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tv   Viktor nauki  1TV  April 4, 2024 12:00am-1:26am MSK

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and it’s not our job to offer specifics, but i think it’s our job, our responsibility, to use our knowledge to state the obvious, power is important, being right is important, but for others to understand your determination, this from my point of view is also absolutely necessary, it was a big game, see you tomorrow on the air. according to the big bang theory, the universe appeared literally everywhere. 14 billion years
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ago, well, give or take some measly 20 million years, in 9 billion years, planet earth will appear here, and 270 years ago here this is where the msu universe will be born. this universe has its own luminaries and sciences. bright, young stars, the largest cluster of such stars is here on sparrow hills, the rest are smaller, scattered all over the world, in moscow alone, the university has more than 600 buildings, and there are also campuses in azerbaijan, armenia, kazakhstan, tajikistan, uzbekistan and in china, and like any self-respecting msu universe is expanding, due to the knowledge of scientific discoveries made by...
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university scientists, here they are coming up with our tomorrow, and what it will be like, exactly only one person knows, viktor antonovich sadovnichy, but after watching the film you will know too. you have often heard that a place and environment can tell more about a person than he himself. so msu says a lot about its rector, because viktor antonovich sadovnichy devoted most of his life to the country’s main university. his experience is an example of not being afraid to set high goals for yourself. he was born in a small village far from moscow, but he had that...
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these are schools that unite there, seven, 10 faculties. schools are an association of scientists from different faculties, around topics, interdisciplinary topics. interdisciplinarity is a major trend among global universities and research institutions. the fact is that in our time , discoveries are rarely made within the framework of only one scientific direction, all the most interesting. comes from the intersections of different disciplines.
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for example, in a scientific and educational school , molecular technologies of living systems , synthetic biology, also known as biomet, are studied by biologists, chemists and doctors in all manifestations of the molecular structure of life, in order to at least improve its quality, and at maximum defeat disease, old age and even death. it turns out that this is not such a distant fantasy. this is a naked mole rat, we won’t lie that he is handsome, but in the world of scientists he is a legend because he does not age, literally, at moscow state university they are finding out why: the larger the object is considered, the longer it lives. and here there is a fundamental discrepancy between the size of the object and the life expectancy. and the researchers discovered, oh, it
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lives and lives, that is, not only is it the animal does not correspond to the size and generally accepted rules of biology, so it does not yet die a natural death. about 40 years ago, this bizarre animal was discovered, then scientists from america carried out various experiments, applied a carcinogen to the skin, irradiated it with radiation and even deprived it of oxygen. and the diggers don’t get hot or cold from these experiences, they still live, and if they die, it’s only in a fight. and gradually we realized that she not only lives a long time, but also... remains vigorous, young and active, this also became a unique event, that is, we do not we will meet the head of a digger of such pathological old people of diseases, but like an already old mouse or rat, and this is just unique, we want to understand, because every
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person wants not only to live, say, to 100 years, but so that during these 100 years we can study sports, we could actively move, and most importantly, actively remember. here is the possibility of influencing the processes of renewal of the body, the speed at which it ages due to these processes, perhaps in the future it will allow to increase life. we have the strongest in russia, one of
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the most powerful schools in the world on regenerative medicine, of course, i don’t want to say that we are now going to learn how to regrow people’s lost limbs, like a lizard. let’s say the tail grows, this is still a long way off, but nevertheless, some things can be done, you just need to somehow make the right type of cells appear in the body, well, for example, liver cells, how to grow liver cells, take any others, most importantly human ones, and you reprogram them, this is a multi-stage process involving complex chemical reactions, but in the end we get the type of cell we need. laboratories are already growing tissues of the human body, but so far simple systems: skin, nerves, blood vessels, cartilage, whole organs are on the way, which means that medicine will change forever, and at the same time one of the main problems of practical medicine will be solved
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- organ transplantation. there are few donors, but most importantly, they do not survive well when you grow an organ from your own stem cells, rejection... is extremely unlikely, now you have a cell, but how do you know? how good is she? for this purpose, at the faculty of fundamental medicine, a cell chamber of weights has been created, this means a collection of standard types of human cells, that is , maybe the transformation went along some wrong path, so you need to take, well, a guaranteed standard liver cell and compare it with what you succeeded, then you can already be... you can be sure that everything went well for you, well, this is what storing a collection of cell cultures looks like, they are stored in special boxes like this, displayed in a tower, in liquid nitrogen, which is now flowing from one of
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these towers, each box contains 96 ampoules, each ampoule contains from several hundred thousand to millions of cells, in fact, with proper storage of constant... liquid nitrogen at -196°, they can be stored almost forever. the collection of human cells is not the only one at msu; there are more than 200 such collections, from frozen seeds and centuries -old herbariums to entire zoological collections. they are all part of a project called noah's ark.
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some university collections are much older than its almamater, for example, these are herbariums that are 400 years old, and the richest collection is in the zoological museum of moscow state university, more than 10 million storage units. no one knows exactly how many, because one sample can contain hundreds or even thousands of specimens,
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it turns out that either do science or do calculations, it is clear that everyone chooses science. a university is such a whole country, with all sorts of nooks and corners, well, there is an observatory in it, and there is... managing such a university is of course difficult, but for me this is life, it would be better to ask, can i live without it? don't know. i have to think, but i am very pleased that the university is now
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developing very well on a good march, like this, here i am from the past, who, little vitya sadovnichy, would also be happy to discuss mathematics on the way to school, but his passion for science...
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the situation and not in equipment that may be the envy of students and university staff. the main difference is scientific projects, which can subsequently affect the future of not only an individual student, but ours with you, because in them large corporations take part, and the tasks that students are given are absolutely real and require solutions. for example, a marine project. deep-water port in the far north. the guys not only developed a construction plan, but also
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calculated the entire economy and logistics. and together with scientists, we assembled and launched a stratospheric probe, right now it transmits data on pressure, wind, radiation and much more. gymnasium students have the right to consider themselves the most indigenous students of moscow state university. they have lived here since they were 14 years old. boys in one wing, girls in friend. students manage their free time themselves; they take care of the cleanliness of their rooms and clothes, but the main thing, as in the entire university, is science, and it requires seriousness and discipline. therefore, the rule is to be really strict with your charges. smoking and alcohol are an immediate deduction. lights out at 23:00. but there are specially designated rooms where you can stay until midnight. the main thing is to prove it. what are you doing in science? are you living here without your parents and somehow getting used to
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living on your own? well, what if in something, then the teachers and other guys help you. a gymnasium is a place where you can study what you want, learn the basics of science and play sports, everything is new, everything is beautiful, the canteens are wonderful, so well, i definitely need to enroll, entrance exams did not appear at moscow state university right away , yes? and there were times when anyone could become a student, however, only men were admitted, they started everything at the faculty of philosophy, as i did in my time, this was considered the base, but then you could choose anyone, there were three of them, philosophical, as i already said, medical and legal. the faculty of medicine of moscow state university
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was closed in 1930, or rather it was reorganized into a department. the unification of sciences, physics, mathematics, chemistry, psychology, well, everything, that’s what it is, all this should be in medicine, everyone is up in arms against me, the ministry, what did you come up with , why does the university need a met faculty, i said, and so the most medak at the university arose
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as a result of my first order, this is my order number one, i am proud of it, a lot of people bought bright scarves, they cost 5 rubles. and then they said with pride, the rector gave it to me. 15 years after the revival of the faculty, the academy of medical sciences recognized that the best reform in medicine was made to mathematicians. large-scale historical.
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nonsense, why, i’m worse than people, well, i was married, i don’t care, azina, an innocent girl, it’s good that i woke up, take everything and divide it, that’s what i thought, the heart of a dog, the famous film adaptation of mikhail bulgakov’s story in saturday on the first, he is still dancing, dancing, the will of zhenya beloosov,
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the battle for the inheritance of the star of the nineties is coming out to... the finish line, all the participants in the conflict in our studio, you filed a lawsuit, why does a person write a will at the age of 30, roman is sure that once the entire inheritance unfairly went to sister christina, if i wanted to cheat, i would came from the very beginning, formalized everything about herself, why is the singer’s son, i’m sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged, i want to know the truth, will you recognize my dad’s handwriting, to be honest, no, but you were getting divorced in a valuable way, it turned out that we the court was divorced, just imagine for me it was 20 years later.
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in this case, the computer synthesizes just one tablet, after taking which you will be absolutely healthy, but such calculations can only be done by a quantum computer, which, by the way, is also being created at moscow state university as part of the school of photonics. what is special about a quantum computer? a simple comparison is enough: the most powerful computer in existence will spend complex calculations with a large number of variables for tens of thousands of years, quantum. will be fixed in a couple of minutes. so what does that matter to us? well, for example, in good hands, a quantum computer will create new medicines, materials, more difficult to produce. computing for the benefit of all humanity, in the wrong hands, for example, in a few minutes will hack the world banking system with all that it entails. in
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any case, it is too early to talk about this, because a quantum computer is being assembled and assembled, but it will not be assembled, although something quantum has already been invented at moscow state university. quantum communication is a completely different matter, there are promises here. the phone itself encrypts and decrypts video, audio and text messages using quantum keys, which, when hacked, immediately
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stop communication. it is believed that quantum networks are the basis of the digital sovereignty of states for the coming decades. from moscow state university the network is already spreading throughout the country. the moscow-st. petersburg section has been laid. in the near future. moscow, nizhny novgorod, kazan, then everywhere. what do those who burned jordan bruno for the idea of ​​a round earth, the english ludites of the 19th century who demanded the destruction of machines and mechanisms, and us president benjamin harrison, who refused to touch switches for fear of electric shock, have in common ? fear of new technologies. tseneko, such a philosopher, said that people cannot look at new technologies indifferently without anxiety, because they think what
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will happen, what will it lead to, therefore, despite the fact that they always cause some anxiety, such thoughts that will happen, we are obliged to think about the future, and here, well, excuse me, this is absolutely certain. the fear of progress is well known to the employees of the department of accelerator physics and radiation medicine, but they never tire of explaining that modern installations can only bring benefits. medical the accelerator slows down the growth of a cancerous tumor; in the food industry it can slow down the process. after treatment with accelerated electrons or ionization, the products become completely safe from a biological point of view, all bacteria
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die, and the structure of the substance does not change. the energy limit has been specially chosen and the installations are industrial; they are not capable of generating more energy than required, that is, even if you really want to use this installation to make something, well, to make our food products. active, this will not work, for now you will not find goods with the inscription processed by accelerated electrons on the shelves of our supermarkets. firstly, there are few accelerators; they work mainly in hospitals, clinics and the space industry. and secondly, well, you must admit, you won’t buy a product with the inscription processed by accelerated electrons, although we are sold on such labels as 100% natural, no chemicals. problems, so marketers still need to work. after school, viktor sadovnichy did not have the opportunity to go study further. they didn’t take people without documents;
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not everyone in rural areas was given them. therefore, he and his friends, in the truest sense of the word, went to look for their future. they found work in the mines in gorlovka, where they hired without documents. so, the future mathematician found himself in a deep mine. 600 m. remember these times, how well i remember them in a good way, they gave me firmness, they made me a more aspiring person, i felt the support of people, i can master it at moscow state university. various specialties from deep humanitarian to the most technological, but no matter what you choose, there is one course that is taught to absolutely everyone, without exception, this is... on
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artificial intelligence. the brain will be to the 21st century what the gene was to the twentieth. and after solving the mystery of the origin of consciousness and intelligence, the world will never be the same. we cannot foresee all the consequences today, but in the scientific and educational school of the brain they know for sure that true artificial intelligence will cease to be science fiction. tell me, mikhaila, what is artificial intelligence different from the human mind? artificial intelligence is digital and uses machines and computers to complete tasks, imitating the way the human brain solves problems and makes decisions. exactly mikhailo, you are an imitation. the machine cannot
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come up with anything new, it is deprived. intuition and emotions, even when creating a model with a trillion variable parameters, it uses already existing algorithms. in general, i propose to translate the abbreviation, which has now become very fashionable, popular, artificial intelligence, as an imitation of intelligence, this would be more honest and correct, and the abbreviation in russian is retained, because there is none. of course, not intelligence, moreover, here is the term itself, it is incorrectly translated from english: artificial intelligence is artificial intelligence, because for intelligence in the english language there is actually a word intelligence, but at the same time attempts to create genuine artificial intelligence, and not its imitation occupies the minds of scientists around the world. i think there is no need to do this at all, then there are ships that do not swim like fish, planes
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do not fly... all life processes, but no one saw the moment of the birth of a thought, scientists from moscow state university succeeded, they place a laboratory mouse in an unfamiliar environment and observe how its neural connections change, here they are in front of you, they flash and go out, but don’t worry, she’s not in pain, and judging by what’s going on in her head, she’s rather interested, we’ve marked
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the neurons. a protein that starts to glow the moment our neurons are active, and in order to record their activity, here such a fluorescent one, we implanted a lens, a gradient lens, into the animals, and in order to see the activity through this lens, we connect to it an additional device called a miniscope, that is, a small microscope in which a diode is already installed, which actually shines on the neurons and causes fluorescence. navigation is what activates our brain best. why, for example, in childhood the days seem so long, but with age the years fly by faster, because in life there is less nazvuznoe and more routine, and we don’t remember it. so what if if you don’t want life to fly by in a
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flash, look for something new in it. traveling, reading, learning foreign languages ​​- these are the things that keep your brain from getting old. in general, everything is stored in our memory, from the first step to boring lessons at school; the memories that appear in our minds were somehow activated, for example, through events, smells, sounds or something else. but there is no access to most of the stored data, and it can also be lost over time and... a person simply forgets what he once remembered. at moscow state university they decoded the genes that are responsible for memory and have already learned to return seemingly lost memories forever. when a person begins to lose memory in alzheimer's disease, this is not due to the fact that all the cells associated with certain memories die, but because the contacts that allow this memory to be retrieved are lost. however, we
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have shown that in animal experiments, special stimuli can bring back these disappeared memories. moscow state university has already started training neural networks to think like the human brain, this is called neuromorphic semantic copying, in the future you can upload your memories, images, meanings to the computer, create a personal copy, and this is digital immortality. the whole technology is based on reading electronic brain impulses from the scalp. the neural network is capable.
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a person’s interest in typing this or that letter, that’s what we figured out how to do. all the letters are located in this field of the screen, all these letters wink quickly, but if we register an encephalogram at this time, we of course receive responses, electrical responses to the illumination of each letter, they are all different, but there is such a neurophysiological trick that if a person is interested in a particular letter, then... after all, the reaction to this letter will be a little more different from all the others. thus, thanks to pulses, you can type text at a speed of about 10 letters per minute. it just
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seems slow, because 6 seconds per letter is a good speed for reading minds. it’s very difficult to reach these numbers, and in general, yes , it’s really like that. i tried mead in suzdal, remembered the taste . once, as a graduate student, viktor antonovich
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developed his own recipe, and since 1992, carefully from his own hands, he treats everyone with it on january 25, tatyana’s day, the day the decree was signed. about the founding of moscow university by empress elizaveta petrovna, they say that count shuvalov, who submitted the document for signature, specifically did this on the name day of his mother, tatyana. before the revolution, it was a holiday only for moscow state university students who celebrated it noisily, got drunk and made troubles, but the police had unspoken decree don’t touch the students, but if necessary, take them home so that they don’t freeze on the street, you fools. they say that...
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we have all lived to the end of the periodic table, this tradition is 58 years old, which means there are only 60 days left for the chemist, because there are 118 elements. conclusion: we urgently need to discover new ones,
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especially since there are places for them in the table, already reserved. physicists and chemists work for the benefit of all humanity, launch the stratospheric internet, create artificial skin from... and even work on one one of the main problems of russia is bad roads, they even joke here that the first problem solves the second. in russia, where we have. for example, in winter , according to research , the temperature passes through zero several dozen times, that is , plus or minus plus or minus temperatures alternate, as you know, when we form ice, ice has a volume greater than liquid, that is, than water in a liquid state, then we have holes in the asphalt, yes, that is , our road surface is collapsing, i am working on creating such... polymers that are introduced into the soil in order to
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stabilize the soil, in other words, it is an analogue of glue, the suspect sirgi was given by his lover, he promised to marry his mistress, now they are both standing crying, my actions are accepted, well, what actions can there be, take pictures on your phone, this is let them say it’s real, can you make a copy of his file for me, wait for me, i ’ll arrive soon, and don’t let the light in the car sit there, yeah. you know this man, we’re working, you’re in the homicide department now, for completely different matters, hello, you can talk, taxi under cover, premiere, tomorrow after the program time, russian in hollywood, from a to z, americans, b) bandits, vladovin. d . head, toe, d. what is your
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evidence f. e, f, h, your health, we will be healthy, and short, k, l, lshtshfum. m. syrup, calluses. n. novo siirsk. a. leave it. p. deaf. r. russia with secret russian weapons , actually this is a skvoreshnik t topant ou f)snam x: cold i’m not used to such a dubak tsesyuzhty chelyabinsk sha - the hat of the shanka is a hard sign s a soft sign e this is peter yu i ma. on saturday at first, it’s still white in the fields
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snow, and the waters are noisy in the spring, they are running and there will be a sleepy shore, they are running, shining and shouting, they are shouting to all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are messengers of the young spring. she sent us ahead, what, where, when, the spring series of games, on sunday on the first, schoolchildren, where do you dream of studying, vku, parents of schoolchildren, there is even a joke. that if you are a student at another university, you simply could not
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get into here. first place in the ranking of russian universities, always. alma mater of every tenth scientist in russia, 38,000 students, competition for some specialties have more than forty people per place. in general, this university is a brand that those who were able to graduate from it shamelessly brag about, even if it was a very... very long time ago, but as in the case of me, everything in our lives happens for a reason, but viktor sadovnichy has everything happened on time to the place, working in a mine, he simultaneously studied at evening school and after graduating, sent documents to the belarusian agricultural academy in order to return to his native village and work there, but the head of one of plots in the mine, together with whom...
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he says: that’s it, i sent it, but he says: if i send it, then you go, i say how you send it, well, we really argued, it’s clear what the miners are arguing about, that’s it.
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alexey ivanovich solopov, in a sense, is victor frankenstein, he revives a dead language, or rather, creates new latin words, he has already invented about 100, and 30 of them are recognized by the world community, that is , officially introduced into the new latin, as they say latin language, last 500 years. well, for example, the botinsky branch of moscow state university. uh, to do this, it was necessary to figure out how baku would be in latin. we found out what city was on the site of baku in antiquity, then we found out what it was called, then how it would be correct in latin, and so on, this city was called gangara-gangaroom, for example, so uh, when uh, just
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the representative of the baku branch was awarded, awarded under such a diploma, then it was just used there... this is the latin, so to speak, correct name of baku. only at official events can msu professors and the rector be seen in robes. to classes they never wore them, unlike their western colleagues. the fact is that in europe, scientific schools arose in monasteries, taught there by monks who wore robes. this, by the way, is an honorary doctorate from oxford university.
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students of this history, that is, those who live now. at the end of his life, stanislavsky suggested that his students burn old notes of their classes, because he came up with a completely new method that differed from the previous system. today this method is being developed by people's artist
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vladimir mashkov, together with psychologists moscow university. you can't look them in the eye, i say, you don't know how people will react to this, so speak loudly, but speak down. about a year ago , the lega tabakov theater, its artistic director vladimir mashkov, approached us with such an extraordinary request for us to return russian psychological theater to the country. well done, well, that’s more. this is the method that we are engaged in, as it sounds like this , the reproduction of human behavior, in the proposed circumstances. through conscious, continuous psychophysical actions based on the analysis
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of the synthesis of the first and second signal systems. simply put, a stage actor must monitor his hands, feet, breathing, gaze, voice, all movements continuously. at least try, to what extent? you can control your arms, legs, words, an artist has multitasking, like a test pilot, you need to control all systems, plus control interaction with partners, first of all interaction, this is what we are moving towards further and further, selecting adequate psychophysical actions, for this character might be suitable for an artist. the highest to reincarnation, when you say this, you like to say it, i
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really like it, let mrs. fran cut the cake, well, not like that, well, it’s not very convenient, you give in, you endure the problem, focus on unpleasant attention, well, well, well, yes, by and large, here you are now, now you feel uncomfortable saying what you’re saying, how you ’re behaving, do you see, did you notice, did you notice? don’t stop, it’s very hard because it hasn’t connected yet, but it’s necessary make it conscious, but vladimir lvovich
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once told us a very important thing, in this method, it seems to me, a very important thing, well , he says, guys, there are many people there who say, there are directors, yes, that be more free, be more free, and he says : and i refuse to say it, more control. control yourself, your actions, where your attention is directed, what your hands are doing, what your sensory attention is doing, as yana viktorovna already said, the teaching system for the method is still being developed, but share they don’t want her anymore, i don’t know if i would have shared this more skeptic, well, that is, it’s him, well , despite the fact that he’s generally not a famous artist, and you think, and you find someone like that. .. wow, wow, why not just be the best, therefore, thank you, it is not surprising that
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the russian theater school is being revived at moscow state university, because the first public theater in moscow was created by empress elizaveta petrovna, precisely at the university. as time passed, the troupe grew, constantly moving to new buildings, and eventually the theater became. independent today it is known to everyone as the small academic theater of russia. viktor antonovich, please tell us about your student years? well , okay, you and i are students, i’ll tell you about my life as a student. the scholarship was 29 rubles. uh, well, that’s almost 100 to a kopeck , enough for three times 30 kopecks each. have lunch in the student canteen. one standard lunch, there were standard lunches there, well , i would like to buy something there, i don’t know, a razor or something else, but i
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had no other help, and of course i began to think how strong i am after working in the mine , create a brigade wherever to earn extra money in the evenings, at night, several of us teamed up, and it was easy to find and unload. either in some warehouse there were 80 kg bags of sugar, or in the new territory there were many narrow-gauge railways, cargoes of cement arrived there, we loaded it overnight, we earned 5 rubles per night each, in addition to 29 rubles, a stipend of 5 rubles was good there was an extra charge, so you could already eat. these three times with coupons, i did exactly that, and what else can i buy for myself? as
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a result, viktor antonovich graduates from moscow state university. honors, and then becomes the youngest professor at moscow state university in its entire history. at the age of 29 , he is already deputy dean for scientific work and academicians kolmogorov, sidov alexandrov and lyushin are subordinate to him. and sadovnichy’s books, by the way, which have been reprinted many times, are still used by students to this day. but in his first year, viktor sadovnichy found it terribly difficult to study. it seemed to him that that was it. circle of olympiad athletes and he is no match for them, but the trustee of the group kolmogorov, the son of the famous mathematician, told him: “you are talented, stick to it.” and work." and the future rector spent all his free time reading books, sitting in the library until it closed, and then going to the classroom, propping up the door with a chair , and studying until midnight. only the luckiest
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students manage to immediately work in their specialty at moscow state university. this point has been thought through, there are more students, and it doesn’t look like a mandatory summer internship, but serious work with experience and salary. for example, future doctors get a job at a university clinic, and physicists get a job at niko’s unique megaproject, this is the most a real collider in dubna, moscow region. school of mathematical methods of analysis of complex systems, also known as mathematics. the queen on... is needed by everyone, even sociologists, political scientists and economists; this is exactly the kind of interdisciplinary research that is carried out at the scientific and educational school of mathematics. within this school, 80 professors and doctors of science from different faculties are working on our digital future. what is the longest line
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at moscow state university? during lunch in the main building cafeteria? no. it leads to a supercomputer and is filled with scientists eager to spend time on it. your calculations. this is the smartest line in the world. i tried very hard to ensure that our cars chb show, lomonosov 1, lomonosov 2 were in the top 50, even top 10, well, at least top 100. and we were in this race.
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for artificial intelligence tasks, i don’t know, we still need to look, but it seems to me that there are no universities in the world, no universities with such a thinker, what do high-speed trains, vnukovo airport, the fisch olympic stadium and the monument have in common. the first thing is that they were all blown out in a wind tunnel by the mechanics of moscow university, the only one in the capital, by the way, we can blow air like an airplane, and like civil industrial buildings, for example, and cars. in addition, at home they, you know, are like poorly streamlined structures, they have
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properties under the influence of wind that... they begin to oscillate like this, so that these swayings, roughly speaking, oscillations, they do not resonate, and your structure does not has been subjected to destructive effects, it also needs to be blown out, and sometimes the wind tunnel is used as an aerodynamic simulator, and today the junior team came to training the russian national cross-country skiing team, skiers train there at the base. at home, that means he crawls there for half an hour on the elevator, rides, sits down, that means he’s getting ready, the wind died down, he jumps, they fly for 4 seconds, roughly speaking, 3-4, 2 hours have passed, he does the same thing, jumps, walks some more 2 hours, they do four workouts a day, 16 seconds, here in the pipe, we hang him, he takes a position in which he floats, and he hangs like that for 2 minutes,
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divide 120 seconds by 16 seconds, you get it. city ​​residents. it turns out that the metropolis, in who was comfortable living in the 20th century, is not suitable for life in the twenty. we overheat like a computer processor performing the maximum number of operations. it's time to come up with a system.
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man, showed that without air conditioning, modern historical buildings, despite everything, all the environmental convictions of people, despite their tastes, air conditioning spoils the facade and all that, cannot survive, in principle, they are in a similar state, that is, in 2010 we lost about 11 people, they were mostly elderly population and, unfortunately, very young children whose thermoregulation is still poorly established, in order to prevent this from happening, it is possible, when planning new cities, whether new areas, it is possible to pre -outline them in such a way that even. .. it’s not only the heat that kills, but polluted
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city air, because of it our lives become shorter by 10%, that is, on average , residents of the megalopolis do not live 7-8 years. the meteorological observatory of moscow state university wants to increase life expectancy. here geographers have mathematically calculated an introductory green frame for city planners that will cool and clean the moscow air. this is called urban genome editing. we see that city planners are getting used to it slowly, painfully, but the process is underway. so, the sooner a city planner, not even an architect, even a city planner, gets used to this. asks such questions and masters the tools that are available now, the more he, in general, as a doctor, will save the lives of his generations, his children, his grandchildren,
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for example, are there any advantages to global warming, well, of course there are, the opening of the northern sea route reduces the distance between europe and asia by half, mining is becoming more intensive. russia, canada, usa, denmark and norway. these are legal aspects. previously, we counted up to the north pole, but no, the un has such a concept of the north pole in these laws. there are some others, how far the russian shelf continues, on that side we have the shelf. greenland, denmark and where the border will be, because we claim the whole territory, and not the entire territory. as we know, the sea does not belong to anyone, and there are big disputes over the coastal zone. everyone
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wants a bigger piece for themselves, but you can increase the territory only by proving that the seabed is geologically a continuation of your land. how to do it? to begin with, marine expeditions collect data, then geologists analyze it like this. scientists influence not only science, but the map of the world; in a sense , they make russia bigger. if the un commission recognizes the new boundaries of the russian shelf, then on the political map of the world, the territory of our country will increase by about 15%. that is , 1,200 thousand km and will reach the north pole. sensation? no, science. and my graduate students participate in our work , even to a large extent, their results are reported there, they are happy that they are making some contribution to the fact that
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someday the mendeleev rising and the lomonosov ridge will be officially russian, of course, this is very pleasant, if we talk about science in russia, now university science is becoming a leader, especially because we have most of all the youth, science without youth does not... move forward, but we have students, while graduate students are still burning, so in all countries science is being done by young people.
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you were supposed to move to new territories, but experts on the earth’s interior said: no, we won’t carry the tens of tons of minerals collected over the years of the expedition, if you want, do it yourself, we looked, calculated and left both stones and geologists in the main building, and at the same time geographers and mehmatyan. there are many theories about the end of the world. and the fall of asteroids. and the marya calendar, the threat of nuclear war, and even shifts magnetic poles of the earth. in the scientific world this is called inversion. by the way, perhaps it has already begun, they believe, at the geological faculty of moscow university. expeditions were repeatedly organized to the locations of the north pole and south pole. and these expeditions showed that... these
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poles are shifting very quickly, this may indicate the beginning of a reversal of the magnetic field. in addition, the magnetic field is also characterized by intensity, that is , strength, magnitude. and in the last 200 years , the field strength began to drop sharply. the magnetic field is our protection from hard radiation from the sun and the galaxy. without it, solar winds will literally blow away the atmosphere, like parachutes from a dandelion and the earth. will look like mars. many factors indicate that the inversion has already begun. the navigators of our smartphones, planes, and ships use a model of the earth’s magnetic field. previously, for accuracy, it was updated every 5 years, but now every 3 years. by the way, while i was saying all this, the magnetic poles have shifted, just that much. during the inversion, the earth's magnetic field turns off, then there is, it’s not just undergoing repopulation. yes,
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that is, the field remains, no, it is almost completely turned off, and then restored in reverse control, during this time, while it is turned off, and the earth will be subject to an increased flow of solar wind and galactic radiation. there is another important question: how long does the magnetic field reversal last? until recently , it was believed that magnetic field reversals last, well, the first thousand years, maybe 4.6. years. and recent studies have shown that the inversion lasts only a few hundred years, which means the magnetic field will disappear for only a few decades. if the inversion lasts literally hundreds of years, then the earth is under the influence of the solar wind for a short time, and this is absolutely not scary, well, maybe during this time we will have problems with communication, radio communication in general, the radiation background will increase slightly, literally by two -three times, but this is about the same as moving from the equator to... high latitudes. the compass
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will no longer point north, making it more difficult for many animals to navigate space, but as scientists say, we can handle it, because this has already happened in the history of our planet. the north magnetic pole was discovered in canada 200 years ago, now it is moving towards the territory of our country, so soon residents of st. petersburg will be able to see the aurora. and... in 4 billion years , the magnetic poles will finally disappear , the solar wind will blow away the atmosphere from the surface of our planet, this is called the end of the world, but at that time we will already be living in a new home, somewhere in the depths of space. hello, you you are at the astronomical observatory of lomonosov moscow state university. that's right, you already know
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where you are. and this is our telescope, it is designed for observing distant objects such as the moon, planets, comets, asteroids and, of course, stars. when we look at the moon through a telescope, we see it at high magnification, we can see craters on the moon, various small details, when we look at... we still see stars as dots, this is explained by the gigantic distance to the stars, but there are always us at the astronomical observatory a spare star that can be seen through a telescope. it is located on the spire of moscow state university. within the cosmos school, they are engaged not only in various aspects of the design of spacecraft and simulators, but also conduct fundamental research that may allow people to find a new place
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of life beyond the earth. we have the right to say that it is a scientist. and moscow university launched the space age. i ’ll explain: no one was ready to send a man into space without knowing the admissibility of exposure to radiation at the ship’s flight altitude, and this the topic was dealt with only at moscow state university, so the famous “let’s go” was first heard here. in 1961, third-year student viktor sadovnichey, like many others, ran away from...
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reports, these are precisely works related specifically to space, and he realized his dream of space by the fact that he recently opened the faculty of space research, and we are with this faculty we cooperate well, we even have plans to launch a separate observatory there in orbit, that is, we have enormous prospects in this sense, and we here, too, viktor antonovich is very grateful, that is, he not only helped us, so to speak, build new observatories, but... he also gives us the opportunity to break into space, that is, we can launch our own medium-sized telescope and observe from space. here is one of the questions - these are exoplanets, these are those planets where
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the living conditions are close to the earth, that is, air, temperature, water, well, more or less close, how many such planets, if any? and scientists began to discover one planet after another, now more than one has been discovered in our galaxy 5,000 exoplanets, of course, what a desire, to visit an exoplanet, to get acquainted with the creatures, the civilizations that are there, i think they should be, since all the conditions are there, so i proposed to do a huge project, moscow university to create a space telescope and launch it for observation for exoplanets and the discovery of new ones , there is no such telescope in space in any country, we developed a project, i
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wrote letters to the country's leadership several times, held several meetings with roscosmos, in principle this project was approved, so i... i think you you will witness, i would really like us to launch this telescope into orbit, and it would be better than others, now that exists, the personnel necessary to implement such a project are trained at the faculty of space research, this is the youngest faculty at the university, it was created. in 2017, within the framework of one of his master's programs, work continues on the creation of modern space simulators, headed this program? the rector himself. at msu we are always open to the most incredible things, and what
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only they didn’t open it there. now it's the turn of extraterrestrial intelligence. and those involved in space exploration understand how big our world is and believe that we are not alone in the universe. previously, aliens were searched using radio frequencies, and now using optical signal telescopes. there are more chances. more and more, at one of the meetings i asked several questions, i said, well , why can’t we still get an answer from those creatures that are there, those civilizations that are there, we are sending we really are sending signals, but one of our nobel laureates, i won’t name yahweh, says, maybe they are watching what ’s going on with us and don’t want to get involved? let's say you received the signal, what next? according to
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the protocol, you are obliged to notify the international community about this. everyone who is engaged in the search for intelligence beyond the earth has a contact list. this is necessary so that the information that we are not alone in the universe does not turn into a weapon in someone’s hands. do you believe that we are not alone in the universe? i.
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some argue that the main building of moscow state university in fact it is a huge, perfectly camouflaged spaceship. honor that he will just take off and head to other planets, this is a complete lie, because no one will allow the smartest people on the planet to leave you and me to the mercy of fate.
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hello everyone, this is the podcast of schrödinger's cat, and i am its leading scientific journalist grigory tarasevich. our guest today is alexander karpov, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences,
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scientist-secretary of the laboratory of nuclear reactions, joint institute for nuclear research. hello, today we have such a topic, maybe it may be a little strange for those who are accustomed to such a strict division into physics and chemistry at school. look, this is our anniversary year, 190 years of mendeleev, 145 years of einstein, each of these. two wonderful scientists, a symbol of an entire science, just as einstein is a symbol of physics, mendeleev is a symbol of chemistry, what alexander is doing, well, as i understand it, somewhere between einstein and mendeleev in a metaphorical sense, but i would like to now the periodic table appeared on the screen, the same one we were used to at school, here we have ninety-nine, which is named after einstein's ninth, is an element named. mendeleev's honor is already strong after his death, what is their peculiarity, is that they do not
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exist in nature, and einstein's element was obtained as a result of thermonuclear ... which is found in such gigantic macroscopic quantities, and heavier elements, some of them are found on earth, but many are in the universe, where these elements are synthesized, continuously, yes, in principle they can be there, the same in einstein and fermat, of course, they are in in the broad sense of understanding nature in
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the universes, they exist, but we don’t find them on earth, we don’t find them, because on earth we... can find those elements or those isotopes of these elements that are either stable or those that live without decaying long enough to survive on the earth, let me remind you that the earth in general, the solar system is about 4.5 billion years old, and those elements that live billions of years longer are on earth, uranium is the last element, uranium 238, half-life. him too coincidence is 4.5 billion years old, that is, on earth we still have half of the original amount of uranium, well, as i understand it, getting it in nature is no longer a trivial task, just in case, i’ll remind you where the elements come from, initially after the big bang we had hydrogen and a little helium, nothing else really happened, well, one in three, yes, but for something even heavier, even
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a little heavier than hydrogen and helium to appear, the stars need to light up, and then the stars can ... to give new elements up to a certain limit, in my opinion, up to iron, if i don’t i’m wrong, well, there are two types of reactions that, in principle, people use in order to obtain artificial elements, artificial isotopes, but in order to obtain a new element, you need to change the nucleus, that is, change the number of protons, we can do this, by essentially, nature does it in two ways: either by merging the nuclei of lighter elements, they, like two droplets of liquid , approach each other, merge, and a heavier core is obtained...
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with the absorption of energy and therefore the star cannot move further, it simply goes out, and the only way that remains is with the help of neutrons, this is a type of decay, beta minus decay, this is, uh, when an extra neutron appears in the nucleus, so to speak, and which benefits from becoming a proton, then it can do this due to this weak interaction, due to beta minus decay, he can do this, more electrin and electrons and an antineutrino fly out, but they leave the nucleus; in fact, there was a neutron in the nucleus, it became a proton, there was iron there, iron with number 26, so the extra neutron decayed, who got into nucleus, became element number 27, another neutron hit it, it decays, we get element number 28 nickel, and so on, along this ladder we can move up up up up, these two
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processes are responsible for that that we have the periodic table of iron. to uranium, well, to put it more simply, then everything that our world consists of, which we eat, feel, put on our feet and something else, was created either in the depths of the stars, well, here is our carbon, which makes up our body , how oxygen, these are some kind of burning stars, in the course of transnuclear reactions these atoms were generated, what is heavier is needed for this...
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almost, that is, if you now understand what they do in laboratories, then this method with neutrons, which you talked about when you talked about the ring, about supernova explosions, collisions, mergers of neutron stars, everything is true, but in this way a person can produce artificial elements from uranium to fermium, einstein and fermium, that is , this is from ninety-two, starting from ninety third ending with the hundredth, these are eight or... the only way that a person can use is
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fusion reactions, synthesis reactions, that is, in the way in which nature, on the contrary, produces the lightest elements, a person with this only method can so far produce elements heavier than a hundredth, i will again simplify a little, that in the laboratory where alexander works, those reactions are made. which even the collision of neutron stars does not reach, and your laboratory is one of the leaders in the world in the number of new table elements created mendeleev, and if you now open the modern version of the periodic table, you will see names such as, for example, who we have element 104, rutherfordium, reservefordium, 105 dubnium, because the institute where alexander works. is located in the city of dubna, this element was named after this city, and this decision was international, so what kind of flarium do we have, 114, 114 element flyrium in honor of
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the founder of the laboratory where alexander works, there is a fifteenth element moscovium, and this, yes, will be forgiven me the residents of the capital, not in in honor of moscow, in honor of the moscow region, because dubna is located in the moscow region, i’ll correct it a little, and there. the official decision is written in honor of the moscow region and the ancient russian land of muscovy, the location of the joint institute for nuclear research, so in general, in principle, it is in honor of the ancient russian state of muscovy, and in this sense, of course, moscow, well, well, well, as a resident of the capital it is more pleasant and 118 element, aganison in honor of yuri aganisyan, scientific director of the laboratory where he works alexander, and this is the second time in history when in honor of the current...


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