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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  April 16, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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about these macrons, well, dolls, natural dolls, on our channel they are studied in a special laboratory called dolls of the heir tutti, please... the congressional kangaroo, prime minister of australia, anthony albanese with enviable regularity tries to jump on russia, and not he lives in peace, on the other side of the world he’s up to his neck in problems, it would be better if he solved them, but we still don’t give him peace, why all of a sudden? but there are reasons for how the albaneses, the anglo-saxon puppeteers, were motivated and with what incriminating evidence they used to curb them, so here we are let's figure out our program for the doll-heir tootie right now, maria butina is with you.
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by the way, she became pregnant from him. carlo albanese, originally from barletta, worked as a steward on a cruise ship. for him it was a fleeting romance. at that moment he was already engaged to someone else. after the cruise, mary ann returned to sydney, where she found out about her pregnancy. throughout his childhood, he would not believe his mother’s legend that his father died in a car accident. after leaving school, anthony went to study economics at the university of sydney. there he began to participate in political circle and was elected to the council of student representatives at 17.
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party members seemed ideal, they almost immediately had a son, but after 19 years of marriage, on january 1, 2019, instead of a new year’s gift, his wife told anthony that she was leaving, this hit albanese hard, but already a year later , he met jodea on social networks, set up a meeting with blonde in a restaurant, drank a glass and quickly found a common language, after which he first became the leader of his party, when the laborists gathered a majority in parliament and rose to the position of prime minister. i turn to my life partner jodie hayden. thank you for coming into my life and walking this path with me. the newly minted prime minister decided to be considered a hero among australians with the help of ukraine and went there on a visit. the farewell was long. everyone started saying goodbye and hugging. and then we went outside, where a car was waiting for him, and then it hit me. he's going to a war zone. and at such a moment you are overwhelmed by a feeling of anxiety.
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traditional hugs with zelensky in kiev, the albaneses were expected to hug with biden and sunak in the name of a meeting within the framework of the us union, australia and great britain. the main discussion at recent meetings within the aucus centered around its expansion to japan and the strengthening of countermeasures to contain un-allied forces in the asia-pacific region. according to the prime minister of australia, the parties agreed that japan's official entry into the defense alliance is not yet being considered, but strengthening military ties is yes. we concluded. missile pact between australia, japan and the united states aimed at expanding our capabilities. we want cooperate with countries in the region, in particular with japan, which is a country of advanced technologies, and the united states is our closest ally. in fact, these actions are already a step towards drawing tokyo into the nuclear club. for this, as biden said, a joint air and missile defense system will be created, that is, the united states plans to use advanced japanese technologies and geographic capabilities.
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and it’s understandable why australia, because geographically the country is located very advantageously, beneficial for the united states, for example, or maybe are they playing their game, is albanese, the prime minister of australia, trying to do this, here he is at a meeting on the opening of a very important project with the leaders of two more.
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the us will send three of these to australia. our new goal is the joint development of a new submarine. we called it "cch aucus". it will combine british and american technologies. mr. president biden, mr. prime minister suna, i am honored to be here with you. well, except for biden's stupid run, as always, and his very strange, sunglasses, an attentive
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, observant viewer must have noticed that it’s cool, biden behaves completely differently towards albanese with his sunoke, and... why so, because australia is very important, eh, but there is no goodwill on biden’s part towards albanese , for some reason we didn’t see it. well, in my opinion, this is due to the fact that the current prime minister of australia, anthony albanese, is trying to simultaneously sit on at least two chairs, and perhaps even on all the chairs in the room. yes, let me remind you that he recently became the prime minister of australia, and before that the country was led by the liberal party, which is so center-right. pursued a completely pro-american policy, it was under her that this aucus agreement was concluded, that let us supply, meaning the americans, several virginia-class submarines now to australia, for a future possible conflict with china, and there are also several submarines there they will be building specifically for australia by the forties, nevertheless the power in australia
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has changed, the liborists have come, not to say that they are somehow radically changing everything, but they are still trying to introduce certain nuances into this whole story, albanese went to... ukraine, checked in there, went to america for this aucus summit, but what is also no less important, he became the first australian example in 8 years who went to china, that is, you see, he is trying to simultaneously try to maneuver between china and the united states, of course, very moderately limited capabilities, and this, in my opinion, after all, not everyone likes washington, but to be honest, i doubt that he will be able to carry out this whole policy somehow smartly, because as we know, when you try to sit on two chairs, very often you just into this... the gap between the chairs you fall, so i admit that such a fate may await him, albanesi, trying to build relationships with the united states, decided to get personal, not even personal, personal, well, and tell biden what he’s great for having an internship in the united states of america, we’ll see.
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australia and the united states are good friends. many years ago, i, then still a very young guy, not yet thirty, came to your state department through one of the programs. from the department and spent 5 weeks in the usa, there was so much interesting stuff, there was one program where you could choose your own topic, and i wanted to see how different groups of the population interact with us government agencies. i included everything from the national rifle association to the club sierra, up to the organization of planned parenthood, that is, a complete set of everything and much more in addition. and something went wrong, which means that during albanese’s fiery speech, biden...
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they were showing footage now, this is march 13-14 , 2023, california, san diego, just then australia, america and great britain achieved an important conclusion agreement, which was prepared in advance, on the construction of a nuclear submarine fleet in australia, this is a huge amount of money, and at first australia will purchase for this huge amount of money. american submarines, british submarines, and then together they will begin to build
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australia's submarine fleet, australia will thus by 2030 become the first non-nuclear country to have a nuclear submarine fleet, and this is a lot of money, albanese is completely under the thumb of the united states of america, this is the fate of the puppet , you know, she is very sad, because... all written agreements have questions. before we go deep into america,
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i want to show you the second chair. he's dating si. there is a very important fact here. despite attempts at friendship with biden, at some point, albanesi takes a step towards china when he refuses to call xi a dictator. let's get a look. it is interesting to note that the prime minister did not want to join the words of us president joe biden, who called. taking extreme care in the choice of expressions. when asked to comment on this during a visit to beijing, anthony albanese again refused to repeat such language. this is what the prime minister responded. we have different political systems with china, which i have already repeatedly noted. australia is a democratic country. china has a completely different political system; democratic elections are not held there. that is , it turns out to maneuver between two fields of force. in fact, he is not so much maneuvering as. trying to sit in the splits, indeed, he is sandwiched between china, because china is indeed the largest trading
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partner and investor, in addition, we must not forget that a fairly large diaspora of chinese lives in australia, in addition, after all, australia has returned to supplies coal so as not to lose the chinese market in competition with mongolia and russia. in addition, the chinese market is very important for the export of wine, barley, and so on, so there is a very big tie to china, while the americans still don’t care who it is.
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conduct, because, strictly speaking, the basis for the formation of the ocus alliance, the associated program for the construction of nuclear submarines in order to use them in the asia-pacific space for the three aglo-saxon countries, it arose immediately after the australians refused the more technically and economically advantageous french proposal to supply twelve diesel -electric submarines. that is, their cost in total was cheaper than
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the american offer, well, roughly speaking, roughly speaking, eight times, that is, if i’m not mistaken, a little more than 40 billion in us dollars, well, let’s say, this is a project for a decade, this is not a project for several years; weapons could be quite strategically significant for australia, respectively, after this refusal, despite macron’s seemingly relatively good relations at that time... at the moment, within the framework of the collective west , including with washington, this infuriated french industry, not only in the military industry, not only in the military-industrial complex, but also in industry in general. because these second and third stages would also have been orders for french, so to speak , industrial groups for decades to come, accordingly, this very seriously cooled relations between sydney, strictly speaking, and paris, and at the same time macron then recalled french ambassadors from washington from sydney, but did not recall from london, well
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, it took some effort there for probably several months in order for these relations... to be restored at that time, i think it’s time to turn, in fact, to the residents of australia and ask them themselves what ’s going on there, we’re on direct line, ross cameron, hello, ross, hello, i guess, good morning, good evening, i’m very glad to see you, please tell us, and the aucus project for australia, how good is it? for the australians themselves, or only benefits from this? we must recognize the fact that the aokus project is already the third attempt at this approach on the part of australia, because the first attempt was already made by japan, then we concluded a strategic agreement, then another 4 years passed, accordingly the japanese
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deal was accepted, and it was worth about 40 billion, and then the price of this... and accordingly it was decided to support the position of great britain and the united states. and you know, the question here is: if you read australian newspapers, would you we thought there was only one opinion. of course, that's right, as they say. you know, when you have this older brother in the us, who constantly puts pressure on australia, it’s not very convenient. we are experiencing a huge erosion of australian sovereignty, because we are in fact giving australia's strategic decisions to our commanders, our older brothers from america, from the usa for the next 40 years, this is the worst deal australia has ever made in its entire history, because
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this idea that we will have a system. which was created by great britain, the other the system will be created in the usa, and the boats themselves will be created in australia, the result will be such a camel project, so to speak, that is, a very, very complex terrain on which something can be built, this is the first part, the second part is super precious, super expensive project, but we understand that if australia fits into this project when it fits in.
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booed more than once, let's see, by the prime minister of australia, the honorable anthony albanese, and by the deputy prime minister of victoria, ben carroll. and so albanese is asked, is it generally normal that they don’t like you so much, because tennis means a lot to australia. it's just an australian tradition, you say, it's like you booed other prime ministers at football matches, no, but i've been to many sporting tournaments, maybe it's all because of the third stage of tax cuts, well, that's it. ..taxpayers who were at the tennis tournament yesterday will be eligible for tax breaks. but tell me, what exactly is the matter, why did he get so much for taxes?
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anthony albanese is a man who positions himself as a representative of the working class, this also applies to his family, he emphasizes that he grew up without a father and other other issues, he wants, as a labor member, to show that he is still close to the people, and he decided just like a labor member... to change the third phase of tax reform, which had just begun under morison. albanese would absolutely take this step, because he is a labor member, he has a lot of problems that he inherited from morrison, that is there, the liberals have done very, very serious things, and he will try to snatch some piece of something for his rating, because, too, in order for australia to have such a thing ahead of time, the prime minister of his post flies, and he decided how time to use this tax reform, he promoted the next...
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dollar a week, that is, this is generally an amount, it’s nothing, if a person, okay, if he already earns more than 90,000 dollars a year, they save 22 dollars, that’s if a person yes he actually makes money there more than 150 thousand dollars a year, then yes, he will save 11 dollars, this is already good, it turns out that albany presents himself as a fighter for the working class, for the rights of people who have low income, average income, but at the same time neither both of them, in principle , gain nothing from this... and this is more of a pr stunt than any concern for the local population. and on what other front does albanese play, with what countries or people does he lay out
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combinations or is it not him at all? we'll continue after the ad. undercover taxi. premiere. watch the time after the program. visky mankatcher - a product of the stellar group, gin сnop, a product of the stellar group, cognac, monteshoca, a product of the stellar group, rom castro, a product of the stellar group, veda vodka, a product of the stellar group.
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i cried, i thought, what’s it like to live unloved, this is what it’s like to live unloved, is it true that the plot of the autumn marathon is autobiographical, he lived for two lives, and lyuba sokolova got it all, what gundareva played, we get a prize, i’m happy, what he is looking at, and he is looking, very interested, always carrying slander, for example, she said that he married the first person he met, for which the director blamed himself after the tragedy that happened in his family, after clinical death, he weighed 42 kg, and i realized that i had to save him, our exclusive, family secrets of the great director, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on
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saturday on the first. lately, we are increasingly hearing the phrase global majority, who is part of it, what countries it consists of, and most importantly, who governs these states. we met in the palace of the syrian president, a man who challenged the collective west. our war. this is a war for existence, which is why the price is so high. the west now supports and promotes leaders like zelensky, these are people who say yes to everything, right, left, up, down, answering everything with yes boss. and my father never discussed my future with me. i believe that everyone decides such questions for themselves. my children do not study politics, one wants to be a programmer, the other an engineer. you use social networks, this is for you interesting? before i became president, i headed a state organization for the development of the internet, devoting time to social networks, i do not forget about real contacts with people,
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online public opinion does not reflect... the opinion of the majority, these are only fragmentary fragments, perhaps a fabricated company, a new project of the first channel, the global majority, bashar al-assad on sunday on the first, this is a fashionable verdict on the first channel, i’m with you, liliya rakh, girls, we’re guessing, evelina, fleece leggings, how do we feel about this, what is it? let's hurry up get to know our heroine, yes, she’s good, you ’ve ended your relationship with the sumo coach, i usually talk to men very little, in general i don’t understand what this girl is doing here, no one has ever told me that i’m beautiful , we’re trying, starting a new life, how can i walk down the street with this, listen, why do you need such a friend, it seems that grandpa will get
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his jersey back, right? can i hug you? of course, this can all be fixed, it’s all bullshit. life, husband, children, when to be a girl? date shall we go like this? mom, dear, well, it’s not me, all together, beautiful, beautiful! hackers will have a fashionable verdict, a new season from april 22, on the first! today was the grand opening of the twelfth film festival, eh! yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, yes, i am clear, come here, and you will catch me, i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me, you are lying, why are you lumping everything together, and we will get used to living separately , we’ll part anyway, well, understand, it’s not us who decide, but come up with something, so, gentlemen, from the nichaev spouses known to you have received a statement, after death they want to be together, i officially declare that i...
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where is the champagne, i soaked him with my hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, and i think that he only loves his wife and does not want to be with her parting, hello, lyon, frivolous conversation, are they sure that they truly love. sometimes the best thing about a man is his woman, his companion, and what kind of companion
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does the prime minister have? i was sure that we would be together until the end of our days, i saw it so myself, and i felt it’s very difficult to come to terms with this, the wife leaves her husband on january 1st, we wondered why? well , he has his own version, he says, well, it didn’t work out, but we have another version, and well, this is how albanese talks about his favorite pastime. i wonder what it was
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like under former prime minister bobb hawke? in those days there was partying, drinking, complete tolerance for sexual adventures, i wonder if you have any common vices with bob hawke? ah, houki! houki was a great man and my mentor. at with all my greatest respect, you are not answering my question. do you have any vices in common with him? no, i guess i’m a rather modest guy, i’ve never smoked a single cigarette in my life, but i can drink a glass of beer, or a couple, or three, or four, i admit. there’s even a brand of beer named after me, yes, it’s very much in the spirit of hawkey, this is his mentor, the man who obviously replaced him as a father, known for his addiction to alcohol, followed by albanese himself along the same well-worn path, that’s what what happens next, it causes diplomatic scandal, 1, 2, 3, in general, at
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an official event in vietnam, he gets drunk, then a very unpleasant incident follows, he gets into an accident, breaks the car, explains that, well, sorry. it happened, well, he was drunk accordingly, he was found guilty, listen, well, this is the leader of the state, he was probably elected by someone, look, that means he remembers hawk, hawk was distinguished by the fact that he was a big party, the most famous party , moreover, this was even in some way extrapolated to his children, the children there had problems with drugs and so on and so forth, so our hero looks with shy eyes, well, i say i don’t smoke, here they say, but maybe booze, he was happy, beer and beer says: it’s easy for him to take him away from that vice, which in fact is, look, he says one, two, three, five, it’s all nonsense, the thing is that in his biography he was caught in one interesting story, it was in the thirteenth year, they don’t talk about it much , the point is that while walking along his street, somewhere
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nearby, he entered a massage parlor, a certain massage, and tried it there for an hour, they took his picture, it was all in the press everywhere, the next thing you know, i'm a local councilman. i went to the gay pride parade, by the way, the first prime minister of australia, who danced there, let's see, we even have a prime minister walking along oxford street, this is a historical moment, for sure, this is exactly such a moment, before us is a rainbow
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libarian party, and you took part in processions before, i think this is my thirty-fifth mardigras, the first was in 1983, here i reveal my age, but first as prime minister... yes, and it's probably a pity that i'm the only one to do this as prime minister, but today we're celebrating modern australia, he's drunk, he's obviously drunk, but -i think he’s drunk all the time, there’s another story, you know, when he found jody hayden, well, in general, i started looking at what this jody hayden is, this is his second, yes, this is passion, the key word is passion, look , great photo, look, the point is: he was caught by the paratsi, exactly paparatsi at the entrance, this super-stalon, a man once in this way, scared and pressed, he will think 250 times, i admit, i modestly admit that the shot was made
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on purpose, that this is the story of his special promotion, you know, everything is done on purpose, let’s go so, he wasn’t popular, he wasn’t interesting, he wrote a lot, that he was a dj there and all that other stuff, but he’s not like that, you know, he absolutely you know, he’s like this... a sluggish coloring of some kind more powerful force, but look at him, if he is so obsequious to absolutely everyone, whether with xi, with macron, with biden, yes, he continues to fawn over him, i also suggest that we consider one aspect of albanese’s personality, albanese and his woman, as it sounds, yes, with him here is the wife, the ex and the new passion, they are very different, galilin, i will need your help, well, i can with... that they are completely different, indeed, they perform different functions. in my opinion, albanyzy is not an independent figure at all; he will be most effective only in the role of a follower, that is, there will definitely have to be someone who will lead it. he really, i
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absolutely agree with roman, is not ambitious as a man, he is not charismatic, all those are political successes, but in his career, which we see, this is a reflection of the ambitions, in fact, initially of his women, powerful strong women who were in his life. it makes no sense to talk about clothes at all, because i can draw your attention to the fact that where he is sitting at the meeting with biden, he is dressed completely incorrectly from the point of view of protocol, that is, striped socks and boots must be a must, this is according to the protocol with a suit, they are worn only with laces, here we see street shoes, which are completely inappropriate here, but this is such a small touch really, and he often talks about his mother and just indeed, he literally speaks with pride about the fact that his mother raised him as a single mother, he often says that his mother considered herself a feminist, and emphasizing that at that time in australia there was no such term, i for myself i translate it into russian, a husband-hater, over time she hands him over to karmal tebot, this is obvious, she is a strong, powerful, intelligent woman who
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takes him into circulation and step by step, over the years, she, in general, guides him through his political career, in general, it was his wife who tested all the political mechanisms of the vertical power in australia, but at the moment... she is one of the richest politicians in australia, her personal capital is estimated at twenty-four years old, i read, in the order 5 million dollars, that is, accordingly, it’s just... really not is needed, why isn’t it needed, this suitcase without a handle, i can do it, he’s the prime minister, well, i think that everything she needs, she’s already received, she’s already given it to him for many years, there are some grievances there, that’s all anyway, there are grievances, more likely on the female side, anyway, it’s not about alcohol, of course, but it’s definitely not about alcohol, i think beer for an australian is actually a plus, because australians love beer and the person who is the prime minister with a glass of beer at a rock concert, it’s more likely, she’s very successful in her career, that is, she did everything more... i think that she was leading him, she was dragging him, she was just tired of him, what i see
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now, yes, i see a man in love , in fact, i’ll catch you now, i’ll catch you, now, that’s if it’s a man , who passionately loves a woman, what does he do, he says, darling, here is mine, my hand and heart to you, and what albanese says, listen, yes, she is his partner, when you propose, prime minister. agenda: i don't think this is an issue that should be addressed by your radio, oddly enough, but we want to know is she your soulmate? she is of course a very dear partner of mine, we have a great relationship, i consider myself incredibly lucky to have met jodie, we have a great relationship. did she ever say what about the engagement ring, never? no.
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this stuff, it’s in the press, it’s everywhere, in general, they didn’t like it. since you
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're talking about the uk, he takes his unofficial girlfriend to the queen's funeral. this is at least strange, and on a government plane, the british authorities then recommended against use government planes, because they were overloaded with receiving guests, they recommended using regular ones, and by the way, alba, albanese, rarely refuses.
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that he gives up
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beer and carbohydrates for 3 months, that is, he processes one section, then says: no, i ’m going back to pio, because i’m a real australian and i’m going to a rock concert, so i have a life partner , judy is a political project, and i admit a business project, because perhaps there are some other business assets there there are things like that, but this suggests that they molded him into a politician, and this helped him win. and do you remember how the world found out about judy in general, and the whole world heard the footage, and practically - the tragic story about almost the titanic, sending her husband to war, it was really terribly difficult, before that i was doing so well all day while i was preparing for his departure, it probably happened at the moment when we all went down to the faye and began to say goodbye to him in turn, everyone began to say goodbye, hug, and then we went out to the street where the car was waiting for him, then i
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was covered, he was going to a war zone, at such a moment you are overwhelmed by a feeling of anxiety, then i see a car in which his entire team fit, and of course i was very close to everyone... , emotions are going wild, and you understand perfectly well what risk he is exposed to, what a tragedy, and we thought, we thought that she was seeing him off now, and he was flying across the ocean to ukraine, to the war zone, where he was wearing body armor and he, no, they were in france at that time, in general, they were hanging out there with the macron spouses, this it was found out that they even had the same dress there, they weren’t particularly encrypted, well, in general... he stays in paris from there, he says, goodbye, goodbye! maria, i would like to say, i also absolutely agree with you, lena, of course, she is not a curator, i think that she is watching, i think that in general this is all as old as the hills, everything is done simply, that is, a young woman, she is much younger than him, she is placed next to a man who is divorced, who is in a tragedy with his wife, she is
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really a different type, that is, she is his controls, well, in fact, she, of course, is also not from this circle, not from this class, there are a lot of mistakes in... at school, well, she kind of makes mistakes, she and he, and it’s visible, it’s obvious, well, what, for example, well, she’s at a meeting, the last meeting was with biden and jill, and there, too, they were absolutely wrong with the clothes, firstly, in a ball gown, which necessarily implies a companion next to her, who should be wearing bowties in a tuxedo, moreover, the choice of dress is illiterate, and not the most advantageous part of her body, these are the shoulders of the arm, they are bare here, well, in general, there are actually a lot of mistakes, let's now add to our conversation a little bit about...
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who visited the territory of ukraine, his predecessors there, including scott morrison, they also sent some military aid to the kiev regime, but did not come themselves, here so it becomes the first action there a few months after coming to power, which means coming to kiev is a certain indicator of what you see, i’m supposedly standing here in defense of the western world order, but at the same time you need to understand that ukraine, oh, more precisely australia indeed, it supplies something to ukraine, yes, these are not the same volumes that come from america, from the european side. union, but they supplied approximately 100 million dollars, this is an m-113 armored personnel carrier, old from the vietnam war, but nevertheless the ukrainians use it, this is a bushmaster armored vehicle and there is a certain number of shells, in particular 105 mm caliber, however the australians do not send anything -really big and serious, although, by the way, the americans
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pushed them towards this, i’ll remind you that, well, quite such a serious lobbying company was for sending new australian armored vehicles to ukraine kholkoy a. they were not sent, plus there was talk that maybe australia would supply some of its fighters to ukraine, this also has not happened yet, that is, here, after all, he is also trying, although he is certainly in line with us policy, he is trying, well, not to go somewhere to the end of this pro-american agenda, that is, they understand that there is a certain red line that they don’t want to cross, i think that of course in the rest he will pursue approximately the same policy, but with ukraine he more or less succeeded, because australia is not at...
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the moment kiev controlled in favor of the australians, that is, he invited australian business, australian capital, to develop this space, and that the funny thing is, again returning to the story with the french, before that one of the priority contenders for such, so to speak, development was precisely the french business, that is, they are australians, australian business keep this perspective in mind, the second at the moment, shortly before albanese visited kiev, some interruptions occurred.
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with the previous prime ministers of australia, figures in relation to kiev, but they repeatedly broke their promises, promised weapons, did not deliver, promised, did not deliver, moreover, the ukrainians themselves, generally speaking, were not at all interested in some types of weapons , let's see, last year, when ukrainian fighter pilots were desperately trying to avoid being shot down by russian aircraft equipped with large radars range, a senior representative of the ukrainian air force said... in kiev that he is not interested in transferring fa18 hornet fighters. we don’t need your flying junk - he said, according to an anonymous source, this
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effectively ended the deal with fa-18, if he had not done this, they would now be flying over ukraine, the contractor commented on this statement. frankly, it’s somehow strange that for some reason ukraine did not become friends with australia, maybe because they were abandoned many times, or what is this connected with? australia and ukraine are competitors in fact, in global markets for the supply of grain and iron ore. the most important thing is that they are competitors for the chinese market. a sad fate awaits australia, that is, on the one hand, it is destined for a central place in the anti-chinese war in 5-10 years, full-scale and nuclear, the chinese are talking about it, that is, this is global and such a piece of land that will house the headquarters of all active groups against china , which will most likely be destroyed, on the other hand, china is more the most important... partner, the most interesting partner why agricultural products, uranium, which means iron ore and so on, who can replace china for australia, because
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the americans demand to leave the chinese market, but no one, because canada is a competitor, ukraine is a competitor, new zealand is competitors, in fact, australia is now on the verge of becoming a nuclear desert, a base for carrying out an anti-chinese policy, which means, on the other hand, it will have to sacrifice its high standard of living, because there will be nowhere to supply it, in fact. here he is albanese, this means that between sidinpin and biden, sidinpin is trying to prove that he is not so pro-american, it means that he is trying to build some kind of dialogue with biden, but he does n’t have long left, 2-3 years, i hope that i think that his goal is political - it’s just to skip these 2-3 years, hand over the post to some other prime minister, who will be on a new track, which means building a more anti-chinese policy, but the australians won’t thank him, now we’ll take a break for a short advertisement and in a few minutes let's continue, stay tuned... zoya borisovna
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personifies the century, all her life she has been doing what she loves, she creates centers of culture around herself, not to mention her literary works, which have been translated into many languages. 100 years, this was definitely written out of spite, a special attitude towards talents, she felt them right away. an amazing girl, at 100 years old, she is a very young person, i can’t live without work, should i go somewhere, help someone? andrei andreevich voznesensky after meeting zoya borisovna dedicated a poem to her: “abide, light, fleeting, incessant, i don’t reproach you for passing, i thank you for coming. andrei generally had two priorities in life: his work and my mother.” hearts.
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stellar group whiskey mancacher product of stellar group gin сnop product of stellar group cognac monte chococa product of stellar group. today we will introduce you to a person whose work is becoming more and more interesting day by day, this is the circus and theater director valentin. i came to school to become a clown, but my teacher. i didn't forbid being a clown. a lot of genius people who found some kind of poetic, fantastic reality in the circus, this is
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the fleetingness that i want to capture. the circus that i want to create does not exist. we continue our series of half-hour portrait programs and would like to introduce you to dmitry sovisky, a russian writer who has been living in paris for about 15 years. i came to my beloved woman, and after 2 days i realized that she was gone, and that i had to start from scratch myself. i knew that my homeland is my language, this is the language in which i write, it was so truly poor moscow bohemia. who lived on bad wine on good poetry, my 49.5 minutes of jazz are not just a program for me, an important program for me, i know that you are sitting at a table in a st. petersburg cafe, where they play programs from 49, ciao baby, matodor on friday on the first, the appearance of such a child in my life was
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a complete surprise, tandem... we have such a small but strong family, we will formulate a request with you, we have a good room, and maybe it will be even better, we came up with the idea of ​​​​making a rack here, father and son come out separately or together from the room, pop complex, even just hanging, very good for the back, everything for cozy evenings is collected in this corner, this is vinyl, this and... cinema hall, we got to our home, about comfort, premiere on saturday first. premiere, i love my country, on saturday, on the first. the snow is still white in the fields,
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and in the spring the waters are noisy, running and waking up the sleepy. breg are running, shining and shouting, they are shouting in all directions, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring, she sent us forward, what, where, when, spring series of games, on sunday on the first. happiness, this is home, these are loved ones, relatives, a synonym for the word harmony, oh, this is communication with children, their energy, i am charged by it, it’s really great, we are often confused, if someone sees
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us, everyone says: oh, twins, take care your children, raise them with dignity. maria butina is with you again, this is the doll of tuti’s heir, today we moved to australia, why right now you will find out, there you also see another moment, that’s when they started talking about nuclear submarines, about the acoustics, there was a huge scandal there he is connected, no matter how strange with fokusima, at fokushima they decided to dump the water,
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it is believed that they are poisoned, but in australia they say that... it’s normal, and australia , as far as i remember, is the supplier of uranium, of course, in the first place the australians themselves began to say that there is an australian trace in the emissions of fokusima, because these are actually supplies of uranium from australia, the government, of course, supported the discharge of poisoned water from fokusima, and here a situation arises when, in general, the population is constantly being told: you do not worry, everything is safe, we continue to eat fish, everything will be fine, there are relevant public organizations that... say something completely different, but they talk about a different trend, they ring the bells, in general, they are in, so to speak, they are outsiders, they do not influence not a single decision in this case, because the same albanese, who generally won with the idea that he would take care of nature, agrees to actually go along the path of building up atomic weapons, this is all categorically against the promises that he he himself gives, that is, the scientific
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community, for understanding, says about fukushima that water cannot be dumped. it’s dangerous, but politicians are worth it to see local deputies made a video in support of how cool it is to eat a three-eyed fish, watch it. we support focushima products, today at the embassy we enjoy fish and chips made from fish caught in focushima. at the australian embassy in tokyo we continue to use focusima products. fresh fukushima halibut goes perfectly with grilled potatoes, fish from fukushima are safe. horror, literally one moment about this, you just need to understand to what extent, of course, the americanization of this entire asian pacific region in this video takes
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place, because approximately absolutely the same company was carried out not so long ago in japan itself, yes , where fumio kishida, prime minister of japan, together with us ambassador eric gorceti, ate this same supposedly unpoisoned fish in exactly the same way, and the same thing in australia, that is, literally. one manual was sent through the us embassy, ​​through the state department, to japan, to australia , beat this topic. and, of course, with regard to uranium mines, we understand that no one will ever close them in australia. well, because america needs to extract uranium from somewhere. they abandoned uranium from russia, well, they are abandoning it gradually. well, in general, here is australia, a wonderful example, where you can, in general, rely on the environment, extract uranium, bring it to america, and then, in any case, in 10-15 years, maybe maybe there will be a nuclear war. well, in general , they correctly say that if a person who is in favor of...
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nuclear submarines, helicopters, etc., etc., the oceanic states are not interested in all this, for them the security approach is to resist the consequences of climate change there and preserve their ecology, but it turns out that australia is like would position itself as the leader of the region, but it turns out that she herself brings nuclear technologies to the region, they also approve of this whole thing, it is important to understand that the ocean has very rich reserves of tuna, and the japanese have these reserves in the northern part the pacific ocean was literally stolen, and now the tuna... has descended into the south pacific ocean, but there are already other, so to speak, obstacles in the form of politics, which, well, do not correspond to the interests of the oceanic countries, and the policy of australia, its national interests does not correspond, but i would like
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to invite a special guest to our studio, a person who lived in australia for 14 years, she is a foreign language teacher, tatyana makarenko, she will tell us why she suddenly returned to her homeland, hello tatyana, hello, when did you arrive in russia? i moved to russia 7 years ago, why did you leave? firstly, although i adapted to australia, i became a big leader there, but i understood that this country was losing its values ​​and all its traditions, for example, they began to cater to emigrants, do everything to suit emigrants, there they are trying to bend to everyone , and the fact that they were moving away from traditional families, that is, then how was this expressed? every year, many people came there, and accordingly they promoted it, but they prohibited
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citizens to speak out, someone, for example, i didn’t like, yes, that there would be same-sex marriages, but i didn’t have the right to speak out, otherwise, otherwise i would have been imprisoned, and you are an australian citizen, right, but it’s true that you were fined for non-participation in elections, right?
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68% of taxes to the state, 68%, 68, yes, well, practically you give everything to australia, so i also wanted to... say that inflation has jumped very much, now what is happening is that many are trying to find sales, well, the cheapest ones , so to speak, production, they buy at discounts, people are just trying to survive, but what shocked me was when there was covid, and what australia did, they simply closed entry and exit from... well, the country
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was closed for 2 years, that is, what kind of freedom can we talk about and to say that i live in a free state, and you will go there and you may not leave, this is called the word stack in english, well, to put it simply, you are just stuck, thank you very much, colleagues, what are the prospects for albanese, well, i i think he has prospects these are the most deplorable, let's see what will happen in the next elections if everything goes well for him. with ratings, the labor party will change it itself, this is really a typical phenomenon for them. as for the prospects for australia as a whole, i have only pessimistic forecasts here: the economy is already stagnating, there is a really huge problem with rising prices for everything, i saw the latest statistics, 25% of australians are now chronically undernourished, well, simply because they have even their salaries are not enough to feed their own families, and this will not be resolved in any way, because australia is an australian miracle, it was based on the fact that the country has turned into such... an appendage of china in the context of trade
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wars and deglobalization, of course, everything is going to the bottom for them, but a plus, of course , a huge problem with the australian bubble in the real estate market, but of course this is a significant story there, all australians traditionally complain that they cannot afford real estate, but the main problem, of course, is connected with the war with geopolitics, this is not only australian submarines, i will remind you of what the americans are now stationing at northern bases in australia. they will really try to pump up their b-52 strategic bombers, and australia will really try to pump up weapons and, in the event of some kind of conflict with china, use it according to ukraine’s scenario, in which case i’m afraid that for the australians this will end very, very badly. it would seem that where we are and where australia is, but the waves from any changes, and especially from the plans of the destructive americans , have the ability to exert their influence on other. our big planet, including
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russia, so we look, observe and take timely measures. maria butina, the heir doll, was with you, now is the program time. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. first person document. vladimir putin was presented with a certificate of the president of russia. the head of state received the chairman of the election center. three days from the terrorist attack.


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