, donetsk people's republic. and our heroes, stormtroopers, serve shoulder to shoulder. sailor, roman kolesnikov and maxim turaev private. they discovered an enemy fortification, suddenly attacked, engaging in close combat, and destroyed it. four militants covered the flanks, ensuring the clearing of the strong point and regrouping; the occupied positions were held until reinforcements arrived. today vladimir putin discussed support for our fighters and participants in the special operation with the head of crimea sergei aksyonov. the conversation took place via video link, they also talked about the development of the region and another meeting of the president with the governor of the murmansk region andrei chibes, who returned to work after the recent attack. konstantin panyushkin will continue. how are you feeling? thank you very much, i’m recovering, but already at
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my workplace, in work mode. today , mormon governor andrei chibes closed the sick leave, although 2 weeks ago, after being wounded in the stomach, the condition of the head of the region was assessed as serious. on the evening of april 4 , a man armed with a knife attacked the governor in apatity. the surgeons said that andrey chibbis was very lucky, the blade almost hit the abdominal aorta. the governor was successfully operated on; just 5 days after the attack, chibis began walking around the ward. thank you very much for the meeting, i would like to report the results of five years of work, andrei chibes heads the murmon region 2019, in his opinion, the main thing that has been done for the arctic region during this time is to achieve population growth. as for the slowdown in population decline, last year compared to nineteen year. this is almost seven times
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, the natural population decline has decreased by half, these results are primarily due to the resettlement of russians from other regions to the murmon region. the nominal salary accrued for january of the current year was 104,500 rubles. of course, there are people who earn less, we understand this, this is an average, but according to this indicator we are also in ninth place in the country. the arctic region is creating hundreds of thousands of new jobs. investments in the region over the past five-year plan trillion 200 billion. the ports of the murban region open access to the northern sea route. and here is the
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tuloma terminal. tuloma terminal - design documentation is ready. this means, but so far it is not in the implementation stage, because the owner, again, is thinking about increasing its capacity. is there still a longwall there for coal? lavna will be ready this year. last july, during a working trip, vladimir putin observed the construction of this new port from a helicopter. today the governor is already inviting president for the opening, do you believe that already in august it will be possible to receive, yes, yes, in august, according to the plans that are now drawn up and which are being implemented, in august it will be ready to start work. at the same time, in the murmon region, on behalf of vladimir putin, gasification is being actively carried out. you and gazprom have agreements, you have even signed relevant documents. we have gas supply to the region as a whole. now it is still in the decision stage, this is the price, the final price of gas, it is determined by
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the antimonopoly service, and here it is fundamental it is important to directly fix that it is within, let’s say, plus or minus the russian average, then it will be very clear for investors, including the company mfusagro and evrahimm, to consider investment projects for the construction of factories, and the main thing will be clear to us how much the heat will cost for the population in order to optimize their payments to our people for heat, because they are significantly... disputes, now the limits will be brought to our attention, well, the weather will allow us to carry out this same renovation on a large scale this year, this is the most important, the most important task, as well as the fact that we naturally continue to support those guys who are now on the front line with all the necessary additional support and support their
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families, who for the most part live in these settlements, however , the governor’s term is expiring and it’s time for andrei chibes to decide with your support and of course.
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of course, as everywhere else, there are issues that require special attention, nevertheless the situation is stable, it is developing well, and the economy is growing. sergey aksenov today summed up the results of the entire decade of development crimea since its reunification. during this time, the peninsula's treasury revenues increased more than fivefold. over these 10
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years, we managed to increase spending on housing and communal services by 25 times compared to the fourteenth year, on environmental protection by 23 times, on roads by 12 times, on sports by 13 times, on healthcare. four education there eight times, indeed crimea is developing successfully, developing confidently, both the economy and the social sphere, everything is on the march, on the rise, private investment in crimea over the past decade has amounted to more than 900 billion rubles, but the main the driver of the peninsula's economy is the federal target development program, worth a trillion rubles. the healthcare system as a whole, it is of course developing, large hospitals have been built for us, but this is what...
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which faces the entire country, all regions, the government as a whole, but for crimea this is still something that needs to be addressed special attention, also special attention of the crimean leadership to the participants of the special operation and their families, this is task number one, support for military personnel, without exception, in all areas, we have without exception, all social passports of the families of all military personnel have been formed, work with the defenders of the fatherland fund has been fully coordinated, we have taken 12 measures to support our military personnel, those who are serving in their wars today. on the other hand, the crimean peninsula itself is forced to constantly hold the defense, all sabotage groups without exception have been detained over the years that have committed sabotage and explosions, here are words of gratitude to the colleagues of the fsb, the ministry of internal affairs, the prosecutor's office, the investigative committee, the russian guard, we are working as one team, so in in this case we try to work on warning, sergey aksyonov is ready to continue to work at this pace, we keep our finger on the pulse, my colleagues
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