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tv   PODKAST  1TV  April 6, 2024 1:50am-2:41am MSK

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having already lived this story, this lover abandons her, dripping water on the farewell letter, pretending to cry, now after the story with rudolph, emma experiences a nervous breakdown after receiving this farewell letter, yes, 43 days and 43 nights, and she is actually learning to eat again, learning to walk, that is, she is being born again, yes, but having survived this crisis , the big question is whether she was really sick, in fact, when... the role, of course, on the other hand, she also , that is, perhaps she played too much i really wanted to get charlie's attention throughout the entire novel, everyone is surprised how charles didn’t see it like that, emma herself wanted, somehow, yes, for him to pay attention to this illness, too, as perhaps one of the reasons to pay attention. attention to him,
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well, okay, so she survived this illness, perhaps feigned, yes, but nevertheless she believes in it, and here she is, having survived this, she descends into a new novel, that is, she has a real family, for which she can really do something, but she chooses, let’s say, to continue to follow this path the correspondence of her illusion to this simulacrum of a beautiful life, because we can say that this is... a point of choice, we can no longer say about her that she is naive, she did not know that it was so, that this happens, after this story with rudolf, she already understands that everything is not as it seems to her, she has already faced, so to speak, a reality that has destroyed her illusions, well, here for me personally it’s still a controversial question, was it a choice, and this may be a great reluctance and not the ability to abandon the chosen illusion in fact. how do i
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it seems that i am following this novel, indeed the collision, the understanding of reality at the very end of the novel, which led to her death, is connected with one thing: after all, every love in the person of her lover, although it is vicious, was personified for her, judging by the books that she read , a certain knight who must come to her aid to save her from her hated husband, what did not happen to her first lover, or at least get her out of the debt hole? yes, that is, wait for money, and the first person she rushes to is to find out about her crazy debts, she rushes to her lovers, because she even asks her husband not to say anything, and he would give money, and he would find it, he would get out of this situation, but it’s just that those external coincidences that there was no yes, yes, yes, those external simulacra, yes, which we call with this modern word, they were knights for her, this is the illusion when a collision with an illusion and breaking... illusions on the stone of reality, no,
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these are not knights, and this love does not exist, and this illusion no longer exists, leading it, in fact, to this monstrous poisoning, right here most likely, as if there was that very point of choice, to leave life from the pain of realizing reality, in fact, only charles loved, who in the end already knew that these lovers existed, he found their letters, and only after emma’s death.
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the heroine of her novel, i am a criminal in love, she, she thinks that she is some kind of character that she is leading, already, when she feels the effect of arsenic on herself, then she understands that this is real life, that she really feels scary, here she feels that very real life, finally, that she can’t just poison herself and suddenly she will feel better, that’s it, this is the end, here she remembers charles before her death. that he is her only one throughout her life, we can say that emma is in this game of hers, yes, well, let’s say this illusory one, where she plays this heroine of the novel in which she believes, we can say that she talented, because, for example, when she, having already met leon in rouen, in the theater, mm, having met him, let’s say , with a break of, yes, several years, she decides that - she makes a date with him in
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cathedral, you might think, a date in the cathedral, is he waiting for her, she comes, and that she goes to confession to the priest in a picturesque way, because it’s beautiful,
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the focus is on her, yes, on this shadow side of emma, ​​then she outrages, but in fact , it outrages, because everyone has this country, because it is very true from the point of view of life, there is simply truth in it, artistic truth, often sometimes you just don’t want to look in the mirror, what flaubert did with this novel, he set before the entire french society, catholic, puritan, he put up a big, huge mirror... said: “m, that ’s not bad, in my opinion, of course, it caused a storm of indignation, well, of course, this is such a difficult situation, to look at everything, ah, quite directly ", i am the grandson of a manufacturer, i can do everything, but all i
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have to do is come to any group, perform there, everyone else puts everything down. through the night and the wind, i am destined to go." they press buttons all in vain for for, but there are no roads, for for, but there is no money, i have nothing to follow, i’m not going to replay anything, under no circumstances would i live my life in a different way, in memory of vladimir zhirinovsky, tomorrow. on the first, this is the center of the greek diaspora, one of the largest in the south of russia, and probably in all of russia, in principle, in yesentuki, where the greek diaspora came from, the first greeks appeared here back in 700, trade routes passed here, i i think when we cook,
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we’ll make it a fusion of cultures, i’ll have caucasian-greek pita, i’ll have leningrad crumpets with a greek sauce based on liver, cod, olives, everything will be like this on top... khinist, now there’s a rant, tam-tararam, tam-tararam, bon appetit! premiere, cooks on wheels, on sunday on the first. this is a must-read podcast, i'm aglaina batnikova, we're discussing madame bavari, the famous novel by gustov flabert with oksana bondarenko, director of the moscow transport museum and art critic, and alexander irivenko, himself. beautiful actress of our time, the most beautiful mrs. bavaria, the most beautiful mrs. bavaria. oksana, as an expert on french society, please tell me, here is emma, ​​bavari and her husband, charles bavari, who are they? this middle class or what, they are rich, they are
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poor, it is difficult to understand from our point of view, because it seems that the doctor, it seems that they have servants, they even have some kind of estate, which is secret to them. sells, at the same time there they ride on some kind of, well, relatively speaking, minibus, yes, it goes to rouen, on this one here in korea, where everyone is packed, well, this is our minibus, yes, or they tie up some kind of then wooden shoes, so that uh, yes, and her mother-in-law scolds her for the fact that the upholstery of the chairs, according to two francs, material, 2 francs per meter - that must be very expensive. maximum 10 sous, only the eldest member of the family should have a chair, and there are a lot of chairs, it’s too luxurious, new curtains are too luxurious, in general, well, that is, i want to somehow relate this to our reality, that is, they in general what class do they belong to? i’ll answer
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in flaberian style, they belong to the bourgeois class, but only in flaberian terminology, a direct translation of bourgeois or something similar, plus or minus - but flaberian bourgeois terminology, here it is, by the way, it is very well described in the review, if i may say so, in a literary essay about this novel, by nabokov, for flaubert, the bourgeois is a bourgeois, that is, he is a representative of a purely material society, a consumer society, a consumer society, for whom there is a single value, or a single significance, the significance of a coin, so... all of these are examples from the works that you just talked about and charles’s mother, this is such pettiness
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in the details - the same seller is cunning outfits, for flaubert and the same charles, yes, that is, for flaubert, although he seems to be a physician, for flaubert this is just a vivid description of the purely material bourgeois. society or the established context of the bourgeoisie in which flaubert himself lived, yes, why did he possibly compare himself with madame bavaria herself, she dared to make some kind of revolt, some kind of speech against the bourgeois society, trying to break it with her behavior, which was completely out of context, trying break these foundations of materialism, it seems to me it’s just that she herself is still merciless.
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yes, a lot with corsets, i have one dress that weighs 20 kg, just that one is already an appafeo with vulgarity, this is for the funeral of father charles, she comes in the most luxurious dress in our performance, well, it looks like emma , it seems to me that this is a rather accurate detail found by the director, that is , ema is also the fruit of its own, its own context of revolution, it is a kind of revolution, like its roots.
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this is an absolutely wonderful scene where the husband persuades him, he says: it’s very expensive, we we can’t help ourselves, we can, we can, just study music, go to rouen, take lessons, and flaubert, when he says, madame, bavari, it’s me, do you agree that he managed to penetrate into female psychology, we believe emmy and to her feelings when we read a novel, it seems to me that when we even pick up a book in our hand, then we... one way or another, the proposed circumstances, as they say in our theater,
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we are immersed in them and also become part of this story, of course, we believe, because we get used to the style of narration, to the language, we ourselves become part of the book we read, but i considered this statement of the flaubert somewhat differently when he said to madame. mm, not from the point of view of comparing oneself with the female psychotype or understanding female psychology, but rather everything, most likely for him - buvari is a kind of collective image in which he, among other things, sees himself as a person who does not recognize the environment, well , this mishchansky way of life, but the hlaber also died in poverty, he also went bankrupt , and every now and then, in deep loneliness, it seems to me that it is also important that... this is also such a moment of revolution in literature that flaubert writes on behalf of a woman, and he, we see the novel,
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as if through different characters, but flaubert writes all this, so here he is charles, here he is emma, ​​and so he passes, there are very interesting characters, convincing, this drugstore gamay, and this leon, they are all different, this is the coachman, what a gorgeous, unfortunate coachman iver, yes, that is, literally every character. it is different, it makes up some kind of separate world, and it’s even surprising that this is a debut novel flabera, i was surprised to learn that this is actually the first work that he wrote, because it’s really like... alexander says, a complete feeling, a full-fledged world into which you are immersed, and it contains its own coordinates that you can’t even compare it with your reality, yes, because this is a full-fledged reality, it has alternatives of 5 years, yeah, 5 years, not so much for a novel, and he set himself such tasks that
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it should not be repeated on the same page not a single word, and what a perfectionist, but in his density. but despite the fact that he was accused of immorality, and of some kind of vulgarity, today, today the flaubert is a classic of french literature, on a par with balzac, on a par with balzac, yes, absolutely precisely, the same subtle player on male and female emotions , and such... a great specialist in the relations between men and women of that era and that time. well , i think this novel will be useful for everyone to read. this was a must- read podcast. i'm glaina batnikova. today we discussed gustov's novel flaubert, madame bavari, the famous scandalous one. with oksana bondarenko, director of the
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moscow transport museum, francophone. and the most beautiful actress alexandra revenko, who performed. the role of mrs. bavaria in the theater, i still perform , i perform, i will perform, come to the performance, you can find all episodes of the podcast as a must-read on the website of the first channel hello, this is a psychic podcast. we continue to decompose this very psyche into molecules and maybe even mathematical formulas, in any case we will try today apply to the word psyche, the word kenetics. our guest today is valentin shishkin, an expert in kinetics and nonverbal communications. tell us in a nutshell, this is generally a science, this is some kind of practice, this
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is some kind of methodology, that’s what it is now, because to be honest, until recently, of course, i associated the word kinetics with that... yes, our form influences our content, i will show with examples: if i sit like this, how will i be perceived, well, you are such a small, kind of stunted person, come, you are afraid like me i will feel myself inside, i don’t know how i will feel, well, if i sit in this position for 3-5 seconds, the psyche will begin to eat itself, if i regularly sit like this, then my physiological, internal, how is this bodily and essence, it will begin to change, wrinkles will appear, tightness...
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on social networks in magazines for housewives they are described as a blatant lie, well, for example, a person closes his mouth, a person touches his nose, maybe i have an allergy, my nose itches, you know, i really like professionals who make money and put it in the head of the corner, that is, some kind of material is taken, and it is commercialized, you can look at some stars and even say: you know, here he is lying, this is not true, so no one, not even a profiler, can say that this is a lie, because i work with professionals. in this area, yeah, it doesn’t work that way, in order to make money, this is great, so to evaluate a certain gesture, well, it doesn’t work, what do we do, we record it on video, well, literally 30 seconds, yes s. ..believe
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it, no, no, yeah, now you know i look, i’m sure that this is so, i’m somehow worried, i’m even nervous, believe, no, every time you believe not the words, but the behavior, what is called body language, yes, in fact, yes, listen, but this was used quite, it seems to me, early, probably not even the first century in preparation, well, various special services or some kind of spies,
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she falls into the river and the owner joyfully says: this is a fiasco, bro, what does the dog hear? let's go, fall, the dog breaks down, our subconscious doesn't
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see the word no, it sees an image, like this one we actually broadcast the image to people, i ’ll try to formulate it differently: cinema in greek of movement, the way i move determines the reaction of society to me, i will share the situation directly, and the person is engaged in consulting, 3 days of consulting have already been sold, he goes out and consults a company, he is not taken into account. disobedient at 3:00 in the morning they bring him a presentation, he looks, says, everything needs to be redone, at 9 in the morning there should be another presentation, he says: you need it and do it, he tells me directly about this situation, i turn down the sound, i hear this, this essentially, well, it’s clear what he’s telling us, i’m saying, like the client is with you, the client says, let’s see later, he says he doesn’t look at the presentation at all, i say, it’s not about the presentation, it’s about you, it wasn’t about the reel, the presentation you, because you come in such a way that the lower ones want to apply to you... that is, if a person doesn’t sleep all night, makes a presentation, brings it, and his client
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tells him: let’s see later what he’s doing, this is an attempt to devalue , you need to look not at the presentation, at how this presentation was brought in, if it was brought in here so, then there will be nothing but desire like this, but how to bring the presentation in, for example, if now i brought it in like this, i serve it, if i bring it in now, it’s clear what i’m doing, this shoulder goes to me.. ..
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so, so, i’m a kineticist, i’m working with the question of how, how does it help or hinder positioning, obviously it doesn’t help much, but i
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make perfect adjustments from below, now i’m placing my feet. like this i take up a little more space, i sit down more comfortably, the structure at the bottom disappears and appears, i’m on an equal footing, and now i do a little like this, and i already on top, too on top, again, how appropriate, inappropriate, if inappropriate, but it must be removed, and we are looking together with him, not why this happened, once again, this is for psychologists and we can delve into this, show us the ideal doctor, oh, that’s not exactly how it works, what kind of doctor, let’s take the therapist we go to see at the clinic.
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yeah, so again, now how much do i weigh, how much do i stand, and who am i perceived by? like a bird so intimidated, yes, so, and all my weight of some kind of knowledge, it disappears. now i start moving not from the head, but from the center, i start from the chest, i start to prove something, it’s not a fact that i will prove it, but the fact is that i will do something there, yes, and now i move it to the center and say this and that. moreover, if i say the right things, but move from my head, look, two times two, four, i believe it, no, well. who wants to believe this, well, i suddenly begin to doubt my knowledge, listen, it’s like something out of a movie classic, blurt it out confidently, but you know, in addition to blurting it out confidently, you still need to understand that the words will be heard, and if this is nonsense, then this is obvious nonsense, but let's
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go back. i’m not reaching out, but i’m accepting, yeah, my nose is lowered a little lower, the back of my head is slightly raised, i’m also clearly interested in what’s happening, oh, now, when you turned your head a little, i saw, you know, such a lack of servility, but so sincere very kind, equally interested, warm, and with this interest i risk getting into an hour of a story about how ships roam space, but decide so, you need to stop the flow, so i stand upright, once again, hello , come on, what hurts, yeah , listened for 2 minutes,
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turned off, wrote it down, okay, apparently, now i want to talk, or am i becoming tougher, more domineering, well, yes, i need to wind down already, but i believe you, again, i ’m dragging, again i’m stopping, and now i’m saying, so, and now we are moving on to some kind of actions, procedures, because i become vertical, and my gestures are not here, not here, not here, here, i say, come in, sit down, yes, open your mouth, we will now look at the tonsils , i want to. close your mouth, let's give another example: a young teacher, appointed class teacher in a class with difficult teenagers, she enters the class, we understand that the first seconds are very important for the entire further history of the relationship, how should it go? recently there was a fairly well-known series, there was a heroine who wore shoulder straps, she had shoulder straps, but she was like this, she had the clip pulled out, she looked like
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she was wearing someone else’s jacket and was afraid that they would expose her. a magnificent image, because there should be strength, in strength, femininity and fragility, i looked specifically at the actress’s profile, she has there is always a catch here, she is genetically beautiful, she is attractive to many, but if you help her not to have clubbed legs, not to hold shields, look not with her nose, now i will show this thing, look at the back of her head, it looks abstract, yes, look, now i look with my nose, as if i’m moving from my nose, it’s clear, now i’m moving with my nose to the back of my head, i’ve realized it. a person, but all my movements are like this, then i will not be perceived as domineering. for example, if i want to be domineering or vice versa, i listen to you, but my hand speaks sit still in the fields. the snow is turning white, and
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in the spring the waters are noisy, running, waking up the sleepy shore, running , shining and shouting, they are screaming in all directions. spring is coming, spring is coming, we are the young messengers of spring, she sent us forward, what, where, when, spring series of games, sunday on the first, central 812, suspicion of robbery.
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on the first, this is a psyche podcast, and today we are talking about kinetics, but not from the point of view of physics, from the point of view of psychology, show me how you go into a class with difficult teenagers, firstly, i will go in the way as if i’ve been there for 100 years already, yeah, and they ’re guests there, but my guests, if they come to me without preparation, i’ll open the door and slowly walk through, slowly, without fussing, without carrying, i’ll walk through, looking at everyone, i appreciated evaluative look, yeah, then, i won’t serve as a subject and process, i’ll turn my chair around, sit down
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and be silent until one of them says something, because i decide if i i start talking, i start losing, if... they start talking, let them talk, why can i say, hello, can i do it? so that they obey, um, my goal is to become one of my own, but a little higher to make them want to listen to me, my kid taught me geography for 45 years, 45 years, his name was count, geographer, he told me such simple things explained, he says: look, a bad teacher tells, a story is words, a good one shows, a show is images, and the best one lights up. if difficult, tough teenagers, i worked in orphanages, at performances, i worked in colleges, universities, where drug addiction flourished in the really tough nineties, we went with anti-drug performances, i came in and said, guys, at night all the cats are gray, something
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interesting happens, here’s how to distinguish those who are yes from those who are not, we will now talk to you, they become interested because i lit it, uh-huh, they don’t understand that... and also, when i approach the notebook, it’s clear that i ’m moving with a downward impulse, so i come up, take it, do something, but my pose is that of a person asking, and the teacher is great, now let's switch roles, you are a student who came not ready for the exam, to
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to the fiercest teacher, hmm, how interesting, i don’t know, i wouldn’t do anything special, i would come and say, you know, i’m not ready for everything, but how would you show yourself, show me, that’s how you would . a different result, if a girl begins to seduce the teacher, then the teacher, you can’t, you know, this will lead to absolutely but he’s multi-op, you mean, exactly kinetic, of course, of course, of course, this smile, that’s all, yes, yes, yes, yes,
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he says, hello, it turns out brilliant, by the way, now they showed it directly, yes, if if i were a teacher, i would copy you, well, that’s not true, in general, if we talk about signals, allow me to tell you what actually works? first, conflictogens work, conflict generates a state, that is, if a person is tough, if he is looking from under his forehead, but the other is of course tense, for example, now i’m doing a cold one... i can feel the predatory face, i immediately want what to do with me, you they have become somehow funny now, of course, funny, the threat is felt, so, the second thing is adapters, pursing of lips, blinking, so this behavior, here i am adjusting my clothes, these are adapters that say that i am uncomfortable, i am nervous, and my status immediately drops, the third is sexual signals, why exactly these types of behavior are important, because i am a practitioner, and practice shows that if you remove conflictogens, the person will not be tense, if you remove the adapters, and for
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this you need to adapt the person and the place in which he is sitting, he will stop being nervous, you won’t have to be nervous with him, they will begin to accept him, and if you turn off unnecessary sexual signals , problems will disappear, for most of the people i work with, once again, this is not from theory, not from books, this is from real life practice, what is practice, we shoot on video, people, firstly, do not understand that they they broadcast it because there is a picture of the world in the head, and there is... they can’t stand to watch it, the first thing you can do is show it all to me, the first thing you can
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do is watch it and accept it in yourself, this is a very important point if i stopped not accepting myself, i began to accept myself, yes i am so imperfect, but it’s me, it turns on me another program, don’t trample yourself, but help him open up, put your foot in a different way, lower your hand, turn your head, stand so that you are not serving something, move the center of movement here, start talking something like this, and you yourself to yourself.
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shield, tightness, i need to make sure that it is completely clamped not only here, but everywhere, this program will end, and completeness will release the energy that has lived in this pattern for the entire generation, and this already looks like the paradoxical intention that is used in logotherapy , in fact you have you already said several times what you are doing? ourselves and the performance that we broadcast
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to the outside are completely different stories, let’s have time to talk about love, come on, love, with its gentle hands, it will throw a noose around your neck, how a loving or falling in love person changes from the point of view of kenetics, firstly, it opens, a certain bridge is built, you know, even in messages, they say hi or while they are constantly on uh-huh, now what you feel is love, right? well love can be different, for life, for oneself, for one’s homeland, yes, for men, for women, we are now talking about what kind of love, well, i would like you to comment on the love between a man and a woman, that is, ordinary romantic love , let’s say, yes, because of course people very often, especially young and inexperienced people, very often this question likes or dislikes, but this is the same daisy that bothers them, that’s how she looks at a girl to understand me. loves me or is she in any case not indifferent to me,
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this is playing with me, this is using me there, i need a video recording of how it works, i’ll tell you exactly how we work with a couple, yeah, men, women come, we film, just do a simple exercise, i say, you’re only right , you are only the left one, take the chair and move it, but you can only move together, you cannot move the chair alone, but if a couple comes, you can clearly see who is in charge of whom, who is performing, who bears the main load, the chair is vertical, you can immediately see distortions, you can immediately see who is in front and who is behind. immediately visible from at the end of the pre-process, who commands whom , the process, who bears of course the process, you can see who is coming out of the post-process, asking for confirmation, yes or no, love, she is right away. it’s instantly visible, look, for example, now i’m detached and i’m accepting your attention, now i’m clearly reaching out, it’s clear that i ’m exaggerating a little, but the essence is clear, this flow of attention is a manifestation, and there are many types of love, also ancient greeks, ludus, agapes, yes, mane, you can look on the internet, read the features,
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but the video clearly shows whether a person is open to my own or not open, in most cases i see imbalances. a state when one loves, the other allows himself to love, you can see this from the plasticity of movement, from some kind of gestures, and what, for example, can give away a person that he does not love, allows himself to love, i’ll tell you an example, and we film online course and we imitate how a girl walks in, a man is waiting for her, her husband is at home, yes, here she is, just a peck, pecked on the cheek, and the camera holds my face and her face, when she imitated, well... she will kiss you on the cheek and then she removes her head in just a second , she has an expression of contempt written on her face, we catch this frame, we bring it out, she says, this is how i act, she says, valentin, i don’t have that feeling for you, i say, it means it’s a habit, she he says, this is a disaster,
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in my life i would never think that when i touch a man, even if it’s you, yes, well, a kiss on the cheek, i feel contempt, this is what happens: i feel this for everyone, and i do it i don’t realize it ’s written all over my face. this is the psyche podcast and today together with valentin shishkin, an expert in kinetics and nonverbal communications, we talk about kinetics, our psychology. there was an experiment, john gottman conducted it, 650 families one at a time, called into the house, put holter monitors, cameras on the face, studied it, we are now conducting this study in my laboratory, let's explain the holter monitor, which. so, out of all communications, they found 18 effects, so the profiler is taught to see aggression, joy, sadness, we communicate with these things, we communicate with effects, four of them are the so-called horsemen of the apocalypse , explain that the movement of the face is like this, that is
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, somehow instantaneous, it is not constant, it hangs here and there once a flash, once a flash, and consciously we don’t even seem to notice, this is of course controlled by the subcortex. criticism destroys our relationships, this is the so-called second mask that we wear, which is not criticism of a process, but of a person. for example, you don’t clean up after yourself - this is criticism of the process, and you always don’t clean up because you are so defective, this is criticism if criticism is present in communication, the relationship will soon collapse, well, verbal psychology is a well-known story, yes, i am the position, you are the position and so on, from the point of view it is not verbal, look, for example, now i am saying this, what am i doing, pointed my finger, showed, and
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now i don’t even point my finger, you can see what i ’m doing, well, they poked your nose with the same movement of the head, tell the teenager that he needs to clean the room, you’ve told him 100 thousand times already... uh-huh, better, that way, in order not to cause him aggression, he finally went to make his bed, uh-huh, the first thing i do is i i call him to watch how i make my bed, second, i go to him and say, help me, help me, i’m doing it together, well , that’s how you do it with your plasticity, how you show that i’m opening the door, i’m coming in, i say, you can, i knock, you are open, yes, disposed, you are tense without aggression, it is very important to actually watch yourself at this moment, take a video of yourself, watch. go somewhere, if you go to a teenager who annoyed you, most likely there is aggression on his face, most likely contempt, most likely this is tightness, probably well, of course, and what, what will the teenager feel when looking at you, yes, what will he broadcast and feel, the third sensation that is broadcast through the face is protection, well, how could you do that, they
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say, i don’t i know, it happened, it happened, as soon as my shoulders tighten, i become like this, the other person has nothing but, well, i mean, how... what is happening, this is the third behavior that will soon destroy the relationship, the fourth, it is the same interesting, and most dangerous for a person, stone wall, stone wall, a person becomes tough, like this, and his behavior says: i don’t want to communicate with you, i want you to know about this, so, criticism, defense, criticism like this, defense is a groan - this is a stone wall , and the fourth is contempt, if it exists in public, that’s it, here we go, here we go, you know this stereotype, you need to find out what a lie is, you need to detect it, but it doesn’t work in practice, it doesn’t work, i have its own laboratory, two serious profilers work there.
2:37 am
some other cases that can help us disturb, you are talking about the fact that a lot can be said about a person, for example, the furnishings of his home, and even the way the food is displayed in the refrigerator, you know how, for me it’s more, probably, the story is not about whether he’s lying or not. or it is ordered, not ordered, or what mode of perandi it works, for example, a disorganized refrigerator says what, that a person does not attach importance to it, quickly does something and he is immersed in... his processes, strict orderliness speaks of that a person begins to change everything around him, he controls, he is quite tough
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and clear, and most likely it is important for him to build everything the way he wants and other people around him will feel uncomfortable, well , because he builds everything, not just the milk in the refrigerator, but no, probably that that a good, correct person puts everything in order, no, one cannot draw such direct conclusions, but for example, because there is a jacket that... he took off, i can say that he hung it up, just threw it on, threw it or threw it off, so , this is the difference, i ’ll tell you an example, of course, a serious person, i say how much are you worth, he says, well , i’m moving billions, i say, do you want to know what you’re really worth, he says, interesting, come on, i take off my jacket, put it on the floor, stand on it right in my shoes, i say, repeat, i, well, i say, well, stand on mine, since you can’t stand on yours, but somehow i have respect, i say, do you understand what you’re standing for? you cost less than the chemchisk of your jacket, you cannot go beyond the barrier, wow, you are moving billions, i
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say, look, the ability to go beyond boundaries, this is the story of what you have adaptation potential, most people, if we talk about real living situations, they are not adapted, they are clamped, energy is wasted on the clamp, the first thing we do is record it on video and make sure that the clamp is at least a little straightened, because the energy will stop move in the clamp and it will become your base. you can use it, second, a squeezed person, he causes either a reluctance to communicate, or a desire to regret, and people who constantly say: i didn’t succeed, i’m a victim, of course, this is your life scenario, modus operandi, only through this can you receive food, attention and support, you don’t want to become normal or you don’t know how, the third option is when we start working with video analysis, first the person, it’s not me, then he understands that it’s him who’s starting to put pressure on himself, i say: no, no, no, wait, it’s not you, it’s one of... must not be, not be,
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in order to come there, like this, show, showed, looked, not dangerous, but not suitable, but how you need to be, i don’t choose, the person chooses himself, he doesn’t follow this scenario, he already follows this scenario, here in this moment transformation occurs when you are not serving as a process, an object, when you are not carrying yourself, when you are not moving... differently, you are holding the tablet in a very interesting way, this is how children are usually held, the whole program, i don’t know why, i how i feel about my work, i see yes, you see, friends,
2:41 am
there will be nothing to think about.


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