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tv   Novosti  1TV  March 20, 2023 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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spices in nato yes, finland is gradually becoming a member of nato. the united states this is still being arranged for e. they will try to conditionally say, now on may 14, to overthrow erdogan, or they will , e, tolerantly look at the possibility of re-electing him, we are three numbers of tolerance in the united states of america - these are terms that are incompatible today, if we look at those publications who go through turkey in the united states of america is extremely. uh, tough and evil publications like this publication uh, where they compare erdogan with a despot with a king with e possible, but those disputable ones that are unfolding within american society, that is, by and large. they are now preparing the audience that a very clear parallel is being drawn between the current president of turkey and the president ace. when i see you, when such a parallel passes, it is done not just like that, but in order to work with the population of turkey unconditionally. well, now, returning from china , of course. cdp emphasizes the need
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to consider the interests of the concerns of others nato countries once again shows what to do in relation to russia they are not going to in relation. china is also not going to do it. look at the outs. now we are handing over the floor to the news and will return to the big studio opening 16 and that's it. hello on channel one news release at maxim sherafutdinov's studio china is ready, together with russia, to stand guard over international law and promote multipolarity in the world - this is the first statement by chinese president sidepin after arriving in moscow for a state visit the chinese leader , who is closely watched by the whole world, began about 2 hours ago, his plane landed at the airport, vnukovo how did you meet the distinguished guest and what is the program for the next 3 days details in anton vernitsky's report? i want to note that xi jinping and 10 years ago for his
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first foreign visit. in 2013, he not only chose russia as the president of the people's republic of china, but, just like today, he flew to us on the eve of the vernal equinox. we often repeat that the chinese are very fond of symbols, so it is very symbolic that tomorrow's main talks in the kremlin with vladimir putin will take place directly on the day of the vernal equinox. also, the moon is in its growth phase. and this is a direct reference to the renewal of the growth of something new, and in everything. but, seriously, most of the chinese leaders for all the time of our relations, their first and foreign visits. after being elected as a post-chairman, they came to our country. mao zedong in the forty-ninth year, he generally tried in the ussr for more than three months, the current visit of xi jinping, of course, is shorter, 3 days, but the richness of the meetings and the importance of the message of this whole world is clearly not inferior, the solemn ceremony of welcoming the grandson at the airport, the guard of honor and the performance of state hymns.
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in general, the key factor of xi jinping’s visit to moscow, the current difficult times, is not even a hint, but a clear indication of china that it is not going to change its political vector russia is a strategic partner, as it has been all the time. that is why the whole world is following the visit so closely, and especially the united states with its satellites, for which vladimir putin and the dolphin even gave an explanation a few hours before their meeting, publishing program articles in russian in the russian newspaper similar, characterizing the relations between our countries, the russian president not only quotes confucius , is it not a joy when friends come from afar, but also calls russian chinese relations to the edge a coal stone of global stability. we see that the external geopolitical landscape is undergoing drastic changes, the collective west is desperately clinging to archaic dogmas for its sliding domi demands, putting on the horse the fate of entire
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states and peoples, the us conduction of a course towards the double containment of russia and china. also , everyone who does not succumb to american dictatorship is becoming increasingly sharp and assertive , the architecture of international security and cooperation is being dismantled . russia is declared a direct threat, and china is a strategic competitor in its xi jinping's turn emphasizes what is 10 years? he has already visited russia eight times and met with the russian president more than 40 times and writes that he considers relations between china and russia as one of his main priorities for the upcoming visit to russia is aimed at strengthening friendship, cooperation and peace, the parties are forming an architecture of comprehensive and multi-vector cooperation. the international community is well aware that no country in the world is superior. all the rest there is no universal model state administration and there is no world order where the decisive word belongs to an individual country - solidarity and peace on the planet without splits and upheavals.
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they meet the common interests of all mankind. if we continue about the symbols that are so respected in china, it is very symbolic, but the cortege of chairman xi drove into moscow along the kiev highway, and he clearly saw posters welcoming him, it is clear that the ukrainian question, but along the kiev highway from vnukovo airport where i flew to the chinese delegation to the capital ukraine is a little more than 800 km. it will not be in vain that china talks about its own peace plan to resolve the situation. what is indicated in the article in the rossiyskaya gazeta at the beginning of last year, there is a total aggravation of the ukrainian crisis. on the basis of the essence of what is happening, china has always taken an objective and impartial stance and has made active efforts to promote reconciliation and peace negotiations. we are convinced that a rational way out of the ukrainian crisis and the path to lasting peace and universal there will be security in the world if everyone is guided by the concept of a common , comprehensive, joint and sustainable security, continue dialogue and consultations.
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speaking prudently and pragmatically about the crisis in ukraine, vladimir putin, in an article in the jebao newspaper, expresses gratitude to china for its balanced position and understanding of the reasons for the prehistory that is happening, welcoming china's willingness to play a constructive role in resolving the crisis, like chinese friends. we stand for unwavering observance of the un charter respect for the norms of international law, including humanitarian law, is committed to the principle of indivisibility of security, which are grossly violated by the bloc. nato is deeply concerned about irresponsible and downright dangerous actions that could undermine global nuclear security by unacceptably illegitimate unilateral sanctions that must be lifted. russia is open to a policy of diplomatic settlement of the ukrainian crisis, however, back in april 2022. the peace talks were terminated. not at all us, the future of the peace process depends solely on the readiness for a serious conversation, taking into account the prevailing geopolitical realities. it is not difficult to understand what else the talks will be about, but even in terms of the composition of the delegations, but about who will be teaching.
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meetings of the president of russia with the chairman of the people's republic of china in an expanded format became known last week so alexander novak will most likely talk with his chinese counterpart about energy supplies elvira nabiullina about further abandoning the dollar monopoly in world trade and using it in yuan and ruble mutual settlements yuri borisov , head of roskosmos, respectively, on joint space programs and cooperation in this area. what exactly will sergei shoigu denis manturov, who is in charge of the military-industrial complex, talk about, we may know only tomorrow. after vladimir putin xi jinping makes a joint statement, it is planned after the end of all negotiations anton vernitsky maxim karatov his shelekhov channel one. the detection of crimes in russia has increased, but the fight on the right with violations should be tougher and more decisive about this vladimir putin said today at an expanded meeting of colleagues. the president of the ministry of internal affairs positively assessed the work of the police over the past year, attempts by radicals to destabilize the situation in the country were consistently suppressed , work was actively carried out to ensure
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road safety, special attention was paid to new regions , employees of the ministry of internal affairs acted courageously and boldly during a special military operation. including helped to evacuate civilians and combat zones in the dpr and lpr. zaporozhye. kherson region. today, it is important to consistently move on even more resolutely and firmly to counteract crime unconditionally. this requires employees of the internal affairs bodies to be constantly prepared, able to quickly and clearly navigate in emergency situations. what are the priorities for the upcoming work , dear comrades, would you like to draw your attention to? first of all, it is important to promptly recruit the lpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions in the dpr, the territorial structures of the ministry of internal affairs, as a recent colleague of the prosecutor's office said, it is imperative it is also necessary to involve local cadres of people who have proven their decency in practice reliability and professionalism.
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i also ask you to fully provide new divisions with modern special equipment, information systems and means of communication, stressed that every citizen living in these regions should feel protected by laws and be confident in the timely assistance of employees. i ask the ministry of internal affairs to organize this work so that the issues that concern people are resolved as soon as possible. also, vladimir putin needed to include delays with issuance of russian passports in new regions of the problem should be promptly resolved the number of cybercrime. last year, more than half a million, it is important to effectively deal with them at the same time to increase the digital literacy of the population, the president emphasized that under the conditions of sanctions , ensuring economic security is of fundamental importance. the head of state also called for the fight against corruption to prevent the provocation of illegal actions and any attempts to split the society, a certain preservation of the unity of our always important, well in today's environment.
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this is a task, and it is solved, you know, first of all, than by raising the level of your professionalism, in no case, when working with people, you should not allow an air of unprofessionalism, some kind of injustice , this is the most important thing you need to start with. this is the first part, and the second , of course, it is absolutely necessary to firmly suppress any attempts by the enemy and their agents on the territory of our country to shake our society. this activity is one of the key areas of work against russia with sides of the opponents. this is an obvious thing. this is clear from the nature of the actions. this is clear from operational sources. we read these documents, where they stand in front of them like that. why shake society from within, and in this sense, the ministry of the interior faces, of course, very serious tasks. but
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you need to start, of course, not yourself. interior minister volodymyr kolokoltsev also spoke about the results of the department’s work. over the past year , almost 30.5 thousand members of criminal communities were identified in new regions. a hundred bandits from ukrainian national formations were detained. control on the southern borders of russia to combat drug smuggling, fighters, the national guard , police officers discovered a large arms depot in the kherson region of more than 130 tank shells, and also accompanying documentation in ukrainian. as noted. at the very beginning of the special operation , during the retreat, the nationalists equipped a hiding place in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone of the settlements not far from the military unit, which was carefully camouflaged caches, as reported, they managed to detect during aerial reconnaissance. secondary and higher education standards and measures against excessive paperwork, these topics were discussed today by mikhail mishustin and the head of the rosoboron supervision, anzor muzaev. and the problem of licensing and long-term construction in some
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areas has been waiting for the opening of a new school or kindergarten for years, and what to do about it? there are answers. anna kurbatova will tell big changes since the discussion of this topic. the prime minister's meeting began today. mikhail mishustin and the head of the rosobrnadzor. anzora muzaev. in the near future , a new education system should appear in the country with an emphasis on the standards of the soviet system, who brought up the most reading nation in the world and taking into account the experience of ballooning, which they have studied for the past 20 years. in his address to the federal assembly, the president spoke about the changes that await the training of specialists at the higher school, stressing that it is necessary to change a large number of regulatory documents. tell us how you build work directly on the instructions that were knocked in the president's message. indeed, this is our top priority for the near term. uh, there's a lot to do we are hmm operators of two registries, licenses and state
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accreditation in these registries will come from universities e, new programs. the transition to new programs should be smooth and dismantling will control this in the first place, and the president spoke about this, it is important that we do not create problems for students. teachers of a higher educational institution is another topic that was raised today by mikhail mishustin education in our four new regions is very much pro sex to do in the preparation and regulations of acts and legislative changes issues related to the licensing of state accreditation by the recognition of the issuance, respectively, of the diploma of certificates, as things are today, it was last summer, when well, overnight mmm, now the citizens of the russian federation were actually thrown to the mercy of the ukrainian regime, all databases were destroyed, journals for all students. it doesn't matter where they
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went to college. eh, technical school or schools, despite this last year in the donbass of the kherson zaporizhia region, more than 3.5 thousand residents were able to obtain documents on in russian-style education, employees of the regional sobran- dzor solve all problems that arise, including obtaining a license and accreditation of educational institutions. while temporarily them. and that's why this will allow them to gradually enter our educational space even after the age of 26. they will already receive these documents on an indefinite basis, a problem that already concerns all regions of the country , the issues of licensing educational activities, often due to the length of procedures. licensing is now in operation schools in kindergartens have been dragging on complaining about this over the past 2 years knows the situation. seriously changed became faster and more comfortable. how are things in this area,
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really. we removed a huge layer of this unnecessary bureaucracy in obtaining permits, and the same applies to licensing and accreditation. now it takes about five days from commissioning to the start of classes. here , for example, is how they rated it in kostroma, where a new kindergarten near the house opened this month. very convenient, very far away ride the bus to climb over from another kindergarten. from the old 5 minutes here, and earlier on the bus with transfers, 2023 in our country has been declared the year of the teacher, and the mentor, and mikhail mishustin emphasizes the bureaucratic burden on our teachers. mentors need to be reduced, an examination of this story needs to be done. i am sure of helping you. in order for the teacher community to speak out on this , don't forget about the institute's university teachers of the highest class. they talk about that incomprehensible reporting for them, who is doing.


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