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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  April 3, 2024 10:00am-10:51am MSK

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eagle, that is, here, well, too, in contrast to the byzantine one, which, of course, was handed down, let’s say, to us by civilizational inheritance, after all, moscow is the third rome, under emperor ivan the great, whose wife was the niece of the last byzantine emperor konstantin ptsofi, then this symbol, the symbol of sovereignty, was adopted, regarding this whole story with byzantium and so on, and what do you think?
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further, except to hate moscow, there is simply no, i propose now to include a member of the commission of the heraldic council in our conversation under the president of russia, candidate of historical sciences, stanislav dumin, we are glad to welcome you, good afternoon, hello, yes, double-headed eagles, well, this is indeed originally this emblem associated with byzantium, although not only with byzantium, it was the holy roman empire, but then , which is depicted on the monuments of the kiev-pechersk lavra, here this is a historical coat of arms, as it was depicted during the first ... romanovs, but with one important
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feature: there are three crowns, three crowns - this is precisely the russian coat of arms, which symbolizes the three elements of the title of russian sovereigns , all i great little white russia, here is the big crown, this is great russia, and the other two are little and white russia, this is indeed clearly a legacy of our heraldry, well, in general, it’s quite natural, because these cathedrals were built and rebuilt, under the romanovs that moment when kiev land, kiev was one of the important cities of the russian kingdom, the russian empire, well, let's say, a large bell tower was built in the 740s, to the design of a german architect, there is this coat of arms, and not only there, it is in the altar, well, this is natural, with other side indeed, this is a sign of these temples belonging to the great power that existed then... and the common power of the multinational
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state that our ancestors created. and regarding the fact that russia allegedly appropriated byzantine symbols, here’s what can be said about it. historically, russia used the ducal eagle, indeed referencing the byzantine heritage. well, actually, after, after the fall of the byzantine empire, after the marriage of john ii to the niece of the last byzantine emperor, we are talking about this byzantine it was a legacy, but double-headed. existed in russia even before this marriage, the tver princes had it, it was used in the golden arda, that is, the symbol is really quite ancient, but of course, this byzantine continuity with byzantium, like the last muscovite kingdom, is the history of rome, two romes fell, the third is moscow, it really was russia that became the center of the last glorious power, in this sense it was the spiritual successor of that byzantine kingdom from... which christianity came to
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russia, but this symbol has already existed for so many centuries, and is naturally perceived as a symbol not only of the russian people, but of all the peoples of the russian empire, in the russian empire there were awards of a special type for non-christians, there the images of saints were replaced with just a double-headed eagle, that is, a figure acceptable to everyone, just probably, i think , that people who begin to say that these eagles on temples... historical monuments and their decor reflect the era in which they were created in the era when there was a power, our common one. thank you very much for these comments, all the best, thank you, all the best, goodbye, these three unities of white russia are small. russia and great
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russia, it also has such a sacred character, now the ukrainians are trying to convince us that there were some individual ukrainians who fought for their state, they... these muscovites were always trying, and not even europeans, but supposedly there are some kind of fina-ugric people there, they took these ores from the horde, but in fact the oreo was actually used in the holy roman empire, now you can look at the coats of arms there of serbia, albania, for example, montenegro and many, many places, that is, in general, in principle, it was such an ancient symbol of power, thank you very much for coming to us today, to our viewers, i remind you, as always... if any news gives you doubts , send to our editorial office, reasons to be proud, be sure to too, all the best to you,
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family is love, first of all, it is support, it is support, these are the people who can support you at any time, our mothers, wives, this is my homeland and i want it for everyone spent the day smiling along with its residents. the first channel presents.
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the shield and sword of our body, our immunity. all. a program about the immunity of our nose is dedicated to all those who cough and sniffle, and of course, much more that is super important in the program: to live healthy. so, professor prodeus and i are armed to the teeth, just like you, because we all have immunity. today we will talk about immunity. nasal cavity, our nose is the first gateway for infection that attacks us, and what about andrei petrovich is the nose, it really is, we inhale and everything flies towards us , i want to show everything, this is what
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flew into our nose, not only infection, allergens and dust, any irritants, 98-99% of everything. part of our innate immunity, its outer line of defense. let's look at the screen, because there we will remind you of the picture that develops in the nose of every person; now the runny nose season is in full swing. so, dear friends, our nose, as
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it is, here it is, we inhaled, something flew in there, inflammation begins to develop, the nasal mucosa swells, cells. then bacteria cannot anchor or land on our mucous membrane and infect us, that is, they cannot wetly reach the bottom, you know, not only reach, they are constantly moving as a result of this they cannot multiply, this is the first defense that we have, but not only that , what else is in
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our mucus besides villi, there are special proteins in the mucus that kill bacteria, such as lysacym and there are antibodies there. class a bodies that attach to viruses and bacteria, surround them and neutralize them. andrey petrovich, let's go, i have prepared class antibodies for you. and antibodies are immunoglobulins, remember, we measured class m class g antibodies during covid, which means that here in our nose, here they are antibodies, and these secretory ones, as they call them, their task is to be on our mucous membrane to guard the arrival of enemies when they they see an enemy, each antibody is specific to a certain microbe, virus or bacterium, take it, surround it and prevent it from getting on our mucous membrane, neutralize it, the second is to attract immune cells that
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will unite this enemy, of course, they will to signal to our immune cells that there is an enemy here, we need to remove it, right now in your nose, in my nose, in each of your noses, a soul-tearing picture is happening, what kind of cells are there, and there are our cells , granulocytes, leukocytes. andre petrovich, how can we support the immunity of our nose, especially now, when we have
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such a dramatic situation, this situation is bad for infectious diseases and for the onset of allergic reactions, respectively, the first aid to the nose of an ordinary person is hygiene, moisture, and water. who knows what nasal hygiene is, maybe some. there are drops in the nose, for example, no, guys, you have banal water, andrei petrovich, an outstanding method of hygiene is practically not needed for this, everything exists at home, you take a glass of boiled water, you take a spoonful of salt, or you can not boiled, make what is called a weak hypertonic solution, that is, calmly with salt.
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if only once, then this same time you should rinse your nose, you know, no, it’s very simple: you bend over like this, in one half nose, you insert a syringe and wait for the water to pour out of the other, but it doesn’t work , it turns out, not very well, well, in general, for the second half of the nose, it turned out, yeah, now come on... into the second and it should pour out from the opposite half of the nose, the simplest in
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overall procedure, but well done, you’re wearing a towel, you’re smart, your nose is perfectly clean, feel how the air has become, beauty, beauty, yes, twice a day in the morning and evening, you take an increased obligation to brush your teeth twice a day, that’s right , and rinse twice a day. nose, we showed you how villi work, by rinsing your nose, you help this
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level of immunity, right, right, absolutely right, there are also simple things and tips that you should do at home, the air in your apartment should be humid, in this in this case, the nasal mucosa will also not be dry, and you will be healthier, so everything is very simple, rinse the humid air in the room. and do it, it will be good for you, it’s clear, so, the immunity of our nose needs your help, help is rinsing, then... your cells will work well, and the villi will remove everything, the cells and antibodies will neutralize the viruses, difficult periods when acute respiratory infections worsen, you will pass calmly, we will pause for a while, and then continue, a painless place, i was surprised
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that everything was resolved so quickly , a day later my fingers suddenly started working. pain service, professionals work here, garlic, everything is brilliant, spicy, brushing your teeth won’t help, why? because alecin is secreted by the lungs, how to eat it and what to drink it with so as not to there was a smell, stains, men always have more of them, well, this is the modern world, you want to be beautiful, healthy. to doctors, including cosmetologists, what are age spots and how to get rid of them? an ideal robbery scheme, using murder, someone commits an official crime, leaks information about their work, still no clues, and the car? talk less and listen more, you are not a suspect in the frame, i detained
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a dangerous criminal, this is where you are mistaken, okay, i’ll give you a chance, then... watch the time after the program. some claim that the main building of moscow state university is actually a huge, perfectly camouflaged spaceship. to victor's eighty-fifth birthday.
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on saturday at the first testament
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of belousov's wives, the battle for the inheritance of the star of the nineties is entering the home stretch, all participants in the conflicts... roman is sure that once the entire inheritance unfairly went to sister christina, if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning , has drawn up everything for herself, why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged, i want to know the truth, dad’s handwriting, you know, i’ll be honest, no, but you got divorced intact, it turned out that the court got us divorced, can you imagine it was such a blow for me 26 years later, with dmitry borisov, the premiere was on saturday on the first. and when you entered into an inheritance, did you tell the notary that there are still potential heirs? you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved, probably the only love in my life, died, this
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program is to live well, friends, and we started with an x-ray picture of such a hand accidentally. we have a pain service in our program, this means that we help a variety of people for free, people who have been tormented by pain for years, now i want to show you an appeal from a woman whom we invited to us in order to help her, this woman is 95 years, dear elena vasilyevna, for us, for the elderly, especially... who are many years old, and i’m already 95 years old, there are a whole bunch of different kinds of illnesses, but now i’ve overcome it like this.
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listeners respect with respect for a goosebump , such a goosebump, you know, this is just a break our hearts were when we watched it, why is it so hard for kratina, firstly, because it hurts, she cannot lean on a stick, but she still walks on her own, and the support on the stick is her hand. sticks are going nowhere, her arm doesn’t work, she can’t support herself, she can’t sleep at night in severe pain, of course, we decided to help her, and i’ll now show you how she
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came to us and how our wonderful doctor protsenko helped her, my hands are bothering me, i can't honestly tell you, they are good and... work, roll them up, and more it begins, and not less goes in the fingers, i have pain not only in the hand and fingers, but i have pain all over my arm up to the shoulder, and the pain is very strong, the pain bothers me, this is how our natal pankratina suffered, the pain torments her for six months, get treatment i tried many times, but the pain was always there. now the pain has gone, yes, you see , that is, we are creating a load, the pain has begun,
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yes, yes, here it comes, yes, yes, here it is, here it is, it comes, also here, here there is also arthrosis plus non-phalangeal, interventional treatment . that's what this procedure is called, brilliant knowledge, anatomy and professionalism, these are the qualities a doctor who treats such pain should have. there are few specialists, but the doctor has found the source of the pain and is now administering the medicine. in general, the procedure is short, and it is such a pity that people wait for it for years. usually, after the procedure it is checked immediately. result, at least they would find all
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the ways to treat, get rid of this disease, that’s it, try the brush, nothing, it works, it works, there’s warmth in the finger, the big one, it’s a little here, it’s warm. this anesthesia works like this and a little bit here too , this is all we will now analyze, how we give exercises to all our patients, that is, here they are, exercises, you see what kind of gymnastics you need to do for prevention and not less the hands, i really appreciate you i really hug you, but i’m small and haven’t grown up, we’re not young...
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i heard, let’s go, you’re 95 years old. well, get up, my dear, oh, and i can’t imagine anything, why don’t you walk without a cane now, we’re trying to work with you without a stick, well, this pain is very common, it it’s called tunnel syndrome, here’s our beautiful one, let’s show this side, vitaly viktorovich. where is this pain, why is it so heavy, why does it radiate everywhere? carpal tunnel syndrome, that is, we see, yes, where our median nerve passes,
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and it...
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tell me about my illness, i really want to say thank you very much, gratitude, i am amazed, i tell you honestly, i was surprised that everything was decided so lightning fast, i suddenly began to feel a kind of joy in life, i was all happy, because i already had hope, for more than a year, i have been sent to everyone, that is, to hospitals, only recently here, around the month of february, doctors suddenly said that i have a bilateral tunnel, and i was already assigned and immediately for operations, and i i decided, thanks to the podskars, that...
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come to us, i tell her, you are a granddaughter, she says: no, i’m a victory volunteer, we help veterans, but please tell me what kind of movement this is, victory volunteers, victory volunteers - this is an all-russian social movement, we help veterans, preserve the memory of exploits, about heroes, but most importantly, they simply took down your appeal and helped with everything, and it was the guys.
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you for your professionalism, you don’t know, i want to invite dr. gandelman, german shaich, the only thing we can wish for you is to live to 120, thank you very much, in the same good mood, thank you, you are just a miracle, put natalya pankratovna away, thank you very much, thank you, sit down, natal pankrat, this is simply
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a miracle. this generation is, of course , amazing people, everything about medicine, friends, it’s time for us to talk, i’ll talk about it. well, friends, everything is ingenious, spicy, we have hot peppers, chili, wasabi mustard, russian vigorous mustard, black pepper, onion, garlic, ginger, a special series of our program, everything is ingenious, spicy, and we tell you about spicy foods, spicy taste, it is not a taste, we feel it through non-tasteful recipes.
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so, today our hero is garlic, bring us garlic in a bag immediately. garlic, the substance it contains is called alecin. where should we start the story about garlic? well, firstly, it has always been considered natural. greece and rome, it was used as medicine an antibiotic, known since ancient times for healing wounds, and is mentioned in the bible and the koran, and by the way, the city of chicago is named
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after garlic, oh well, yes, when the spaniards came there, these local indians told them the name of the city, well, similar but they heard, they... in their language it sounded something like shchikhagu, then they gave this place a name, chicago means wild garlic, seriously, my god, i was in chicago, i never knew this, well, basically and it is famous for the fact that it contains alesin. i suggest immediately move to the layouts to tell what the essence of the matter is. so we have breasts. we have an eye, let's start with the chest, dr. gandelman, well, uh, okay, look, this is a woman's breast, who doubted, here it is, of course, unfortunately, such a process may arise there, the development of cancer, swelling, well, uh, garlic warns,
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and eliminates tumors, you almost broke our model, but now you will forever remember that garlic fights cancer. but we also have to say that this is the eye, this is our eye, the inner part of the eye is called the retina is very well supplied with blood, there are a lot of blood vessels, and the condition of these vessels is very important, the fact is that allicin increases the amount of nitric oxide in the blood, that is, the vessels expand , the blood supply to the retina improves, thus we... preserve our vision, in general , it must be said that spicy foods, they all expand sushi, that is, it is known that alecin lowers blood pressure, and men, listen carefully, improves potency, that’s it, it’s not in vain that you turned on
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the tv today if a man smells garlic, don’t shy away, no, i want to say something else, that spicy food causes vasodilation, you know that yourself. because we blush, if we eat large doses, we blush, this is precisely an indicator that the blood vessels have dilated, the enormous positive effect of all spicy foods and garlic in particular, we repeat once again, as they believed in ancient times, that garlic has an antibacterial effect, so we are confirming this now, let's go back to the kitchen and evaluate the effect of garlic in some numbers and facts and we... maybe after all we will have some original advice on how to get rid of the smell, for example, look, i have garlic and onions, and onions, where there is more alecin, there is more alecin in garlic, 100 g contains 4.5 mg of alesin, in
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onions onions 2 mg, 100 g, half as much, two times less, first place garlic, second place onions. three questions: how to choose, how to store and how to eat correctly. the first question is how to choose garlic. you are a well-known agronomist, a famous agronomist, and mikhail govorovich really has a brilliant understanding of agriculture, and at the same time a brilliant microsurgeon, ophthalmologist, so why, well, in appearance, it’s kind of empty, yes, it’s bad, empty, it’s already completely dry, but in appearance, it should be small in size, the lobules should be quite large, very elastic, on there shouldn’t be a lot of peel like this.
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garlic needs to be stored in a cool, dry place, this is one of the ways to store garlic, when it is braided and hung there somewhere, at a temperature of up to 10.15 °, what is most interesting, what about allicin, what is shown, what if you you store the garlic here at this temperature, its concentration in garlic increases with...
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smell, what can i do? are there any secrets, medical life hacks, on how to make your mouth smell less bad? the main thing to remember is that brushing your teeth will not help, why? because allicin is secreted by the lungs, it will help, it will help, because if you, you drink milk or cream in this regard, then it works. and sulfur
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compounds with elicin, which give this smell, they will just bind with fat and you will exude significantly less or not at all exude for, in principle, people should know that there are people who metabolize it quickly and slowly, there are people who ate garlic and it smells for a couple of hours, there are people who smell for almost a whole 24 hours, we are waiting for our cook alexey kovb, he is not can let us go without a smell, right my dears? lyosha, by the way, well, it’s a classic snack, basically nothing new, there are probably some small myth busters, they say that when there is bad breath, yes, that is, we need, for example, to remove this one from the garlic a green thing in the middle, a myth, it ’s not like heaps of lesh, it smells from the lungs, it’s exhaled from the lungs, it doesn’t help at all, even more people will clean up, we take beets, and raw beets, we take any root vegetable, by the way, this the theme works with potatoes, onions, turnips, three on a coarse grater.
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got it, got it, got it, it's good, bon appetit, today we won't kiss anymore, or we'll drink milk before it's too late, it's all about food, friends, let's take a break for a while and then continue, shameful somersault, she's lena berbak and far-jumping targets in unbalanced fantasies, the minister of foreign affairs of germany,
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europe, and who needs a germany directed against russia? burbak serves as a globalizer. anna lena berbak, somersault 180°. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one.
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the snow is still white in the fields, and in the spring the waters are noisy, they run, they wake up the sleepy shore, they run, they shine and... they say, they say to all ends, spring is coming, spring is coming, we are young spring, messengers, she sent us ahead, that, where, when, spring series of games, on sunday on the first. this program is to live healthy, friends, i am standing next to the skin in a section, we have a special project in our program, it is dedicated to both men and women, this project is called guardians of youth.
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and right now i’m going to our medical site, where the guardians of youth are already working. i would like to introduce you to ilina alekseevna shabunina and ilina dmitrievna vasilyeva, these are cosmetology doctors and right now elina alekseevna is preparing for the procedure. our wonderful man, what percentage of men come to cosmetologists? 40 percent, then there are almost already catching up with women, that is , today 60% of patients are women, women see cosmetologists, and 40 men, almost half, yeah, dear man, what’s your name,
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vladimir, are you worried about pigment spots on your face, but here they are, which increase with age, yeah.
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yeah, at the border with the dermis it’s even, like this, like this, that’s why men are less fortunate, and under the influence of testosterone the enzyme tyrosinase is activated, which somehow activates the synthesis of melamine, that is , these dark cells, that is, because , that men have the male sex hormone testosterone, the activity of these cells is higher, and men have pigments.
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and the purity of melanomas, that is, malignant formations, is 50% more, unfortunately, that is, in general, men should understand that a larger amount of pigment means, on the one hand, dark spots that can be fought, on the other hand, an increased risk of melanoma, so it is necessary go to a dermatologist not so much for beauty, but to keep an eye on all the spots and all the moles. carry out dermatoscopy and monitor all different dark spots, definitely in dynamics, now i want to turn to this table of ours to ask you this question: if we talk about home methods of dealing with age spots, we have a lot of products here, but in fact you
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should read this side, what substances should we read in the composition in order to simply use this cream at home in order to remove age spots? this means, firstly, the first-line drug is retinol, retinol, azilaic acid. yep, arbutin, koya acid, well, we must definitely prevent pigmentation, that is, it is imperative to use sunscreen, sunscreen, we also wrote vitamin (c), it also discolors the skin, removes, whitens age spots. but now i want to return to your professional doctor's place, because the procedure that is now underway is called... ipl therapy is the bleaching of age spots using
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broadband light, broadband light. right now our ilina dmitrievna is conducting procedure. elina aleksanevna, please explain what is happening with your patient’s age spots. from this small glass nozzle comes broadband light, as we said. turn directly into the camera or inside. and this light. the beam binds to melanin, to the dark pigment, without damaging healthy skin in any way, it is as if it artificially ignites this melanin that is in the spots, in this case on our patient’s face, they begin to come out, absolutely right, immediately after the procedure these the spots will turn red because what are they...
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this is a special procedure that is included in all international medical standards for getting rid of age spots for both men and women, how many procedures need to be completed. once a month, i want to say that today not only a man came to us for a procedure, but also a wonderful patient of ilina alekseevna came, i even wanted to say directly, a handsome man, we can invite you to us, and i want to show you what he had skin, what's your name? my name is alexander, alexander, turn to face the audience, were pigment spots, right? alexander, there were, how many procedures were there? well, there were about four procedures. elina alekseevna. it’s hard for a man
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to withstand this, to walk away like that, to finish everything off. this effort is purely some kind of personal discipline, but there are no painful sensations, nothing during the procedure. i'd say it's not difficult. now i want to show a picture before and after the procedure, but after we see that there are no pigment spots. and we have large photographs of our patient specially taken by the doctor for the medical archives, so you see, the whole face seemed to be covered with freckles, and it was, i don’t even know, in general, to some extent, it was a surprise for a russian woman that men began to go to cosmetologists, what do you think? oh, first of all, i want to say a huge thank you to ilina alekseevna for removing this, because well, the face is like that part of the body. which you can’t cover with either a jacket or trousers, and well, this is the modern world, you want to be beautiful and healthy.


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