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tv   Vremya  1TV  March 20, 2023 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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russia china and iran resist western colonialism this is indeed a very typical speech that was made at this inter-parliamentary conference. really not about realism - that's a big problem. freed from dependence on the west, which considers africa , you considered russia as something at the bottom of the food chain, at the top of which is the united states of america - this is a big misfortune to decolonize a lot and these economic chains, which are closed. mainly western structures through their national currency. through payment systems. it is necessary to nationalize consciousness. it is necessary to nationalize the media, because basically we learn about each other from the western media, we learn, mostly lies from international organizations up to unesco , which is now also engaged in neo-colonialism, therefore, work to combat
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neo-culinalism. it is just beginning, but we will definitely win it together with the world majority, because our business and victory will be ours, gives the floor to the program time, and the big game will be back at 22:45. hello, in the program, the most notable events of this day, leadership positions of vladimir putin and xi jingfing on the role of russia and china
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in the sane world moscow regions and the validity of driving licenses talk about confronting the west and the prospects for a grain deal. went to the bottom with holes in switzerland, not only cheese credit of a century and a half the standard of reliability collapsed after a series of brief us metro neighborhoods and commuter trains again interruption due to macron pension reform bypassing the leaders of russia and china vladimir putin in the kremlin received the visit of the president of china to moscow after re-election level is the state highest according to the protocol. this speaks of the nature of the relationship between countries, and the appeal, dear
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friend, is evidence of a special personal contact. the main day of negotiations is tomorrow, but the already made statement is being closely studied in the world, a report by konstantin motorcycle escort points the way to the chinese limousine red banner 10 days after being re-elected for an unprecedented third term at the head of china xi. jinping in the kremlin and the attention of the whole world is riveted to this event at this moment, the representative office of the first corps of the kremlin is already rushing journalists in a moment to the meeting, the leaders. all is ready. it's time. until the main day of the visit is tuesday, but the kremlin attaches great importance to today's informal meeting. after all, this is precisely the opportunity for two leaders to talk one on one. on march 10 , vladimir putin was one of the first to congratulate xi jinping on his re-election. and now, the first foreign leader to do so in person, dear chairman, dear friend
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welcome to russia moscow is pleased to have the opportunity to personally congratulate you on your re-election as the head of the chinese state. this became possible due to the fact that the chinese people and their representatives appreciated your work for the previous decade in recent years. china has made, uh, a colossal leap forward in its development throughout the world. this causes genuine interest. and we even envy you a little symbolically that exactly 10 years ago. we met here, we made our first visit as chairman of the people's republic of china to russia during this time we did. we have made significant steps in the development of our relations, my dear friend. i am very pleased to once again visit russia on a state visit. you just remembered that 10 years ago.
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i also chose russia as the first foreign visit after being re-elected, since russia and china are good neighbors and to this day the memory of this trip is stored in my heart congratulations have already taken place, but it turned out that the topic of re-election has not yet been exhausted wearing denpin suddenly turned attention to vladimir putin himself to me. it is known that presidential elections will be held in your country next year. under your firm leadership, the development and prosperity of russia has reached a rapid progress, i am sure that the russian people will definitely continue to support you , it might seem that the president of the people's republic of china probably knows a little more than we do about the plans of the russian president for the elections of 24 years for clarification. i had to turn to dmitry peskov. they heard him wrong that in a year the russians. supports vladimir putin here can only be divided by land confidence. what else was the modernization talking about saving the two countries without the precedent growth of mutual trade more than doubled at the start it was 80, in my opinion, seven with
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small now. 185 billion dollars we have a lot of common tasks goals, we have set the task of modernizing the chinese model of the economy in russia, also grandiose goals for the development of the country, i am sure our cooperation and close interaction will help us achieve these goals, naturally, we also talked about the construction of a new multipolar beijing with the participation of moscow world order, but finally, ukraine a month ago. china has put forward its own nervous settlement plan. you have carefully read your proposals for settlement. uh, the acute crisis in ukraine , of course, we will have the opportunity to discuss the issue, we know that you proceed from the principles of justice and observance of the basic provisions of international law that require indivisible security for all countries. we are also aware that we are always open to the negotiation process. we will definitely discuss
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all these issues, including. and your initiative, which we certainly regard with respect, in general, our interaction in the international riga certainly contributes to the strengthening of the fundamental principles world order and multipolarity. china calls for an early cessation of hostilities and a truce against which the west is categorically opposed. it is incredible , but the united states believes that the cessation of bloodshed right now would be the defeat of kiev and moscow's victory in this regard, washington is extremely concerned about personal communication. putin’s si is reported that the baid account of the opportunity to urgently talk with the head of the prc, the terminal will not mind if with this pin from here from moscow to talk to the byte, nevertheless , uh, he heads that another state, so he talks to whom he wants. uh, with whom he wants and when you want, we treat it with respect, just like, uh, the chinese comrades treat with respect for what president putin is doing you have an understanding, there will
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still be a call. pin to zelensky immediately after the end of the negotiations of the visit, maybe even from moscow you ask this, putin's press secretary about it. yes, we have the wrong addressee. completion of the open part of today's talks, the leaders mentioned energy, but this is already the topic of talks on tuesday, but about military-technical cooperation moscow beijing publicly putin isi today did not agree quite soon. after the journalists left, dinner began. everyone was treated to far eastern seafood fish soup, pancakes and venison for pavlov's dessert and that's it. this has long been eaten up a few minutes before the start of the program, the time of vladimir putin's conversation in xi jinping was already almost four and a half hours and was still going on. well, tomorrow is a new negotiating day tuesday, the main day of the state visit, the meeting place is the same the kremlin konstantin panyushkin yuri shalmov andrei morozov pavel likholetov ekaterina ravenko sergei channel one. well, we have just received this footage. the meeting between vladimir putin and
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xi jinping has been completed for almost 4.5 hours , the leaders of russia and china have been talking, including 11 , this format in the kremlin attaches particular importance. as an opportunity to address the most important issues. i will remind you of the main program tomorrow, when members of the delegation will join the president of russia and the representative of china. interest in the visit is high such a touch, then like a liner nearly 90,000 users of flight radars were watching from china approaching moscow, the most popular aircraft at that time on the internet service, but it was only an advanced aircraft, and the one that landed number one at the airport, vnukovo, a little later, anton vernitsky watched, read and analyzed. while
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the huge chinese delegation still continued to descend from the ladder, the cameramen who had flown to moscow with xi jinping were already fighting for the best point for filming such skirmishes, familiar to all visits by the president of the prc, the number of journalists in his dozens, if not hundreds, of delegations, here is an indicative cortege of white minibuses, stretching for almost half a kilometer at the gates of the government airport, while we measured its length, the chinese security service for some reason measured the parking lot of the chinese president's plane with a tape measure and also the height of the gangway. what puzzled him to drive? well, then the ladder was also carefully summed up, and at the end everyone saw that, despite the softening in chinese-like restrictions, the pilots in the cockpit were wearing masks. i want to note that still 10 years ago for my first in overseas visit as
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chairman. in 2013, she not only chose russia, but, just like today, she flew to us on the eve of the vernal equinox. we often repeat that the chinese are very fond of symbols, so it is very symbolic that tomorrow's main talks in the kremlin with vladimir putin will take place directly on the day of the spring equinox. also, the moon is in its growth phase. and this is a direct reference to the renewal of the growth of something new, and in everything, but, seriously, most chinese leaders for all the time of our relations, our first foreign visits. after being elected as a post-chairman, they came to our country. mao zedong in 1949 tried xi jinping’s current visit to the ussr for more than three months, which was met in moscow by deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko, of course, shorter, 3 days, but important, it is not only for our countries, but for the whole world a few hours before their meeting. vladimir putin pin simultaneously published programmatic statistics in russian in the russian newspaper putin in chinese in
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main organ. chinese communist party newspaper and judging by the thoughts expressed in them, the positions of russia and china are similar, characterizing the relations between our countries. vladimir putin not only cited confucius isn't it a joy when friends come from afar, but also called the russian-chinese relations the cornerstones of global stability , the us commitment to the dual containment of russia and china a. also, everyone who does not succumb to american dictatorship is becoming more and more sharp and assertive, dismantling is underway. architecture of international security and cooperation, russia is declared a direct threat, and china is a strategic competitor , xi jinping, in turn, emphasizes that in 10 years he has already visited russia eight times and in general met with the russian president more than 40 times for this reason and considers relations between china and russia as one of its main priorities and, if we continue about the symbols that are so respected in china, it is very symbolic, but to moscow a cortege. the chairman of russia drove along the kiev highway, and he clearly
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saw a poster welcoming him. yes, it is clear that the ukrainian issue, and along the kiev highway from vnukovo airport to the capital of ukraine , a little more than 800 km , it will not be in vain that china talks about its own peace plan for resolving the situation. what did xi remind you of in his article in the rossiyskaya gazeta? we are convinced that a rational way out of the ukrainian crisis and a path to lasting peace and universal security in the world will be found if everyone is guided by the concept of a common, comprehensive, joint and sustainable security to continue dialogue and consultations in an equally prudent and pragmatic way, in turn speaking about the crisis. vladimir putin in an article in a newspaper. chebao expressed gratitude to china for its balanced position and understanding of the reasons for what is happening in ukraine we welcome china's willingness to play a constructive role. in the matter of resolving the crisis, the future of the peace process depends solely on the readiness for a serious conversation, taking into account the prevailing geopolitical realities. what else the negotiations will be about is not difficult to understand even in terms of composition
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delegation about who will participate in the meeting with the president of russia and the president of china in an expanded format became known last week so alexander novak will probably talk with his chinese counterpart about the supply of energy resources elvira nabiullina and the further rejection of the monopoly of dollars in world trade and the use his mutual settlements of the yuan and the ruble, yuri borisov , head of roskosmos, respectively, on joint space programs and cooperation in this area. what exactly will he talk about? sergei shoigu and denis manturov, who is in charge of the military-industrial complex, we may only find out tomorrow, it is clear that this visit will not consist exclusively of official negotiations on tuesday, for example, a state dinner is also planned, and the menu of which dmitry peskov told us in russian and uh, the accompaniment of this dinner from the cultural program we will report on this let's not get ahead of ourselves, we will report ice cream tomorrow, ice cream for sure. i think i'm always ready , considering, uh, he doesn't really like xi
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jinping admitted that he also has ice cream once, at a meeting with our entrepreneurs at an economic forum in vladivostok , since then, vladimir putin periodically sends his friend a gift on the box anton leninsky maxim kataev ekaterina rovenka alexander and nothing on channel one. now news from the special war zone of the operation strengthening the assault on artyomovsk pincers around the ukrainian formations in vovdeevka about this valentina solovyova, but he will begin his report with the events. in the southern sector, the area of ​​​​nuts in the canopy was repulsed by a massive attack from armored vehicles, which the enemy has been preparing for a long time , the footage of the battle is backed up by the stories of our fighters. a fragment of the battle under the curtains is the zaporizhia direction on the frames of objective control, the tanks and armored vehicles of the enemy are already retreating, the infantry is firing back at will. we're working, guys.
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i personally observed up to two tanks , presumably soviet-made t-72 , and up to ten infantry fighting vehicles of foreign origin. this is either m113 or bmp m1 for two ravings enemy equipment is overtaken by our artillery. on these shots, a direct hit on a combat vehicle against a tank, missile-guided opponent with shelters. here, accordingly, at the same time, he uses the drones of my team, moreover, so that the guys return to those broken positions again, there was no panic. the guys worked quietly, the enemy tried to take our unit into the ring, the battle went on for almost two days, under continuous artillery fire, the commander of the rotos on sundukat said the task that he set for the fighters to destroy the maximum amount of enemy equipment was burned. three armored vehicles and the fourth were also out of order of english production.
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as i understand it, they did not surrender a single millimeter of land, despite the superior enemy forces. it was the biggest attempt ever. a breakthrough in the width of the defense in the orekhovskaya sector in recent months. this is important to them. and if they follow this road, they will have direct access to the crimea. and we cannot retreat . there were a lot of people who went with me voluntarily, they came straight with papers with reports. it's not 2 days. they prepared for a very long time, but did not expect such a strong selection all our boys are proud that we did it among the fighters who repulsed the attack, those who joined the ranks of the army, the fireman who last autumn is usually a fireman, and in civilian life i am the chief. -cook family man with a child with his wife, i want to pass e to my son. so that he does not offend his mother, he obeys his mother, and i will come, and we will go rollerblading with him
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and my father. thank you very much. the situation is still tense and the enemy continues to try to break through all day. today news came from the donetsk direction . donetsk and obai near avdiivka, from which the enemy shells donetsk fighters every day. in these frames, fire is being fired from a captured 2b-11 mortar of an abandoned enemy , along with uniforms, today the area was working in the area; places on the key route for supplying the enemy formation. now the road looks like the rest of the way for
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nationalists have already been cut off valentina solovyova natalya marshal kristina did not know channel one. the lugansk republic created its own paralympic sitting volleyball team, with the support of the popular front. she included veterans of the special operation, after severe injuries and rehabilitation in the reset camp , titled athletes help people with this strong spirit to try themselves in sports. oleg shishkin was in training. they served in different units at different times, and in different sectors of the front, but at some point their life took a sharp turn, severe, wound, treatment rehabilitation sapper, kovalev was blown up by an enemy mine almost a year ago, underwent several complex operations, but does not think to lose heart last year from prosthetics, he realized that life does not end there. we need to move on to develop, after all, life is one and it is beautiful for the first workout. in one of the sports complexes. 12 tyrants of a special military operation gathered in lugansk, but life goes on for a wife, a young child of 9
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years old, and a son needs to be brought up. guys. have already been rehabilitated at the reboot camp, which organized the all-russian people's front in the tula region on the eve of the members of our national volleyball team. sitting we came to lugansk to help local veterans create their own paralympic team, our athletes did not practice experience and skills, they repeatedly became european champions and at the paralympics in tokyo 2 years ago they won silver now members of the russian paralympic volleyball team city are showing the guys from lugansk basic exercises for warm-up with which any training should begin training of luhansk paralympic athletes was visited by first deputy head of the presidential administration sergei kiriyenko and acting head of the luhansk republic leonid pasechnik talked to veterans and promised help and support when there is someone to learn from, there is something to strive for. this is cool. today they set
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an example for young people. you know this is no less important. and maybe even more important, so thank you very much. it is very important for us that we participate now in the upbringing the younger generation such things. they are just more examples than anyone else. yes, therefore, a big request that they take part in this and for what you show today, the exemplary nature of the will. yes , because of this , irina kutsenkova, head of the people's front project, the escort service for veterans and her first channel, bows low. what does it mean to recover from a serious injury, she experienced on herself was wounded during the liberation of mariupol. in addition , ira is a master of sports in artistic gymnastics sport is what gives energy to the life of a physio. russian, it greatly improves not only the physical condition, but also the moral for the guys. this is very important and we need this unity.
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this team is an involvement in paralympic sports. and for them it is incredibly important that the platform is smaller, the net is lower during touching, the ball cannot be lifted off the floor, otherwise the pass is passed, the serve is everything, as in classic volleyball. at the end of april , the lugansk team is expected to take part in the russian cup, and in september, at the national championship, an important participation is important that it will see this spirit, because it takes place at the russian championship, that is, these emotions scream, girls. guys, they get sick, damn it, guys. for all the girls . everything is cooked here, it's interesting. enough. i mean, it's kind of like life. that's the sports life. i think that the guys we need are veterans, we agreed to meet for training twice a week with sports equipment helped by the hydraulic device concern. after the first lesson, everyone is surviving like a lemon, but their eyes are burning as if they have returned to the youthful class in general. very good, so far, far from everything is still ahead, long and intense training, but before difficulties, these guys give in. and their
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shishkin vladimir grinevich. vyacheslav manikhina nikitina svetlana trofimova channel one lugansk people's republic. in today's schedule, vladimir putin devoted a lot of time to the agenda of the internal colleague of the ministry of internal affairs. along with successes in carefree security and countering attempts to rock society from the inside, they talked about improving the work of issuing documents in new regions. these are passports throughout the country, everything related to migration registration, as for business, the principle of grabbing and not letting go should not work and the question of everything in order. at the meeting, there were more than half a thousand participants from different parts of the country, but not everyone was able to leave their work post in the special operation zone for employees of the ministry of internal affairs with special tasks. there, under our power wing , local units are being formed, it is important to promptly recruit the lpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions, territorial structures in the dpr. the ministry of internal affairs must also involve local cadres of people who
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have put on proved their decency reliability and professionalism. good also completely to provide new subdivisions with modern special equipment, information systems and means of communication. he emphasized that every citizen living in these regions should feel protected by the law, be sure of the timely assistance of employees of the ministry of internal affairs, and help is needed in many matters, for example, in obtaining russian passports during a recent visit to the president of mariupol, local residents complained about terrible queues, order and quickly make people want to be citizens of our country. going to get passports, first, uh, that's it lasts a very long time for months and in the queues you have to put there a lot of time. eh, who's doing this? they are people who even take a responsible approach to solving this problem. if they don’t know how, they don’t want to teach, they need to be promoted somewhere to transfer, properly, the head of the ministry of internal
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affairs said that after the referendum on joining russia , more than eight hundred thousand residents, liberated territories and more and more people applied for a new passport. now they receive about 17,000 daily. we introduce additional reserves and this work will be we will continue to do everything in our power to ensure the passportization of residents of the new constituent entities of the russian federation as soon as possible. more effective solutions are also required for the problem of migration. let's try to submit comprehensive proposals before july 1. in this area, the government of the security council of the state council of the ministry of internal affairs and other departments. first of all, quickly debug all administrative procedures related to migration. to translate them into numbers as much as possible , to make them understandable, clear and accessible , i mean, obtaining citizenship. visa application residence permit work permit and other documents. greater transparency of administrative procedures will certainly make it possible
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to ensure more effective control over the migration situation in the country, which is of fundamental importance for national security. another issue for us is the security of the economy. the ministry of internal affairs must strictly suppress crimes with state defense over projects of social programs and at the same time reduce pressure on business that yesterday you could still buy today you have to produce it yourself there are disadvantages, but huge pros for the savings are just huge forced. now our businesses. e. it means that those who organize production to engage in the placement of orders within the country, in no case should they work on the principle of grabbing and not letting go. it is necessary to radically change approaches to work in the economy in business, it is necessary to help people avoid wrong steps and offenses as soon as possible. and if some violations were committed, uh, you need to help people get
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out of this situation. well, i mean, of course, first of all conscientious participants in economic activity, a de criminalization of economic crimes. the president spoke in a message to the federal assembly and on a colleague. the ministry of internal affairs will highlight the accused or suspects in this area. there is no need to send to a pre-trial detention center, you can limit yourself to a subscription, rather than leaving or house arrest , it is good to control the validity of initiating criminal cases against entrepreneurs , it is often already clear from the outset that the case has no judicial prospects. then you don't need to run it. we simply destabilize the work of entire labor collectives of enterprises are absolutely not released. i draw your attention to the need to ensure that the investigation does not disrupt the work of the enterprise and does not become the cause of the collapse of labor collectives. the head of the ministry of internal affairs summed up the results of work from the fight against drug trafficking to simplifying the procedure for obtaining a driver's license, which expires in 2022 or 23,
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such documents will automatically be extended for 3 years in the past year. detection increased only the military-industrial complex revealed more than 440 crimes were returned to the budget property for 4 billion rubles. with the participation of rosfinmonitoring, 11 financial pyramids have been liquidated, and over the past 5 years , 50 attacks on a school have been crossed at the preparation stage, including with the help of monitoring on the internet. this coordinates the special forces in the zone, whose responsibility is the fight against telephone scammers, leaks of personal data, discrediting our armed forces , russian users of the global network. constantly subjected to massive stuffing of a provocative nature in cooperation with roskomnadzor, the spread of about 160,000 false and other prohibited information for obvious reasons, they are primarily focused on young people, the most numerous and active audience for the prevention of youth crime. putin instructed the government and the presidential administration to develop a comprehensive program,
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and called on interior ministry officials to promptly stop any attempts. it is always important to shake up society, preserving our unity, but in modern conditions. this is a task and it is solved, you know, first of all, than by raising the level of your professionalism, in no way in the case of working with people, one should not allow an air of unprofessionalism , some kind of injustice, this is the first part, and the second , of course, it is necessary to firmly suppress any attempts by the enemy and their agents on the territory of our country to rock our society. this is clear from the nature of the actions. this is clear from operational sources. we read these documents, where they set such wonderful goals to shake society from within, and in this sense, the ministry of the interior faces, of course, very serious tasks. but you need to start, of course, not yourself, but
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the results of this work already in 2024 and you just dmitry bedrev nikolay volkov anna zaklyana and sergey romanov channel one. the integration of new regions of the russian educational and scientific space should take place without fights. today, mikhail mishustin spoke about this with the head of the growth collected according to muzaev. although the ukrainian officials, leaving, destroyed the databases of all graduates of different levels, who wanted to receive russian-style diplomas is another topic. how to save teachers from a huge amount of reporting papers? we have to improve all conditions for teachers, it is necessary to reduce bureaucratic administrative burdens, the president spoke about this at a meeting with the participation of the teacher of the year competition, the burden associated with reporting is very difficult, many teachers complain, perhaps this will be all. it is clear when the same officials, together with teachers, will be able to look at these reports, because the time that the teacher
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spends on filling out one or another report. this applies to the same university teachers, it is much more than what would probably be spend effectively for raising children and learning. please tell me how, by the way, the situation is with five subjects of the russian federation. we have created such a pilot project, where we tracked each school. what kind of mail and where does it come from and what requests? from what organizations do we go to each school? hmm, after that we came up with a proposal. amend federal law 273 for the first time we have an amendment in the law, which says that the regulator in this case of the ministry of education, uh, stipulates that list documents to be filled out by the teacher first appeared limiter limiter law. yes, and the teacher's right to refer, so this order, but an analysis of the situation suggests that well, not everyone got it. this is us, and
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now this year we are continuing this work on this issue of the government under special control. let's a month after the analysis of this situation, i personally report well. deliver bread to needy african countries if the grain deal is not extended, vladimir putin said at the international parliamentary conference russia africa is a lot of polar world according to him, the state of the continent. more and more confidently declares itself and russia is ready to further build a strategic partnership with them olga knyazeva will continue more than half a million african specialists have been trained at our universities over the past 50 years, among them officials and heads of state, for example, the president of angola, but africans are still trying to impose stereotypes and fakes about our country, because if a person who has not been here in russia knows nothing about russia due to the fact that hmm the media uh, hmm seven
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controls europe and america controls the media, there is constant political and economic pressure african countries with the richest resources receive only 8-10% of the profit from their sale. the rest is taken by multinational companies. how to help the continent to gain its sovereignty, and in this , among other things, they spoke at the parliamentary conference, russia africa before the second themselves. this is russia africa for another 4 months, today's conference of parliamentarians is only part of the preparation for it, but the appearance at this president's meeting suggests that any stage of communication between the two countries today is the maximum participation of the conference. dear friends let me sincerely welcome you all in moscow, no doubt that the first russian-african summit, held in october 2019 in sochi , was very productive and allowed us to noticeably revive our ties with the states of africa
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, intensify business interaction, exchanges in both cultural and humanitarian spheres at the conference more than 40 states participate. putin stressed that it was precisely legislators, on whom, among other things, they will depend on relations with russia but in the united states , at the level of the same laws, they are openly trying to interfere with our dialogue; a bill has been created to collectively punish africans for any cooperation with russia, another evidence. no, colonialism. russia and the countries of africa uphold the norms of morality traditional for our peoples and social foundations oppose the colonial ideology imposed from the outside. by the way, many states of asia, the middle east and latin america adhere to similar positions. all together we make up the world's majority has already said more than once that our country is determined to continue to build with african friends. in the full sense of the word
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, a strategic partnership is a partnership built on mutually beneficial and equal terms. large state-owned enterprises of our country are actively working on the territory of africa , according to such principles, a nuclear power plant in egypt , the introduction of high technologies, vangoliya, while the west does not provide africa with the most basic needs, they distort the meaning grain deal, posing a threat to food security. he emphasized that only if we take into account our position , a fair and comprehensive implementation of the black sea grain deal will be ensured, and depending on this, we will decide on our further participation from the first eighth 22 to the twentieth e. september of this year, 827 ships left ukraine with ukraine, of which only three million tons of grain were sent to africa and one and three tens of millions to the poorest african countries. as i said, almost 45% went to well-fed european
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country, despite the fact that the whole deal was served. uh, under the sauce that it is necessary to ensure the interest of the african parties, if we nevertheless decide not to extend this deal and the deal after 60 days, then we are ready to beat back the message that was sent in the previous time to a particularly needy country in africa to deliver from russia to these countries for free. build a clear partnership and fight for a multipolar world. the general task was declared by the chairman of the national people's assembly of guineal rus, and he looked for grande. russia is a powerful country, the russians are great. the people of russia are led by the great president and statesman. today, our countries are under pressure from numerous sanctions, while russia generally holds the record. in this regard, not a single state. so many obstacles have not been put up by washington to teach us how to build relationships, make friends and make plans
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for the future. african countries know from their own experience how not just to defend their identity. traditions and values ​​that unite us in the future maybe only among the peoples of sovereign states the parliamentary conference will be a common initiative of the legislators of russia and africa, the most important of them today was voiced by valentina matvienko today in full voice it is necessary to raise the issue of compensation for damage, and financial payments to all the peoples of africa who suffered from the colonial period from european oppressors from the consequences of colonialism in the coming years with africa one way or another will have to be considered by everyone today. most of the young population of the planet lives there in 20 years. the continent will become one of the leaders in the global labor market. and of course,
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africa is speaking out louder and louder on political platforms during numerous anti-russian votes. un many countries continents, demonstrative abstained voted against or did not participate at all in voting evidence. knyazeva pavel volkonsky dmitry belov akimova ilya zhuravlev channel one diplomatic raiding called the actions of the west in the south caucasus, russian foreign minister sergey lavrov , an expression characterizing economic seizures. he applied to attempts to subjugate the tripartite agreements on nagorno-karabakh between our country azerbaijan and armenia, the minister received his colleague from yerevan just today in moscow. we see undisguised attempts by western countries to quarrel russia and armenia. let's call a spade a spade, undermine the regional security architecture, while thinking, of course. and while taking care of this, uh, not at all about the interests located here strangely about their geopolitical selfish interests. i am sure that such attempts are doomed to
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failure, we discussed in detail ways to resolve the situation around the lanchin corridor and in general in karabakh confirmed the importance of the speedy resumption of the negotiation process in all areas of trilateral agreements between russia , azerbaijan and armenia, armenians. russian allied relations are at a high level, intensive political dialogue continues here in satisfaction. matveyte flattering external political interaction in this our countries are ready to continue to make efforts to increase. mutually beneficial cooperation turmoil in the swiss banking system no longer its visiting card, like cheese or chocolate, a series of american crashes has risen after a century and a half of impeccable service, the swiss loan to the uis, the second largest bank in the country, collapsed. why what next? and how would grigory
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yemelyanov understand the effect on the finances of all of europe? the western press calls it a neutral purchase sometimes a salvation and tries not to call it a downfall. although it is obvious that there was one step left before him and no salvation. it was not, in fact, the dying was offered euthanasia of 3 billion, for which swiss bank number one bought out swiss bank number two. only at first glance they seem like a large amount, in fact , the assets of the loan amounted to hundreds of billions, comparable to the gdp of a non-poor european country, say belgium or sweden, 3 billion. against this background, it does not look very good. in fact. this is a modest amount. she. well, it seems big , in fact we understand that this is such a decorative purchase, which in fact is a form of consolidation of large banks in switzerland in order to reduce problems in this banking sector. this is an indirect recognition of bankruptcy. we understand that if this takeover does not take place and there is no cash infusion, then the bank will simply go bankrupt, besides ubs. not only did he buy out the crisis, he bought it out under the state guarantee of possible losses. that is, when it comes to
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the collapse of such. whole giants about all these things like hand-market and free business forget the regulators come into play to reduce any risks for ubs, the government provides a guarantee of ubies in the amount of 9 billion swiss francs to cover potential losses associated with certain assets that ubs is acquiring as part of the transaction the federal council agreed on additional measures to ensure business continuity to radisuis. credit. whose more than one and a half century history has come to an end , representatives of the government explain. this is not a bank bailout. this is a commercial solution kill with buys credit bankruptcy crisis. it would cause enormous damage to the swiss financial market and other banks. i spoke with my american and british colleagues, they welcome our decisions, because they themselves were afraid of bankruptcy, the authorities
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blame the market volatility for the problems. and the outflow of liquidity in the management of the bank speak of a crisis trust as you know, the swiss banking system was attractive largely due to the neutral status of the country it was kept as a national treasure even during the second world war and could not keep in the ukrainian conflict, the same one froze about a third of all russian assets in switzerland. this is where the crisis of confidence and the outflow of liquidity come from. chinese business, they sensed big problems and are trying to withdraw money from switzerland. this is so, well, along with this. uh, there is still the problem of a colossal reputational loss, swiss banks, no longer unreliable times and unreliable political switzerland is no longer neutral, it is participating in the sanctions war and is participating in the sanctions war. it is no longer a safe haven for anyone. apparently, in the future we will see a weakening of the swiss franc, that is, switzerland will begin to move intensively. uh, in the direction of its former historical
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position in europe in a small, poor, cheap country, america, which spoiled the image of the pacific harbor, added to the europeans the purely economic problems of the atm. after all , silicone came to the old world from across the ocean 10 days ago at the beginning of a chain reaction and announced the collapse of one of the largest us banks. you are the one the bank itself. whose top manager, boriska, was so carried away by the propaganda of the lgbt agenda that she failed to cope with her immediate duties and missed the risks, the new york signatory was closed, the bank was closed. specializing in the silvergate cryptocurrency and now the us authorities are facing an interesting choice, inflation requires tightening financial policy while the storm in the banking sector requires financial policy to be relaxed, what's next with the global financial system, because the collapse of banks and the need. e basics this hole, this endless road is filled with money. yes, it will solve uh, partly the banking crisis of the united states itself
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is possible in the european union. but it will start. uh , the most terrible flywheel of inflation, if you have a constant imbalance, if you are used to flooding all problems with cheap money, then , as one of the major investors said to reidal. this is a supernova that will explode someday, and the united states is likely to get out. they are known for their skills. if you do not solve it, move the problems. but there is a great chance to move it, as once in europe, this is exactly how the united states has been doing lately what the european economies are already undermined. the energy crisis , inflation and social tensions and a new blow they may simply not withstand the sheriff , as they say, do not care grigory emelyanov ilya seraddinova. julia foreign stanislavlentin channel one france new protests against macron's pension reform in paris today due to trade union actions were closed, 11 metro stations are major interchange hubs, near the residence of the head of state edition of the parliament, which, by the way, half an hour ago, with a margin of only 9
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votes rejected. here it is the government's distrust of elizabeth board. she announced last week that the scandalous bill, which would raise the retirement age to 64 and abolish a number of benefits, would be passed bypassing the parliamentary procedure. this intensified street skirmishes with the police, which took place all the last days. the sad news was that the hero of the soviet union , colonel-general vasily reshetnikov, did not become the last of the pilots who bombed berlin, he was 10 years old. reshetnikov fought in as part of a regiment specially formed for strikes in the enemy’s deep rear, after the war, he set an unofficial world record for the flight range on a tu-95 strategic bomber will be held at the helm , for almost a day 20 hours, if at exactly 70 he commanded long-range aviation, he was deputy commander -in-chief of the air force from the business center of the capital davkovo in 40 minutes and without transfers already.


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