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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 26, 2024 3:55am-4:58am MSK

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because, firstly, they don’t really bother me, no need to explain to us , just tell me which button, but i won’t say, because i don’t know, in fact, the elementary answer to the button for the first floor, most often the elevator is called to the first floor, the test is passed, oh, ah, some kind of sarcastic turns out, no, but this, well, what is intelligence, he says, i’m intellectual, with the ability to answer some tricky questions or that’s it. you don’t associate a person’s intellectual abilities with anything, no, no, this is actually a test, which is specifically carried out so that the intellect doesn’t answer this, i’m stupid , come on, oh, okay, why are you so excited, let’s think about one more question, okay, then completely intellectual, you’re participating in the race and overtook the last one , who is participating in it, what position you are in now, penultimate. “no, you cannot overtake
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the last one, you yourself are already the last one, the fact that he, by the way, is 4 years older than her, it seems, yes , this is a huge plus, that is, she is younger, younger, he is older, he will take her in hands in turn around, they may well develop, by the way, a very strong relationship, but i have a more practical question, vitaly , please tell me, you had two such stories, very..." strange, very difficult with wildly traumatized women. anastasia, too, it seems to me, is from the same series , look at the trauma with her ex-husband and the problems, she doesn’t eat meat, she doesn’t eat it, it seems to me that she didn’t let go of her ex, but she didn’t let go of her ex not because she 37 years old, no children, and what suits you, no, i’m just saying, it’s not for you, well, i’m talking about the fact that...
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i don’t know her, i saw her once, i listened to what she said, in order to understand whether a person is right for me or not, i have to talk to him, well, at least an hour, but to understand that she won’t suit you? 2 minutes through the roof , yes, so there is anastasia’s perspective, of course, great, then i ’ll ask anastasia, because i know that he won’t answer this question, but vitaly has nothing at all, nothing has been stated, he says that the dowry must be the bride's, such a story will suit you, no, i'm enough, that's it, actually i have an apartment, if anything, i don’t know, it says there is no dowry, there must be a dowry.
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psychologist, psychologist, yes, firstly , he will bring nastya out of this state, he is handy, he can sing, he will say goodbye, i have no strength, i close my eyes, it just seemed to me, really, that you liked him, and he really liked you , this is jealousy, by the way, and this is already jealousy, this is a good sign, that’s what it’s all about, my little eyes are burning, nastiness, we’re sitting here like fools, huh? check, well, whatever you want, i generally take it all as insult, i generally refuse, well, that is, i reserve the right to choose, that’s absolutely for sure, please tell me, anastasia ’s is such a natural state, well , i don’t like this sour face, they’re unhappy , be simpler, people will be drawn to you, well , don’t come on like that either, what’s bad about the secondary, now it’s the most profitable, by the way, it all depends on what meaning you put into it. i'm good, my wings don't interfere with sitting, i
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'm already an antique, dear, you look great, flowers, unfortunately with the sky will not fall, but... on you, it seems to me that an angel fell from heaven. hello, the vremya program is on air, in the studio of ekaterina andreeva, and we’re starting with the footage we’re receiving right now. vladimir putin holds a meeting on measures taken after the terrorist attack in krasnogorsk, moscow region, in the krok city hall. dear colleagues, first of all, i would like to once again
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express my deep condolences to the relatives of those killed as a result of the bloody barbaric terrorist attack 22.
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we know that the crime was committed by the hands of radical islamists with whose ideology the islamic world itself has been struggling for centuries. we also see that the united states, through various channels, is trying to convince its satellites and other countries of the world
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that, according to their intelligence data , there is supposedly no kiev trace in the moscow terrorist attack, that the bloody terrorist attack was carried out in sequence. islam, members of the isis organization banned in russia. we know by whose hands this atrocity was committed against russia and its people. we are interested in who the customer is. in the course of joint work between our intelligence services and law enforcement agencies, we need to obtain answers to a number of questions, for example, whether islamic organizations are truly radical, even terrorist-type. are interested in striking russia, which today stands for a fair solution to the escalating middle east conflict, and how radical islamists, who, by the way, position themselves as devout
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muslims, professing so-called pure islam, are willing to commit grave atrocities and crimes in what is sacred to all muslims . these, as well as other, more specific, professional questions for an objective investigation of a crime committed in moscow remains to be answered. one thing is absolutely clear: the terrible crime committed on march 22 in the russian capital is an act of intimidation, as i already said, the question immediately arises, who benefits from this? this atrocity can only be a link in a whole series of attempts by those who, since 2014, have been fighting our country with the hands of the neo-nazi kiev regime. the nazis, as is well known, never disdained to use the most dirty and inhumane
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means to achieve their goals, especially moreover, today, when their advertised counter-offensive completely failed, this is already recognized by everyone. is not disputed, the russian armed forces maintain the initiative along the entire line of combat contact, all measures taken by the enemy to stabilize the front. they bring, hence attempts to gain a foothold in our border territories, shelling , including using volley fire systems of peaceful neighborhoods, civilian objects, including energy infrastructure, attempted missile attacks on the crimean bridge and the crimean bridge itself peninsula. bloody acts of intimidation, such as the terrorist attack committed in moscow, quite logically fit into this series. the goal , as i already said, is to sow panic in our society at the same time to show our
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own population that all is not lost for the kiev regime, you just need to follow the orders of your western curators, fight to the last ukrainian, obey the command from washington and accept a new the law on mobilization, to create something like hitler yugand, in the new one of course. publications, knock out new weapons for this and additional money, a significant part of which can be stolen, put into your pocket, as is usual in ukraine today. by the way, ukrainian nationalists back in the twenties of the last century had such an association as the union of ukrainian nationalist youth, which then became part of the organization of ukrainian nationalists. of course, we need to answer the question why... after committing the crime they tried to go to ukraine, who was waiting for them there? it is clear that those who
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support the kiev regime do not want to be accomplices of terror and sponsors of terrorism, but there are really a lot of questions, i ask you to regularly report on the progress of the investigation, i also ask you to inform me about what measures are being taken at the federal and regional levels?
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on march 22 at 18:54, four criminals in a private car drove up to the building of the kropus cityhall concert hall, where they began to wait for the audience to arrive. at 19:58 terrorists. at 20:11 they left the building. while leaving
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the parking lot in a stolen car, the criminals hit pedestrians and a family at high speed. with two young children. the children were seriously injured. they are hospitalized. all attackers were detained in the bryansk region during a pursuit along the highway. leading towards the russian-ukrainian border. during the inspection , two ak-74 assault rifles, more than 500 rounds of ammunition, 28 magazines with cartridges, and bottles with gasoline residues were found at the scene of the incident. the inspection of the crime scene continues with the participation of specialists, criminologists and experts from the investigative committee of the russian federation. besides. this more than 200 inspections, searches and
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seizures were carried out, during which more than a thousand different objects relevant to the investigation were seized. during a search in the apartment where the accused lived, in addition to traces of their hands, fragments of fabric and tools that were used in preparing the attack were found. a pm pistol was found in the criminals' car. cartridges and a kalashnikov assault rifle magazine with 30 rounds. 90 trials have been assigned for all seized items, weapons and ammunition.
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the investigation also established that they were detained three more people who provided assistance in preparing the terrorist attack, provided an apartment for living, a car for transportation, and transferred funds. an order to place them in custody has been sent to the court against these persons. initial investigation results indicate that the attack was carefully planned.
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and genetic examinations to establish the cause of death, identification of the victims, 131 people from among the victims and more than 500 witnesses were questioned, from the testimony of eyewitnesses it follows that the fire long hall occurred as
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a result of the actions of the accused, who spilled gasoline they brought on the chair and walls and committed... in this regard, the investigation is checking the possibility of violating the safety requirements of the fire extinguishing system in the kite hall concert hall, for this purpose , remote controls, electronic units and devices were confiscated management of the fire safety system of the concert hall, they were sent to study and extract information about the operating mode of the fire safety system at the time of the attacks, the participation of experts the contents of the fire safety system server are being studied, and a fire-technical examination has been assigned to establish the operability and timely response of all fire safety systems. we are working in close contact with the operational units of the ministry of internal affairs of russia and the fsb of russia; the necessary investigative
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actions are being carried out in the case to identify all those involved in the crime, including the customers and organizers. crimes, the investigation into the case continues, the report is completed, thank you, tatyana alekseevna, please, vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, during the period since the terrorist attack, in-patient institutions of medical organizations, and 45, 145 people were hospitalized, gunshots predominated in the structure of injuries... due to the improvement of the condition under observation at the place of residence. 93 people are receiving hospital treatment, including five children. doctors
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continue to fight for the lives of nine victims, institutions, psychiatrists and psychologists from the serbsky institute, federal medical and biological agency of the ministry of emergency situations of russia,
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moscow, moscow region, and volunteer psychologists. during the most acute period, at the same time at the site of the terrorist attack there were at least 50 ambulance teams from the disaster medicine service of the moscow region, the city of moscow. federal medical organizations. in total , 203 emergency medical teams and air ambulances provided assistance to the victims. considering the scale of what happened in medical institutions located in the moscow region, the city of moscow, federal medical institutions, there were the ministry of health, the ministry of science and higher education, the federal medical and biological agency and the ministry of defense.
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terrorist act, a decision was made to establish one-time payments in the amount of 3 million rubles for each person who died or died in the amount of 1 million rubles, who received or
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is receiving medical care in inpatient medical institutions in the amount of 500,000 rubles, who received medical care on an outpatient basis. for residents of moscow and other regions, payments are made moscow government, residents. also, to provide assistance to the victims and families of the victims, a working group has been created at the social fund operational headquarters in rostrud. today , 22 22 survivor pensions have already been proactively assigned without requiring documents, of which 19 are insurance
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indifferent citizens. on march 23, the movement we together opened a fundraiser for targeted assistance to the families of those killed in the
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terrorist attack. and i report that at the moment the amount of funds collected has amounted to almost 1 billion rubles. in places where spontaneous events are organized memorials at the relief center are provided by 11,371 volunteers. on the day of national mourning for those killed on march 24 and today on march 25, actions were and are taking place in the regions that are aimed at uniting the people of the country and demonstrating a sense of belonging to the events that took place. in total , 25,257 volunteers took part in the action, 1.6 million of our citizens took part in these actions, i also want to say that russian business, more than 42 transport
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companies, also joined in the help. that our country is united, and in the face of the most difficult situation, we are together , thank you, to the people who are in trouble, once again proving, thank you, we discussed this tragedy with the car at 23 late at night or even one might say early in the morning, but we understand, also the emergency services workers of various are also
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understandable , everyone should be... ready for any situation, but the fact that passers-by and medical workers who are not directly related to emergency services and employees of other services - unquestioningly simply quickly ended up where they should be, helped people, this of course demonstrates the maturity of our society and the willingness to defend our interests, to fight for ourselves, for our loved ones, simply... for those people who need help and support, this is a very important characteristic of the current state of our society, you are absolutely right, well, we are still let's talk about this , now i would like to listen to sergei semenovich sobenin, please, sergei semenovich, vladimir vladimirovich, i am reporting on medical and social assistance for victims of the terrorist attack, in total i worked from moscow a...
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we had a lot of severe, extremely severe there were 12 wounded, extremely seriously injured people , at present we have not lost a single one, moreover, of the 12 extremely seriously injured, they have already been transferred to another category, just seriously ill patients, almost half of these 12, there is hope that all 12 will survive, in
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currently out of 94 people... people have already been discharged, the rest continue to work with, as for social assistance, as tatyana alekseevna said, we, in agreement with colleagues from the moscow region, from the government, have established the following procedure: moscow pays a one-time benefit as muscovites and residents of all other regions. the moscow region is responsible for paying residents of the moscow region. we have already started making real payments. 60 people received these benefits, one-time payments, and as applications are received, we immediately resolve these issues. in addition , all necessary medical, psychological, targeted support is provided to relatives of victims who come to moscow to identify bodies or search for their loved ones, we provide free and
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we also provide hotel accommodation and free meals. the necessary help and support so that they find their loved ones, the report has finished, yes, now i am drawing the attention of not only sergei semenovich, not only andrei yuryevich, who will now take the floor, but in general all our colleagues from the regions of russia, sergei semenovich now spoke about those people who come for knowledge, or to meet their relatives, who, thank god, did not suffer or... suffered slightly, in order to take them home, uh, that ’s what i want to say, it is imperative in all regions of russia, where people came from for this event, to take control of all the people who need support, because different life situations occur, some even lost his breadwinner, and so on, so it is imperative to analyze everything related to this terrible crime
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and be sure to help people. approach this informally, i beg you, to look at this matter with such a professional, human look and support. those who need this support and help. please, andrey erievich, i beg you. dear vladimir vladimirovich, from the first moments i had the opportunity to inform you, report, and , most importantly, receive recommendations and support. i want to thank you and my colleagues, the federal departments that are participating today, including the personnel.
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explosive chain of buildings, and there was a very noticeable danger that the fire could spread to even more serious objects, this was possible thanks to the work of firefighters and rescuers prevent, from the first minutes we received support from people who were nearby and offered a variety of help, our volunteers, as far as we are concerned.
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search operation, and accordingly, every square meter of the hall and the stalls and the balcony, and the floor that is higher, they will be dismantled, literally right away we understood that people needed information about what happened about this terrible tragedy, so we opened a direct line and help center, it is now located in... in the center for supporting defenders of the fatherland, very trained people work there, we strengthened, i understand that there will be a lot of calls , during this time we received about 2,000 calls, of course, the main question is the search
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for relatives and loved ones, so we carried out a personal reception, our colleagues, and tried to answer all the questions of interest, together with moscow
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we... yes, i odintsova, respectively, the heaviest, and there were a sufficient number of them, at the first opportunity of transportation to the vishnevsky surgery center, other federal institutes, we were able to transfer, which allowed us to save lives, because the doctors and technologies were the most advanced ones were used, we understand that there is a struggle for life and... i wanted to thank all the doctors, because that night they came to their clinics themselves, understanding what had happened, and for us this was very important. tatyana alekseevna said about the russian, and
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the red cross fund, all this time people were offering all kinds of help, vladimir vladimirovich. and businessmen, russian business, said that they wanted to help. i am grateful to the fund and to all the businesses that took part, but at the moment, in addition to the impressive amount about which has already been said. that both those who are hospitalized today and
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those who died, we must accompany them for an extended period, we will try to do this with dignity, once again i want to thank everyone for their support, the report is finished, okay, so colleagues, who would like something - then add, provide some additional information, give an assessment, please. igorevich, dear vladimir vladimovich, dear colleagues, the terrorist attack that occurred on march 22 for all of us determined the tasks that are required, which require solutions in priority for the near future in order to prevent a repetition of the tragedy, as well as to provide maximum assistance to the victims. i want to emphasize that from the first hours of the tragedy... all services worked smoothly around the clock and now
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continue to work. in our work, we paid special attention to the timely blocking of fake information that incites interethnic and interfaith conflicts. attempts to sow panic and hatred towards people solely on ethnic grounds. according to our requirements, they were removed information from more than 200 resources, including accounts on social networks, odnoklassniki vkontakte and television channels. checking the activities of the entire concert complex, including fire and
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anti-terrorist protection measures, compliance with the requirements for equipping event security guards in accordance with the number of visitors, evacuation measures, and the speed of response to a call from a private security company. a full assessment has yet to be given, but we can already say that the scale of the terrorist attack turned out to be many times larger and incompatible with legal provisions. security of similar on similar objects. taking into account the significant increase in the level of terrorist threats, the executive authorities of the constituent entities need to update the safety passports of objects with large numbers of people, we will do this in the near future. as for residence passports, the facility’s safety passport must... be updated at least once every 3 years,
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of course, in accordance with the clause there in our regulatory legal act requirements for security, changes in terrorist threats in relation to places where people are in large numbers, is one of the reasons for updating this passport. the safety data sheet for the facility was approved on december 17, 2018, but has not been updated to date. unfortunately, the existing terrorist threats are not taken into account. in addition, we will try, together with the ministry of emergency situations, to adjust the existing calculation methods used to carry out calculations confirming the safety of evacuation of people during fire. these methods do not allow us to consider scenarios of fires during terrorist attacks such as arson. having. video recordings of the tragedy indicate an attack
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by terrorists through the main escape routes during a fire, and people were forced to flee in the opposite direction from the attackers to seek shelter in various rooms of the building. in general , i have given all the necessary instructions to the prosecutors. coordination of the work of law enforcement agencies is ensured. supervision of the criminal investigation is carried out. we are around the clock let's continue. take the whole range of measures to provide assistance to the victims, ensure the rule of law, the report is completed, thank you, so i ask you on all the points that you have now asked for
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the system worked as normal, there was also a complex of four fire robotic trunks and a software control system used together with other fire protection systems, it worked at the time of the terrorist attack, but it was set on fire using combustion elements; according to a specialist in the system, it was not possible to extinguish the fire due to the development of combustion on a significant fire... i wanted to say this, and today we, within the framework of the materials that were on the walls that were burning, we were able to eliminate, completely eliminate the fire only today at 18:40, search and rescue operations continue, and presumably tomorrow at 17 o'clock they will
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be finished, the report is finished, okay, i want to thank the employees of the fsb, the ministry of internal affairs, the defense guard, whom i instructed to take all measures to apprehend the criminals, and this was done through joint efforts, including using units of the russian guard and ministry of defense, but we will certainly return to all the questions, to all the details of the tragedy that occurred and will certainly discuss all this. as for reports, as i also said, i ask you to report regularly during the investigation. so tnank you. this was footage of a meeting with the president about measures being taken after the terrorist attacks in crocus cityhole. the basmanny court of moscow this evening arrested three more defendants in the criminal case. all natives of tajikistan and, as follows from the materials provided by the court, relatives. at the site of the tragedy
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, the removal of rubble continued throughout the day. in the evening , the ministry of emergency situations reported that the consequences of the fire in the concert hall had been eliminated. read more about everything in dmitry kulko's report. in the case of the massacre in crocus, three men of the islomov family were brought to the basmanny district court this evening. investigators suspect all three of aiding and abetting the organization of a terrorist attack. it was they who sold the militants the same white renault in which the killers drove to the bloody massacre. suspects are led into the hall in handcuffs alone. the father of the family is sixty-two-year-old israil islomov, and brothers thirty-three-year-old amenchon and twenty-four-year-old dilovavar. the operatives established their identities immediately after the terrorist attack, and now it is clear whose photos were shown during the first interrogation.
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preparations for the terrorist attack began only at the beginning of march, when certain curators approached him. many security experts immediately doubted this. it is absolutely impossible to believe in this for the simple reason that the period of recruiting a person from start to finish includes more than three months. in the same interview, i heard him, he said that the last dialogue took place more than a month ago. this cannot be by definition, that is, it is a legend. with which he is hiding, the detainee then said that the organizers of the terrorist attack did not meet with him, they simply gave him the coordinates of the cache and provided him with all the other instructions, they promised to transfer half a million rubles to the card, everything said by the terrorists, of course, is being checked by law enforcement officers, and many details of the investigation have not yet been are revealed, that's why part the meeting where they chose a preventive measure
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for the militants was held behind closed doors the day before; all four terrorists were citizens of tajikistan; shamsidin fariduni lived in podolsk and worked in a factory. another terrorist, thirty-year-old rachapolizot muradali, is the same one who tried to hide in a tree in the bryansk forest during his arrest. before being recruited, he also did not work anywhere. all four militants were also seen in the crocus. on march 7, they came under the guise of visitors to examine the building. fariduni i accidentally got caught in the photographer’s frame, we took a taxi back and paid in cash.
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the driver told investigators that the terrorists were in high spirits that day. another taxi driver recalled that he gave a lift to the militants the day before the tragedy; they called the car to a deserted place in the north of moscow. the last defendant, the youngest, nineteen-year-old muhammad sabir fayzov, was taken to court, accompanied by doctors, and wheeled into the courtroom in a wheelchair. this is the only one who was detained. refuse detention. presumably it is he filmed how terrorists shot defenseless people in the crocus city building, and was also the driver of the white car in which the terrorists wanted to escape. it is important to understand that they did not try to sit out in an abandoned village house, and without wasting time they rushed across the border, which in the conditions of the northern military district is almost impossible to cross, but they promised a meeting on the other side. the terrorists were intercepted... hundreds of kilometers from the border, the head of the bryansk region awarded the employees of the ministry of internal affairs who stopped the militants’ car, as well as the dog handlers of the drone operators,
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thanks to which it was possible to detect and take terrorists who were trying to get lost in the forest. soldiers who distinguished themselves during that operation were awarded combat distinction medals for valor. investigators are still working on this case, searching for accomplices in the crime, and most importantly , the organizers. the chairman of the investigative committee of russia today heard a report on the investigation into the terrorist attack. alexander bastrykin too. check how emergency warning systems were organized and functioned, whether people had the ability to quickly leave buildings using emergency exits. in the burned-out crocus building, the ministry of emergency situations cleared most of the collapsed structures, and cleared away the rubble on the stage, in the stalls and on the balcony of the concert hall. according to the latest data , 139 people were killed as a result of the terrorist attack, but apparently this number will grow as the rubble is cleared. the search operation did not stop for a minute. and today the work began to go even faster. employees of the ministry of emergency situations broke through the western wall of crocus, and now through this technological opening, equipment
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can get to the concert hall to participate in the removal of rubble. the work of rescuers at the site of the terrorist attack is coordinated by the headquarters under the leadership of the head of the region. you need to do everything to the last chair in order to win the exceptional body search events. cleared from general.
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i presented the young heroes with letters of gratitude and donated laptops; the teenagers, let me remind you, worked part-time as cloakroom attendants at crocus and helped people evacuate in panic and were looking for a way out. many write, thanking me for helping their relatives there, their grandmothers, grandfathers, dads, most likely still take up education with... since childhood, my dad always said that in any way you can help, always help people first, that night it was
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scary, i was worried about people, i’m very happy , that i got out of there and also helped people , that is, this is doubly good, our children could not have done anything differently, despite their age, and such a very young one, i say, when the guys came out, my heart sank, because i understood , that they really needed to be saved themselves, yes, but at the same time the guys ran and... tried in every possible way to help those people who went the wrong way, but this is really amazing, and it seems to me that this is a very clear example that everything is fine with our youth, russia, our country has a future. someone else’s grief is like your own, help that comes from the warmth of the soul literally flows from heart to heart, thousands of people go to donate blood, stand in line, over the weekend in moscow they donated more than 2 tons of blood for the victims of the terrorist attacks. oli is six times more than usual for saturday and sunday. and despite the fact that stocks there is enough blood in the capital; all weekend
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donation points were open until late in the evening, until they had finished receiving everyone. caring townspeople who provided moral assistance to the victims; there is no such thing as someone else’s grief. main places for donors, gavrilov center, federal medical and biological agency, sklefosovsky nie. the first payments to victims have already begun. the story of people who really care and really care about being around, in the report by yulia anishchenko. how are you feeling? amazing. since morning the dressing was done very quickly. well , the most important thing is that the dressing is done. without any pain, everything is fine, but well, your burns, in general, are already more or less starting to heal there. diana solopova is the same girl who pretended to be dead during a terrorist attack in order to survive. in an interview, she spoke in more detail about the terrible tragedy at the concert, where she came with a friend, about fate, which still knows nothing. we wanted to evacuate through the stage, but we didn’t have time
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because shooting started in the hall, and well... i understand that they hit her before my eyes, and then i was already lying on the floor, crawling to the exit, they were just lying around, oh, sorry, i was even shaking a little, while diana was lying on the floor, clothes caught fire, there was panic, smoke all around she doesn’t remember how she got out into the street, she says it was just luck, but she acted very competently, as if according to a manual, i just work in labor protection and give instructions on fire safety. spoch and i tried to remember everything that i remember from my own instructions to try to act like this lie on the floor, do not get up, do not inhale air. the girl was transferred from the regional hospital to a clinic; diana received deep burns affecting 40% of her skin. in addition, the airways are damaged and there are shrapnel wounds. she is now in intensive care; doctors assess her condition as stable.
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we will undergo surgical treatment with this patient. these are mostly patients with poisoning from combustion products; now we mostly have patients who are quite severe, but with positive dynamics. 13 victims were admitted to the botkin hospital, in mainly with severe multiple organ injuries, interdisciplinary teams worked, and assistance was provided using a special technique. when a life-saving
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intervention is performed in the acute period, and only a day later. after stabilization, full-fledged surgery is performed; in a number of patients we used this modern tactic, called second look, i am sure that this technology helped in treating the patient. there is a woman with a gunshot wound on the operating table, the surgeons are mostly...
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will replenish not only supplies for distribution here now, but we are also replenishing stocks for long-term storage and creating reserves. in the capital and moscow region, they began to pay one-time financial assistance to people from all regions of the country who suffered in the terrorist attack. according to the press service of the moscow department of social protection, social coordinators will help those who are in hospitals with registration right on the spot. yulia
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anishchenko, dmitry vishnevoy, larisa nikitina, artyom tikhonov, veronika ilvuchenkova, channel one. tragic events in the moscow region, assistance to the victims and families of those killed in as a result of the terrorist attack, prime minister mikhail mishustin discussed today with deputies representing the communist party factions of the mercy, and today our main concern is about the victims of this crime, about patients who are being treated in medical institutions, about relatives visiting loved ones about the families
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of the victims who will need, of course, psychological and material assistance. what happened, he said, shocked everyone; now the most important thing is to ensure that help comes to everyone who suffered as quickly as possible. i especially want to thank the doctors and rescuers. employees of the internal affairs bodies , who promptly, without delay, detained criminals involved in this tragedy and , of course, all caring people, real heroes who, despite the mortal danger, brought people out, protected terrorists, those who were nearby and those people who came to donor sites points who donated blood. your courage, perseverance, the best proof that we don’t have someone else’s...
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this is an excellent result, we need to hold on and improve, and there are all the conditions for this, but as soon as we left, the rate was 16%, the ruble fell in price by 80%, and that... regarding inflation and about the general situation, i want to say that today we have a nominal increase in wages for the twenty-third year of more than 14%, but in reality 7.8%, indexation payments and all corresponding sets of social... such meetings with factions of the state duma are held
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regularly before the government’s report in the upper house of parliament for the previous year, the head of the ldpr leonid slutsky also touched upon the topic of terrorist attacks in crocus city, calling it monstrous and stated that on the topic of the safety of citizens carries the proposal in the closed part of the meeting. thanked the government for listening carefully to the party’s initiatives, 41 of our legislative proposals became laws during the spring session of last year, 19 during the autumn session, the dialogue is sometimes difficult, there are differences on a number of issues, this is how it should be when the government works from the opposition party, this is completely normal, but in a dispute the truth is born, now we need to work hard for... what the ldpr proposes, mishustin said, is taken into account in decisions government, this applies to the preparation of the budget, proposals in the field of taxes, and solutions to social issues, including for svo participants. knowing that your party has always
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actively supported initiatives to protect the rights of participants in a special military operation and, of course, their loved ones and members of their families. i want to say that a lot has been done, i know that your faction continues to deal with these issues. i think this additional adjustment of government support measures is very helpful. spoke about a serious imbalance salaries of public sector employees in the regions that need to be corrected, we have now visited several dozen regions, here is one country, but it’s as if every time you find yourself in another world, in the leningrad region, i can say, without looking at the cheat sheet, our average teacher salary is about 30 one thousand rubles per month, in ulyanovsk 18,000, in novosibirsk 44, in moscow 103.


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