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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  March 28, 2024 11:00pm-12:10am MSK

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and with these, let's go out, your stop, chick training manuals or banal envy, cracks in the walls, terrible, who has less? more, why ukrainians are
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haunted by new houses in mariupol, we arrived to understand yet another misinformation, the whole video was really taken out of context, a meeting of miraculously surviving people with someone who gave them a helping hand, look here , children are sleeping in chairs, hi zhen, i i’m very glad to see you, i’m very glad that you’re alive, we’re glad to see you too, anti-fake, premiere, tomorrow on the first. the name of this republic translates as golden mountains, local residents remember all their ancestors, this is where the entrance to the mystical country of shambhala is located. welcome to one of the most picturesque regions of our country, the altai mountains. why are you treating otchag? we believe that everything is alive and there is a spirit around it all. this broth contains almost all amino acids known to science. this action is dangerous.
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the dessert is considered traditional in ingushetia - it is a fingle with pumpkin, the dough is rolled out thinly and begins with a sweet pumpkin. well, now let's take care of that very skull-like pride of this region. i will have it in two versions: i ’m in charge of the lamb, you’re in charge of the fish, we’re starting, the premiere, cooks on wheels, on sunday, on the first one, training manuals chick or banal envy, cracks on the walls, nightmarish, who has... who has more, why
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are ukrainians haunted by new houses in mariupol? we arrived to sort out yet another misinformation and the whole video was really taken out of context, a meeting of miraculously surviving people with someone who gave them a helping hand, look here, they are children sleeping in chairs, hello zhen, i’m very glad to see you, i i’m very glad that you’re alive, we’re glad to see you too, anti-fake, premiere, tomorrow’s the first one. hello, hello, ninety-fifth, full, please, hello, hello, third, how much? full tank,
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yeah, just a second, dan, today is the thirtieth or thirty-first, thirtieth, so that means the owner will come to check today, maybe this time you’ll get it? won’t delay him, who will recognize him, young man, please take the change, young man, take the change, thank you, thank you, colleagues, i can’t help but share it on... well
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and without thinking twice, she entrusted her brother with five stops somewhere to get some, he thought, thought and came up with an idea, he just started making them in our city right in the middle of belodnya, and no one even asked him anything, since the overalls were drinking so brazenly, that means it’s necessary, no, well, the self-made coat of arms on his personal gazelle is generally a brilliant touch, i think, well, thank god, otherwise i’ve already started dreaming about these stops at night, and i’m on... leave the conversation aside, it’s a reprimand smells.
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central 812 az on the seaside highway, suspicion of an armed attack, send help, received 812.
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central 8:12. addition to the attack on the gas station, primorsky highway 251, we need an urgent ambulance, so what we have here, maybe pancakes, they killed right in the hospital, no one saw or heard anything. it’s like in general, they did a good job, that yura, they did a good job, maybe you ’ll give us some more medals, how did they know that the taxi driver survived, well, the hospital workers knew,
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the ambulance workers, the taxi drivers from the taxi company factory also knew. "this is not our leak, vyacheslav mikhailovich, i would like believe, yura, i would like to believe, hello, what are you doing here, something happened, i came to apologize, i. i was wrong, lesh, no need, why, you understand everything yourself, i don’t understand, you’ll understand together.
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central -8 central 8:12, i’m there, i see a suspect, about thirty years old. the ball is tracking, accepted 8:12. central t812, the suspect is walking towards me, the suspect is approaching me. 8:12, don’t even think about it, there yourself s.
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a special analytical edition of the big game is on air, today anatoly ivanovich, antonov soedinennykh states, anatoly ivanovich, we are very glad to welcome you. the initial results of the investigation fully confirm the planned
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nature of the terrorists’ actions, careful preparation and financial support from the organizers of the crime. as a result of working with detained terrorists, studying the technical devices seized from them, and analyzing information about financial transactions, evidence was obtained of their connection with ukrainian nationalists. the investigation has at its disposal confirmed information that the perpetrator of the terrorist attack received, significant amounts of cryptocurrency funds from ukraine that were used. in preparing a crime, but this statement does not claim that the ukrainian authorities were the sponsor of this crime, it says that ukrainian nationalists were involved in the organization, and the main financing of this crime, however, it is not for me to tell you that the biden administration. ..
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strikes at peaceful neighborhoods in private buildings, where there are no military installations, people were killed in moscow, there was an attempt on alexandra dugin, his daughter died, there were crimes of attempted terrorist acts against a number of other people, some successful, some not in...
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that in russia it comes to mind that ukraine could commit another terrorist crime. dmitry, come on.
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by the way, we should not forget that this is not the first, you are absolutely right, terrorist acts from the territory of ukraine, the same terrorists penetrated from the territory of ukraine into western europe and dealt a blow to the integrity and tranquility of the so-called garden, borel's favorite brainchild. in washington, dmitry konstantinovich , the words of alexander vasilyevich bortnikov are very actively discussed, who... personal assessments of what happened outlined possible connections between western intelligence services as a strategy, here the words of the head of the federal security service were received with a certain hysteria. let me emphasize that all that the russian leadership has said is that the investigation is ongoing. russian special services and
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investigative agencies are working. we are waiting for results, we just have to wait until the end, when will these be available? the facts are laid on the table, everyone will understand why and who is behind the terrorists. of course, there is a lot of talk here today regarding the tragedy that happened at crocus cityhall. various versions are being replicated. a book of condolences was open at our embassy for 4 days; a lot of diplomats and compatriots came. so it’s interesting that arab diplomats questioned this. and gilov’s version of the terrorist attack. colleagues talk about the lack of signature of radical islamists who commit inhuman acts, not for money, but for the sake of an idea. it is no coincidence that there are so many suicide bombers among them. now for the second part of your question. regarding the increasing attacks of the neo-nazi junta in kiev against the civilian population of border areas or cities
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of the russian federation. the weapons and ammunition used are western-made.
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are present in ukraine, and no one denies that they work closely with the ukrainian intelligence services, the united states secretary of defense.
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the signal of receiving the warning signal was publicly confirmed to alexander vasilievich bortnikov and draw attention to the fact that, as the fsb director said, the information transmitted was of a general nature, another confirmation of today’s leak in the new york times, i think that you were able to look at this article, which is being widely discussed here today, it is said that what plan? very cautiously, but perhaps what i agree with, this is unambiguous, this is what you
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also mentioned, this lack of trust, lack of trust we look at each other with suspicion, and of course, taking into account how deplorable the russian-american relations, this is how we treat information, but alexander vasilyevich bortnikov said that the information was exclusively... general in nature, which did not allow us to draw any clear conclusions, we drew attention to the propaganda storm in the united states of america, american authorities and observers are trying promote the thesis about the ineffectiveness of russian intelligence services and the vulnerability of the internal political situation in russia. i want to tell you what we see in these attempts to turn the population against the authorities, aspirations. sow the seeds suspicion and mistrust, and most importantly , uncertainty that the authorities can protect an ordinary citizen. the emphasis is
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on inciting discord in our society, along ethnic and interreligious lines, while they refuse to notice that under the influence of external factors, russian society is only getting stronger. i will give simple, understandable examples for everyone. this is a vote to elect a russian president, the country has confirmed that the majority of the population supports our leader vladimir vladimirovich putin. second example, current the situation with the crocus: go online, look at the city of flowers at russian embassies and diplomatic consulates abroad, people are not shy about tears, they come to us, talk about this problem, talk about the need for support, even you... you know, brought us money , which we will undoubtedly transfer to moscow for the families of those killed - or injured in this, in
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this terrible terrorist act. i spoke with several officials in moscow from different departments, who are approached from time to time from... as noted in particular by the new york newspaper times, was of such a general nature that the cia in washington could not seriously think that
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based on this information.
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service is not my business, i don’t know the essence of this information, i only know what alexander vasilyevich bortnikov said, what the american media are trying to present today, nothing more, but the american media, they say, however, that specific no information was transmitted, we hear this not only from the russian country, but as you rightly mentioned, we hear this from... the american country, and the new york message the times, neither the white house nor the state department, did not deny, that is, they indirectly admitted that specific information was not transmitted, right? well, apparently, this would be so, because this information was transmitted through special services, and i think that i have no right to comment on the information that comes from one side to the other, indeed, this is what
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alexander vasilyevich bortnik spoke about. was of a general nature, which did not allow us to accurately determine what would happen, such an exchange of information would not stops, it is carried out on a regular basis, and the main thing here, of course, is that i want to tell you, i will repeat, sorry, i don’t like to repeat myself, but i will say that i will emphasize that this is the mistrust that exists between the two countries. but when communicating with american officials in the administration, what i took away from there was at least a small positive - this is that they understand that it is impossible to fight terrorism alone, no matter how hard the americans try, no matter how strong they are were, they couldn't win terrorism alone, no matter how hard they try to create islands of prosperity and security within
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themselves, it will not work thousands of kilometers away. look at what is happening now on the us-mexico border, weapons, drugs, crime, all this is coming to america, and america, of course, is not immune to such work, but if you ask me, if everyone understands this, why is there no interaction, because that the main task is still being confirmed, the task of inflicting a strategic defeat on us on the battlefield, the task of destroying our state. and definitely for you i will say that this is the task of changing the political system, they are not satisfied with the fact that the overwhelming majority of the population supports the foreign policy and domestic policy of our president, and this will continue in the future, we can hardly expect any serious changes in the administration’s policy. and a clear example of this is the statement of president biden 26.
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we will act adequately and energetically, including in the information sphere. and neither you, nor sergei lavrov, nor the president ever use such expressions when talking about american leadership, right? absolutely correct, this is exactly what i focused on. you know, dmitry, american officials often complain in our
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conversations about... a high degree of rhetoric from the russian media, speeches or statements by russian representatives, yesterday i said clearly and clearly, look at yourself, what are you doing? vladimir vladimirovich never allowed himself, no matter how offensive the attacks on him, some derogatory remarks towards the political leadership of foreign countries, this completely applies to biden, but unfortunately, the american president allows himself such harsh remarks, well, simply obscene remarks addressed to the russian leadership, at least.
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relationship between states, but suddenly some tragedy occurs, which, well , if you like, creates shaking, gives a feeling of a serious situation to both countries, as a result they have a new impetus for working together. did you notice something similar in washington's reaction to this attack? huh? in the reaction of official washington reaction it boils down to one thing: we had confidential channels for the exchange of information through the special services, these channels continue to operate, the exchange of information will
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continue, but today this administration is not ready for active interaction with the russian federation in the fight against terrorism, and this at the same time that when you and i witnessed, when terrorism, terrorists attacked the united states of america, vladimir vladimirovich putin was the first foreign leader to call the american president and extend his hand help, offered your shoulder of support, and by the way, then you are absolutely right, it is logical to say that this problem, it united us, we tried to move forward, and even some things worked out. and... however, that situation in 2001, of course, cannot be compared with the state of affairs today, and - the current administration is not ready for such interaction, although the same kisinger clearly and clearly states in his works
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that great powers will always compete, but when they find a common enemy, they can unite in the fight against this evil, in my opinion, is terrorism - it is... a common evil not only, by the way, for the united states of america and for russia, but for the entire international community, and here, of course, new common efforts are required, but i want to emphasize to be understood correctly, we have never run after the united states of america, have not begged for any handouts, we are interested in such interaction with the united states of america to the same extent that the americans are interested, interested, very important: “we we will continue international cooperation with states, peoples and countries, those who are committed to such mutually beneficial, equal cooperation. if americans are not ready today, then for common action.
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well, let’s wait until the political elites , uh, inside the country come to an understanding of the hopelessness of the situation and the importance of joint interaction. we will not wait, we will continue to work."
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some kind of childish talk, there are a lot of demagogues here, we discussed this problem in the white house, in the state department, exactly this... i constantly try to convey the idea that you just outlined to the americans, they answer me very simply: yes, you know, we warn our charges not to use american weapons against the russian federation, this is, of course , a trap, because, for example, crimea, the americans do not recognize russian territory, so they are calm about the fact that if, when the ukrainians strike at the crimea, then they consider this a legitimate target, as well as... the russian territories, which, within
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the framework of the amended constitution, became part of of our state, the americans will not stop their charges, but what they supposedly give, i mean the ukrainians , guarantees, i don’t understand what kind of plan, what kind of guarantees that they will not use american weapons, it’s all a bluff, they are looking at everything these tricks of ukrainian nationalists. through fingers, in fact, encouraging attacks on the russian federation, encouraging - the death - of ordinary russians, especially, of course, i feel sorry for those people who live in the belogorodsk region, and who are under constant threat of attack, as well as the residents of lugansk, donetsk, every day we practically see the death, grief, evil that is being carried, carried...
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and she was known to be, let's say, a particularly
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evil russophobe. do you have any, at least, signals that as it progresses, something in the state department’s approach to russia is beginning to change? dmitry, i’m smiling, for only one reason, you and i are not the first to talk about this topic, in your questions, the questions of russian journalists, we can hear it. well, some question with the hope that russian-american relations cannot constantly deteriorate, but we should already really stop and think about how to strengthen international stability, since both russia and the united states of america are permanent members of the security council and bear special responsibility for the international world order, but i want to tell you that you can expect improvement. russian-american relations in the near
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future are not possible, this administration today is thinking about how to retain the oval office of the white house, it will not change its policy towards russia, because it turns out that this is a failed policy. maybe someday you and i will find an opportunity to talk in general about the results of the current administration’s foreign policy, and what this administration is going to the elections with. but there’s not much positive here, so i wouldn’t associate the possibility of changing the administration’s policy with just one person, so the person left, but the politics remained, it seems to me that the local elite is poisoned by the poison of russophobia, and many years will pass before people come to the understanding that it is necessary to interact, one... moment literally dmitry was really looking forward to what
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of congress, some senator or congressman will come to our embassy, ​​sign the book of condolences, express words of support, grief, to the dead people, to the families of the dead, none of this happened, not a phone call, not a visit to the embassy, ​​but we kept the book for 4 days condolences. not open, an electronic book was in effect, not even a hint, a minor person came from the gazdep who does not determine the foreign policy of the united states of america in the american direction, of course, this causes anxiety, anxiety regarding the future of international peace, international security, because there are a lot of such problems, and ukraine is the most serious, one of the main ones, but one of the. we see what is happening in the middle east,
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northeast asia, all the emotions in central asia have not yet subsided, we see how actively they work and act. any feeling from your country about what will happen in congress with this aid package to ukraine, the situation is changing all the time, and it’s difficult for me, at least from moscow , to figure out what speaker mike’s position is johnson, is he going to put this package to a vote, do you have any
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opinions, any feelings that you could share with us, huh? we are closely monitoring the situation in congress, carefully observing the twists and turns, consultations between representatives of the administration and the republican party, the democratic party in congress, i can’t tell you anything definite, as i said last year, literally on the eve of the new year, this issue is exclusively discussed today political electorate.
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this is an ignoble matter, and diplomats, it’s unlikely that diplomats need to deal with this, we’ll wait and see how the situation develops. you, of course, are absolutely right, i did not hope that you would make predictions, but still had to ask you, but you will probably agree that the situation with this issue that is important for russia, it shows the instability of american policy towards russia. when we say that this depends not on the essence of the matter, and not on the national interests of america, but on some political altercations within america itself. you are absolutely right, colleagues who come, especially from latin america, they are afraid to speak openly, but they
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say very angrily and emotionally: why do americans spend billions of money on an incomprehensible operation that...
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took out of context the meeting of the miraculously surviving people with the one who held out they have a helping hand, look here, they are sleeping in chairs, children, hello, i’m very glad to see you, i’m very glad that you’re alive, we’re glad to see you too, anti-fake, premiere, tomorrow in the first, in the fifth grade i watched all the episodes of the police academy, up and i decided, how cool, i want like them, yes, i just changed hands and said, on behalf of the investigative committee, we are conducting an official pre-investigation check of the turbine, we are working.
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there’s a big game on the air, now we’ll move from washington to moscow, but in fact, our interlocutor, senator and andrei ivanovich denisov, just returned yesterday from china, where in the recent past he was russian for 10 years.
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it is held every year at the beginning of march, determines plans for the current year, this is not the first, this is already the second session of the new convocation, that is, the government has been working for a year now, domestic policy, guidelines, foreign policy have been determined, all this has been built, all this is in development, uh, quite ambitious goals have been set, it is recognized that there are certain problems in the economy, in the life of the country. confidence was expressed in the possibility of solving these problems and certain measures are being taken in economic and financial policies, which are designed
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to smooth out certain difficulties in the economy generated by the fact that china has been growing at a rapid pace in recent decades, in under such conditions , certain imbalances and certain distortions inevitably occur, which must be corrected in some way; this concerns domestic policy, and, by the way, this is accepted. measures on social programs, generally speaking, this is not a strong point of chinese domestic policy, the main emphasis was placed precisely on economic growth, although after it the people's well-being certainly grew, and grew at a fairly rapid pace, but now it is this second that is receiving more attention in including, by the way, because this is a powerful factor in economic development, because the creation of an internal capacious ... consumer market is a necessary condition for making the economy sustainable, but probably we are more
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interested in what is being taken externally, the measures that are being taken externally, political and economic , i’ll start with the economic ones, if you can, start with their reaction to the terrorist attack in crocos sitijo, but well, of course, the reaction was what they call...
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this line of washington, it somehow served, well, if you want, as a spoon, in in general
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positive chinese reaction. no, i wouldn’t say, the chinese interlocutors did not get to this kind of detail, but characterizing the policy of the united states as a whole, they certainly noted washington’s readiness to support various kinds of forces, sometimes very indiscriminately, with the aim of causing damage to both russia and china , in this regard, unfortunately, we are in the same boat with china, well, here you are...
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on the verge of, well, in any case, creating the conditions for such an inflating inflating confrontation, well, first of all around taiwan, using this completely deliberately to provoke, to incite, to cause harm to china, all of this is well understood in china, and it reacts to all sorts of offensive
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comments, which may be... not the same as it is in relation to us, including our president, although sometimes president biden breaks down and here, in any case, his terms that he used in english, in relation to chairman xidingping, can be translated into chinese in different ways, maybe a little more smoothly, or quite sharply, so that, well, sort of neither there was...
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a small island tiny state, but the president was literally given a triumphal reception, because at the beginning of this year nauru severed ties with taiwan and restored or established relations with the people's republic of china, so the president was received with great honors, and xidzenping, premier lepen, the entire leadership, the prime minister of dominica, this is also a small island state. here they have already celebrated the twentieth anniversary of a similar step by this same dominica in 2004, it also ended relations with taiwan and moved, as they say, for partnership relations with the people's republic of china, and a whole series of uh leaders of different ranks, but what caught my eye was that literally these days uh
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we visited almost simultaneously. chairman, president of the world bank, managing director of the international monetary fund, kristallina georgieva, well known to us, she worked in moscow. the manager or president of the asian development bank, it is located in the philippines in monila, tim cook, this is the head of apple, the heads of large oil, large american oil company, and the heads of large industrial corporations, they were all received at a high level, but at least.
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creates some kind of interference, well, in short, in general, it was, you know, well, it seemed somehow ugly to me, it looked, after all, cameron, well , yes, he is now the minister of foreign affairs, but he was still the head of government, in fact, the leader of great britain, and a very successful one at that, and in fact his career was interrupted due to his own some kind of incorrect self-esteem, apparently, well known the story with brexit, let's not talk about it now, well, as if
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the suspect is approaching me, i repeat, he is coming to me, all pps squads and assigned units are declared in full combat readiness, i'm calling, i just wanted to. say, please, be careful, okay, i’ll try, leave the body alone, let me build a new life with her, or i should help you with this somehow, don’t interfere, undercover taxi, premiere, from monday on the first, yes, vyacheslav mikhailovich, there is, i’m already eating. big on air game, chinese foreign minister wang just had a meeting with graham alison, a professor at harvard university, and he is
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a very famous person, he spoke a lot about the danger of confrontation between the united states and china, arguing that when one great power increases its weight. he meant china, and the other wants to maintain its previous position, then the potential for confrontation is very large, so vani accepted him and even said some positive words about the need to improve us-chinese relations relationship, let's listen. wang said the most important development in international affairs in the past 50 years is the restoration and development of china-us relations. in the next 50 years between...
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he is still a major scientist, but a private person, if he is received by the minister of foreign affairs, the question inevitably arises, does this mean legitimate respect?
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with the idea that the outgoing, let’s say , power is trying to somehow restrain the progress of the emerging power, he called this a thucydides trap, so in russian this term has been translated, it now wanders through various kinds of reports, scientific, political science studies, the essence of this very trap is clear that the united states as a power or superpower is leaving. seeing a rival in china, it is trying to restrain its development. graham alison is not only well known in china, he has repeatedly published in the chinese press, in chinese scientific publications, spoke at various kinds of conferences, such discussion platforms, in a word, this person is well known, he is by no means what he sometimes is somewhat condescendingly, in the usa they call panda hagers, panda huggers.
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close, let’s say, in spirit in tone, although not in content, to what graham alison said, that is, these people who advocate normal relations with china, for a normal perception of china, that’s what’s important, not just what’s necessary arrange a relationship with him, but there is no need, excuse me for such an everyday word, to misinterpret, misrepresent his intentions, the essence of chinese politics, there is no need to make an enemy out of him, although he is of course a competitor, as they say, no one...
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and he visited several times, by the way, he is shown with let’s listen to what he said, the russian economy, in the twenty- third year our turnover with china increased by 23.1%. for the first time, russia rose to fourth place among the foreign trade partners of the people's republic of china.
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moreover, over 90% of bilateral payments between russia and china are already carried out in rubles in the yuan. well, this sounds very optimistic and these are not general words, but this is like - not the main, but quite large chinese banks that they have become more cautious about providing loans to russia. or in general to currency transactions with russia, and we hear that, we hear that china has become more cautious, so how to combine these different trends? you know, there is logic, although the trends are really multidirectional, and the main thing here is not to make this a reason for any grievances, but to work purposefully together with chinese partners, because what’s the matter, what alexey logvinovich overchuk said is
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absolutely correct, this, by the way, happened just in buao, because again, in yesterday’s newspaper, i read that after meetings with various guests, including us,
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that the situation is hopeless, we just need to look for forms that would allow us to bypass all these conundrums, and this includes the transition to national currencies, interaction in multilateral formats, well, for example, this year russia is chairing the brix,
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there will be a brix summit in the fall, in july there will be a summit of parliamentary leaders, one of the main specific issues discussed there is the transition to... maybe not now, but over time, to some single a unit of account, the currency of the brix countries, which would allow us to protect our mutual trade, including russian-chinese trade, from these harmful influences associated with the american dollar, because what’s the matter here, the fact is that china has thousands threads is connected with the world economy, and the world economy is almost the same as the american one, because the dollar dominates everything everywhere, in the main chinese banks... there are always american bankers on the boards of directors, all transactions are carried out electronically systems are traced, viewed, everyone goes under the house, i mean, us counterparties enter.


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