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tv   Slovo pastirya  1TV  March 18, 2023 9:45am-10:01am MSK

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we need theoreticians alone already our guests she came out banshchikova polina borisov vladislav roman kuznetsov platon on urzhanova, okay, i congratulate you. i really hope that you will visit us soon.
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our lord jesus christ, the son of blessed, is forever. i advise his flesh to be renewed and to us the first-born church in heaven, unsubscribed entrance and keep residence, celebrating and the eye of rejoicing, the philanthropic water itself and capricious unworthy servants of your renewal, celebrating
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an honest temple. presentation of our lord jesus christ, with the brighter mistress of our theotokos and fresh virgin mary, in honor of the icon and the nucleus and streams in the image of your most holy church, syria, our very body and your temple would live, your psychic apostle paul would call your christ from the likeness.
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your eminence and eminence dear fathers, brothers and sisters, i consecrated this majestic temple with a special feeling. built temples in moscow were not built once, when the orthodox faith. connected with the life of the majority of russian people when the absolute majority baptized in temples? they graduated from schools , including those in which the law of god was taught, then they married christians,
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baptized their children, and spent their whole lives at the church in the church. then a period came when this spiritual connection with our ancestors was broken , and those who broke this connection thought that it was forever. because this connection was torn and not just by force. although by force too, but by convictions that actually turned out to be delusions in the fact that in the twentieth enlightened century, science, culture and technology, but it is impossible to believe in god and after all this nonsense, i'm sorry, i don't want to offend anyone, but this is nonsense. this is a painful delusion. it struck the minds of a huge number of people.
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and it seemed that the orthodox faith had never been, at least on the territory of russia of the former soviet union, a country that carried out all its activities under the influence of that philosophical teaching, which was atheistic and, of course, no one believed that there would be some kind of revival of the faith, but also all the more so, in a terrible dream , it was impossible for the then head of state and city of moscow to imagine that you and i were in in the 21st century we will illuminate new churches in moscow but now let's think about it. why did all this happen? it happened because we were all so strong so deeply, believing our parents, our grandfathers, grandmothers, and then we, by the power of our faith, all this was revived, he says, it’s not at all like the strength of the faith
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- it was practically none. there , somewhere, church life was glimmering in a small number of parishes in all of moscow 40 in all of leningrad 15. they are regional cities. one two three. what is the power where is the power from? and that's when look at this beauty. having built a new temple in such an important place for the inhabitants of moscow , you understand that all this was done by the power of god, and where god is there, no human power can do anything against divine power. why do we pray to the lord to help us in various life circumstances, because we believe that if god's power is with us, then we will do what seems completely impossible and difficult to do. and that's how it often happens.
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therefore, each today a new illuminated temple in moscow - this is a bright strong witness, firstly, of the faith of our people. and secondly, the miracle of god. here is this temple and how it looks like a miracle with its magnificence, its whiteness , its beauty, but the most important thing is that the praying community that i now see before my eyes, men and women, young and old middle-aged people, our people are gathered in this temple. they are the ones about which you can say what to take from them. these are relics of the past. do not survive at all. and this is what happened to our people with the city of moscow and what is so symbolically represented in this in a newly built church, of course, all of us should once again be strengthened by the faith and in the hope
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of god. but we need this hope so much , because at one time, on a nationwide scale, believers almost lost hope. but doesn’t it happen now that on the scale of family life, personal life, hope is suddenly lost. it seems that everything is so bad with a husband, only with a wife with children, with neighbors and colleagues. something at work is not so sometimes such darkness envelops the soul. and such a heavy inner feeling of some kind of abandonment and inability to cope with difficult life circumstances. here, in order to quickly pass, this is a dangerous state of health for a person. you have to visit these temples. how to look at all this and say. so after all, this is a miracle of god. and if this miracle of god was carried out in response to
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believing people from his place, why can't god's miracle happen in my personal life, because god loves all of us. therefore, temples such as this should first of all strengthen our faith. our religious feelings our prayer to the lord is really new churches in moscow are witnesses of god's mercy over the russian land and over the city of moscow. and now it is very important that these churches become a place for the spiritual education of children of young people of different ages. so that not only divine services are actively carried out here, but all those parish services that both the patriarch and the bishops' councils of our church insist on, the time has passed when it was associated with the church, only participation in divine services, of course, this is the most important thing, but other services
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must certainly be other activity be present at modern parish, especially in moscow , which is an example for the entire russian church. and this is, first of all, of course, work with young people of accomplishment. good deeds is what we call social work. these are, of course, educational projects that would help people of today to accept the orthodox faith with their mind and heart. this, of course, also includes relationships with the outside world with various public organizations, with which, together or through which we can also carry out our service and give very important signals. society. what is the main signal? what is god the creator of history? he leads people through life.
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and therefore breaking the connection with god means nothing to god, except, of course, it probably breaks, as if the love of god he loves us all, but this does not change god, does not beg his strength. renunciation of god and prayer implores and sometimes destroys our own strength. so, in order to prevent this from happening, we are building new churches. i heartily thank all of you, my dears, who served this cause, because the erected temple, like me i have already said, a witness of the faith and piety of our people, and god grant that this faith and piety be strengthened among the parishioners of this temple, that people grow in their spiritual life, so that everyone understands from their own experience how important it is that this
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temple of god was built in zhulebino and how important and wonderful that i am his regular parishioner. this is how we live together with god by communicating with each other through visiting god's temple. we will undoubtedly grow spiritually and win. all those vices of weakness are frequent sins, which sometimes take possession of the consciousness of the human heart. and god grant that the victory over all this imperfection and sinful beginning will further strengthen our connection with god , relying on which only we can peacefully calmly and savingly pass, because the path of life, which the lord himself showed us all of you cordially. i greet you on this wonderful holiday and on this historical day, and i call god's blessing to the clergy and
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pious laity. parishioners from his holy temple amen to offer for the entire holy temple the image of the mozdok icon of the mother of god of iberian is a prototype, and a copy of iberian, one of them is mozdok, it is from the north caucasus , and the north caucasus is the place where people today especially pray to god in general. the caucasus , because often staying in those places is associated with military operations and we know how fervently they pray and orthodox warriors , including before this holy image. let him be, as a blessing of the patriarch, in this holy temple. to build a temple is a very big and important work, which is of
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great spiritual significance. but we know that in some places majestic temples. and those who traveled in western europe well. this is known by the huge majestic once, filled with people, stand empty even on the greatest holidays. here, god forbid that in russia those churches that we today with joy with love and happiness move, so that someday they turn out to be empty. and for this, everyone must work together, both the clergy and parish activists, and especially our community of teachers, the school. our everything should work in order to help young people, especially for the younger generation to connect their lives with the church. and that means with god , and where god is, there is happiness, peace, where there is love, where there is no
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god, there a person belongs to himself, being weak, most often exposed to dark and hostile forces for him. may the lord help us to accomplish that great work to which we are all called. we must strengthen our prayer. about the well-being of our parishes of our churches. well, as a parishioner of this church, you pray that the grace of god has always been present here in your ranks and helped you, overcoming the attraction of evil , strive for good, which means their god , god bless you all, dear friends. god


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